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HP LaserJet 5P/5MP PostScriptHP LaserJet 5P/5MP PostScript. 8.-a23 98F.3 98i83 9884 9884 98"4 <98k > 9t(7> 9tt8> 988 98.  98E! (98xA +A 8A 88Document Master=d%-5_$d&K8Ԓn0+ԋn0+Document Master>'TTerville, Didot ou Bodoni (XVIIIe) savaient que les lettres ne se dessinent pas comme les plans dune machine et que leur conception est soumise des facteurs non rationnels pesant autant que les facteurs purement logiques. Il nous appartient de faire bon usage de leur hritage en reprenant notre compte deux rgles empiriques: a)Les organes de la vue, sujets des illusions optiques, ne voient pas les lettres avec lobjectivit dun appareil photo; il faut donc prendre des lEndOfDocTypekTraySwitchlResolutionm12MBInstalledmemoryn@O?83qms860.ppdd'nw`8 d(8iberts avec la rigueur gomtrique. Cest ainsi que les lettres rondes comme le c ou le o doivent dborder lgrement de lalignement gnral des i, m, n vers le bas pour la premire, qui est ouverte, vers le bas et vers le haut pour la seconde, qui est ferme. Les lettres triangulaires comme le A ou le V doivent tre lgrement plus hautes et avoir une base lgrement plus large pour paratre de la mme taille que les autres. b)La deuxime rgle est que lagrandissement et la rduction dun mme signe (autrement dit, les changements de corps) ne peuvent pas tre raliss sans que des modifications ne soient apportes au dessin des lettres, dont lpaisseur des traits, tout comme la largeur des panses, doit tre accrue dans les petits corps et diminue dans les grands. On dduit immdiatement de cette deuxime rgle quil faudra composer nos titres dans un corps en proportion de la place quils occuperont dans limage pour viter que, par suite dagrandissement ou de rduction, les caractres naient pas la forme visuelle voulue. La guerre des polices Elle commence par une querelle de mots. Un alphabet complet, cest--dire capitales, bas de casse, lettres accentues, ligatures, chiffres et symboles usuels, confectionn dans un style, dans un corps, dans une graisse et dans une largeur donns, constitue une fonte (terme de lpoque du plomb), mais on parle plus souvent de police alors que langlais a repris en font le terme franais de mtier. La querelle se transforme en vritable guerre quand il sagit dtablir une classification; il existe une classification internationale, des normes nationales et des normes professionnelles. Etablir une classification nest pas seulement un exercice thorique mais rpond bien une ralit pour que les utilisateurs sachent de quoi ils parlent. Le problme est que, les besoins tant trs variables, les classifications le sont aussi, suivant que lon prend en compte la prsence ou non dempattements, leur forme, linclinaison de laxe de courbure, etc. Pour les besoins modestes qui sont les ntres, il nous semble plus simple de nous limiter aux cinq grandes familles suivantes: lettres avec empattements; sans empattements (btons); cursives (manuscrites); gothiques; lettres fantaisie. Il ne doit pas y avoir dambigut: nous ne prtendons pas crer une nouvd)'0+a-d*'+qqqqdelle classification, mais simplement tablir une distinction entre les types de caractres que nous pouvons utiliser pour raliser nos titres et autres lments de gnrique. La lisibilit Il semble tellement vident que le titre dun montage doit tre lisible que nous avons hsit citer ce critre en premier, et mme le mentionner! Mais, nous souvenant immdiatement de diaporamas dont le titre tait quasiment illisible, soit par son positionnement lcran, soit par sa couleur, soit par sa superposition avec dautres lments de limage, soit enfin par les caractres utiliss, cest avec force que nous le rappelons: si vous donnez un titre lire au spectateur, donnez-lui au moins les moyens de le lire! De tous les facteurs numrs prcdemment, un seul nous retiendra aujourdhui: le choix des caractres. 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0 0 %%DocumentSuppliedProcSets: Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 0 0 %%ColorUsage: Black&White %%DocumentProcessColors: Black %%BoundingBox:19.5 12 340.5 283 %%TemplateBox:180.5 144 180.5 144 %%TileBox:-552 730 0 1460 %%DocumentPreview: PC_TIFF %%EndComments %%BeginProcSet:Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 0 0 % Copyright (C) 1987 Adobe Systems Incorporated. % All Rights Reserved. % Adobe Illustrator is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. /Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 dup 100 dict def load begin /Version 0 def /Revision 0 def % definition operators /bdef {bind def} bind def /ldef {load def} bdef /xdef {exch def} bdef % graphic state operators /_K {3 index add neg dup 0 lt {pop 0} if 3 1 roll} bdef /_k /setcmybcolor where {/setcmybcolor get} {{1 sub 4 1 roll _K _K _K setrgbcolor pop} bind} ifelse def /g {/_b xdef /p {_b setgray} def} bdef /G {/_B xdef /P {_B setgray} def} bdef /k {/_b xdef /_y xdef /_m xdef /_c xdef /p {_c _m _y _b _k} def} bdef /K {/_B xdef /_Y xdef /_M xdef /_C xdef /P {_C _M _Y _B _k} def} 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3 -1 roll add exch @tp pop}for 2 rp}for}bd/@tv{@sft 0 1 $tlx 1 sub{dup $pwid mul $tx add exch $psy mul $ty exch sub{dup $ury lt{$phei add}{exit}ifelse}loop 0 1 $tly 1 sub{$phei mul 3 copy sub @tp pop}for 2 rp}for}bd/@pf{@gs $ctm setmatrix $pm concat @stb eoclip Bburx Bbury $pm itransform/$tury xd/$turx xd Bbllx Bblly $pm itransform/$tlly xd/$tllx xd/$wid $turx $tllx sub def/$hei $tury $tlly sub def @gs $vectpat{1 0 0 0 0 _ $o @scc_5{eofill}if}{$t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc_5{SepMode_5 0 eq $pfrg or{$tllx $tlly Tl $wid $hei scale <00> 8 1 false[8 0 0 1 0 0]{}imagemask}{ /$bkg true def}ifelse}if}ifelse @gr $wid 0 gt $hei 0 gt and{$pn cvlit load aload pop/$pd xd 3 -1 roll sub/$phei xd exch sub/$pwid xd $wid $pwid div ceiling 1 add/$tlx xd $hei $phei div ceiling 1 add/$tly xd $psx 0 eq{@tv}{@th} ifelse}if @gr @np/$bkg false def}bd/@dlt{$fse $fss sub/nff xd $frb dup 1 eq exch 2 eq or{$frt dup $frc $frm $fry $frk @tc_5 4 copy cmyk2rgb rgb2hsb 3 copy /myb xd/mys xd/myh xd $tot $toc $tom $toy $tok 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0 0 m 0 $hei l $wid $hei l $wid 0 l @cp $ffpnt {fill}{@np}ifelse $wid 0 Tl $frb dup 1 eq exch 2 eq or{4 rp myh mys myb kdb add 3 1 roll kds add 3 1 roll kdh add 3 1 roll 3 copy/myb xd/mys xd/myh xd hsb2rgb rgb2cmyk}{$dk add 5 1 roll $dy add 5 1 roll $dm add 5 1 roll $dc add 5 1 roll $dt add 5 1 roll}ifelse}repeat 5 rp $tot dup $toc $tom $toy $tok @tc_5 ffcol n 0 0 m 0 $hei l $pdw $hei l $pdw 0 l @cp $ffpnt{fill}{@np}ifelse 5 rp}bd/@ftrs{ 1 index 4 index sub dup $rox mul/$row xd 2 div 1 index 4 index sub dup $roy mul /$roh xd 2 div 2 copy dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt $row dup mul $roh dup mul add sqrt add dup/$hei xd $fst div/$wid xd 4 index add $roh add exch 5 index add $row add exch Tl $fan rotate 4 rp @dlt $fss 0 eq{ffcol $fty 3 eq{$hei dup neg dup m 2 mul @sqr}{0 0 m 0 0 $hei 0 360 arc}ifelse $ffpnt{fill}{@np}ifelse}if 1.0 $pad 2 mul sub dup scale $hei $fss $wid mul sub/$hei xd nff{ffcol $fty 3 eq {n $hei dup neg dup m 2 mul @sqr}{n 0 0 m 0 0 $hei 0 360 arc}ifelse $ffpnt 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def $frb dup 1 eq exch 2 eq or{4 rp myh mys myb kdb add 3 1 roll kds add 3 1 roll kdh add 3 1 roll 3 copy/myb xd/mys xd/myh xd hsb2rgb rgb2cmyk}{$dk add 5 1 roll $dy add 5 1 roll $dm add 5 1 roll $dc add 5 1 roll $dt add 5 1 roll}ifelse}repeat 5 rp} bd/@ff{/$fss 0 def $o 1 eq setoverprint 1 1 $fsc 1 sub{dup 1 sub $fsit 0 eq{ $fsa exch 5 mul 5 getinterval aload 2 rp/$frk xd/$fry xd/$frm xd/$frc xd/$frn _ def/$frt 1 def $fsa exch 5 mul 5 getinterval aload pop $fss add/$fse xd/$tok xd /$toy xd/$tom xd/$toc xd/$ton _ def/$tot 1 def}{$fsa exch 7 mul 7 getinterval aload 2 rp/$frt xd/$frn xd/$frk xd/$fry xd/$frm xd/$frc xd $fsa exch 7 mul 7 getinterval aload pop $fss add/$fse xd/$tot xd/$ton xd/$tok xd/$toy xd/$tom xd /$toc xd}ifelse $fsit 0 eq SepMode_5 0 eq or dup not CurrentInkName_5 $frn eq and or{@sv $ctm setmatrix eoclip Bbllx Bblly Bburx Bbury $fty 2 eq{@ftc}{1 index 3 index m 2 copy l 3 index 1 index l 3 index 3 index l @cp $fty dup 1 eq exch 3 eq or{@ftrs}{4 rp $fan rotate pathbbox @ftl}ifelse}ifelse @rs/$fss $fse def}{1 0 0 0 0 _ $o @scc_5{fill}if}ifelse}for @np}bd/@Pf{@sv SepMode_5 0 eq $ink_5 3 eq or{0 J 0 j[]0 d $t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc_5 pop $ctm setmatrix 72 1000 div dup matrix scale dup concat dup Bburx exch Bbury exch itransform ceiling cvi/Bbury xd ceiling cvi/Bburx xd Bbllx exch Bblly exch itransform floor cvi/Bblly xd floor cvi/Bbllx xd $Prm aload pop $Psn load exec}{1 SetGry eofill}ifelse @rs @np}bd/F{matrix currentmatrix $sdf{$scf $sca $scp @ss}if $fil 1 eq{@pf}{$fil 2 eq{@ff}{$fil 3 eq{@Pf}{$t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc_5{eofill} {@np}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse $sdf{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if setmatrix}bd/f{@cp F}bd/S{matrix currentmatrix $ctm setmatrix $SDF{$SCF $SCA $SCP @ss}if $T $C $M $Y $K $N $O @scc_5{matrix currentmatrix $ptm concat stroke setmatrix} {@np}ifelse $SDF{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if setmatrix}bd/s{@cp S}bd/B{@gs F @gr S} bd/b{@cp B}bd/E{5 array astore exch cvlit xd}bd/@cc{currentfile $dat readhexstring pop}bd/@sm{/$ctm $ctm currentmatrix def}bd/@E{/Bbury xd/Bburx xd /Bblly xd/Bbllx xd}bd/@c{@cp}bd/@p{/$fil 1 def 1 eq dup/$vectpat xd{/$pfrg true def}{@gs $t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc_5/$pfrg xd @gr}ifelse/$pm xd/$psy xd/$psx xd /$pyf xd/$pxf xd/$pn xd}bd/@P{/$fil 3 def/$Psn xd array astore/$Prm xd}bd/@k{ /$fil 2 def/$roy xd/$rox xd/$pad xd/$fty xd/$fan xd $fty 1 eq{/$fan 0 def}if /$frb xd/$fst xd/$fsc xd/$fsa xd/$fsit 0 def}bd/@x{/$fil 2 def/$roy xd/$rox xd /$pad xd/$fty xd/$fan xd $fty 1 eq{/$fan 0 def}if/$frb xd/$fst xd/$fsc xd/$fsa xd/$fsit 1 def}bd/@ii{concat 3 index 3 index m 3 index 1 index l 2 copy l 1 index 3 index l 3 index 3 index l clip 4 rp}bd/tcc{@cc}def/@i{@sm @gs @ii 6 index 1 ne{/$frg true def 2 rp}{1 eq{s1t s1c s1m s1y s1k s1n $O @scc_5/$frg xd }{/$frg false def}ifelse 1 eq{@gs $ctm setmatrix F @gr}if}ifelse @np/$ury xd /$urx xd/$lly xd/$llx xd/$bts xd/$hei xd/$wid xd/$dat $wid $bts mul 8 div ceiling cvi string def $bkg $frg or{$SDF{$SCF $SCA $SCP @ss}if $llx $lly Tl $urx $llx sub $ury $lly sub scale 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{transform _R exch _R exch itransform} bdef /c {_r curveto} bdef /C /c ldef /v {currentpoint 6 2 roll _r curveto} bdef /V /v ldef /y {_r 2 copy curveto} bdef /Y /y ldef /l {_r lineto} bdef /L /l ldef /m {_r moveto} bdef % error operators /_e [] def /_E {_e length 0 ne {gsave 0 g 0 G 0 i 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M [] 0 d /Courier 20 0 0 1 z [0.966 0.259 -0.259 0.966 _e 0 get _e 2 get add 2 div _e 1 get _e 3 get add 2 div] e _f t T grestore} if} bdef /_fill {{fill} stopped {/_e [pathbbox] def /_f (ERROR: can't fill, increase flatness) def n _E} if} bdef /_stroke {{stroke} stopped {/_e [pathbbox] def /_f (ERROR: can't stroke, increase flatness) def n _E} if} bdef % path painting operators /n /newpath ldef /N /n ldef /F {p _fill} bdef /f {closepath F} bdef /S {P _stroke} bdef /s {closepath S} bdef /B {gsave F grestore S} bdef /b {closepath B} bdef % text block construction and painting operators /_s /ashow ldef /_S {(?) exch {2 copy 0 exch put pop dup false charpath currentpoint _g setmatrix _stroke _G setmatrix moveto 3 copy pop rmoveto} forall pop pop pop n} bdef /_A {_a moveto _t exch 0 exch} bdef /_L {0 _l neg translate _G currentmatrix pop} bdef /_w {dup stringwidth exch 3 -1 roll length 1 sub _t mul add exch} bdef /_z [{0 0} bind {dup _w exch neg 2 div exch neg 2 div} bind {dup _w exch neg exch neg} bind] def /z {_z exch get /_a xdef /_t xdef /_l xdef exch findfont exch scalefont setfont} bdef /_g matrix def /_G matrix def /_D {_g currentmatrix pop gsave concat _G currentmatrix pop} bdef /e {_D p /t {_A _s _L} def} bdef /r {_D P /t {_A _S _L} def} bdef /a {_D /t {dup p _A _s P _A _S _L} def} bdef /o {_D /t {pop _L} def} bdef /T {grestore} bdef % group construction operators /u {} bdef /U {} bdef % font construction operators /Z {findfont begin currentdict dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /FontName exch def dup length 0 ne {/Encoding Encoding 256 array copy def 0 exch {dup type /nametype eq {Encoding 2 index 2 index put pop 1 add} {exch pop} ifelse} forall} if pop currentdict dup end end /FontName get exch definefont pop} bdef end %%EndProcSet %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 begin n %%EndSetup 0 g 0 i 2 J 0 j 1 w 2 M []0 d %%Note: 120.2 227.8 m 122.7 225.4 121.3 222.4 121.2 219.4 C 123.5 218.8 126.8 219.1 129.4 219.4 C 130.4 220.3 132.1 218.6 133.2 219.8 C 151.7 220.2 170.7 217.2 187.9 212.2 C 205.8 207.1 221.1 188.7 224.4 170.9 c 224.9 168.1 224.3 165.7 225.6 163.2 C 224.1 157.6 223.1 151.6 221.5 146.4 C 221 143.6 218.8 140.9 217.9 138 C 214.4 133.2 208.9 129.9 204 127 c 197.7 123.9 192.2 119.1 185.5 117.1 C 185.3 117.4 L 183.1 115.1 179.2 114.9 176.4 113 c 168.1 111.3 159.8 108.1 151.2 107.5 C 136.1 102.4 117.8 105.2 101.5 102.5 c 98.6 101.4 91.7 104 91 99.4 C 87.8 86.7 82.8 74.8 76.1 63.6 c 75.5 61.6 73.4 60.3 73.4 58.1 C 65.8 43.4 63 26.8 52.8 13.2 C 51.7 11.3 51.9 7.7 48.7 7.7 C 48.2 6.5 48 5.4 46.6 5 C 45.8 7.2 L 45.6 17.8 45 30.3 47.3 40.8 C 49.4 44 47.9 48.1 50.4 51.4 C 53.1 73.1 57.3 93.6 60.7 114.7 C 58.5 116.5 56.7 119.9 53.5 120.5 C 53 121.5 52.5 122.7 53 123.8 C 56.2 128 63.3 126.4 65.3 131.5 C 69.1 147 72.2 163.4 74.6 179.8 C 74.2 180.2 L 65.3 178.2 56.2 175.4 47.3 175.2 C 43.2 174.4 38.8 175.7 34.6 175.9 C 32.3 176.9 30.2 178.6 28.6 180.5 C 28.7 189.4 34.7 196.9 42 201.8 c 49.9 208.7 60.4 210.1 70.3 212.6 C 72.9 212 74.5 213.8 76.8 213.8 C 75.1 217.9 80.8 217.6 80.6 221 C 85.8 227.3 93 228.6 100.1 230.2 C 100.8 230.6 L 107.6 230.4 114.7 231.6 120.2 227.8 C f 1 g 200.9 186.2 m 202.7 186.6 203.9 184.4 205.7 183.6 C 207.9 182.9 208.9 179.5 211.2 179 C 212.4 176.3 213.7 173.6 213.8 170.4 C 210.7 169.2 215 167 212.9 165.1 C 209.1 155.8 200 149.1 191.5 144.5 C 179.1 137.9 166.2 142.2 151.7 139.9 c 141.6 139.8 132.5 140.3 122.4 139.4 C 115.7 139.6 107.1 139.3 100.1 138.7 C 101 142.8 102.1 147.8 103.7 152.2 c 106.7 164.8 111.1 176.8 113.8 189.6 C 134.5 194.3 156.8 195.7 178.1 193.9 c 186 192.1 194 191.3 200.9 186.2 C f %%Trailer _E end @rs end @rax %CropRect 0 0 1903 -2888 297.65 420.98 Tl [0.02694 -0.00964 0.00981 0.02648 19.95225 308.16806] concat 0 J 0 j [] 0 d 0 R 0 @G 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 K 0 0.216 0.216 0.000 @w 13.891 13.885 scale -13 -208 translate $ngx 0 SetGry 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 1 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 10 setmiterlimit false setoverprint newpath /kikodict 200 dict def kikodict begin @sv %!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2 %%Creator: Adobe Illustrator 88(TM) 1.9.3 %%For: (KEHLET) () %%Title: (065-0399) %%CreationDate: (16/03/93) (16:02) %%DocumentProcSets: Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 0 0 %%DocumentSuppliedProcSets: Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 0 0 %%ColorUsage: Black&White %%DocumentProcessColors: Black %%BoundingBox:13 0 150 208 %%TemplateBox:79 114 79 114 %%TileBox:-1104 730 -552 1460 %%DocumentPreview: PC_TIFF %%EndComments %%BeginProcSet:Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 0 0 % Copyright (C) 1987 Adobe Systems Incorporated. % All Rights Reserved. % Adobe Illustrator is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. /Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 dup 100 dict def load begin /Version 0 def /Revision 0 def % definition operators /bdef {bind def} bind def /ldef {load def} bdef /xdef {exch def} bdef % graphic state operators /_K {3 index add neg dup 0 lt {pop 0} if 3 1 roll} bdef /_k /setcmybcolor where {/setcmybcolor get} {{1 sub 4 1 roll _K _K _K setrgbcolor pop} bind} ifelse def /g {/_b xdef /p {_b setgray} def} bdef /G {/_B xdef /P {_B setgray} def} bdef /k {/_b xdef /_y xdef /_m xdef /_c xdef /p {_c _m _y _b _k} def} bdef /K {/_B xdef /_Y xdef /_M xdef /_C xdef /P {_C _M _Y _B _k} def} bdef /d /setdash ldef /_i currentflat def /i {dup 0 eq {pop _i} if setflat} bdef /j /setlinejoin ldef /J /setlinecap ldef /M /setmiterlimit ldef /w /setlinewidth ldef % path construction operators /_R {.25 sub round .25 add} bdef /_r {transform _R exch _R exch itransform} bdef /c {_r curveto} bdef /C /c ldef /v {currentpoint 6 2 roll _r curveto} bdef /V /v ldef /y {_r 2 copy curveto} bdef /Y /y ldef /l {_r lineto} bdef /L /l ldef /m {_r moveto} bdef % error operators /_e [] def /_E {_e length 0 ne {gsave 0 g 0 G 0 i 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M [] 0 d /Courier 20 0 0 1 z [0.966 0.259 -0.259 0.966 _e 0 get _e 2 get add 2 div _e 1 get _e 3 get add 2 div] e _f t T grestore} if} bdef /_fill {{fill} stopped {/_e [pathbbox] def /_f (ERROR: can't fill, increase flatness) def n _E} if} bdef /_stroke {{stroke} stopped {/_e [pathbbox] def /_f (ERROR: can't stroke, increase flatness) def n _E} if} bdef % path painting operators /n /newpath ldef /N /n ldef /F {p _fill} bdef /f {closepath F} bdef /S {P _stroke} bdef /s {closepath S} bdef /B {gsave F grestore S} bdef /b {closepath B} bdef % text block construction and painting operators /_s /ashow ldef /_S {(?) exch {2 copy 0 exch put pop dup false charpath currentpoint _g setmatrix _stroke _G setmatrix moveto 3 copy pop rmoveto} forall pop pop pop n} bdef /_A {_a moveto _t exch 0 exch} bdef /_L {0 _l neg translate _G currentmatrix pop} bdef /_w {dup stringwidth exch 3 -1 roll length 1 sub _t mul add exch} bdef /_z [{0 0} bind {dup _w exch neg 2 div exch neg 2 div} bind {dup _w exch neg exch neg} bind] def /z {_z exch get /_a xdef /_t xdef /_l xdef exch findfont exch scalefont setfont} bdef /_g matrix def /_G matrix def /_D {_g currentmatrix pop gsave concat _G currentmatrix pop} bdef /e {_D p /t {_A _s _L} def} bdef /r {_D P /t {_A _S _L} def} bdef /a {_D /t {dup p _A _s P _A _S _L} def} bdef /o {_D /t {pop _L} def} bdef /T {grestore} bdef % group construction operators /u {} bdef /U {} bdef % font construction operators /Z {findfont begin currentdict dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /FontName exch def dup length 0 ne {/Encoding Encoding 256 array copy def 0 exch {dup type /nametype eq {Encoding 2 index 2 index put pop 1 add} {exch pop} ifelse} forall} if pop currentdict dup end end /FontName get exch definefont pop} bdef end %%EndProcSet %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 begin n %%EndSetup 0 g 0 i 2 J 0 j 1 w 2 M []0 d %%Note: 117.1 184.8 m 117.2 178.9 111 176.7 107 174 c 100.9 170.9 95 167.5 88.3 165.8 C 86.2 164.6 L 97.2 161.5 106.9 155 118.1 152.2 C 121.9 147.8 128 145.5 130.6 140.2 c 139 132.8 139.4 121.8 143.3 112.3 c 148.4 96 148.6 75.7 146.9 58.3 C 143.3 45.4 140.4 32.1 131 21.6 c 125.7 14.5 118.5 9.3 110.4 6.7 c 106.6 3.6 100.9 5 96.7 2.6 C 86.5 3.7 75.3 1.1 66 5.8 C 64.8 5.6 63.6 6.9 62.4 7.4 c 30.3 25.3 14.8 62.9 17.8 97.7 c 20 130.3 33 160.7 55.7 185.3 c 66 193.7 75.6 204.8 89.5 206.6 C 101.1 204.2 113.4 196.7 117.1 184.8 C f 1 g 96.2 135.4 m 101.8 125.9 103.8 114.7 106.6 104.4 C 108.8 85.2 112.1 64.6 104.6 45.8 c 101.8 38.2 99.4 28.8 91.4 24.7 C 82.9 20.1 70.7 19.4 61.4 21.6 C 55.8 25.4 49.6 30 46.3 36 c 32.9 59.1 32.8 91.5 42.7 115.9 c 47 123.6 49.2 132.7 56.6 138.5 C 62.6 147.1 70.7 153.9 79 160.1 C 86.1 153.5 90.3 143.5 96.2 135.4 c f %%Trailer _E end @rs end @rax %CropRect 0 0 2208 -2528 297.65 420.98 Tl [0.02986 0.00000 0.00000 0.02986 51.15079 298.43999] concat 0 J 0 j [] 0 d 0 R 0 @G 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 K 0 0.216 0.216 0.000 @w 13.887 13.890 scale -26 -183 translate $ngx 0 SetGry 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 1 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 10 setmiterlimit false setoverprint newpath /kikodict 200 dict def kikodict begin @sv %!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2 %%Creator: Adobe Illustrator 88(TM) 1.9.3 %%For: (KEHLET) () %%Title: (065-0396) %%CreationDate: (16/03/93) (15:53) %%DocumentProcSets: Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 0 0 %%DocumentSuppliedProcSets: Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 0 0 %%ColorUsage: Black&White %%DocumentProcessColors: Black %%BoundingBox:26 1 185 183 %%TemplateBox:98 104 98 104 %%TileBox:-552 730 0 1460 %%DocumentPreview: PC_TIFF %%EndComments %%BeginProcSet:Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 0 0 % Copyright (C) 1987 Adobe Systems Incorporated. % All Rights Reserved. % Adobe Illustrator is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. /Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 dup 100 dict def load begin /Version 0 def /Revision 0 def % definition operators /bdef {bind def} bind def /ldef {load def} bdef /xdef {exch def} bdef % graphic state operators /_K {3 index add neg dup 0 lt {pop 0} if 3 1 roll} bdef /_k /setcmybcolor where {/setcmybcolor get} {{1 sub 4 1 roll _K _K _K setrgbcolor pop} bind} ifelse def /g {/_b xdef /p {_b setgray} def} bdef /G {/_B xdef /P {_B setgray} def} bdef /k {/_b xdef /_y xdef /_m xdef /_c xdef /p {_c _m _y _b _k} def} bdef /K {/_B xdef /_Y xdef /_M xdef /_C xdef /P {_C _M _Y _B _k} def} bdef /d /setdash ldef /_i currentflat def /i {dup 0 eq {pop _i} if setflat} bdef /j /setlinejoin ldef /J /setlinecap ldef /M /setmiterlimit ldef /w /setlinewidth ldef % path construction operators /_R {.25 sub round .25 add} bdef /_r {transform _R exch _R exch itransform} bdef /c {_r curveto} bdef /C /c ldef /v {currentpoint 6 2 roll _r curveto} bdef /V /v ldef /y {_r 2 copy curveto} bdef /Y /y ldef /l {_r lineto} bdef /L /l ldef /m {_r moveto} bdef % error operators /_e [] def /_E {_e length 0 ne {gsave 0 g 0 G 0 i 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M [] 0 d /Courier 20 0 0 1 z [0.966 0.259 -0.259 0.966 _e 0 get _e 2 get add 2 div _e 1 get _e 3 get add 2 div] e _f t T grestore} if} bdef /_fill {{fill} stopped {/_e [pathbbox] def /_f (ERROR: can't fill, increase flatness) def n _E} if} bdef /_stroke {{stroke} stopped {/_e [pathbbox] def /_f (ERROR: can't stroke, increase flatness) def n _E} if} bdef % path painting operators /n /newpath ldef /N /n ldef /F {p _fill} bdef /f {closepath F} bdef /S {P _stroke} bdef /s {closepath S} bdef /B {gsave F grestore S} bdef /b {closepath B} bdef % text block construction and painting operators /_s /ashow ldef /_S {(?) exch {2 copy 0 exch put pop dup false charpath currentpoint _g setmatrix _stroke _G setmatrix moveto 3 copy pop rmoveto} forall pop pop pop n} bdef /_A {_a moveto _t exch 0 exch} bdef /_L {0 _l neg translate _G currentmatrix pop} bdef /_w {dup stringwidth exch 3 -1 roll length 1 sub _t mul add exch} bdef /_z [{0 0} bind {dup _w exch neg 2 div exch neg 2 div} bind {dup _w exch neg exch neg} bind] def /z {_z exch get /_a xdef /_t xdef /_l xdef exch findfont exch scalefont setfont} bdef /_g matrix def /_G matrix def /_D {_g currentmatrix pop gsave concat _G currentmatrix pop} bdef /e {_D p /t {_A _s _L} def} bdef /r {_D P /t {_A _S _L} def} bdef /a {_D /t {dup p _A _s P _A _S _L} def} bdef /o {_D /t {pop _L} def} bdef /T {grestore} bdef % group construction operators /u {} bdef /U {} bdef % font construction operators /Z {findfont begin currentdict dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /FontName exch def dup length 0 ne {/Encoding Encoding 256 array copy def 0 exch {dup type /nametype eq {Encoding 2 index 2 index put pop 1 add} {exch pop} ifelse} forall} if pop currentdict dup end end /FontName get exch definefont pop} bdef end %%EndProcSet %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 begin n %%EndSetup 0 g 0 i 2 J 0 j 1 w 2 M []0 d %%Note: 117.1 170.6 m 118.7 163.5 117.4 155.4 115.7 148.1 C 107.3 128.7 102.9 108.2 98.2 87.6 c 96.2 82.4 96.6 77.1 91.9 73 c 87.4 63.1 80.8 53.8 76.3 44.2 C 75.2 43.3 74.5 41.9 73.9 40.6 C 78.9 38.8 83.4 42.9 88.6 40.8 C 93.4 41 98 41.5 103 41.3 C 103.4 41.8 L 130.3 40.5 156.6 43.6 183.6 39.1 C 183.7 36.9 180.8 37.5 179.8 36 c 170.5 29.3 159.7 25.2 149.5 19.9 C 147.4 17.9 145.2 22.1 143.8 19 C 142.7 19.4 141.6 18.7 140.4 19 C 140.2 18.6 139.7 18.4 139.7 18 C 138.9 18.8 137.9 18.5 136.8 18.2 C 136.8 18 L 131.6 16.5 125.4 17.5 120.7 16.6 c 112.9 16.3 105.5 16.4 98.2 13.7 c 79.6 9.8 60.7 2.4 40.6 4.3 C 34.8 6.6 29.6 12.3 28.1 18.2 C 27.4 23.2 27.9 28.9 30.5 33.1 C 38.2 30.4 45.2 36.8 52.8 37 C 55.5 37.6 54.6 40.6 55.4 42.5 c 62.2 79.7 70.7 116.2 77 153.6 c 79.3 159.7 74 168.3 80.6 171.6 C 83.1 176.1 88 176.5 91.7 179.5 C 95.7 180.8 99.1 181.1 103.4 180.2 c 108.9 179.2 115.1 176.4 117.1 170.6 C f %%Trailer _E end @rs end @rax %CropRect 0 0 639 -2708 297.65 420.98 Tl [0.02733 0.00000 0.00000 0.02787 120.67006 298.43159] concat 0 J 0 j [] 0 d 0 R 0 @G 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 K 0 0.216 0.216 0.000 @w 13.891 13.887 scale -51 -199 translate $ngx 0 SetGry 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 1 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 10 setmiterlimit false setoverprint newpath /kikodict 200 dict def kikodict begin @sv %!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2 %%Creator: Adobe Illustrator 88(TM) 1.9.3 %%For: (KEHLET) () %%Title: (065-0393) %%CreationDate: (16/03/93) (15:54) %%DocumentProcSets: Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 0 0 %%DocumentSuppliedProcSets: Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 0 0 %%ColorUsage: Black&White %%DocumentProcessColors: Black %%BoundingBox:51 4.5 97 199.5 %%TemplateBox:52 112.5 52 112.5 %%TileBox:-1104 730 -552 1460 %%DocumentPreview: PC_TIFF %%EndComments %%BeginProcSet:Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 0 0 % Copyright (C) 1987 Adobe Systems Incorporated. % All Rights Reserved. % Adobe Illustrator is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. /Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 dup 100 dict def load begin /Version 0 def /Revision 0 def % definition operators /bdef {bind def} bind def /ldef {load def} bdef /xdef {exch def} bdef % graphic state operators /_K {3 index add neg dup 0 lt {pop 0} if 3 1 roll} bdef /_k /setcmybcolor where {/setcmybcolor get} {{1 sub 4 1 roll _K _K _K setrgbcolor pop} bind} ifelse def /g {/_b xdef /p {_b setgray} def} bdef /G {/_B xdef /P {_B setgray} def} bdef /k {/_b xdef /_y xdef /_m xdef /_c xdef /p {_c _m _y _b _k} def} bdef /K {/_B xdef /_Y xdef /_M xdef /_C xdef /P {_C _M _Y _B _k} def} bdef /d /setdash ldef /_i currentflat def /i {dup 0 eq {pop _i} if setflat} bdef /j /setlinejoin ldef /J /setlinecap ldef /M /setmiterlimit ldef /w /setlinewidth ldef % path construction operators /_R {.25 sub round .25 add} bdef /_r {transform _R exch _R exch itransform} bdef /c {_r curveto} bdef /C /c ldef /v {currentpoint 6 2 roll _r curveto} bdef /V /v ldef /y {_r 2 copy curveto} bdef /Y /y ldef /l {_r lineto} bdef /L /l ldef /m {_r moveto} bdef % error operators /_e [] def /_E {_e length 0 ne {gsave 0 g 0 G 0 i 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M [] 0 d /Courier 20 0 0 1 z [0.966 0.259 -0.259 0.966 _e 0 get _e 2 get add 2 div _e 1 get _e 3 get add 2 div] e _f t T grestore} if} bdef /_fill {{fill} stopped {/_e [pathbbox] def /_f (ERROR: can't fill, increase flatness) def n _E} if} bdef /_stroke {{stroke} stopped {/_e [pathbbox] def /_f (ERROR: can't stroke, increase flatness) def n _E} if} bdef % path painting operators /n /newpath ldef /N /n ldef /F {p _fill} bdef /f {closepath F} bdef /S {P _stroke} bdef /s {closepath S} bdef /B {gsave F grestore S} bdef /b {closepath B} bdef % text block construction and painting operators /_s /ashow ldef /_S {(?) exch {2 copy 0 exch put pop dup false charpath currentpoint _g setmatrix _stroke _G setmatrix moveto 3 copy pop rmoveto} forall pop pop pop n} bdef /_A {_a moveto _t exch 0 exch} bdef /_L {0 _l neg translate _G currentmatrix pop} bdef /_w {dup stringwidth exch 3 -1 roll length 1 sub _t mul add exch} bdef /_z [{0 0} bind {dup _w exch neg 2 div exch neg 2 div} bind {dup _w exch neg exch neg} bind] def /z {_z exch get /_a xdef /_t xdef /_l xdef exch findfont exch scalefont setfont} bdef /_g matrix def /_G matrix def /_D {_g currentmatrix pop gsave concat _G currentmatrix pop} bdef /e {_D p /t {_A _s _L} def} bdef /r {_D P /t {_A _S _L} def} bdef /a {_D /t {dup p _A _s P _A _S _L} def} bdef /o {_D /t {pop _L} def} bdef /T {grestore} bdef % group construction operators /u {} bdef /U {} bdef % font construction operators /Z {findfont begin currentdict dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /FontName exch def dup length 0 ne {/Encoding Encoding 256 array copy def 0 exch {dup type /nametype eq {Encoding 2 index 2 index put pop 1 add} {exch pop} ifelse} forall} if pop currentdict dup end end /FontName get exch definefont pop} bdef end %%EndProcSet %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 begin n %%EndSetup 0 g 0 i 2 J 0 j 1 w 2 M []0 d %%Note: 91.1 188.572 m 94.464 184.769 95.672 179.292 94.103 174.675 C 90.818 155.89 88.518 136.051 87.733 117.475 c 86.256 108.616 86.621 100.264 84.503 91.603 c 84.259 83.252 80.236 75.696 78.941 67.577 C 75.479 61.533 76.012 55.235 72.977 49.059 C 73.017 43.288 67.833 39.696 67.397 34.354 c 66.188 28.783 64.651 23.36 63.524 17.904 C 62.435 15.292 61.838 12.153 58.877 11.056 C 58.578 9.182 56.572 8.445 56.881 6.571 C 56.37 5.98 55.729 5.57 54.923 5.538 C 53.002 7.35 53.056 10.095 53.257 12.561 c 52.656 37.698 52.96 64.1 53.33 90.107 c 54.17 111.428 53.859 133.573 55.947 154.087 C 55.29 165.432 56.115 177.629 56.2 189.4 C 60.104 194.605 66.259 198.458 72.849 197.215 C 79.671 197.023 86.736 194.135 91.1 188.572 C f %%Trailer _E end @rs end @rax %CropRect 0 0 2014 -2472 297.65 420.98 Tl [0.03035 0.00000 0.00000 0.03053 140.48678 298.43999] concat 0 J 0 j [] 0 d 0 R 0 @G 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 K 0 0.216 0.216 0.000 @w 13.890 13.888 scale -24 -181 translate $ngx 0 SetGry 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 1 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 10 setmiterlimit false setoverprint newpath /kikodict 200 dict def kikodict begin @sv %!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2 %%Creator: Adobe Illustrator 88(TM) 1.9.3 %%For: (KEHLET) () %%Title: (065-0387) %%CreationDate: (16/03/93) (15:58) %%DocumentProcSets: Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 0 0 %%DocumentSuppliedProcSets: Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 0 0 %%ColorUsage: Black&White %%DocumentProcessColors: Black %%BoundingBox:24.5 3.5 169.5 181.5 %%TemplateBox:92.5 107.5 92.5 107.5 %%TileBox:-1104 730 -552 1460 %%DocumentPreview: PC_TIFF %%EndComments %%BeginProcSet:Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 0 0 % Copyright (C) 1987 Adobe Systems Incorporated. % All Rights Reserved. % Adobe Illustrator is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. /Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 dup 100 dict def load begin /Version 0 def /Revision 0 def % definition operators /bdef {bind def} bind def /ldef {load def} bdef /xdef {exch def} bdef % graphic state operators /_K {3 index add neg dup 0 lt {pop 0} if 3 1 roll} bdef /_k /setcmybcolor where {/setcmybcolor get} {{1 sub 4 1 roll _K _K _K setrgbcolor pop} bind} ifelse def /g {/_b xdef /p {_b setgray} def} bdef /G {/_B xdef /P {_B setgray} def} bdef /k {/_b xdef /_y xdef /_m xdef /_c xdef /p {_c _m _y _b _k} def} bdef /K {/_B xdef /_Y xdef /_M xdef /_C xdef /P {_C _M _Y _B _k} def} bdef /d /setdash ldef /_i currentflat def /i {dup 0 eq {pop _i} if setflat} bdef /j /setlinejoin ldef /J /setlinecap ldef /M /setmiterlimit ldef /w /setlinewidth ldef % path construction operators /_R {.25 sub round .25 add} bdef /_r {transform _R exch _R exch itransform} bdef /c {_r curveto} bdef /C /c ldef /v {currentpoint 6 2 roll _r curveto} bdef /V /v ldef /y {_r 2 copy curveto} bdef /Y /y ldef /l {_r lineto} bdef /L /l ldef /m {_r moveto} bdef % error operators /_e [] def /_E {_e length 0 ne {gsave 0 g 0 G 0 i 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M [] 0 d /Courier 20 0 0 1 z [0.966 0.259 -0.259 0.966 _e 0 get _e 2 get add 2 div _e 1 get _e 3 get add 2 div] e _f t T grestore} if} bdef /_fill {{fill} stopped {/_e [pathbbox] def /_f (ERROR: can't fill, increase flatness) def n _E} if} bdef /_stroke {{stroke} stopped {/_e [pathbbox] def /_f (ERROR: can't stroke, increase flatness) def n _E} if} bdef % path painting operators /n /newpath ldef /N /n ldef /F {p _fill} bdef /f {closepath F} bdef /S {P _stroke} bdef /s {closepath S} bdef /B {gsave F grestore S} bdef /b {closepath B} bdef % text block construction and painting operators /_s /ashow ldef /_S {(?) exch {2 copy 0 exch put pop dup false charpath currentpoint _g setmatrix _stroke _G setmatrix moveto 3 copy pop rmoveto} forall pop pop pop n} bdef /_A {_a moveto _t exch 0 exch} bdef /_L {0 _l neg translate _G currentmatrix pop} bdef /_w {dup stringwidth exch 3 -1 roll length 1 sub _t mul add exch} bdef /_z [{0 0} bind {dup _w exch neg 2 div exch neg 2 div} bind {dup _w exch neg exch neg} bind] def /z {_z exch get /_a xdef /_t xdef /_l xdef exch findfont exch scalefont setfont} bdef /_g matrix def /_G matrix def /_D {_g currentmatrix pop gsave concat _G currentmatrix pop} bdef /e {_D p /t {_A _s _L} def} bdef /r {_D P /t {_A _S _L} def} bdef /a {_D /t {dup p _A _s P _A _S _L} def} bdef /o {_D /t {pop _L} def} bdef /T {grestore} bdef % group construction operators /u {} bdef /U {} bdef % font construction operators /Z {findfont begin currentdict dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /FontName exch def dup length 0 ne {/Encoding Encoding 256 array copy def 0 exch {dup type /nametype eq {Encoding 2 index 2 index put pop 1 add} {exch pop} ifelse} forall} if pop currentdict dup end end /FontName get exch definefont pop} bdef end %%EndProcSet %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 begin n %%EndSetup 0 g 0 i 2 J 0 j 1 w 2 M []0 d %%Note: 158.9 176.9 m 165 169.2 168.3 159.7 167 149 c 165.5 143.6 163.9 137.7 158.6 134.2 C 149 129.8 138.5 130 128.4 126.7 c 123.7 127.2 120.5 124.1 116.2 123.8 C 111.9 121.8 107 121.2 102.7 119.3 c 81.6 109.4 60.4 99.8 44.4 80.6 C 42.9 77.9 41.2 75.3 40.6 72.2 c 37.2 61.4 39.5 50.5 42.2 40.1 C 46.4 29.8 58.5 30 67.7 29.8 c 87 30.5 102.6 40.2 118.6 49.2 c 128.3 55.4 136.6 64.4 145.7 71 C 150.5 71.6 151.5 66.5 153.1 63.4 C 155.8 55.4 151.4 48 150.5 40.3 C 152.4 38.6 151 35.9 150.7 33.8 C 150.5 32.2 148.7 32.5 147.8 31.4 C 130.7 12.7 107 6.7 82.3 4.8 C 69.8 5.2 57.8 7 47.8 13.4 C 30.6 28.6 26.8 50.6 26.4 72 c 29.8 107.8 57.9 137 87.8 157 c 105.1 167.3 123.4 176.1 143.3 179.5 C 149 180 154.2 179 158.9 176.9 C f %%Trailer _E end @rs end @rax %CropRect 0 0 2528 -2806 297.65 420.98 Tl [0.02674 0.00000 0.00000 0.02689 200.11417 298.46380] concat 0 J 0 j [] 0 d 0 R 0 @G 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 K 0 0.216 0.216 0.000 @w 13.890 13.891 scale -20 -207 translate $ngx 0 SetGry 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 1 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 10 setmiterlimit false setoverprint newpath /kikodict 200 dict def kikodict begin @sv %!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2 %%Creator: Adobe Illustrator 88(TM) 1.9.3 %%For: (KEHLET) () %%Title: (065-0389) %%CreationDate: (16/03/93) (15:57) %%DocumentProcSets: Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 0 0 %%DocumentSuppliedProcSets: Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 0 0 %%ColorUsage: Black&White %%DocumentProcessColors: Black %%BoundingBox:20 5.5 202 207.5 %%TemplateBox:106 113.5 106 113.5 %%TileBox:-552 730 0 1460 %%DocumentPreview: PC_TIFF %%EndComments %%BeginProcSet:Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 0 0 % Copyright (C) 1987 Adobe Systems Incorporated. % All Rights Reserved. % Adobe Illustrator is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. /Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 dup 100 dict def load begin /Version 0 def /Revision 0 def % definition operators /bdef {bind def} bind def /ldef {load def} bdef /xdef {exch def} bdef % graphic state operators /_K {3 index add neg dup 0 lt {pop 0} if 3 1 roll} bdef /_k /setcmybcolor where {/setcmybcolor get} {{1 sub 4 1 roll _K _K _K setrgbcolor pop} bind} ifelse def /g {/_b xdef /p {_b setgray} def} bdef /G {/_B xdef /P {_B setgray} def} bdef /k {/_b xdef /_y xdef /_m xdef /_c xdef /p {_c _m _y _b _k} def} bdef /K {/_B xdef /_Y xdef /_M xdef /_C xdef /P {_C _M _Y _B _k} def} bdef /d /setdash ldef /_i currentflat def /i {dup 0 eq {pop _i} if setflat} bdef /j /setlinejoin ldef /J /setlinecap ldef /M /setmiterlimit ldef /w /setlinewidth ldef % path construction operators /_R {.25 sub round .25 add} bdef /_r {transform _R exch _R exch itransform} bdef /c {_r curveto} bdef /C /c ldef /v {currentpoint 6 2 roll _r curveto} bdef /V /v ldef /y {_r 2 copy curveto} bdef /Y /y ldef /l {_r lineto} bdef /L /l ldef /m {_r moveto} bdef % error operators /_e [] def /_E {_e length 0 ne {gsave 0 g 0 G 0 i 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M [] 0 d /Courier 20 0 0 1 z [0.966 0.259 -0.259 0.966 _e 0 get _e 2 get add 2 div _e 1 get _e 3 get add 2 div] e _f t T grestore} if} bdef /_fill {{fill} stopped {/_e [pathbbox] def /_f (ERROR: can't fill, increase flatness) def n _E} if} bdef /_stroke {{stroke} stopped {/_e [pathbbox] def /_f (ERROR: can't stroke, increase flatness) def n _E} if} bdef % path painting operators /n /newpath ldef /N /n ldef /F {p _fill} bdef /f {closepath F} bdef /S {P _stroke} bdef /s {closepath S} bdef /B {gsave F grestore S} bdef /b {closepath B} bdef % text block construction and painting operators /_s /ashow ldef /_S {(?) exch {2 copy 0 exch put pop dup false charpath currentpoint _g setmatrix _stroke _G setmatrix moveto 3 copy pop rmoveto} forall pop pop pop n} bdef /_A {_a moveto _t exch 0 exch} bdef /_L {0 _l neg translate _G currentmatrix pop} bdef /_w {dup stringwidth exch 3 -1 roll length 1 sub _t mul add exch} bdef /_z [{0 0} bind {dup _w exch neg 2 div exch neg 2 div} bind {dup _w exch neg exch neg} bind] def /z {_z exch get /_a xdef /_t xdef /_l xdef exch findfont exch scalefont setfont} bdef /_g matrix def /_G matrix def /_D {_g currentmatrix pop gsave concat _G currentmatrix pop} bdef /e {_D p /t {_A _s _L} def} bdef /r {_D P /t {_A _S _L} def} bdef /a {_D /t {dup p _A _s P _A _S _L} def} bdef /o {_D /t {pop _L} def} bdef /T {grestore} bdef % group construction operators /u {} bdef /U {} bdef % font construction operators /Z {findfont begin currentdict dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /FontName exch def dup length 0 ne {/Encoding Encoding 256 array copy def 0 exch {dup type /nametype eq {Encoding 2 index 2 index put pop 1 add} {exch pop} ifelse} forall} if pop currentdict dup end end /FontName get exch definefont pop} bdef end %%EndProcSet %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 begin n %%EndSetup 0 g 0 i 2 J 0 j 1 w 2 M []0 d %%Note: 120 194.4 m 123.8 193 122.9 188.2 125.8 186 C 149.2 187.1 175.4 186 197.5 186 C 198.3 186.5 199 186.4 199.7 185.8 C 200.2 184.1 199 182.1 197.3 181.4 C 192.4 180.1 186.3 180.2 181.2 178.6 C 176.3 178.6 172.3 176.7 167.8 175.9 c 155.4 172.8 141.8 172.8 130.3 167.5 c 124.9 166.4 119.9 163.9 114.2 164.2 C 110.4 156.9 106.4 149.7 103 142.3 c 101.5 138.3 99.3 134.6 97.2 130.8 c 94.5 124.5 91.3 118.5 88.3 112.3 C 89 111.8 L 108.4 110.9 126.7 113.4 146.2 110.9 C 145.8 109.2 144.1 108.3 142.6 107.5 c 141.3 105.7 138.5 107.2 137.5 105.4 C 134.7 105.9 132.5 103.5 129.6 103.7 C 116 97.6 100.6 96.5 84.7 97.2 C 83.2 98.1 81.2 97.8 80.9 95.8 C 74.2 83.3 71.9 68.9 65.3 56.4 c 61.9 48 L 62.9 47.3 L 85.7 46.3 109.9 42.4 133.4 43.2 c 167 41.5 L 166.8 38.6 163.1 36.5 160.8 34.8 C 138.8 22.3 114.9 14.2 88.1 13.4 c 75.8 12 61.5 12.9 49.7 16.1 C 48 15.4 46.2 17.7 44.6 15.8 C 40 15.6 37 11.3 32.6 9.6 C 30.9 8.9 28.6 9.2 27.6 7.2 C 26.2 7.2 L 26.1 14.3 29.3 20.6 30.5 27.6 C 26.8 29.8 23.6 33.6 23 38.2 C 22.1 40.1 L 21.9 44.1 21.5 47.6 22.3 50.9 C 36.2 50.2 L 37 50.9 L 42 67.3 47 84.1 51.4 100.6 C 48.5 101.2 45.2 102.7 44.2 105.6 C 43.1 106.9 44.2 108.5 44.2 109.9 C 45.7 111.5 48.9 109.6 49.7 112.6 C 51 110.5 52.9 112.7 54.7 112.3 C 55.3 113.7 56.6 115.2 56.4 117.1 C 61.4 129.9 63.9 143.7 68.2 156.7 C 66.5 157.4 L 54.4 156.2 41.5 157 31.2 162.2 C 28 165.8 25.2 170.8 27.1 175.7 C 29.2 180.9 35.1 179.6 39.6 180.5 c 50.5 181.2 62.9 181.9 74.2 182.6 C 75.1 183.8 L 75.4 187.4 76.9 191.5 76.1 194.6 C 75.9 198.7 80.1 200.8 83 202.6 C 94.2 206.4 109.3 204.6 117.8 195.8 C 120 194.4 L f %%Trailer _E end @rs end @rax %CropRect 0 0 2208 -3236 297.65 420.98 Tl [0.01735 0.00000 0.00000 0.01735 -186.82757 277.68569] concat 0 J 0 j [] 0 d 0 R 0 @G 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 K 0 0.216 0.216 0.000 @w 13.887 13.888 scale -6 -241 translate $ngx 0 SetGry 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 1 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 10 setmiterlimit false setoverprint newpath /kikodict 200 dict def kikodict begin @sv %!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2 %%Creator: Adobe Illustrator 88(TM) 1.9.3 %%For: (KEHLET) () %%Title: (065-1684.art) %%CreationDate: (12/03/93) (14:57) %%DocumentProcSets: Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 0 0 %%DocumentSuppliedProcSets: Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 0 0 %%ColorUsage: Black&White %%DocumentProcessColors: Black %%BoundingBox:6.5 8 165.5 241 %%TemplateBox:90.5 126 90.5 126 %%TileBox:-1104 730 -552 1460 %%DocumentPreview: PC_TIFF %%EndComments %%BeginProcSet:Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 0 0 % Copyright (C) 1987 Adobe Systems Incorporated. % All Rights Reserved. % Adobe Illustrator is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. /Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 dup 100 dict def load begin /Version 0 def /Revision 0 def % definition operators /bdef {bind def} bind def /ldef {load def} bdef /xdef {exch def} bdef % graphic state operators /_K {3 index add neg dup 0 lt {pop 0} if 3 1 roll} bdef /_k /setcmybcolor where {/setcmybcolor get} {{1 sub 4 1 roll _K _K _K setrgbcolor pop} bind} ifelse def /g {/_b xdef /p {_b setgray} def} bdef /G {/_B xdef /P {_B setgray} def} bdef /k {/_b xdef /_y xdef /_m xdef /_c xdef /p {_c _m _y _b _k} def} bdef /K {/_B xdef /_Y xdef /_M xdef /_C xdef /P {_C _M _Y _B _k} def} bdef /d /setdash ldef /_i currentflat def /i {dup 0 eq {pop _i} if setflat} bdef /j /setlinejoin ldef /J /setlinecap ldef /M /setmiterlimit ldef /w /setlinewidth ldef % path construction operators /_R {.25 sub round .25 add} bdef /_r {transform _R exch _R exch itransform} bdef /c {_r curveto} bdef /C /c ldef /v {currentpoint 6 2 roll _r curveto} bdef /V /v ldef /y {_r 2 copy curveto} bdef /Y /y ldef /l {_r lineto} bdef /L /l ldef /m {_r moveto} bdef % error operators /_e [] def /_E {_e length 0 ne {gsave 0 g 0 G 0 i 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M [] 0 d /Courier 20 0 0 1 z [0.966 0.259 -0.259 0.966 _e 0 get _e 2 get add 2 div _e 1 get _e 3 get add 2 div] e _f t T grestore} if} bdef /_fill {{fill} stopped {/_e [pathbbox] def /_f (ERROR: can't fill, increase flatness) def n _E} if} bdef /_stroke {{stroke} stopped {/_e [pathbbox] def /_f (ERROR: can't stroke, increase flatness) def n _E} if} bdef % path painting operators /n /newpath ldef /N /n ldef /F {p _fill} bdef /f {closepath F} bdef /S {P _stroke} bdef /s {closepath S} bdef /B {gsave F grestore S} bdef /b {closepath B} bdef % text block construction and painting operators /_s /ashow ldef /_S {(?) exch {2 copy 0 exch put pop dup false charpath currentpoint _g setmatrix _stroke _G setmatrix moveto 3 copy pop rmoveto} forall pop pop pop n} bdef /_A {_a moveto _t exch 0 exch} bdef /_L {0 _l neg translate _G currentmatrix pop} bdef /_w {dup stringwidth exch 3 -1 roll length 1 sub _t mul add exch} bdef /_z [{0 0} bind {dup _w exch neg 2 div exch neg 2 div} bind {dup _w exch neg exch neg} bind] def /z {_z exch get /_a xdef /_t xdef /_l xdef exch findfont exch scalefont setfont} bdef /_g matrix def /_G matrix def /_D {_g currentmatrix pop gsave concat _G currentmatrix pop} bdef /e {_D p /t {_A _s _L} def} bdef /r {_D P /t {_A _S _L} def} bdef /a {_D /t {dup p _A _s P _A _S _L} def} bdef /o {_D /t {pop _L} def} bdef /T {grestore} bdef % group construction operators /u {} bdef /U {} bdef % font construction operators /Z {findfont begin currentdict dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /FontName exch def dup length 0 ne {/Encoding Encoding 256 array copy def 0 exch {dup type /nametype eq {Encoding 2 index 2 index put pop 1 add} {exch pop} ifelse} forall} if pop currentdict dup end end /FontName get exch definefont pop} bdef end %%EndProcSet %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 begin n %%EndSetup 0 g 0 i 2 J 0 j 1 w 2 M []0 d %%Note: 86.2 236.4 m 86.5 234.1 85.4 231.8 86.2 229.9 C 99.4 231.4 L 100.7 231 100.6 229.6 100.6 228.5 C 98.4 219.1 L 99.4 218.2 101.1 219.9 102.2 218.6 C 103.8 214.9 100.3 212.3 100.8 209 C 99.8 206.1 98.7 202.6 95.8 201.1 C 93.2 200.1 90.2 200 87.4 199.4 C 85.4 194.6 85.4 189 83.3 184.3 C 87 182.1 83.4 176.8 83.5 173 c 82.8 170.6 82.2 168.1 80.9 165.8 C 87.1 165.6 L 88.2 163.1 86.3 161.1 85.9 158.9 c 85.6 155.1 84.6 151.7 83.3 148.3 C 84.2 147.8 85.5 148.4 86.4 147.8 C 87.1 145 84.9 142.8 85 139.9 c 84.8 136.5 83.6 133.5 82.3 130.6 C 88.6 130.8 82.5 124.5 84 121 c 83.9 117.3 83.4 113.9 82.3 110.6 C 83.6 109.9 86.6 111.4 86.2 108.7 C 85.1 104.5 84.1 100.2 81.1 96.7 C 85.4 96 L 86.6 92.2 83.5 89.6 83 86.2 C 84.3 86.1 86.1 85.6 86.2 84 C 85.1 79.3 84.9 74.3 81.6 70.6 C 86.6 69.8 L 88.1 66 83.9 63.3 85 60 C 83.1 59.1 83.4 56.7 81.8 55.4 C 97.9 54.9 114.3 57.3 130.6 57.1 C 132 58.1 130.8 60.1 131.5 61.4 C 129.3 61.9 127.1 63.3 125.8 64.8 C 130 67.1 135.7 66.2 140.4 67.4 C 138.4 69.8 134.8 71 134.9 74.6 C 133 77 L 133.6 79.4 137.7 78.2 136.8 80.9 C 134.8 84 137.7 87.4 136.1 90.7 C 140.1 92.8 145.5 91.6 150 92.6 C 153.3 92.2 156.2 96.8 158.9 93.6 C 158.8 90 158.4 86 156.5 82.8 C 158.7 82.3 162.4 84.8 163.9 81.8 C 163.4 76.8 162.5 71.6 158.6 68.2 C 159.9 67.5 162.4 67.7 162.2 65.5 C 162 63.8 161.8 62 160.6 60.7 C 161.1 58 158.2 55.8 161.8 54.2 C 161.2 50 159.6 45.9 155.8 43.2 C 156 38.4 154 34 151 30.2 C 146.9 28.1 L 146.8 23.9 144.2 19.1 140.4 17.3 C 136.5 13.8 131.1 16 126 15.4 C 122.4 9.1 113.9 11.2 108.5 11.8 C 107.6 10.6 106.8 12.5 105.6 12.2 C 94.9 11.7 85.1 14.1 73.9 13.9 c 49.4 14.4 L 49.1 15.3 47.9 15.1 47 15.1 C 46.8 14.4 L 46.6 14.6 L 45.9 14.6 46.8 14.6 46.8 14.9 C 46.5 15.3 45.8 15 45.4 15.1 C 45.6 14.4 L 40.5 16.3 31.8 14.6 27.4 16.8 C 24.1 16.3 22 18.7 19.2 19.2 C 17.4 22.1 14 23.1 12.5 26.2 C 15 28 19 27.4 22.1 28.6 C 20.8 30.9 17.8 32.4 17.3 35.3 C 25.4 38.4 35 38 43.9 39.4 C 43.7 40.9 42.6 39.3 41.8 39.8 C 37.5 42.1 30 39.7 27.8 45.6 c 26.7 46.3 25.2 47.8 26.2 49 C 34.9 53.1 45.1 53.7 55 55 C 50.4 57 43.9 55.7 39.8 58.8 C 37.8 60.8 34.1 60 31.9 62.2 C 34.1 64.9 37.9 64.6 40.8 66.2 C 36.3 67.5 32 70.9 30.7 75.8 C 30.9 78.5 33.8 78.5 35.5 79.4 C 39.7 80.2 44 80.7 48 81.8 C 44.1 83.5 38.4 81.4 35 84 C 33.3 85.2 30 84.3 29.3 86.6 C 35.7 93 45.2 93 53.5 95.3 C 51.5 97 49.2 95.8 47 97.2 C 44.2 97.7 40.8 96.5 38.4 98.6 C 36.8 98.4 36 99.8 34.8 100.6 C 37.2 103.4 L 36.3 105 33.8 103.7 33.1 106.1 C 31.4 109.6 32.2 112.7 31.7 116.4 C 31.4 118.5 33.8 120 35.3 120.7 C 40.5 122.6 46 123.7 51.4 125.3 C 49.6 126.4 47.1 125.1 45.6 125.5 c 40.6 126.5 34.1 124.1 31.9 129.4 C 29.8 132.3 31.9 136.3 31 139.4 C 32.8 141.6 35.2 142.3 37.4 143.3 C 31.7 144.5 L 27.9 148.3 30.4 153.5 30 158.2 C 32.1 160.7 35.1 160.8 37.7 162 C 31.9 163 L 29.2 167.1 30.2 171.8 30 176.4 C 31 178.2 33 178.6 34.6 179.8 C 32.1 181 28 179 26.9 182.4 C 24.2 184.6 26.2 188.7 24.5 191 C 23.7 193.6 26.5 194.3 28.1 195.1 C 37.7 196.8 L 37.7 197 L 34.3 197.4 28.6 196.2 25.7 198 C 25 197.2 24.8 198.8 24 198.2 C 18.7 198.5 L 18.8 199.9 17 198.8 16.3 199.4 c 14.7 200.2 12.1 199.7 11.5 201.8 C 11.7 204.8 7.5 205.7 7.7 208.3 C 11.3 210 15.7 209.9 19.4 211.2 C 16.4 212 13.8 212.2 11.5 214.8 C 11.3 217.9 7.9 219.4 8.9 222.7 C 13.8 225.4 19.8 225.5 25.4 226.3 C 25.4 229 20.8 230.5 21.8 233.8 C 40.6 235.6 60.7 235.7 79.4 238.3 c 81.7 237.8 85.4 239.6 86.2 236.4 C f %%Trailer _E end @rs end @rax %CropRect 0 0 2208 -3236 297.65 420.98 Tl [0.01718 0.00000 0.00000 0.01718 -152.39893 277.63199] concat 0 J 0 j [] 0 d 0 R 0 @G 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 K 0 0.216 0.216 0.000 @w 13.887 13.888 scale -6 -241 translate $ngx 0 SetGry 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 1 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 10 setmiterlimit false setoverprint newpath /kikodict 200 dict def kikodict begin @sv %!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2 %%Creator: Adobe Illustrator 88(TM) 1.9.3 %%For: (KEHLET) () %%Title: (065-1684.art) %%CreationDate: (12/03/93) (14:57) %%DocumentProcSets: Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 0 0 %%DocumentSuppliedProcSets: Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 0 0 %%ColorUsage: Black&White %%DocumentProcessColors: Black %%BoundingBox:6.5 8 165.5 241 %%TemplateBox:90.5 126 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% path construction operators /_R {.25 sub round .25 add} bdef /_r {transform _R exch _R exch itransform} bdef /c {_r curveto} bdef /C /c ldef /v {currentpoint 6 2 roll _r curveto} bdef /V /v ldef /y {_r 2 copy curveto} bdef /Y /y ldef /l {_r lineto} bdef /L /l ldef /m {_r moveto} bdef % error operators /_e [] def /_E {_e length 0 ne {gsave 0 g 0 G 0 i 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M [] 0 d /Courier 20 0 0 1 z [0.966 0.259 -0.259 0.966 _e 0 get _e 2 get add 2 div _e 1 get _e 3 get add 2 div] e _f t T grestore} if} bdef /_fill {{fill} stopped {/_e [pathbbox] def /_f (ERROR: can't fill, increase flatness) def n _E} if} bdef /_stroke {{stroke} stopped {/_e [pathbbox] def /_f (ERROR: can't stroke, increase flatness) def n _E} if} bdef % path painting operators /n /newpath ldef /N /n ldef /F {p _fill} bdef /f {closepath F} bdef /S {P _stroke} bdef /s {closepath S} bdef /B {gsave F grestore S} bdef /b {closepath B} bdef % text block construction and painting operators /_s /ashow ldef /_S {(?) exch {2 copy 0 exch put pop dup false charpath currentpoint _g setmatrix _stroke _G setmatrix moveto 3 copy pop rmoveto} forall pop pop pop n} bdef /_A {_a moveto _t exch 0 exch} bdef /_L {0 _l neg translate _G currentmatrix pop} bdef /_w {dup stringwidth exch 3 -1 roll length 1 sub _t mul add exch} bdef /_z [{0 0} bind {dup _w exch neg 2 div exch neg 2 div} bind {dup _w exch neg exch neg} bind] def /z {_z exch get /_a xdef /_t xdef /_l xdef exch findfont exch scalefont setfont} bdef /_g matrix def /_G matrix def /_D {_g currentmatrix pop gsave concat _G currentmatrix pop} bdef /e {_D p /t {_A _s _L} def} bdef /r {_D P /t {_A _S _L} def} bdef /a {_D /t {dup p _A _s P _A _S _L} def} bdef /o {_D /t {pop _L} def} bdef /T {grestore} bdef % group construction operators /u {} bdef /U {} bdef % font construction operators /Z {findfont begin currentdict dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /FontName exch def dup length 0 ne {/Encoding Encoding 256 array copy def 0 exch {dup 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86.1 85.6 86.2 84 C 85.1 79.3 84.9 74.3 81.6 70.6 C 86.6 69.8 L 88.1 66 83.9 63.3 85 60 C 83.1 59.1 83.4 56.7 81.8 55.4 C 97.9 54.9 114.3 57.3 130.6 57.1 C 132 58.1 130.8 60.1 131.5 61.4 C 129.3 61.9 127.1 63.3 125.8 64.8 C 130 67.1 135.7 66.2 140.4 67.4 C 138.4 69.8 134.8 71 134.9 74.6 C 133 77 L 133.6 79.4 137.7 78.2 136.8 80.9 C 134.8 84 137.7 87.4 136.1 90.7 C 140.1 92.8 145.5 91.6 150 92.6 C 153.3 92.2 156.2 96.8 158.9 93.6 C 158.8 90 158.4 86 156.5 82.8 C 158.7 82.3 162.4 84.8 163.9 81.8 C 163.4 76.8 162.5 71.6 158.6 68.2 C 159.9 67.5 162.4 67.7 162.2 65.5 C 162 63.8 161.8 62 160.6 60.7 C 161.1 58 158.2 55.8 161.8 54.2 C 161.2 50 159.6 45.9 155.8 43.2 C 156 38.4 154 34 151 30.2 C 146.9 28.1 L 146.8 23.9 144.2 19.1 140.4 17.3 C 136.5 13.8 131.1 16 126 15.4 C 122.4 9.1 113.9 11.2 108.5 11.8 C 107.6 10.6 106.8 12.5 105.6 12.2 C 94.9 11.7 85.1 14.1 73.9 13.9 c 49.4 14.4 L 49.1 15.3 47.9 15.1 47 15.1 C 46.8 14.4 L 46.6 14.6 L 45.9 14.6 46.8 14.6 46.8 14.9 C 46.5 15.3 45.8 15 45.4 15.1 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C 32.1 160.7 35.1 160.8 37.7 162 C 31.9 163 L 29.2 167.1 30.2 171.8 30 176.4 C 31 178.2 33 178.6 34.6 179.8 C 32.1 181 28 179 26.9 182.4 C 24.2 184.6 26.2 188.7 24.5 191 C 23.7 193.6 26.5 194.3 28.1 195.1 C 37.7 196.8 L 37.7 197 L 34.3 197.4 28.6 196.2 25.7 198 C 25 197.2 24.8 198.8 24 198.2 C 18.7 198.5 L 18.8 199.9 17 198.8 16.3 199.4 c 14.7 200.2 12.1 199.7 11.5 201.8 C 11.7 204.8 7.5 205.7 7.7 208.3 C 11.3 210 15.7 209.9 19.4 211.2 C 16.4 212 13.8 212.2 11.5 214.8 C 11.3 217.9 7.9 219.4 8.9 222.7 C 13.8 225.4 19.8 225.5 25.4 226.3 C 25.4 229 20.8 230.5 21.8 233.8 C 40.6 235.6 60.7 235.7 79.4 238.3 c 81.7 237.8 85.4 239.6 86.2 236.4 C f %%Trailer _E end @rs end @rax %CropRect 0 0 2569 -3125 297.65 420.98 Tl [0.01852 0.00000 0.00000 0.01887 -115.01937 279.21599] concat 0 J 0 j [] 0 d 0 R 0 @G 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 K 0 0.216 0.216 0.000 @w 13.886 13.889 scale -8 -235 translate $ngx 0 SetGry 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 1 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 10 setmiterlimit false setoverprint newpath /kikodict 200 dict def kikodict begin @sv %!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2 %%Creator: Adobe Illustrator 88(TM) 1.9.3 %%For: (KEHLET) () %%Title: (065-1687.art) %%CreationDate: (12/03/93) (15:07) %%DocumentProcSets: Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 0 0 %%DocumentSuppliedProcSets: Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 0 0 %%ColorUsage: Black&White %%DocumentProcessColors: Black %%BoundingBox:8 10 193 235 %%TemplateBox:106 126 106 126 %%TileBox:-552 730 0 1460 %%DocumentPreview: PC_TIFF %%EndComments %%BeginProcSet:Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 0 0 % Copyright (C) 1987 Adobe Systems Incorporated. % All Rights Reserved. % Adobe Illustrator is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. /Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 dup 100 dict def load begin /Version 0 def /Revision 0 def % definition operators /bdef {bind def} bind def /ldef {load def} bdef /xdef {exch def} bdef % graphic state operators /_K {3 index add neg dup 0 lt {pop 0} if 3 1 roll} bdef /_k /setcmybcolor where {/setcmybcolor get} {{1 sub 4 1 roll _K _K _K setrgbcolor pop} bind} ifelse def /g {/_b xdef /p {_b setgray} def} bdef /G {/_B xdef /P {_B setgray} def} bdef /k {/_b xdef /_y xdef /_m xdef /_c xdef /p {_c _m _y _b _k} def} bdef /K {/_B xdef /_Y xdef /_M xdef /_C xdef /P {_C _M _Y _B _k} def} bdef /d /setdash ldef /_i currentflat def /i {dup 0 eq {pop _i} if setflat} bdef /j /setlinejoin ldef /J /setlinecap ldef /M /setmiterlimit ldef /w /setlinewidth ldef % path construction operators /_R {.25 sub round .25 add} bdef /_r {transform _R exch _R exch itransform} bdef /c {_r curveto} bdef /C /c ldef /v {currentpoint 6 2 roll _r curveto} bdef /V /v ldef /y {_r 2 copy curveto} bdef /Y /y ldef /l {_r lineto} bdef /L /l ldef /m {_r moveto} bdef % error operators /_e [] def /_E {_e length 0 ne {gsave 0 g 0 G 0 i 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M [] 0 d /Courier 20 0 0 1 z [0.966 0.259 -0.259 0.966 _e 0 get _e 2 get add 2 div _e 1 get _e 3 get add 2 div] e _f t T grestore} if} bdef /_fill {{fill} stopped {/_e [pathbbox] def /_f (ERROR: can't fill, increase flatness) def n _E} if} bdef /_stroke {{stroke} stopped {/_e [pathbbox] def /_f (ERROR: can't stroke, increase flatness) def n _E} if} bdef % path painting operators /n /newpath ldef /N /n ldef /F {p _fill} bdef /f {closepath F} bdef /S {P _stroke} bdef /s {closepath S} bdef /B {gsave F grestore S} bdef /b {closepath B} bdef % text block construction and painting operators /_s /ashow ldef /_S {(?) exch {2 copy 0 exch put pop dup false charpath currentpoint _g setmatrix _stroke _G setmatrix moveto 3 copy pop rmoveto} forall pop pop pop n} bdef /_A {_a moveto _t exch 0 exch} bdef /_L {0 _l neg translate _G currentmatrix pop} bdef /_w {dup stringwidth exch 3 -1 roll length 1 sub _t mul add exch} bdef /_z [{0 0} bind {dup _w exch neg 2 div exch neg 2 div} bind {dup _w exch neg exch neg} bind] def /z {_z exch get /_a xdef /_t xdef /_l xdef exch findfont exch scalefont setfont} bdef /_g matrix def /_G matrix def /_D {_g currentmatrix pop gsave concat _G currentmatrix pop} bdef /e {_D p /t {_A _s _L} def} bdef /r {_D P /t {_A _S _L} def} bdef /a {_D /t {dup p _A _s P _A _S _L} def} bdef /o {_D /t {pop _L} def} bdef /T {grestore} bdef % group construction operators /u {} bdef /U {} bdef % font construction operators /Z {findfont begin currentdict dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /FontName exch def dup length 0 ne {/Encoding Encoding 256 array copy def 0 exch {dup type /nametype eq {Encoding 2 index 2 index put pop 1 add} {exch pop} ifelse} forall} if pop currentdict dup end end /FontName get exch definefont pop} bdef end %%EndProcSet %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 begin n %%EndSetup 0 g 0 i 2 J 0 j 1 w 2 M []0 d %%Note: 123.8 232.8 m 124.9 231 124.1 228.7 123.1 227 C 126.9 226.5 130.4 228 134.4 227.5 C 137.2 223.9 134.2 219.7 134.2 215.8 C 138.4 215.9 143.1 216.3 147.4 217 C 148.3 216.9 148.8 215.9 148.8 215 C 148.2 211.4 147.2 207.9 145.9 204.5 C 150.6 204 155.7 205.4 160.3 204.2 C 162.3 201 159.4 197.9 159.4 194.6 C 160.4 193.9 161.7 194.8 162.2 195.6 C 164.1 195.5 165.7 195 167.3 194.2 C 167.2 190.4 165.8 186.5 164.6 182.9 C 167.7 181.6 172.5 183.6 174.2 180.2 C 174.7 176.8 171.2 175 171.1 171.8 c 169.9 168.5 L 173.2 167.2 178.8 169.4 180.2 165.6 C 180 161.7 177.7 158.7 176.9 155 C 178 154.6 179.8 155.2 180.2 153.6 C 179.7 149.3 178.6 145.2 176.9 141.4 C 178.3 140.8 180.6 141.7 181.2 139.7 C 181.1 135.9 179.7 132.7 178.6 129.4 C 179 128.9 L 182.6 129.1 186.8 129.6 190.1 128.4 C 191.4 123.8 187.7 120 187 115.7 C 188.1 115.7 189.4 114.9 189.6 113.8 C 187.5 108.5 187 102.6 182.2 98.4 C 181.5 98.6 181.2 98.1 180.7 97.9 C 182.5 96.8 186 98.4 186.7 95.8 C 186.2 91.1 183.7 87.2 181.4 83.3 C 183.8 78.1 178.7 73 175.7 68.9 C 175.1 68.9 174.7 68.5 174 68.6 C 172.8 65.1 170.5 62.1 168.7 58.8 C 167.1 54.6 167.5 48.8 162.7 46.8 C 155.3 46.6 L 153.2 42.3 153.2 36 147.8 34.1 C 145.4 33.9 143.4 32.8 140.9 32.9 C 139.2 29 138.7 24.4 134.9 21.6 C 130 19.5 123.6 21 119.3 17.5 C 116 15.7 112.9 13.4 108.7 13.7 c 98.2 11.3 88.4 15 78 15.1 C 75.9 15.6 74.7 16.2 72.5 16.3 C 71.8 17 72.6 17.8 72.7 18.5 C 68.2 19.2 62.6 19.1 60.5 23.5 C 59.3 24 58.6 25.5 58.6 26.9 C 59.9 28.4 62 28.8 63.1 30.2 C 59.2 30.5 55.8 32.1 52.3 33.4 C 50.5 34.4 50.2 37.4 48 37.4 C 48.1 39 45.8 38.4 46.3 40.1 C 48.1 41.6 50.3 41.9 52.3 42.7 C 49.4 43.9 46.1 44 44.4 47 C 43.7 48.1 43.9 49.7 43 50.6 C 32.9 49.7 L 32.9 50.2 L 30.3 50.4 27.8 50.6 25.7 51.8 C 25 54.6 22.1 57 23.5 60 C 27.6 63.5 32.9 63.9 37.7 65.8 C 35.7 67.4 32.6 66.9 30.7 68.4 C 31 68.6 L 28.9 70.4 26.3 70.9 25.7 73.7 C 31 77.1 37.8 76.9 43.9 78.5 C 43.9 78.7 L 39.4 78.6 35.7 80.7 31.2 80.6 C 29.5 82.7 25.5 80.9 24 83.5 c 21.1 83.7 21.9 87.7 19.7 89 C 19 89.9 19 91.6 19.7 92.4 C 22 95.2 25.9 94 28.8 95.3 C 26.6 95.7 25 97.5 22.6 97.2 C 22.9 99.6 19.2 97.5 18.7 99.6 C 17.9 102.3 15.7 103.8 15.1 106.6 C 18.7 110.1 24.4 109.6 29.3 110.6 C 26.2 111 22.6 110.7 19.2 111.8 C 16.9 111.2 14.5 111.8 12.7 113 C 11.6 115.2 12.1 117.1 10.6 119 C 9.7 121.7 12.9 122.7 14.4 123.8 C 19.9 125.9 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92.6 80.6 98.4 C 76.9 100 72.9 97.6 68.9 97.7 c 68.4 97.7 L 72 101.3 71.2 106.8 73.7 110.9 C 73.4 112.2 74.5 114.3 72.5 114.7 C 69.1 114.2 L 71.2 118.7 74 123.4 73.2 128.4 C 71 130.2 67.6 129 64.8 129.4 C 66.6 134.1 68.1 139.3 68.2 144.5 C 67.6 145.4 66.7 145.5 65.8 145.7 C 68.2 150.6 69.4 156.3 69.8 161.8 C 68.9 162.7 L 70.3 166.2 71 169.9 72 173.5 C 76.9 173.5 81.7 176.4 83.8 181.2 C 85.7 187.7 L 104.6 187.2 L f %%Trailer _E end @rs end @rax %Note: Object 55.08 642.53 110.81 699.05 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 87.62 698.26 m 87.84 698.18 87.98 697.90 88.06 697.68 C 87.91 697.25 88.42 697.10 88.34 696.74 C 88.49 696.31 88.34 695.66 88.99 695.52 C 89.50 694.08 89.86 692.57 90.07 690.98 C 91.01 689.54 91.73 688.03 91.58 686.16 C 92.16 686.16 92.88 685.94 93.02 685.22 C 93.24 684.50 93.60 683.78 93.53 682.92 C 94.32 682.49 94.32 681.48 94.54 680.76 C 95.11 680.26 95.11 679.25 94.97 678.53 C 95.47 678.60 95.83 678.17 95.83 677.74 C 96.12 677.09 95.26 675.94 96.34 675.94 C 96.70 675.22 96.91 674.28 96.62 673.42 C 96.12 672.84 L 96.84 672.77 97.85 673.56 98.57 672.84 C 98.64 672.05 99.00 670.90 98.21 670.39 C 99.22 669.89 98.93 668.59 99.00 667.66 C 98.93 667.37 98.71 667.15 98.57 666.94 C 99.00 666.79 100.01 667.30 100.01 666.36 C 100.30 666.29 100.58 666.14 100.66 665.86 C 99.79 664.92 100.80 663.77 100.15 662.76 C 100.44 662.62 100.87 662.90 101.23 662.62 C 101.59 661.90 101.74 660.74 101.38 660.10 C 100.80 659.52 L 101.81 659.59 102.67 660.17 103.68 660.17 C 104.47 659.74 103.82 658.80 104.04 658.01 C 103.68 657.29 102.89 656.64 102.24 656.14 C 103.75 656.21 105.41 656.86 106.99 656.50 C 107.35 655.78 107.06 654.70 106.70 653.98 C 106.49 653.76 106.20 653.62 105.98 653.33 C 106.92 653.26 108.58 654.62 108.94 653.11 C 108.94 652.10 109.22 650.81 108.22 650.23 C 107.50 649.66 106.56 649.44 105.62 649.15 C 107.21 649.15 108.86 649.87 110.38 649.44 C 110.81 648.72 109.94 648.22 110.16 647.42 C 109.22 646.34 107.71 646.13 106.34 645.62 c 104.62 644.98 102.24 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Par ailleurs, les lettres les plus larges comme le m et le w ont parfois une chasse atteignant la valeur du corps; nos paralllpipdes deviennent quasiment des carrs et sappellent des cadratins. Le cadratin est aussi une unit typographique usite car elle sert notamment apprcier les blancs (espaces entre les lettres ou avant un dbut de paragraphe, par exemple). La prsence ou non dempattements (petites barres situes aux extrmits des lettres voir notamment les figures 5 et 6), leur forme et leur paisseur est lune des caractristiques les plus directement perceptibles dun style de caractre (une des classifications des caractres est dailleurs tablie sur cette base). En anglais, on parle de serif et de sans serif; nous le signalons ici car on trouve ces termes dans de nombreux ouvrages franais, notamment de PAO et dinformatique. On peut dj dduire facilement de ce qui prcde quil ne faut pas mlanger des caractres provenant dalphabets diffrents, mme sils sont de mme corps. En effet, la taille du corps ne vaut, on la dit et on le voit sur la figure ci-dessus, que pour un mme alphabet; de plus, la taille de lil est minemment variable puisquelle rsulte dun choix esthtique. Enfin, les diffrences non ngligeables entre le point Didot, le point mtrique (pourtant tous deux dorigine franaise!) et le point pica compliquent encore la situation si lon a achet ses polices des fournisseurs diffrents! Pour conclure ce chapitre terminologique, quand vous rendrez visite votre typographe ou votre imprimeur prfrs vous noublierez pas de parler de capitales et non de majuscules, de bas de casse et non de minuscules. Vous saurez aussi que la graisse dtermine lpaisseur des traits formant des lettres maigres (light), normales ou romaines (regular), demi-grasses (medium), grasses (bold) et extra-grasses (black ou heavy). Lallure est seulement droite ou italique. Certains styles font aussi varier la largeur en utilisant des lettres troites ou troitises (condensed, narrow) et larges (extended). Quelques exemples sont donns sur la figure 7; nous avons gard les termes anglais lis la police dorigine pour viter toute confusion. Il semble inutile de prciser que le mlange de tout a sur une mme ligne donnera des rsultats pour le moins chaotiques et inesthtiques. Rgles empiriques Messieurs Garamond (XVIe sicle), BaskBWPP@PW   GMMd d GMMd-(xKdddBaP7 aFAR WEST@> /-/$  ->-1@1**@((%x%@X !  (@ 2 $ @& ' @ @ 2  6 6   8 ) ) @* 9 : @: : : @; < @< < < @= = >?|?~?????c~????~?????? 000.@.$`$$`$$`$d) @)@) )@$`$s$`@s$$`$$`@$$`$@;$`;$ @$$`$$`@$$`@$" $`# $(9 08pp@s89q0@~?r# fb ~???|??~?<?0?>|p~|`wn <?> 0$` ?@<<``<O>@ 80??Cg`cpcs.<??cp1sc>|cр>~gA ><<;"@`>x<? ?0p`(Hh 0 P p8X x@`(H !h"0##$%P&''(p)8*++,X- ../x0@1223`4(5567H899:h;0<<=>P?@@ApB8CDDEXF GGHxI@JKKL`M(NNOPHQRRShT0UUVWPXYYZp[8\]]^X_ ``axb@cdde`f(gghiHjkklhm0nnopPqrrd2Now7Ds Gltuu@uuuu&& u u ,&Johannes Gensfleisch & Co. Les caractres dimprimerie ont t pendant cinq sicles de petits paralllpipdes faits en un alliage de plomb, dantimoine et dtain, portant sur une de leurs faces le dessin en relief dun signe alphabtique; cest ce que nous devons M. Johannes Gensfleisch, dit Gutenberg. Les caractres fondus par Gutenberg imitaient lcriture manuelle employe pour reproduire les livres sacrs (figure 1a). Ils ont t appels gothiques par les hommes de la Renaissance qui les trouvaient barbares. Ils ont rapidement cd la place, sauf dans les pays germaniques, des alphabets inspirs de la superbe criture minuscule caroline que les humanistes dcouvraient dans les manuscrits copis lpoque de Charlemagne (figure 1b). Ainsi sont ns au fil des sicles des alphabets de diffrents styles dont certains portent encore le nom de leur concepteur Garamond, Baskerville, Didot, Bodoni et sont largement utiliss par la typographie moderne. La composition mcanique Ces alphabets ont rgn pendant de longues annes parce que llaboration manuelle des poinons exigeait des investissements normes, ce qui rendait les renouvellements difficiles. Do une certaine uniformit dans lapparence imprime des ouvrages produits jusquau milieu du XIXe sicle. Les progrs accomplis vers la fin du XIXe et au XXe sicles, en particulier lapparition de la composition mcanique (figure 2), ont permis de multiplier la production dalphabets diffrents, souvent vritables crations artistiques, et dutiliser des ca?????ractres neufs pour chaque impression de qualit. La composition mtallique a domin totalement la reproduction des textes jusquau milieu de notre sicle. Cest partir des annes cinquante que ces petites merveilles de mcanique de prcision ont t progressivement remplaces par des photocomposeuses. La composition photographique Les photocomposeuses permettent de crer les caractres directement sur des films ou sur des papiers sensibles en faisant passer un flux lumineux, gnralement issu dun flash lectronique, travers des matrices transparentes ngatives. La plupart de ces machines taient conues de manire fournir un grand nombre de tailles de caractres partir dune mme matrice grce des rductions et des agrandissements oprs au moyen de zooms ou de tourelles dobjectifs. Le dessin des alphabets de base tait toujours assur par des professionnels avertis qui travaillaient pour des socits approvisionnant depuis longtemps le march de la composition mtallique ou qui conseillaient des firmes dlectronique ou dinformatique ignorant tout (ou presque) des rgles de composition typographique. La composition numrique La premire composeuse faisant appel des matrices numriques est apparue vers 1965. Elle faisait natre les lettres sur le fond dun tube cathodique do elle les transfrait photographiquement sur des films ou des papiers sensibles. Les matrices numriques dcomposaient les signes alphabtiques en milliers de points noirs et blancs reprsents par des 0 ou des 1 rangs en lignes successives dans des structures en forme de grilles (que lon appellera plus tard bitmaps, pour faire chic ou parce que les premiers lecteurs de ce mot navaient pas la moindre notion de ce quil reprsentait). Ces structures taient introduites dans lordinateur qui pilotait les mouvements du faisceau lectronique lintrieur du tube cathodique pour crer les signes alphabtiques (figure 3). Ces machines ont constitu une grande avance technologique mais ont t responsables dune certaine rgression esthtique. En effet, leurs concepteurs, fascins par les performances lectroniques que ces matriels et logiciels pouvaient atteindre et par ailleurs ignorants des bonnes vieilles rgles de lisibilit et dapparence acquises depuis Guten > 0? @? ? @@ A @A A A B @C D @D D D E E @F F F G @G G H H I @I I J J K @K  !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345678K K @L M @M M M N N @O O O P @P P Q Q R @R R S @    @T V @V V V @V V V W $`$ $$`$ $$`% $$`% $~@$9$$`' $$`' $$`( $$`( $$`) $@ 2^@6 t7 ^@8 t9  @"D D  F p E @   et Mecanorma) qui, pour quelques dizaines de francs tout au plus, vous permettront de composer des titres au gr de votre fantaisie, mme la plus dbride. Pour convaincre les sceptiques ventuels de lextrme richesse de ces produits, nous reproduisons ci-dessus (figure 10) une page du sommaire dun catalogue de lettres transfert. A la seule lettre G on compte 41 rfrences pour 15 styles de caractres diffrents (chacun deux est ensuite propos dans plu W     X }w`s{ssNgss3rpC<<<<  ??  ?0@ @?0@?0@sieurs corps). Si vous ne trouvez pas votre bonheur dans les planches de ces lettres transfrables pour composer le titre correspondant tous vos dsirs, je donne ma dmission! Si vous tes sages, on vous donnera plus tard quelques conseils dutilisation de ces lettres magiques. La mise en page Il ressort de tout ce qui prcde (vous tes toujours avec nous?) que la composition dun titre rsulte dune multitude de choix successifs. A moins que vous ne dessiniez vos  @ V W     1 2  $9$ eK K L $9$$C@CDD @<propres caractres, votre crativit sera relativement limite puisquelle sexercera lintrieur des contraintes ou rgles typographiques tablies au fil des sicles. Il reste, heureusement, un domaine o vous pourrez donner un peu plus libre cours votre imagination et crer le style qui caractrisera la carte de visite de votre montage, savoir la mise en page. Ce chapitre sera aussi le plus court puisque cest vous de jouer. Nous ne saurioN7$9$R)8tab@bZHbx*x x@ M@ (,*tV$@Wt|| Lns trop vous conseiller de dessiner un cadre de mme format que celui dune diapositive. Pour plus de facilit, tant au stade des essais de mise en page que pour la reproduction finale, choisissez un rapport dagrandissement moyen par exemple, un facteur 5 donnera un cadre de 12 cm sur 18 ou 11,5 17,5 en tenant compte de la marge prise par le cache. Mettez votre titre en place comme vous le sentez, en noubliant quand mme pas quil doit rester lisible si vous voulez quil soit lu et en tenant compte de la superposition ventuelle avec la diapositive prcdente et la suivante. Sans tre trop directifs, il nous semble quand mme judicieux dviter de faire aller votre texte dun bord de limage lautre (dans un souci de lisibilit car lil aura du mal lire un texte qui stale sur toute la surface de lcran, ainsi que par scurit pour viter que ses extrmits ne soient partiellement masques par le cache). Si @O P @P WP Q Q R @S S ]@T T U V $9$V5@MTW" @l@9L@@N@d<(II*WccA(HH?- U<T<@@QTPC""EPSF//9/QFPC""-(xKdddw4<OoO?qG>×LQA?UutcĶx O~{/{?[?G @G H !!!? !E!!!!!!!!!!$9M$  @   @   @      ! !  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add 5 1 roll} ifelse}repeat 5 rp $tot dup $toc $tom $toy $tok @tc ffcol n 0 0 m 0 $hei l $pdw $hei l $pdw 0 l @cp $ffpnt{fill}{@np}ifelse 5 rp}bd/@ftrs{1 index 4 index sub dup $rox mul/$row xd 2 div 1 index 4 index sub dup $roy mul/$roh xd 2 div 2 copy dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt $row dup mul $roh dup mul add sqrt add dup /$hei xd $fst div/$wid xd 4 index add $roh add exch 5 index add $row add exch Tl $fan rotate 4 rp @dlt $fss 0 eq{ffcol $fty 3 eq{$hei dup neg dup m 2 mul @sqr}{0 0 m 0 0 $hei 0 360 arc}ifelse $ffpnt{fill}{@np}ifelse}if 1.0 $pad 2 mul sub dup scale $hei $fss $wid mul sub/$hei xd nff{ffcol $fty 3 eq{n $hei dup neg dup m 2 mul @sqr}{n 0 0 m 0 0 $hei 0 360 arc}ifelse $ffpnt{fill}{@np}ifelse /$hei $hei $wid sub def $frb dup 1 eq exch 2 eq or{4 rp myh mys myb kdb add 3 1 roll kds add 3 1 roll kdh add 3 1 roll 3 copy/myb xd/mys xd/myh xd hsb2rgb rgb2cmyk}{$dk add 5 1 roll $dy add 5 1 roll $dm add 5 1 roll $dc add 5 1 roll $dt add 5 1 roll}ifelse}repeat 5 rp}bd/@ftc{1 index 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242.2 125.3 241.2 122.6 244.1 C 121.2 242 120 244.8 118.8 245.3 C 116.5 247.7 116.3 250.9 116.2 254.2 C 118.2 255 120 256.1 121.2 258 C 121 258.5 120.8 259.1 120.2 259.4 C 115.9 256.8 110.3 255.3 105.1 257 C 100.6 259.5 99.4 264.5 100.1 269.3 C 102.2 269.3 L 102.2 267 102.1 264 104.2 262.6 C 107 262.8 109.9 263 112.3 264.2 C 112.5 264.8 112.1 265.4 111.6 265.4 C 110.2 265.4 L 111 266.4 111.1 267.7 111.1 269 C 120 270.9 127.2 266.6 133 260.6 C 133.6 260.5 134 260.9 134.2 261.4 C 132.5 265 130.1 268.4 127 271.4 C 123.8 273.6 L 128.5 273.4 132.3 274.9 136.8 275 C 137.5 271.2 L f 169 264.5 m 169.1 260.9 173.4 262.5 175 259.9 C 176.6 258.2 L 173.7 253.9 171.3 249.3 169.4 244.6 C 168.1 245.4 166.7 245.9 165.1 246 C 164.9 250.8 161.5 255.5 157 257.3 C 156.5 273.4 L 159.5 269.1 164.1 265.7 169 264.5 C f 0 g 243.6 271.4 m 241.8 270.3 244 268.1 242.6 266.6 C 243.9 266.5 245.6 268.7 247 266.9 C 246.3 264 246.6 260.3 243.4 259 C 242.2 258.7 240.6 259.3 240 260.6 C 239.9 262.5 241.1 263.7 241.7 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Nabusez pas des gadgets que lon trouve aussi bien sur les planches de lettres transfert que dans de multiples logiciels informatiques (bord :NNNdR:K,NK,:R:dThTTdRTK,hK,TRTd8Mdd 84CC?@ySdd >u CCAB*K,dd *K,*d ӭ dd (ZapfChanceryMarlettArial"  Arial CE"Arial CYR"Arroy xd/$rox xd /$pad xd/$fty xd/$fan xd $fty 1 eq{/$fan 0 def}if/$frb xd/$fst xd/$fsc xd/$fsa xd/$fsit 1 def}bd/@ii{concat 3 index 3 index m 3 index 1 index l 2 copy l 1 index 3 index l 3 index 3 index l clip 4 rp}bd/tcc{@cc}def/@i{@sm @gs @ii 6 index 1 ne{/$frg true def 2 rp}{1 eq{s1t s1c s1m s1y s1k s1n $O @scc_5/$frg xd }{/$frg false def}ifelse 1 eq{@gs $ctm setmatrix F @gr}if}ifelse @np/$ury xd /$urx xd/$lly xd/$llx xd/$bts xd/$hei xd/$wid xd/$dat $wid $bts mul 8 div ceiling cvi string def $bkg $#Q4S D X/+ , _?6)1 !0ȔB!؆____ JT%MMT(4 DElmtд_? 5KޭM_!mMKd   3  *3  ,# ,# "# %+ '# )# -# %+ '# -# "# "+ (+ !C2 ## $+ "+ '# &# (# +# "# &# *+ )# '+ ,# C C C[ ## %# %+ $; %+ (# ,# &# %; '# '+ # )#  &3  "3  3  ##  $#  "#  %#  &+  %;  )C  +  $#  ++  '#  !#  $+  "+  .#  )3  %;  &3  );  '#  '+  );  '#  )#  '#  )+  )#  &+  (+  (#  $#  *;  )+  ,#  '#  "#  %#  $#  T)'c&+  %+  C ;  "#  '+  &;  (#  #  %#  %#  ##  '+  *#  # (# '# %# '+ (# (# '+ ## C  "# #+ $# %# $; &; '3 *# Bold" Glacier" rGloucester MT Extra CondensedGill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold"GoldenOldStyle" rGoldMine/[9_+* Х0HXQ-%#5RQHߚ(1_9o1Gax____/&Q8f)@%&qi#4*ӮCx[_/ߟ+gS5"#_*Z+:"$_l!0}VVZ@eB)bz_?W\Cjn_fM_.rMo_d6___daC{%dbLqqqq&&cHddԶ<" rGoudyHandtooled BTRGoudy Old Style GoudyOlSt BT Goudy Stout  Gourmand"Gradlial Greek"Arial TUR"Arial Baltic"Courier New1  Courier New CE1Courier New CYR(; )# #; (+ &# %# $# $# $# ,# '+ &# &# "+ *# '+ $# #3 C (# '# '+ (+ )+ )# )# (# )# # %# (# (# nx GMMd(qq(xKddd((E ppd!3q&  ;q&  3q&  $;q&  %+ C 3 ,# &# "# )+ '# (+ (# %# '# &3 %# (# -# #+ # + # "C C S[ ## &+ &+ &3 #3 &; (3 -+ $# !3q&  &;q&  %3q&  !3q&  3q&  #q&  ";q&  3q&  3q&  ;q&  #3q&  3q&  '3q&  3q&  3q&  +q&  %#q&  $3q&  "+q&  #q&  Cq  GMMd GMMdA ds GMMd ds GMMd ds GMMd ds GMMd ds GMMd-(xKddTd\-(xKddd9(xKddd (>c~d p p p|0++ g h@ h g@ c; @#p@"d 0+qqqq  IMM* ??991?11q````8?p??>>? 0`pppp08p8ppppxxx8xpxxxxxxxp<x8x8<???8?< ?<<?8x?8p ?ߟ08 ?~~8 ?x8p ?8p8p 8x08<xx p <px 0?p 0?pp 0>p 8?p $|p ; `xp p pp 8x                   J   % 1   ! " # 0 @ & R 8) * + , - . / 4 B 6 d < 5 7 8 : 9 > C  = ` ?  N S E F O G H I J K L P X V Z U e W Y -] [ \ m ^ _  a b i h f j k l q n v o p ~ s t u x w y z { | BGriffonShadow" rGriffonHarlow Solid ItalicR HarringtonR Harpoon## ## C< C $# '+ &3 '+ &3 ); )# (+ &# '# # &3  #  #+  (;  '+  &#  %;  *#  %#  %#  $+  (#  '+  #0  &+  '+  )#  " rHeidelberg" rHolidays MTHollow" rHomewardBound" rHourPhotoberg nont en effet accord aucune attention au dessin des lettres. Mieux, ou pire, ils ont donn lutilisateur la facult de produire un mme signe sous diffrentes dclinaisons (plus ou moins espac, plus troit ou plus large, droit ou inclin, etc.), pour lesquelles le caractre de base ntait pas conu, et donc de contrevenir ainsi encore plus ces mmes rgles. La vectorisation Les matrices bitmap, ne pouvant tre ni rduites ni agrandies sans pertll $dc add 5 1 roll $dt add 5 1 roll}ifelse}repeat 5 rp $tot dup $toc $tom $toy $tok @tc_5 ffcol n 0 0 m 0 $hei l $pdw $hei l $pdw 0 l @cp $ffpnt{fill}{@np}ifelse 5 rp}bd/@ftrs{ 1 index 4 index sub dup $rox mul/$row xd 2 div 1 index 4 index sub dup $roy mul /$roh xd 2 div 2 copy dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt $row dup mul $roh dup mul add sqrt add dup/$hei xd $fst div/$wid xd 4 index add $roh add exch 5 index add $row add exch Tl $fan rotate 4 rp @dlt $fss 0 eq{ffcol $fty 3 eq{$hei dup neg dup m 2 mulh4444xxxh4h4High Tower Text Humanst521 BT"  IceAgeDRChelthmITC Bk BT Imprint MT ShadowRIndiana" rIndianaSolid" rInformal RomanB Blackadder ITCR Edwardian Script ITCB Kristen ITCB,#  &#  (#  )C  (#  "#  $#  ++  '+  $#  %#  (#  )#  (+  &#  $+  &+  %+  Cr #+  '#  &+  $#  #+  &#  &3  (3  +3  # '+ '# *# JokermanR  Juice ITCR Jupiter" rKastler" rKaufmann Bd BTBKaufmann BTBKeystrokes MTKeypunch" rKeystroke" rKidTYPEPaintKino MTR Koala" rKorinna BTKorinthia" rKunstler ScriptB Wide Latin Lucida BlackletterLucida Bright Lucida CalligraphyBLetter Gothic MT2   Letter Gothic1   Lucida Fax~O,c2bTL,I"c_5C8$-l1HB_ߌ}OXI& b\RČ!E6BD_窪DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDGae\|#-N1?|e&e&e&e&)3 )# $+ (# &3 C C C[ %# $+ %+ '# (# +; )# # #@ &#  %+  ##  ,#  )+  &3  )3  ,+  (#  ##  +#  ,#  (#  )+  )#  frg or{$SDF{$SCF $SCA $SCP @ss}if $llx $lly Tl $urx $llx sub $ury $lly sub scale $bkg{$t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc_5 pop}if $wid $hei abs $bts 1 eq{$bkg}{$bts}ifelse[$wid 0 0 $hei neg 0 $hei 0 gt{$hei}{0}ifelse]/tcc load $bts 1 eq{imagemask}{image}ifelse $SDF{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if}{$hei abs{tcc pop}repeat}ifelse @gr $ctm setmatrix}bd/@M{@sv}bd/@N {/@cc{}def 1 eq{12 -1 roll neg 12 1 roll @I}{13 -1 roll neg 13 1 roll @i} ifelse @rs}bd/@I{@sm @gs @ii @np/$ury xd/$urx xd/$lly xd/$llx xd/$ncl xd/$bts xd/$hei      !"#$%&'()*+,-./ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_@ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~(+  %#  C C %C[  '#  *#  %+  &+  $#  )+  *#  '+  %#  %#  $#  '+  #  &+  &#  '+  %#  )#  $+  # )# '+ %+ ## C6 C C[l )'! 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Figure 11 Reproduction dune planche de lettres transfert (format original 25x38 cm) dn GMMd dn GMMd1 Zi GMMd Zi GMMd -(xKddd1-9(xKddd-9(xKdddW]  !!Z @ @B9 ` @7 ` P7 ` P7" uL(6$% uL*6&' P7 Q7)* 8æ8` @7 Figure 5 1) il de la lettre 2) chasse du caractre 3) corps du caractre 4) empattements Zd GMMdU Zd GMMd -(xKddd-9(xKddd?-(xKddd+  #0  *#  T)'cdaC{%dbLqqqq&&cHddԶ<de:dfԚqqqqԚdg2`dhdi L,Poppl-Laudatio Regular"Rockwell ExtraBoldRunic MT CnTektoMM"Tiepolo BlackdjRPdk%+PTiepolo BookTrajanVAG Rounded Lt"VAG Rounded Th"Veljovic BlackVeljovic BookVeljovic MediumWiesbaden Swing DingbatsRWillowWoodtype Ornaments 1RqԒn0+ԋn0+> rTT-5nw'0+Ӡ,2Rj- Tԋn0+ Ԓn0+ԋn0+A TT-5nw'0+K,&R8:Tԋn0+B TT-5-5ԋn0+E %&R TT-5nw'0+RK,&]  HHCentury Gothic"  GaramondHaettenschweiler"T:8ԋn0+XT-5n0+&ӵT:8ԋn0+4c?&ƴN1 EPSG:\graphics\gerard\fpf\lecteurs.eps4< ɴN1su EPSG:\graphics\gerard\fpf\ours.epsqhr!N16 EPSG:\PUBLICS\FPF\special typo\GUTENBER.EPSBnaN1i  *K,*Times New Roman CETimes New Roman CYRTimes New Roman GreekTimes New Roman TURTimes New Roman BalticVerdanad ӭ dd ("  Arial Black"  Comic Sans MSBImpact"  Georgia Franklin Gothic Medium"  Palatino Linotype Tahoma" Trebuchet MS"  Webdings Estrangelo EdessaBGautamiLathaMangalMV Boli RaaviShrutiTungaSylfaen Book Antiqua WP Mulae\|#-N1?|e&e&e&e&d <<0<m<<<$<a%,o78 CorelDRAW 7.fPC ..EPSFII*5@+@+??pT Rockwell Extra Bold Schindler Small Caps" Century Schoolbook Scott" rScribe" rScript MT BoldB Serifa BT Serifa Th BTShatterRrShelleyAllegro BTB Showcard GothicR Signs MTSmilesSnap ITCR  Xerox Serif NarrowSnowCapsSnyderSpeed-PlainSouvenir Lt BT Space Toaster2 Sports Two MTSports Three MTXerox Sans Serif Narrow" Xerox Sans Serif Wide" Staccato222 BTB StarsAndStripes-PlainXerox Serif WideSwitzerland" rSwiss911 XCm BT"   @ /-/$  ->-1@1**@((%x%@X00.@/.$`$$`$$`$d) @)  Monotype CorsivaBMS OutlookWingdings 2Wingdings 3Microsoft Sans Serif" Abadi MT Condens@) )@$`$s$`@s$$`$$`@$$`$@;$`;$ @$$`$$`@$$`@$" $`# $$`$ $$`$ $$`% $$`% $~@$9$$`' $$`' $$`( $$`( $$`) $@ ^@6 t7 ^@8 t9  @"D D  F p E @   @ V W    ed Extra Bold" Abadi MT Condensed Light" Adelaide" rAdolescenceAgency FBAlbertus Medium"Albertus Extra Bold"AlgerianR Allegro BTR  Almanac MTAlto" rAmherse de qualit en raison de leur structure, et occupant en outre une place considrable dans les mmoires magntiques, une mthode plus conomique a t recherche et les composeuses tube cathodique ont t remplaces par des composeuses laser nourries de matrices vectorielles. Celles-ci ne dcomposent pas les signes alphabtiques en points noirs et blancs mais elles dcrivent les signes par leurs contours, intrieurs et extrieurs, en langage mathmatique (figure 4) Ces contours, portions de droites et de courbes, sont traits comme des vecteurs et des arcs ayant un profil, un point de dpart et un point darrive. Sagissant dune description mathmatique, toute modification (hauteur, largeur, inclinaison, etc.) se fera par changement de valeurs numriques et nentranera pas de perte de qualit. Quatre procdures de description mathmatique de la vectorisation sont utilises: Ikarus, PostScript, TrueType et Bitstream. Lusage dun ordinateur nest pas une garantie de disposer de matrices de caractres vectorielles; il suffit, pour sen convaincre, de regarder les caractres imprims dans de trs grandes ou trs petites tailles: la prsence frquente de marches descalier dans les courbes dnote le plus souvent des caractres images (souvent fournis sous la forme doffres comportant des dizaines de polices de caractres fantaisie cotant peineTektoMM"Tiepolo Blackt def Metrics/.notdef 3 -1 roll put/BuildChar{exch dup/$char exch/Encoding get 3 index get def dup /Metrics get $char get aload pop setcachedevice begin Encoding exch get CharStrings exch get end exec}def end definefont pop}bd/ZBAddChar{findfont begin dup 4 1 roll dup 6 1 roll Encoding 3 1 roll put CharStrings 3 1 roll put Metrics 3 1 roll put end}bd/Z{findfont dup maxlength 2 add dict exch dup{1 index/FID ne{3 index 3 1 roll put}{2 rp}ifelse}forall pop dup dup/Encoding get 256 array copy dup/$fe xd/Encoding exch put dup/Fontname 3 index put 3 -1 roll dup length 0 ne{0 exch{dup type 0 type eq{exch pop}{$fe exch 2 index exch put 1 add}ifelse}forall pop}if dup 256 dict dup/$met xd/Metrics exch put dup /FontMatrix get 0 get 1000 mul 1 exch div 3 index length 256 eq{0 1 255{dup $fe exch get dup/.notdef eq{2 rp}{5 index 3 -1 roll get 2 index mul $met 3 1 roll put}ifelse}for}if pop definefont pop pop}bd/@ftx{{currentpoint 3 -1 roll(0)dup 3 -1 roll 0 exch put dup @gs true charpath $ctm setmatrix @@txt @gr @np stringwidth pop 3 -1 roll add exch moveto}forall}bd/@ft{matrix currentmatrix exch $sdf{$scf $sca $scp @ss}if $fil 1 eq{/@@txt/@pf ld @ftx}{$fil 2 eq{/@@txt /@ff ld @ftx}{$fil 3 eq{/@@txt/@Pf ld @ftx}{$t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc_5{show} {pop}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse $sdf{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if setmatrix}bd/@st{ matrix currentmatrix exch $SDF{$SCF $SCA $SCP @ss}if $T $C $M $Y $K $N $O @scc_5{{currentpoint 3 -1 roll(0)dup 3 -1 roll 0 exch put dup @gs true charpath $ctm setmatrix $ptm concat stroke @gr @np stringwidth pop 3 -1 roll add exch moveto}forall}{pop}ifelse $SDF{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if setmatrix}bd/@te{@ft}bd /@tr{@st}bd/@ta{dup @gs @ft @gr @st}bd/@t@a{dup @gs @st @gr @ft}bd/@tm{@sm concat}bd/e{/t{@te}def}bd/r{/t{@tr}def}bd/o{/t{pop}def}bd/a{/t{@ta}def}bd/@a{ /t{@t@a}def}bd/t{@te}def/T{@np $ctm setmatrix/$ttm matrix def}bd/ddt{t}def/@t{ /$stm $stm currentmatrix def 3 1 roll moveto $ttm concat ddt $stm setmatrix}bd /@n{/$ttm exch matrix rotate def}bd/@s{}bd/@l{}bd/@B{@gs S @gr F}bd/@b{@cp @B} bd/@sep{CurrentInkName_5(Composite)eq{/$ink_5 -1 def}{CurrentInkName_5(Cyan)eq {/$ink_5 0 def}{CurrentInkName_5(Magenta)eq{/$ink_5 1 def}{CurrentInkName_5 (Yellow)eq{/$ink_5 2 def}{CurrentInkName_5(Black)eq{/$ink_5 3 def}{/$ink_5 4 def}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}bd/@whi{@gs -72000 dup moveto -72000 72000 lineto 72000 dup lineto 72000 -72000 lineto @cp 1 SetGry fill @gr}bd /@neg{[{1 exch sub}/exec cvx currenttransfer/exec cvx]cvx settransfer @whi}bd /currentscale{1 0 dtransform matrix det" rAmerType Md BT Amy" rAntigoniBd" Antigoni Light" Antigoni Medfaultmatrix idtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt 0 1 dtransform matrix defaultmatrix idtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt}bd/@unscale{currentscale 1 exch div exch 1 exch div exch scale}bd /@sqr{dup 0 rlineto dup 0 exch rlineto neg 0 rlineto @cp}bd/corelsym{@gs @np Tl -90 rotate 7{45 rotate -.75 2 moveto 1.5 @sqr fill}repeat @gr}bd/@reg_cor{@gs @np Tl -6 -6 moveto 12 @sqr @gs 1 GetGry sub SetGry fill @gr 4{90 rotate 0 4 m 0 4 rl}repeat stroke 0 0 corelsym @gr}bd/@reg_std{@gs @np Tl .3 w 0 0 5 @sqr}{0 0 m 0 0 $hei 0 360 arc}ifelse $ffpnt{fill}{@np}ifelse}if 1.0 $pad 2 mul sub dup scale $hei $fss $wid mul sub/$hei xd nff{ffcol $fty 3 eq {n $hei dup neg dup m 2 mul @sqr}{n 0 0 m 0 0 $hei 0 360 arc}ifelse $ffpnt {fill}{@np}ifelse/$hei $hei $wid sub def $frb dup 1 eq exch 2 eq or{4 rp myh mys myb kdb add 3 1 roll kds add 3 1 roll kdh add 3 1 roll 3 copy/myb xd/mys xd /myh xd hsb2rgb rgb2cmyk}{$dk add 5 1 roll $dy add 5 1 roll $dm add 5 1 roll $dc add 5 1 roll $dt add 5 1 roll}ifelse}repeat 5 rp}bd/@ftc{1 index 4 index sub dup $rox mul/$row xd 2 div 1 index 4 index sub dup $roy mul/$roh xd 2 div 2 copy dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt $row dup mul $roh dup mul add sqrt add dup /$hei xd $fst div/$wid xd 4 index add $roh add exch 5 index add $row add exch Tl 4 rp @dlt $fss 0 eq{ffcol $ffpnt{fill}{@np}ifelse}{n}ifelse/$dang 180 $fst 1 sub div def/$sang $dang -2 div 180 add def/$eang $dang 2 div 180 add def/$sang $sang $dang $fss mul add def/$eang $eang $dang $fss mul add def/$sang $eang $dang suTiepolo BookTrajanVAG Rounded Lt"VAG Rounded Th"Veljovic BlackVeljovic Bookb def nff{ffcol n 0 0 m 0 0 $hei $sang $fan add $eang $fan add arc $ffpnt{fill}{@np}ifelse 0 0 m 0 0 $hei $eang neg $fan add $sang neg $fan add arc $ffpnt{fill}{@np}ifelse/$sang $eang def/$eang $eang $dang add def $frb dup 1 eq exch 2 eq or{4 rp myh mys myb kdb add 3 1 roll kds add 3 1 roll kdh add 3 1 roll 3 copy/myb xd/mys xd/myh xd hsb2rgb rgb2cmyk}{$dk add 5 1 roll $dy add 5 1 roll $dm add 5 1 roll $dc add 5 1 roll $dt add 5 1 roll}ifelse}repeat 5 rp} bd/@ff{/$fss 0 def $o 1 eq setoverprint 1 1 $fsc 1 sub{dup 1 sub $fsit 0 eq{ $fsa exch 5 mul 5 getinterval aload 2 rp/$frk xd/$fry xd/$frm xd/$frc xd/$frn _ def/$frt 1 def $fsa exch 5 mul 5 getinterval aload pop $fss add/$fse xd/$tok xd /$toy xd/$tom xd/$toc xd/$ton _ def/$tot 1 def}{$fsa exch 7 mul 7 getinterval aload 2 rp/$frt xd/$frn xd/$frk xd/$fry xd/$frm xd/$frc xd $fsa exch 7 mul 7 getinterval aload pop $fss add/$fse xd/$tot xd/$ton xd/$tok xd/$toy xd/$tom xd /$toc xd}ifelse $fsit 0 eq SepMode_5 0 eq or dup not CurrentInkName_5 $frn eq anVeljovic MediumWiesbaden Swing DingbatsRWillowWoodtype Ornaments 1RqԒd or{@sv $ctm setmatrix eoclip Bbllx Bblly Bburx Bbury $fty 2 eq{@ftc}{1 index 3 index m 2 copy l 3 index 1 index l 3 index 3 index l @cp $fty dup 1 eq exch 3 eq or{@ftrs}{4 rp $fan rotate pathbbox @ftl}ifelse}ifelse @rs/$fss $fse def}{1 0 0 0 0 _ $o @scc_5{fill}if}ifelse}for @np}bd/@Pf{@sv SepMode_5 0 eq $ink_5 3 eq or{0 J 0 j[]0 d $t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc_5 pop $ctm setmatrix 72 1000 div dup matrix scale dup concat dup Bburx exch Bbury exch itransform ceiling cvi/Bbury xd ceiling cvi/Bburx xd Bbllx exch Bblly exch itransform floor cvi/Bblly xd floor cvi/Bbllx xd $Prm aload pop $Psn load exec}{1 SetGry eofill}ifelse @rs @np}bd/F{matrix currentmatrix $sdf{$scf $sca $scp @ss}if $fil 1 eq{@pf}{$fil 2 eq{@ff}{$fil 3 eq{@Pf}{$t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc_5{eofill} {@np}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse $sdf{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if setmatrix}bd/f{@cp F}bd/S{matrix currentmatrix $ctm setmatrix $SDF{$SCF $SCA $SCP @ss}if $T $C $M $Y $K $N $O @scc_5{matrix currentmatrix $ptm concat stroke setmatrix} {@np}ifelse $SD 1 2  $9$ eK K L $9$$C@CDD @<@L 7$9$R)8tab@bZHbx*x x@ M@ (,*tV$@Wt|| L$9M$  @   @   @      ! !  (@ 2 $ @& ' @ @ 2  6 6   8 ) ) @* 9 : @: : : @; < @< < < @= = > > 0? @? ? @@ A @A A A B @C D @D D D E E @F F F G @G G H H I @I I J J K @K K K @L M @M M M N N @O O O P @P P Q Q R @R R S @    @T V @V V V @V V V W W     X # '+ $# #+ #+ '# '# (+ C '+ "+ &3 %# $# *; $# '+ "# '# $# $C C C[ ## %# ## ## # $+ (# )# "# '+ (# '# (# $# '# ## )# "# (# &# ,3 %# &# *+ )# # $#  %#  $#  #+  $#  %+  '3  quelques centaines de francs, alors quune police vectorielle professionnelle cote elle seule plusieurs centaines de francs). Terminologie simplifie Quelle soit aujourdhui numrique ou quelle ait nagure t mcanique, la composition utilise des termes et des rgles dont la plupart datent encore de lpoque de la composition manuelle traditionnelle. En se souvenant que les caractres du sieur Gutenberg (vous comprenez maintenant pourquoi nous avons fait cette longue introduction historique) taient des petits paralllpipdes en plomb sur la face desquels les caractres taient gravs en relief (figure 5), le grand ct de cette face est le corps, le petit ct la chasse. La taille de la lettre (voir la figure 9), qui nest pas une notion strictement typographique, est exprime en millimtres, alors que le corps est exprim en points (0,376 mm pour le point Didot, 0,398 mm pour le point mtrique, 0,351 mm pour le point pica dans les pays anglo-saxons, afin de simplifier le tout!). Le dessin du caractre reprsent par les lments en relief est appel lil (au pluriel: des ils). Pour un mme corps, les signes paraissent visuellement dautant plus gros que les ascendants des lettres b, h, k, l, et les descendants des lettres g, p, q, sont courts par rapport aux lettres a, c, e, i, m, n. Cest po004.PMG7  ~ ߂. HP LaserJet 5P/5MP PostScriptHP LaserJet 5P/5MP PostScriptLPT1:#@@"n GMMd-(xKdddqqqqContents^tIndex ,^>;^>^=.^>X C:\Program Files\Adobe\PageMaker 7.0\RSRC\UKENGLSHC:\Program Files\Adobe\PageMaker 7.0\RSRC\UKENGLSH\PM65.HLPnA7799ddԋn0+ db ..--__ ds@dt@OdII*bractres plus classiques avec empattements. Il faut savoir enfin que les caractres avec empattements ont tendance, par-del la stricte lisibilit, donner un air de classicisme, voire de srieux on les trouve dans les journaux, les publications officielles, les actes importants, tandis que les sans serif sont surtout utiliss dans le domaine publicitaire, pour les appellations de marques ou de grandes socits; cela peut peut-tre vous aider au moment du choix. Le style Si vous voulez que votre gnrique soit lu et quil ajoute mme un plus votre uvre, il importe quil ne soit pas anodin ou passe-partout. Notez tout de mme quil vaut mieux un titrage neutre que des effets loups ou disproportionns par rapport au sujet du montage. En fait, ces deux propositions ne sont pas aussi contradictoires quelles peuvent le paratre au premier abord car le vritable style, cest justement a: trouver le juste rapport entre le titrage et le contenu du montage. Des caractres trop fantaisistes ne colleront manifestement pas un sujet srieux ou dramatique, par exemple. Si le montage commence par le titre ou par le gnrique, il est vident que ce sont ces quelques premires diapositives (et, bien sr, la bande son ventuelle) qui vont donner au spectateur un avant-got de la suite. Si le style de cette introduction ne correspond pas lesprit du montage, le spectateur va tre drout; il va lui falloir quelque temps et quelques diapositives avant de comprendre quon la envoy sur une fausse piste et quil doit la quitter pour rentrer enfin dans le diaporama. Avant, donc, de choisir dfinitivement une police de caractres, mme si elle vous plat bien surtout si elle vous plat bien , composez avec des lettres peu usites des mots de mme longueur que votre titre final mais nayant pas de signification (labsence de sens permet de juger plus objectivement). Montrez ces faux mots des cobayes en leur demandant de vous prciser ce que ces ensembles de caractres voquent pour eux; faites le mme exercice sur vous-mme en essayant danalyser le style qui se dgage de ces caractres. Loriginalit Une fois que vous aurez dcid quel style de lettrage utiliser, il faudra vous efforcer de faire acte de crativit ou, au moins, doriginalit. En effet, mme si vous optez pour des caractres de style classique, rien ne vous oblige utiliser la police la plus usite au contraire, car rappelez-vous quil sagit de crer la carte de visite de votre uvre. Si vous ne savez pas dessiner ou si vous ne voulez pas courir trop de risques, vous utiliserez des caractres dessins par des professionnels. A lheure actuelle, les deux mthodes les plus courantes sont le recours aux lettres transfert ou lordinateur. Contrairement une croyance assez rpandue, lordinateur nest pas une bonne source de caractres originaux: en effet, la plupart des programmes standard ne comportent gure plus dune dizaine de types de polices et ne permettent pas den crer facilement. Vu le cot des polices de bonne qualit (et la ncessit de disposer de matriels plutt performants et de quelques connaissances pour bien les exploiter), comme on la mentionn au chapitre sur la vectorisation, lordinateur est en fait plus souvent une solution de facilit pour composer rapidement des titres... mais dune banalit et dune pauvret typographique affligeantes. Utilisez ces machines pour ce quelles sont capables de bien faire, savoir composer les lments secondaires du gnrique qui, comme on la dj dit, nont pas besoin du mme degr de crativit ou doriginalit que le titre. En revanche, une source extraordinaire de caractres de tous styles sont les lettres transfert (deux des producteurs principaux tant Letraset)'!'!PF{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if setmatrix}bd/s{@cp S}bd/B{@gs F @gr S} bd/b{@cp B}bd/E{5 array astore exch cvlit xd}bd/@cc{currentfile $dat readhexstring pop}bd/@sm{/$ctm $ctm currentmatrix def}bd/@E{/Bbury xd/Bburx xd /Bblly xd/Bbllx xd}bd/@c{@cp}bd/@p{/$fil 1 def 1 eq dup/$vectpat xd{/$pfrg true def}{@gs $t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc_5/$pfrg xd @gr}ifelse/$pm xd/$psy xd/$psx xd /$pyf xd/$pxf xd/$pn xd}bd/@P{/$fil 3 def/$Psn xd array astore/$Prm xd}bd/@k{ /$fil 2 def/$roy xd/$rox xd/$pad xd/$fty xd/$fan xd $fty 1 eq{/$fan 0 def}if /$frb xd/$fst xd/$fsc xd/$fsa xd/$fsit 0 def}bd/@x{/$fil 2 def/$roy xd/$rox xd /$pad xd/$fty xd/$fan xd $fty 1 eq{/$fan 0 def}if/$frb xd/$fst xd/$fsc xd/$fsa xd/$fsit 1 def}bd/@ii{concat 3 index 3 index m 3 index 1 index l 2 copy l 1 index 3 index l 3 index 3 index l clip 4 rp}bd/tcc{@cc}def/@i{@sm @gs @ii 6 index 1 ne{/$frg true def 2 rp}{1 eq{s1t s1c s1m s1y s1k s1n $O @scc_5/$frg xd }{/$frg false def}ifelse 1 eq{@gs $ctm setmatrix F @gr}if}ifelse @np/$ury xd /$urx xd/$lly xd/$llx xd/$bts xd/$hei xd/$wid xd/$dat $wid $bts mul 8 div ceiling cvi string def $bkg $frg or{$SDF{$SCF $SCA $SCP @ss}if $llx $lly Tl $urx $llx sub $ury $lly sub scale $bkg{$t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc_5 pop}if $wid $hei abs $bts 1 eq{$bkg}{$bts}ifelse[$wid 0 0 $hei neg 0 $hei 0 gt{$hei}{0}ifelse]/tcc load $bts 1 eq{imagemask}{image}ifelse $SDF{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if}{$hei abs{tcc pop}repeat}ifelse @gr $ctm setmatrix}bd/@M{@sv}bd/@N {/@cc{}def 1 eq{12 -1 roll neg 12 1 roll @I}{13 -1 roll neg 13 1 roll @i} ifelse @rs}bd/@I{@sm @gs @ii @np/$ury xd/$urx xd/$lly xd/$llx xd/$ncl xd/$bts xd/$hei xd/$wid xd/$dat $wid $bts mul $ncl mul 8 div ceiling cvi string def $ngx $llx $lly Tl $urx $llx sub $ury $lly sub scale $wid $hei abs $bts[$wid 0 0 $hei neg 0 $hei 0 gt{$hei}{0}ifelse]/@cc load false $ncl ColorImage $SDF{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if @gr $ctm setmatrix}bd/z{exch findfont exch scalefont setfont} bd/ZB{9 dict dup begin 4 1 roll/FontType 3 def/FontMatrix xd/FontBBox xd /Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255{Encoding exch/.notdef put}for/CharStrings 256 dict def CharStrings/.notdef{}put/Metrics 256 dict def Metrics/.notdef 3 -1 roll put/BuildChar{exch dup/$char exch/Encoding get 3 index get def dup /Metrics get $char get aload pop setcachedevice begin Encoding exch get CharStrings exch get end exec}def end definefont pop}bd/ZBAddChar{findfont begin dup 4 1 roll dup 6 1 roll Encoding 3 1 roll put CharStrings 3 1 roll put Metrics 3 1 roll put end}bd/Z{findfont dup maxlength 2 add dict exch dup{1 index/FID ne{3 index 3 1 roll put}{2 rp}ifelse}forall pop dup dup/Encoding get 256 array copy dup/$fe xd/Encoding exch put dup/Fontname 3 index put 3 -1 roll dup length 0 ne{0 exch{dup type 0 type eq{exch pop}{$fe exch 2 index exch put 1 add}ifelse}forall pop}if dup 256 dict dup/$met xd/Metrics exch put dup /FontMatrix get 0 get 1000 mul 1 exch div 3 index length 256 eq{0 1 255{dup $fe exch get dup/.notdef eq{2 rp}{5 index 3 -1 roll get 2 index mul $met 3 1 roll put}ifelse}for}if pop definefont pop pop}bd/@ftx{{currentpoint 3 -1 roll(0)dup 3 -1 roll 0 exch put dup @gs true charpath $ctm setmatrix @@txt @gr @np stringwidth pop 3 -1 roll add exch moveto}forall}bd/@ft{matrix currentmatrix exch $sdf{$scf $sca $scp @ss}if $fil 1 eq{/@@txt/@pf ld @ftx}{$fil 2 eq{/@@txt /@ff ld @ftx}{$fil 3 eq{/@@txt/@Pf ld @ftx}{$t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc_5{show} {pop}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse $sdf{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if setmatrix}bd/@st{ matrix currentmatrix exch $SDF{$SCF $SCA $SCP @ss}if $T $C $M $Y $K $N $O @scc_5{{currentpoint@6 6 3 -1 roll(0)dup 3 -1 roll 0 exch put dup @gs true charpath $ctm setmatrix $ptm concat stroke @gr @np stringwidth pop 3 -1 roll add exch moveto}forall}{pop}ifelse $SDF{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if setmatrix}bd/@te{@ft}bd /@tr{@st}bd/@ta{dup @gs @ft @gr @st}bd/@t@a{dup @gs @st @gr @ft}bd/@tm{@sm concat}bd/e{/t{@te}def}bd/r{/t{@tr}def}bd/o{/t{pop}def}bd/a{/t{@ta}def}bd/@a{ /t{@t@a}def}bd/t{@te}def/T{@np $ctm setmatrix/$ttm matrix def}bd/ddt{t}def/@t{ /$stm $stm currentmatrix def 3 1 roll moveto $ttm concat ddtn0+ԋn0+> rTT-5`" Antigoni" ProseAntique" rArabia" rArchitecture"  MGI Archon"Ύ6 6 '6 nw'0+Ӡ,2Rj- Tԋn0+ Ԓn0+ԋn0+A TT-5nw'0+r$6 !K,&R8:Tԋn0+B TT-5-5 $stm setmatrix}bd /@n{/$ttm exch matrix rotate def}bd/@s{}bd/@l{}bd/@B{@gs S @gr F}bd/@b{@cp @B} bd/@sep{CurrentInkName_5(Composite)eq{/$ink_5 -1 def}{CurrentInkName_5(Cyan)eq {/$ink_5 0 def}{CurrentInkName_5(Magenta)eq{/$ink_5 1 def}{CurrentInkName_5 (Yellow)eq{/$ink_5 2 def}{CurrentInkName_5(Black)eq{/$ink_5 3 def}{/$ink_5 4 def}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}bd/@whi{@gs -72000 dup moveto -72000 72000 lineto 72000 dup lineto 72000 -72000 lineto @cp 1 SetGry fill @gr}bd /@neg{[{1 exch sub}/exec cvx currenttransfer/exec cvx]cvx settransfer @whi}bd /currentscale{1 0 dtransform matrix defaultmatrix idtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt 0 1 dtransform matrix defaultmatrix idtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt}bd/@unscale{currentscale 1 exch div exch 1 exch div exch scale}bd /@sqr{dup 0 rlineto dup 0 exch rlineto neg 0 rlineto @cp}bd/corelsym{@gs @np Tl -90 rotate 7{45 rotate -.75 2 moveto 1.5 @sqr fill}repeat @gr}bd/@reg_cor{@gs @np Tl -6 -6 moveto 12 @sqr @gs 1 GetGry sub SetGry fill @ @      ! !  (@ 2 $ @& ' @ @ 2  6 6   8 ) ) @* 9 : @: : : @; < @< <    3      =          ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + t- . / 0 1 2 4 7 5 6 8 9 : < c > ? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~   @<@L 7$9$R)8tab@bZHbx*x x@@M@ (,*" rGoudyHandtooled BTRGoudy Old Style GoudyOlSt BT Goudy Stout  Gourmand"GradltV$@Wt|| L$9M$  @   @   @      ! !  (@ 2 $ @& ' @ @ 2  6 6   8 ) ) @* 9 : @: : : @; < @< < < @= = > > 0? @? ? @@ A @A A A B @C D @D D D E E @F F F G @G G H H I @I I J J K @K K K @L M @M M M N N @O O O P @P P Q Q R @R R S @    @T V @V V V @V V V W W     X fff0ffffff9fff8000000007ffffffffffffffffffff1ffc0000000003fc7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff fff< @= = > > 0? @? ? @@ A @A A A B @C D @D D D E E @F F F G @G G H H I @I I fffffffcfff1ffffff3fff000000000ffffffffffffffffffffe3ff80000000007f8fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffcffe3fffffe3ffe000000001ffffffffffffffffffffc7ff8000000000ff1fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffcffc7fffffc7ffc000000001ffffffffffffffffffff8fff0000000001fe3fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffcff87fffffcfff8000000003ffffffffffffffffffff1ffe0000000003fe7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffcff0ffffff9fff0000000007fffffffffffffffffffe1ffc0000000003f8ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffcff0ffffff1fff000000000ffffffffffffffffffffc3ff80000000007f9ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffcfe0fffffe3ffe000000001ffffffffffffffffffffc7ff0000000000ff3ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffcfc00000007ffc000000001ffffffffffffffffffff8ffe0000000001fe7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffcf86000000fff8000000003ffffffffffffffffffff1ffe0000000003fcfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffcf8f8ffffffff00000000000001fffffffffffffffe3ffc0000000007f9fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffcf1f87ffffffe000000000ffff1ffffffffe003fffc7ff8000000000ff3fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffce1fe3ffffffc000000001ffff3ffffffBGriffonShadow" rGriffonHarlow Solid ItalicR HarringtonR Harpoon" rHeidelberg" rHolidays MTHollow" rHomewardBound" rHourPhoto J J K @K K K @L M @M M M N N @O O O P @P P Q Q R @R R S @    @T V @V V VHigh Tower Text Humanst521 BT"  IceAgeDRChelthmITC Bk BT Imprint MT ShadowRIndiana" rIndianaSolid" rInformal RomanB Blackadder ITCR Edwardian Script ITCB Kristen ITCBJokermanR  Juice ITCR Jupiter" rKastler" rKaufmann Bd BTBKaufmann BTBKeystrokes MTKeypunch" rKeystroke" rKidTYPEPaintKino MTR Koala" rKorinna BTKorinthia" rKunstler ScriptB Wide Latin Lucida BlackletterLucida Bright Lucida CalligraphyBLetter Gothic MT2   Letter Gothic1   Lucida Fax Lucida HandwritingBLinobatsLinus" rLiquidCrystal" rLithographLithographLightR Lucida Sans"  LTCmc SevenMandarinDR MarkerFinePoint-PlainMarkerFeltThin-PlainMarkerFeltWide-PlainMagnetoR Maiandra GD"MarigoldBMatisse ITCR Matura MT Script CapitalsBMead BoldMemorandum" rMerlin" rMercurius Script MT BoldMetro Nouveau" ,376 mm pour le point Didot, 0,398 mm pour le point mtrique, 0,351 mm pour le point pica dans les pays anglo-saxons, afin de simplifier le tout!). Le dessin du caractre reprsent par les lments en relief est appel lil (au pluriel: des ils). Pour un mme corps, les signes paraissent visuellement dautant plus gros que les ascendants des lettres b, h, k, l, et les descendants des lettres g, p, q, sont courts par rapport GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMd  GMMd "x GMMdl"n GMMd@"n GMMdx"n GMMdW"n GMMd"n GMMd1"n GMMd\"n GMMdJ"n GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMd  GMMd "x GMMdn GMMdB"n GMMdF"n GMMd"n GMMdn GMMd4n GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMd#"n GMMd GMMdc"n GMMdl"n GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMd*"n GMMd"n GMMd "n GMMd"n GMMdP"n GMMd>"n GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMd GMMd GMMdZ"n GMMd"n GMMd8"n GMMd>"n GMMdU"n GMMd "n GMMd"n GMMd GMMd GMMd "n GMMd "n GMMd"n GMMd  GMMd GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMdi"n GMMdE"n GMMd"n GMMd "n GMMdT"n GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMd GMMd""n GMMd "n GMMdm"n GMMdV"n GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMdZ"n GMMd}"n GMMdD"n GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMds"n GMMd  GMMd GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMd GMMd GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMdY"n GMMd"n GMMd="n GMMd"n GMMd"d GMMd GMMd GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMd "n GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMd"n GMMd "n GMMds"n GMMdCentury GothicArial Alternative2  Arial Rounded MT Bold"AucoinExtBol" AucoinLight" AvantGarde Md BT"  AvantGarde Bk BT"  GaramondHaettenschweiler"  Monotype CorsivaBMS OutlookWingdings 2Wingdings 3Microsoft Sans Serif" Abadi MT Condensed Extra Bold" Abadi MT Condensed Light" Adelaide" rAdolescenceAgency FBAlbertus Medium"Albertus Extra Bold"AlgerianR Allegro BTR  Al"  BahamasLight" rBallroomTango" rBanff" rBangkok" rBanjoman Open Bold" manac MTAlto" rAmherst" rAmerType Md BT Amy" rAntigoniBdBard" rBaskerville Old FaceBedini"Bedrock" rBeebopBeehive" Antigoni Light" Antigoni Med" Antigoni" ProseAntique" rArabia" r&+  '#  )#  %#  "+  "#  '+  &#  C[< '# !# (# %# '+ (+ $# $+ '; ); '+ S (# %# )+ ## '# '+ #@ %+ )# &# *3 Architecture"  MGI Archon"Arial Alternative2  Arial Rounded MT Bold"AucoinExtBol" AucoinLight)# ,3 '3 Sk @BU #3 )3 +3 # # *;  (3  .3  -3  )3  );  S C *#  '#  .#  +3  '3  )#  /3  ,3  $3  *;  ,;  %S  A  C *3  (+  )#  )#  -#  # ,+ ,; (3 0+ *# *# &# )+ +# C A4 C (3 )+ %+ (; )# )3 &3 &; (# /3 #; *; *+ ++ -; *# )+ )3 )# -# +3 .# -; .# -3 C *+ '3 .# .# .3 (3 ,3 So Qe C C? (; '; $# ,+ )# (3 (; &+ &3 (SY A7 C "; .+ (# ,3 +# (+ -; )# )3 '; *3 S" $# '3 &; *+ (# '3 +3 ++ ,+ ); ); &3 ++ )# SI QH C +3 &; -; '3 &; (# ## (; -; ,# )# )3 )+ C, QS C &+ ,3 *; ,# # '+  )+  ,3  S> Q C ";  )+  *;  (3  )#  ,#  &#  *+  +#  -3  *+  C A C &;  ';  '#  C c (3  S c '#  ##  S Q7 C #3  );  &+  ++  S^ Q  C R@  )#  %;  '3  *3  C ';  (;  %+  SI  )3  '#  (+  S -#  ,;  '#  );  '#  CZ &3  (#  #d )# (3 *# C *; .3 *3 )# -# (+ 'S $C cC 3 Cb cC 3 CY &# *3 $# C  $3 ); (3 *3 '# '3 C: (; *; ,; ++ C '3 &# %# '3 C( C Avant de rencontrer un collgue diaporamiste disposant dun matriel perfectionn pour faire des compositions sur ordinateur, javais recours aux services dun petit imprimeur local qui me demandait une vingtaine de francs pour composer un titre. Vu la qualit professionnelle de la ralisation, le nombre de polices de caractres dont dispose un imprimeur et le travail pargn, je considre que cest une alternative rentable aux lettres transfert que lon pourrait conseiller aux lecteurs de Vision. Dautre part, voici une rgle empirique pour dterminer si un titre sera bien lisible sur lcran: il faut quon puisse le lire directement sur la diapositive une distance dune trentaine de centimtres. R. Zarate (57) A propos des lettres transfert, dont je suis assez gros consommateur, je voudrais vous donner un truc utile et, surtout, plutt conomique. Les planches de lettres reviennent la longue assez cher, surtout si lon utilise des caractres de grande taille et diffrents pour chaque montage. En outre, on dcouvre que certaines lettres spuisent plus vite que dautres (les e, par exemple) et on se trouve oblig dacheter une nouvelle planche pour quelques lettres manquantes seulement. Je me suis donc procur le gros catalogue de () pour une somme drisoire car ctait celui de lanne prcdente. Tout lalphabet y tant reproduit pour chaque type de caractres, je fais des photocopies des pages qui mintressent et je procde par dcoupage et collage des lettres. Aprs reproduction sur film lith, les dcoupages ne se voient pas. NDLR: Astucieux, astucieux mais heureusement que nous ne donnons pas le nom de ce lecteur car cette pratique, pour conomique quelle semble, pourrait lui coter beaucoup plus cher que lconomie ralise. En effet, cest tout fait illgal plus dun titre (cest le cas de le dire !) et nous ne pouvons que dconseiller nos lecteurs de se lancer dans cette aventure. Evitez les titres ronflants qui semblent annoncer loeuvre magistrale () Un titre court passe gnralement trs bien () Un texte se lit bien sil a cinq mots maximum, vitez les textes trop longs et trop serrs () Le temps de lecture doit tre suffisant, soit environ une fois et demie celui que vous mettez le lire vous-mme () Si vous avez t aid ou avez travaill en quipe pour la ralisation de votre montage, il est obligatoire de citer vos camarades. R. Bouyrie (37) La lettre majuscule est relativement anguleuse alors que la minuscule prsente plus de rondeurs. Le choix entre les deux formes est probablement une consquence des habitudes de lecture et des prfrences esthtiques. La minuscule traduit le texte, la parole, dynamique. La majuscule convient mieux lcriture statique; elle traduit linstitutionnel, le prestige, le solennel, le majestueux. La silhouette globale des capitales nest quun banal rectangle () Le caractre standard est au graphisme original ce que le prt--porter est la haute couture. (C. Delorme) Moi qui ai appris de graphistes de la vieille cole, je frmis lide de mlanger deux fontes sur une mme diapo-titre, comme vous le proposez plusieurs fois, sauf si lune est vraiment originale et signifiante (par contre, mlanger un Times et un Helvetica, beurk). Puisque vous parlez des lettres bas de casse, autant en donner une dfinition, ainsi que de la casse; je vous propose celles du Grand Robert: casse bote sans couvercle contenant les caractres dimprimerie ncessaires au compositeur; haut de casse partie suprieure de la casse divise en petites loges ou cassetins et qui contient les caractres les moins frquemment employs (capitales, lettres accentues, etc.); bas de casse dont les cassetins renferment les caractres courants. () Il faudrait prciser que la suggestion dutiliser des lettres peu usites est faite dans loptique dutilisation de lettres transfert parce que lon ne souhaite pas dgarnir la planche des lettres les plus utiles. En ce qui concerne les conseils pratiques, on peut gouacher au Tipp-Ex les morceaux de lettres indsirables et retoucher lencre de Chine les lettres fendilles; il est inutile deffacer les traits au crayon bleu; en revanche on effacera soigneusement ceux au crayon noir. Jacques Muller (92) Je suis tout fait daccord avec le numro spcial que vous comptez consacrer la typographie. Mme pour de simples titres et sous-titres, car ils constituent en quelque sorte la carte de visite de lauteur, un diaporama doit tre le plus achev possible. Or limprim cest notre mmoire a coutume de dire J.P. Combebiac; donc quil soit parfait, autant que faire se peut. M. Bonnet (31) Se survivre ! De gnration en gnration, la lettre, quelle soit caractre ou dessin, est, en Occident, lagent essentiel de transmission du savoir, de la culture, de linformation. Dans tous les pays et dans tous les temps, lcriture vient sinscrire avec une remarquable persistance sur les matriaux les plus varis, bois et mtal, peau, os ou ivoire, corce darbre ou pierre, bambou ou terre cuite, cire et papyrus, soie ou papier. Et si J. Gensfleisch dit Gutenberg, assist de Peter Schffer et financ par Johann Fust, fut le premier fondeur de caractres mobiles et imprimeur europen en publiant la Bible qui porte son nom, il ne faut pas oublier que, quelques dcennies auparavant, les Chinois, aprs trois sicles de ttonnements et dessais, matrisrent les premiers ce procd. En effet, il est certain que la Chine a dcouvert et pratiqu limprimerie avec, pour source principale, la technique du sceau grav en creux ou en relief, les caractres tant toujours inverss. P. Roussel (75) D epuis que je dispose dun ordinateur, je suis enfin dbarrass, pour la confection de mes titres, de la sinistre corve consistant aligner, avec plus ou moins de bonheur, des lettres transfert noires sur une feuille blanche. Dans un prochain numro, pourriez-vous mindiquer quelle mulsion inversible utiliser et les procdures dexposition et de traitement respecter pour obtenir des lettres bien blanches et un fond bien noir car, actuellement, mes fonds ne sont pas rigoureusement opaques lors de la projection. J. Magnin (19) Comment raliser proprement des lettres colores de teintes varies sur fond noir, ce partir dune diapo-titre caractres transparents et fond noir ? Jai essay des feutres de couleurs de diffrentes marques, mais ne suis pas satisfait car, lcran, on voit les traits du feutre marqueur. J. Cormier (03) Pas trop de problmes avec mes titres. Mais un sujet me proccupe beaucoup, et je souhaiterais le voir prochainement trait dans vos colonnes : en ces temps de programmation / synchro informatique, par quel type de feuillet de dcoupage et de repres images/sons/synchro remplacer le classique livret de projection pour bien coller aux nouvelles possibilits des matriels proposs? Je possde un synchronisateur Electrosonic. C.M. Roy (06) Je voudrais raliser un titre en perspective 3D, du style Odysse de lespace. Comment dois-je my prendre pour: a) crer leffet de perspective incline filant sur linfini ? b) mettre ce titre en lettres de couleur jaune paille ou bleu ciel sur fond de vote cleste ? S. Longeais (44) Peut-on crer en monovision deux projecteurs une impression de dfilement de bas en haut de lcran des titres et sous-titres projets ? Si oui, comment puis-je y arriver ? J.L Bergon (42) Sil nen reste quun et sil reste encore de la place, rappel par C.T. Vidal de quelques bases connues mais toujours utiles avoir bien en tte lorsque lon veut composer des titres pour projection: 1) Le graphisme excuter doit sinscrire dans un cadre dont les marges seront au moins 1/10 des bords du document, diapositive ou cran. 2) Les caractres ne doivent pas avoir une hauteur infrieure 3% de la plus grande dimension du cadre photographier. 3) Respecter les inters : Interligne = 1 fois la hauteur du caractre; Intersigne (espace entre deux signes) = le tiers de la hauteur du caractre; Intermot (espace entre deux mots) = les 5/6 de la hauteur du caractre. 4) Si lon veut une bonne lisibilit pour les spectateurs les plus loigns de lcran, le caractre rendu lcran ne doit pas avoir une taille infrieure 200 fois la distance sparant lcran desdits spectateurs. Pour cela, on peut se baser, empiriquement, sur le fait quune diapositive dont les caractres graphiques peuvent tre lus, sans appareil optique, 30 cm de distance seront lisibles en projection sur cran, en respectant les quelques indications complmentaires qui suivent : 5) Eloignement des spectateurs : - minimum 2 fois la largeur de lcran (ou sa hauteur); - maximum 6 fois la largeur de lcran (ou 8 fois sa hauteur). Ainsi, pour un cran de 2,2m de base, les spectateurs devront en tre loigns au maximum de 13,25m; pour un cran de 3,50m de 21m; etc. 6) Pour que vos images soient bien vues, il faut quelles soient bien claires en projection. Aussi noubliez pas que la valeur minimale de lclairement doit tre de 200 lux en tous points de cet cran! Or, trop souvent, ce nest pas le cas. 7) Enfin, pour une composition attractive de vos titres, pensez aussi aux sensibilits chromatiques de lil, lharmonie des couleurs... et leurs contrastes. Je reste votre disposition pour tout claircissement supplmentaire... dans la limite de mes connaissances, videmment. Mais, Vision, je ne suis pas tout seul. Alors, OSEZ questionner ! !   dx GMMddx GMMddx GMMd-dx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMdNdx GMMddx GMMddo GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMd^dx GMMd dx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMdgdx GMMddx GMMddx GMMd dx GMMd1dx GMMd.dx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMd*dx GMMddx GMMd5dx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMd dx GMMddx GMMddx GMMd dx GMMd dx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMd)dx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMd1dx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMd dx GMMddx GMMddx GMMd dx GMMdpdx GMMdAdx GMMdadx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMd GMMd4dx GMMddx GMMd~dx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMd dx GMMdCdx GMMd'dx GMMd%dx GMMd7dx GMMd?dx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMddx GMMd3-(xKddd-(xKddd-(xKddd-(xKddd-(xKd@dd-(xKddd-(xKddd-U(xKddd-(xKd@dd-(xKddd-(xKddd-(xKd@ddg-(xKddd -(xKddd-(xKd@dd0-(xKddd5-(xKddd-(xKddd-(xKddd-(xKddd-(xKddd-(xKd@dd-(xKdddS-(xKddd-(xKddd-(xKd@dd0-(xKddd-(xKddd-(xKd@dd8-(xKddd-(xKddd-(xKd@dd-(xKddd-(xKddd-(xKd@dd{-(xKddd-(xKddd-(xKddd-(xKd@dd-(xKddd-(xKddd-(xKd@dd-(xKdddJ-(xKdddL-(xKddd'-(xKddd$-(xKddd-(xKddd7-(xKddd?-(xKddd-(xKddd3 v05c0I{L'$wE pp B@M C0u  Des uns et des autres GMMd  GMMd-(xKddd -(xKddd(E pp!3q&  ;q&  3q&  $;q&  !3q&  &;q&  %3q&  !3q&  3q&  #q&  ";q&  3q&  3q&  ;q&  #3q&  3q&  '3q&  3q&  3q&  +q&  %#q&  $3q&  "+q&  #q&  Cq Avant de diffuser ce document, nous en avons soumis des preuves quelques praticiens de laudiovisuel et des arts graphiques en les priant de nous faire part de leurs critiques, expriences et observations. En effet, on veut bien dire des btises, mais on ne veut pas quelles soient trop grosses ou que a se sache trop... do cette prcaution lmentaire. Nous vous faisons grce de leurs loges divers (quils en soient nanmoins remercis) pour vous faire part des commentaires quils ont eu lamabilit de nous communiquer. Nous esprons quil se trouvera des lecteurs qui voudront bien nous communiquer leurs expriences en rponse aux questions poses dans ce courrier. Nous les publierons bien sr dans un prochain numro pour que tout le monde en profite. nx GMMd( nx GMMdR nx GMMd(qq(xKddd((>c~C[cccC37,cR3ccI3ccJ;ccK3ccI#ccN3ccO;ccM3ccN3ccR3ccP3ccJ3ccN3cc-Sc@B9ccc?+7,cK3ccqq3122 qq+122qq3122 qq3122qq#122qq 3122qq3122qq#122N3cc>SZc@B98Et les autres... La recherche de loriginalit ne doit pas se faire au dtriment de la lisibilit ou du style personnel, on espre que vous laurez compris. Un autre lment ne pas ngliger, surtout en matire de montages audiovisuels destins tre souvent exports, est la comprhension par les autres. Les autres, cest--dire les trangers, ceux qui ne comprennent pas bien ou pas du tout notre langue ou encore ceux qui nont pas les mmes rfrences culturelles. Sils ne comprennent pas la langue, le style du titrage va leur donner des indications importantes sur les intentions de lauteur, tout comme la musique et autres lments non linguistiques. Sils comprennent la langue, mais avec des difficults, il ne faut pas que le titre et sa mise en page leur compliquent encore la tche. Voici une raison supplmentaire pour ne pas composer un titre long tout en majuscules: ces lettres ne sont pas accentues, alors quen franais les accents sont importants pour la comprhension des mots. Pensez donc un peu aux trangers! Des qui, justement, ne pensent pas aux autres que nous sommes notre tour, sont les fabricants des polices de caractres (pour ordinateurs, mais aussi pour lettres transfert): ils ont mis du temps comprendre que nous utilisions ces signes bizarres que sont les accents, mais beaucoup ne semblent pas encore savoir que la langue de Molire a des diphtongues qui se reprsentent par des lettres accoles. Ainsi, il nest pas toujours ais dcrire (comme dans il) au lieu de oe (oeil). Mme dans les petits caractres employs ici, la diffrence est bien visible; elle le sera donc beaucoup plus encore dans un gros titre, faites-y attention.  GMMd GMMdA ds GMMd ds GMMd ds GMMd ds GMMd ds GMMd-(xKddTd\-(xKddd9(xKddd  VV, C @B1     0 P @B1   (g ( 0 (} 0p 0q 0 05 0$  P @B1 0 0  @   P Figure 6 Dclinaison du mme mot dans un mme corps mais dans huit polices diffrentes. Les trois premires sont des polices classiques sans empattements. La quatrime, galement sans empattements, est du type cursif. Les quatre suivantes ont des empattements, lavant-dernire tant de style gothique. On notera galement les diffrences extrmement marques dans les empattements des quatre dernires polices. di GMMd Zi GMMd Zn GMMd -(xKd@ddW-(xKdddm-(xKdddU4D 7 CjD @B9g #+D D (S D Figure 10 Reproduction dune page du sommaire dun catalogue de lettres transfert dn GMMd dn GMMdK Zn GMMd -(xKdddK-9(xKdddU W @X X X %#  %+  &+  $#  $#  !+  (#  C C S[k $#  +3  &;  )#  #3  ,#  '#  $+  %#  %#  '#  $#  (+  '+  C &+  $+  ';  xPz4'zd`de sur le plan esthtique mais, trop fins, ils ne laisseront pas passer assez de lumire ou seront mangs aux mites si la reproduction na pas t faite parfaitement. En revanche, un titre relativement gras restera lisible m" AvantGarde Md BT"  AvantGarde Bk BT"  BahamasLight" rBallroomTango" rBanff" rgr 4{90 rotate 0 4 m 0 4 rl}repeat stroke 0 0 corelsym @gr}bd/@reg_std{@gs @np Tl .3 w 0 0 5 0 360 arc @cp @gs 1 GetGry sub SetGry fill @gr 4{90 rotate 0 0 m 0 8 rl}repeat stroke @gr}bd/@reg_inv{@gs @np Tl .3 w 0 0 5 0 360 arc @cp @gs 1 GetGry sub SetGry fill @gr 4{90 rotate 0 0 m 0 8 rl}repeat stroke 0 0 m 0 0 5 90 180 arc @cp 0 0 5 270 360 arc @cp GetGry fill @gr}bd/$corelmeter[1 .95 .75 .50 .25 .05 0]def /@colormeter{@gs @np 0 SetGry 0.3 w/Courier findfont 5 scalefont setfont/yy xd /xx xd 0 1 6{dup xx 20 sub yy m 20 @sqr @gs $corelmeter exch get dup SetGry fill @gr stroke xx 18 sub yy 2 add m exch dup 3 ge{1 SetGry}{0 SetGry}ifelse 3 eq{pop}{100 mul 100 exch sub cvi 20 string cvs show}ifelse/yy yy 20 add def} for @gr}bd/@calbar{@gs Tl @gs @np 0 0 m @gs 20 @sqr 1 1 0 0 0 _ 0 @scc_5 pop fill @gr 20 0 Tl 0 0 m @gs 20 @sqr 1 1 0 1 0 _ 0 @scc_5 pop fill 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ExtraBold"Baskerville BE RegularBeffleRBellevueBellGothic"BellGothic Black Bosanova" rBradley Hand ITCBBraggadocioR  BravoEngraved" rBravo" rBremen Bd BTR Briquet" rBrisk" rBritannic Bold" Berlin Sans FB"Berlin Sans FB Demi"Brochure" rBrush Script MTBBunchl" Busker" rCircleDRCamelliaDR  Californian FB CaligulaCalisto MT CambericCampaign"BenguiatBenguiat MediumBiffo MT"BirchBlackoak" rCancun" rCarinoant dans divers caractres gnralement sans empattements. Comme toute rgle, celle-ci souffre de multiples exceptions et nous pourrions nous montrer mutuellement plein de revues composes en caractres sans empattements en corps 8 ou 9 et plein daffiches comportant des caractres gants avec empattements. Certes, mais cette brave vieille rgle a sa raison dtre et si vous voulez la transgresser, faites-le au moins en connaissance de cause. En premire approximation, on pourrait dire que le titre dun montage pourrait tre en caractres sans empattements et que les autres lments du gnrique habituellement plus petits et ne vhiculant pas de message pourraient tre en caBodoni PosterCompressedBoton RegularBoulevard"CandiDCandiDOu1CandiDRo1CartaRColiseoColossalis BoldCracklingFireCrilleeElizabeth-ANNEngliSchBEnglishTowneEras Book"Eras Demi"Eras Light"Eras Medium"Eras Ultra"FloraItcTFloraItcTIn1FloraItcTRe1FrizQuadrataFrutuTGalliardGaramond BookCondensedGaramond LightCondensedGenoaItalicGenoaRomanGiddyup ThangsRGiovanni BlackGiovanni BookIglooLaserImago Extra Bold"ITC Officina Sans Book"ITC Officina Serif BookITCFenice LightITCFenice RegularITCFenice UltraKaufmann"Machine"MadroneMariaDMesquite !BahamasHeavy"   !Times New Roman!AvantGarde"!Helvetica-Narrow!Courier1! Arial Narrow"  !TimesBookmanZapfDingbatsRPalatinoNewCenturySchlbkZapfChanceryMarlettArial"  Arial CE"Arial CYR"Arial Greek"Arial TUR"Arial Baltic"Courier New1  Courier New CE1Courier New CYR1Courier New Greek1Courier New TUR1Courier New Baltic1Lucida Console1  Lucida Sans Unicode" Times New Roman CETimes New Roman CYRTimes New Roman GreekTimes New Roman TURTimes New Roman BalticVerdana"  Arial Black"  Comic Sans MSBImpact"  Georgia Franklin Gothic Medium"  Palatino Linotype Tahoma" Trebuchet MS"  Webdings Estrangelo EdessaBGautamiMinion OrnamentsRMyriad CnSemibold"Myriad Condensed"Myriad Roman"NauertRNuptialScriptOrator1Parisian"Pepita MT"PoplarPoppl-Laudatio Regular"Rockwell ExtraBoldRunic MT CnTektoMM"Tiepolo BlackTiepolo BookTrajanVAG Rounded Lt"VAG Rounded Th"Veljovic BlackVeljovic BookVeljovic MediumWiesbaden Swing DingbatsRWillowWoodtype Ornaments 1RMinion WebMistral AVBModern No. 20Monotype.com2  Motor" rMonotype SortsMusicalSymbols" rMystical" rNebraska" rNewsGoth BT"  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Comme nous le verrons plus loin, le choix de la graisse dpend du style que vous voudrez donner votre titre. wDu Corps Les mmes remarques valent peu de choses prs pour le corps (la taille des caractres), mais l nos observations personnelles nous ont fait apparatre moins de titres choquants quavec labus des fortes graisses car le bon sens reprend le dessus. Pensez tout de mme au fait quen format horizontal, un titre aux caractres plutt tirs en hauteur sera plus lgant et, surtout, plus facile lire quun titre qui ncessite un balayage complet de lcran avant dtre lu. En fait, la cl semble rsider l: un titre ne devrait pas avoir tre lu proprement parler; il devrait plutt tre reu, peru, compris, mmoris, en un seul coup dil. wDu Soulign Le soulign est la typographie ce que la Niagara EngravedRNiagara SolidRNewfoundland" rNews Gothic MT"  OCR A Extended2#3  (+  ##  *3  '#  %+  &+  #3  (#  (+  %#  %#  # #` #+ (+ %# )# (# $+ *3 (+ (+ %+ '# ## #+ C (+ (# '# (; #+ (# %# &# "+ (# )# $+ #3 *3 #+ )# '; (# #\ $# ## '+ )# !# $# *# C; C C[ "# %# (# #<<3 #M#K #K#I+H+F+E+D(+ (# *# &# $#  #( '#  .#  +#  %+  '#  S +  ##  !+  ,#  %#  &#  (+  "+  $#  !3  $;  (+  "#  %+   Old English Text MTB Antique Olive"  OnyxROrbus MultiserifOttawa" rOzHandicraft B @V V V W W     X (5qqqqdd=ԋ'(tTBParties MTPalace Script MT Semi BoldPalette" rPalladiusPalace Script MTB PapyrusBParagon" rParchmentBParadise" PeacePeig _ , T                   ! 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En gnral, plus un caractre est gras et plus il prend de la place en largeur, aussi seuls les titres courts supporteront-ils cette chasse importante. Pensez aussi que les dfauts ventuels (dfaut dimpression, effet descalier, poussires, trous microscopiques) seront dautant plus visibles que les caractres seront gras. Ne tombons toutefois pas dans lexcs inverse en utilisant des caractres trs maigres. Ils ont certes une certaine class @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@##Rockwell Rockwell Extra Bold Schindler Small Caps" Century Schoolbook Scott" rScribe" rScript MT BoldB Serifa BT Serifa Th BTShatterRrShelleyAllegro BTB      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Harley Davidson est la motocyclette. Pour tre plus clair (et en mme temps me faire moins dennemis chez les motards), disons que le soulign, cens mettre des lments en valeur, ne sert en fait qu entraver la lecture en surchargeant inutilement un texte qui pourrait tre mis en valeur par dautres moyens. 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Faites le mme exercice avec des documents dactylographis (surtout sils manent de lAdministration); combien de mots souligns? Pas loin du tiers? Vous avez gagn et avez tout compris! Le soulign nest pas un instrument de typographie digne de ce nom(*). Il nest+N/O/$= @X-f-1i1**>(w(%x%@z00.@@ #.$`$$`$$`$ ) @)@) )@$`$s$`@s$$`$$`@$ ]$`^$$`$@;$`;$$`$$`@$$`@$" $`# $$`$ $$`$ $$`% $$`% $$`& $d$`' $$`' $$`( $$`( $$`) $$`) $ @@^@6 t7 ^@8 t9  WD D @{ t F p  @    @ V W     1 2  2 t=  @> K K L $@L ta C@CDD @(7$9$R)8tab@bZHbx*x x@xM@ ,*tV$@Wt||$9$L$9M$  @   @   @      ! ! @ (@ 2  @: ; 1 1 2 5 6 6 7 7 8 @8 8 9 9 : @: : : @; < @< < < @= = > > 0? @? ? @@ A @A A A B @C D @D D D E E @F F F G @G G H H I @I I J J K @K K K @L M @M M M N N @O O O P @P P Q Q R @R R S S T @T T T @U V @V V V W 0?ǟ f?{?xO??}?|q}ߏ??|~?L~ߟ,? @?ѿϾ?;; ?>0?sa?wǏa8~I??I{yπ ?0<x?sa?G?xf?ᏀȜ ~???ϟN`x<?ό!xx>?@???3<??ȃ>x>???<??<|?<?ӟ??ۜ<<?<g y|w< y?|88=??~98?@y?>1?8???~8 g^??>0aa>3>??8?w~x???y??ρ??!???_#?? s??~?>?>??~?!??}>0?~?<4?>p9?>x1???#?Ϗ???O3g8G@8?8~8|>|<~H<2?=D9?!;9 Cx`?@= O!  ?=?0 Npy??sp?d?s???0忟sπ>ς?c߀g??'1'0>?g8p???gp~x0??x?<߃ ? <?{??8???|@ ?8s??q?y??8??#g???k7?ρ??99/}7 |yy?~I91<?y?c<O?<?G|?`????`p?`s?>@=|??=|??w9?0y?y?`y?p?s`~?8p?3sq9~??x~ wa?gs<~?>?>L`?gg|~??`4紜?G'~~??0|?`g??|?|~1'?|~?8?||3 ?Ǔ? 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Ou alors, il ne faut pas hsiter y aller fond, jouer la carte du graphiste crateur et user et abuser du gros, trs gros, trait qui viendra appuyer un mot... mais cest une autre histoire qui na plus rien voir avec le soulignement des familles qui nous encombre inutilement la vue. wDu Gothique Au chapitre de la lisibilit, la famille gotCrilleeElizabeth-ANNEngliSchBEnglishTowneEras Book"Eras Demihique est certainement celle qui est la moins recommandable, bien que ses caractres puissent avoir une certaine lgance. Si le propos de votre montage impose des caractres gothiques, choisissez ceux qui seront les plus comprhensibles (il y a gothique et gothique avec de nombreuses variantes). En tout tat de cause, ncrivez surtout jamais tout le titre en majuscules car ces caractres sont carrment illisibles pour des non-spcialistes. Un exemple pris au hasard: VISION, BULLETIN DE LAUDIOVISUEL FRANCOPHONE; facile lire, nest-ce pas?! Voyage dans lespace Un lment trs important et, bien entendu, souvent nglig est lespacement entre les lettres (lespacement entre les lignes sera trait au chapitre de la mise en page car il est dune autre nature). Linterlettrage concourt pour une large part la lisibilit du texte mais il joue aussi un rle majeur dans le style du titrage, dans son look comme on devrait dire si lon voulait faire moderne. Chaque paire de lettres doit donner limpression de tomber naturellement la bonne place. Or, cette bonne place ne rsulte bien entendu pas (ce serait trop simple!) dun espacement rgulier, quasiment mcanique; une cl est que les espaces libres lintrieur des lettres doivent tre relativement quilibrs par les espaces entre les lettres (gris clair et gris fonc sur la figure 8). Un autre lment prendre en compte est la forme mme des lettres. En effet, au stade de la conception initiale chaque lettre est dessine avec une certaine quantit de blanc sur ses cts, appele approche, qui est modifiable en fonction des lettres voisines. Regardons lexemple de la figure 9 o, pour faire simple, nous navons fait figurer que deux lettres. Chacune est reprsente avec son approche propre, mais on constate que, pour donner un rsultat harmonieux visuellement, les deux lettres doivent tre resserres (on parle de rectification de lapproche, ou crnage). La zone de chevauchement des approches est reprsente par la bande gris fonc. En revanche, si la premire lettre avait t un E, un H ou un M, par exemple, la valeur de lapproche initiale de cette lettre aurait certainement d tre respecte, voire augmente, pour que les deux lettres napparaissent pas trop serres. Cest pourquoi il est impossible de dcider que lon placera une lettre tous les x millimtres on peut toujours le faire mais on obtiendra un rsultat proche de celui que donnaient les machines crire mcaniques ou lectriques des premires gnrations. En rsum, lquilibre dun mot rsulte de la rpartition rgulire des noirs et des blancs; cette rpartition sestime optiquement et non mtriquement. Une fois ce principe de base connu et matris, on peut sen affranchir pour crer des effets spciaux en resserrant ou en largissant trop les lettres; attention toutefois ne pas rendre votre texte compltement illisible! Sachez enfin que lassemblage de lettres en minuscules donne gnralement une rpartition plus homogne des intervalles que celui des majuscules. Empattements ou pas Nous lavons dit au chapitre des dfinitions, on distingue fondamentalement les caractres avec et sans empattements. Mais cette distinction est encore trop grossire: nous dev  O !"#%&>'()*+8-/0123456789;W?@ABCDEFOKLMNPYQRSUVX Z[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~$# (+ )# *; '3 (# &3 &3 )3 %# &# C C S[ # $+ )3 "# (# !# *# &+ "# '# #+ "+ '# &+ (+ (+ ); $+ "Eras Light"Eras Medium"Eras Ultra"FloraItcTFloraItcTIn1FloraItcTRe1FrizQuadrataFrutuTGalliardGaramond BookCondensedGaramond LightCondensedGenoaItalicGenoaRomanGiddyup ThangsRGiovanni BlackGiovanni BookIglooLaserImago Extra Bold"ITC Officina Sans Book"ITC Officina Serif BookITCFenice LightITCFenice 48.75 252.58 148.75 251.78 C 148.75 251.57 148.82 251.35 148.90 251.28 C 149.18 251.21 149.18 251.42 149.18 251.35 C 149.90 250.56 149.69 249.34 150.05 248.54 C 150.19 248.33 150.26 248.18 150.41 248.33 C 150.55 248.33 150.55 248.62 150.41 248.62 C 150.41 248.62 150.41 248.69 150.34 248.76 C 150.55 248.62 150.62 248.33 150.77 248.11 C 150.91 247.32 151.20 246.60 151.99 246.31 C 152.42 246.10 152.78 245.66 152.93 245.23 C 152.86 244.51 151.92 244.37 151.99 243.65 C 152.14 243.58 152.35 243.65 152.35 243.65 C 152.42 244.08 153.00 244.30 153.14 244.80 C 153.43 245.09 153.94 245.30 154.15 245.81 C 154.37 246.10 154.44 246.17 154.58 246.38 C 154.73 246.60 154.94 246.60 155.16 246.82 C 155.38 247.10 155.66 247.39 156.02 247.54 C 156.02 247.39 155.95 247.32 156.10 247.32 C 156.17 247.10 156.46 247.10 156.46 247.32 C 156.74 247.82 157.18 248.11 157.39 248.83 C 158.33 249.84 159.91 249.05 161.14 249.48 C 162.29 249.34 163.08 249.98 164.16 249.84 C 164.52 249.77 164.74 249.34 165.17 249.19 C 165.24 249.05 165.38 248.62 165.67 248.62 C 165.89 248.83 165.60 248.98 165.67 249.12 C 165.89 249.70 165.67 250.34 166.18 250.70 C 166.32 250.78 166.18 250.85 166.39 250.85 C 166.68 250.56 166.90 250.13 166.97 249.70 C 166.97 249.12 167.18 248.62 167.40 248.18 C 167.76 247.68 167.69 246.82 168.26 246.60 C 168.77 246.02 169.34 245.45 169.63 244.58 C 169.92 243.50 169.56 242.21 169.27 241.34 C 168.91 239.90 169.63 238.46 169.56 237.10 C 169.20 235.94 169.63 235.15 169.49 234.14 C 169.27 233.28 169.06 232.34 168.77 231.55 C 168.77 231.34 168.62 231.26 168.70 231.12 C 168.91 230.90 169.06 231.12 169.20 230.90 C 169.20 230.83 169.27 230.76 169.42 230.62 C 169.42 230.76 169.20 230.62 169.27 230.62 C 169.99 229.18 168.77 227.81 169.34 226.44 C 169.20 225.86 169.27 225.29 168.91 224.86 C 168.34 224.50 168.34 223.56 167.90 223.13 C 167.76 222.84 167.62 222.84 167.40 222.55 C 167.18 222.41 166.97 222.34 166.82 222.12 C 166.75 222.34 167.18 222.41 166.97 222.77 C 166.90 222.84 166.68 222.84 166.68 222.84 C 166.32 222.34 165.89 221.76 165.31 221.33 C 164.45 221.18 163.94 220.61 163.37 219.89 C 163.15 219.67 162.94 219.60 162.86 219.31 C 162.36 218.45 161.14 218.81 160.56 218.30 C 160.27 218.16 160.06 217.80 159.77 217.87 C 159.62 218.09 159.19 218.09 158.90 218.02 C 158.54 217.73 158.11 217.73 157.90 217.94 C 157.25 218.23 157.25 218.88 156.60 218.88 C 156.10 219.10 155.66 218.81 155.30 219.10 C 155.16 219.46 154.73 219.46 154.51 219.60 C 154.44 219.74 154.51 219.82 154.44 219.89 C 154.15 220.03 153.94 219.89 153.72 219.82 C 152.57 221.18 153.43 223.56 152.35 224.78 C 152.14 225.14 152.35 225.36 152.14 225.79 C 152.14 226.51 151.70 226.87 151.63 227.59 C 151.78 228.38 151.63 229.32 151.70 230.11 C 151.42 231.55 150.77 232.70 150.26 233.78 C 150.12 234.65 149.90 235.58 150.12 236.16 C 149.90 236.74 149.90 237.38 149.98 237.89 C 150.12 237.96 150.26 237.89 150.41 238.03 C 150.41 238.32 150.05 238.10 149.98 238.32 C 149.90 238.82 150.05 239.54 149.62 239.76 C 149.40 239.90 149.33 239.90 149.18 240.12 C 148.90 240.55 148.90 240.98 148.97 241.56 C 148.97 241.78 148.82 241.99 148.68 241.99 C 148.39 241.99 148.18 242.42 147.96 242.57 C 147.60 243.07 148.10 243.72 147.53 244.15 C 147.24 244.80 147.67 245.38 147.31 245.74 C 147.17 245.88 146.95 245.74 146.95 245.88 C 146.95 246.74 146.59 247.54 147.02 248.18 C 146.59 249.19 147.10 250.27 146.88 251.28 C 146.74 251.86 146.59 252.36 146.74 252.94 C 146.88 253.37 146.74 253.66 146.59 254.09 C 145.58 255.17 146.38 257.26 145.30 258.34 C 145.30 258.48 145.30 258.70 145.37 258.77 C 145.80 258.55 146.09 258.98 146.45 258.98 C 147.10 259.34 147.17 260.14 147.96 260.28 C 148.46 260.71 149.18 260.86 149.62 261.22 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 157.61 260.93 158.47 261.14 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 157.90 261.14 m 158.11 261.14 158.40 261.14 158.47 261.00 C 158.18 261.07 157.90 261.00 157.61 260.93 C 157.61 261.07 157.75 261.07 157.90 261.14 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 153.36 260.06 155.95 261.07 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.rions aussi distinguer les empattements droits, les empattements carrs et les empattements triangulaires. Dailleurs, si vous regardez attentivement la figure 6 vous constaterez que, comme par hasard, ces trois types dempattements sont reprsents! Pour ne pas aggraver votre mal de tte, on ne vous dira pas que cela se combine aussi allgrement avec la prsence ou non de pleins et de dlis... Nempche ma brave dame que tout a, a doit ben y servir ququechose. Exact. La fonction de ces petites excroissances aux extrmits des lettres nest pas purement esthtique ni destine embter les lves de lcole Estienne, mais elle consiste faciliter la lecture en finissant chaque lettre et en liant visuellement les lettres les unes aux autres. Un usage assez classique en typographie est dutiliser les caractres avec empattements dans les corps faibles et normaux (jusqu 12 points environ), les carac23 %+ # %# $# '+ )# *# ); +# )# &# %+ &# ++ '# &# ,# &# %3 (# $+ '; (; ,# &# $# $# '# &+ CS C C[ d< "# '# 7xK,7K,d 7 e## "# '+ *# %# '# (3 "+ $+ '+ #+ &# $+ #+ &+ $# )# ## '# *# &# &# &+ $# (+ # '+  )+  &#  &+  );  &#  RegularITCFenice UltraKaufmann"Machine"MadroneMariaDMesquiteMinion OrnamentsRMyriad CnSemibold"Myriad Condensed"Myriad Roman"O~~?~~??_|~?}????<~????<~?~|??㏁<~?<<? ?Ǜ>>?=?~~?sǃ>?sx?qLJ`>?!?8<'p?>=sL?>~C=<C?????;??aga; ?w>w {8?3̀>888{?{ǿ|<8x{7;~?ϱpqxF?9??!nHcw?܏ 0/G>Dp ??p?yO8p?y???7x?~??dn% [Ddy0+$ \jdn0+ ,Td 7g,^qqq7k0d "*y{qqZfZfHIn/0+xT 0 |X4!\#8%'(*,.`0<24579;d=@?ABDFHhJDL NOQSUlWHY$[]^`bpdLf(hjkmotqPs,uw*#  $#  #;  #+  )#  *+  C $#  %#  *+  *3  &#  -#  !#  %#  '#  (#  '#  #0  *#  &+  %#  (#  *#  &+  '+  &+  (C  '#  '#  (#  %#  "+  (#  $+  *#  (#  ##  )#  # #d )# $# (# (# (; "; %# )# (; $+ %; '3 (# &# $+ $# (# &+ (# '+ )+ (# '+ )# ); !# )# %# $+ !S Q= CH CT C@ "# %# "# &+ '# '# &# #C !# %# '+ #V $+  %+  #  $#  $#  )#  $#  &+  %#  $+  "#  $+  &#  $#  # %+ &# !# &# ); '# %Cl %+ $# (# %; # "# $C %#  %+  &+  $#  $#  !+  (#  C C S[k $#  +3  &;  )#  #3  ,#  '#  $+  %#  %#  '#  $#  (+  '+  C &+  $+  ';  #3  (+  ##  *3  '#  %+  &+  #3  (#  (+  %#  %#  # #` #+ (+ d7:K,N7:K,:d nS0+qqqqaaJK  $#  $#  )#  $#  &+  %#  $+  "#  $+  # &# $# %+ &# !# &# ); '# %Cl %+ $# (# %; # "# $C C34TT-5nw'0+RK,T:8ԋn0+LԒn0+ԋn0+ Mur un fond dense. Enfin, les caractres de diaporama, originaux et trs graphiques, ne conviennent que pour un titre court. 2. Tous les caractres sont du mme type, trs courant, et le titre est centr. Loriginalit provient de lutilisation de deux trs grandes lettres, effet accentu par lemploi de minuscules pour les lettres intermdiaires. Ces deux grosses lettres correspondent aux initiales de lauteur. Le nom de lauteur a t plac dans le pav noir pour conomise%# )# (# $+ *3 (+ (+ %+ '# ## #+ C (+ (# '# (; #+ (# %# &# "+ (# )# $+ #3 *3 #+ )# '; (# #\ $# )+@ @8@@@@@R@W@X@ d@i su@w@z@ @@@@@@@:@:@Q@:@:@:@:@:@:t@:@:@:@#@:]^& * 1 6 @; @< > B E @ @Q @@y @z @@{ @ @@> @K @4@OdJ,8dK  @ f(3a  %3  *3  +3  #;  (3  (3  );  )3  '3  (;  Sp @B C ,#  C (*)Aprs avoir crit cette phrase, je dois avouer que je me suis demand si je ny tais pas all un peu fort ct affirmations premptoires bases sur de vagues souvenirs denseignements et de lectures. Je me suis donc plong (avec dlices) dans le Code typographique en usage limprimerie nationale (3e dition, 1990) et ny ai trouv aucune rfrence au soulignement comme usage typographique. Cela dit, comme pour le reste, vous ferez bien ce que vous voudrez...Zi GMMdZi GMMdMZi GMMdZi GMMdZi GMMdZi GMMdZi GMMd-(xKd@dRdH-(xKd@dRd. C . Spcial Typographie GMMd-(xKddd & R]&J. Gutenberg dx GMMd -(xKddd B x x D<}  D<}  Sur les routeSHL MMd L GMMdHL FMd-(xKddd## '+ )# !# $# *# C; C C[ "# %# +<<# #M+K3K #I#H+F#E#D)# ++ &+ *+ "#  #( $#  '#  .#  +#  %+  xz|x~T0 ć|X4Ȕ\8̡`<Юd@ԻhD e,,2+17=Cm>OUm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d )# )# $# (# (# (; "; %# @" * 2 ,)# (; $+ %; '3 (# &# $+ $# (# &+ (# '+ )+ (# '+ )# ); !# )# %# $+ !S AH Q= CT C@ "# %# "# &+ '# r de la place; sans le nom, leffet graphique serait un peu plus fort (on notera que les dimensions de ce pav correspondent exactement celles de regards sur le). 3. Ici, il est clair que les caractres, avec pleins et dlis, ont t choisis pour leur vocation des routes, effet renforc par les deux grands S sinueux. Le nom de lauteur, bien que dans un caractre diffrent, reste dans un style voisin et assez lisible. Le titre gagnerait ce quil ny ait pas de nom dauteur car celui-ci casse un peu leffet graphique. 4. Un graphisme, tir dune marque de parfum, dont lharmonie est particulirement sduisante. Ne peut convenir qu un titre court, notamment en raison des jambages qui empchent la composition sur deux lignes. Judicieuse mise en page en oblique qui ajoute un peu de dynamique. 5. Un exemple de lettres stylises du plus bel effet mais dont la lecture et la comprhension risquent dtre difficiles pour des trangers. On remarquera lquilibre parfait du mot thtre, alors quil y a trois lettres gauche contre deux droite, grce une exagration du jambage droit du A. Ce titre, ralis par M. Delorme, voque particulirement bien la scne, le chapiteau, les gradins, les trteaux, bref, les lments du thtre. 6. Un condens de ce que nous voyons un peu trop souvent sur les crans. Caractres sans personnalit, abus des majuscules, mise en page dficiente (ou plutt absence de mise en page); rien ne ressort car tout est mcanique. Cest promis, on nen verra plus des comme a ? 7. Des caractres un peu originaux tout en restant trs lisibles; symbole du disque solaire ( remplacer par un vrai). Cette mise en page est prvue pour une superposition avec un paysage dans le tiers infrieur; sans paysage, le titre devrait tre un peu dcal vers le bas. A noter que le nom de lauteur contrebalance le poids de la partie gauche. Dans rouges, les caractres ne gagnent pas tre mis en italiques car cette recherche doriginalit risque de faire perdre de la lisibilit (dformation du U en V). 8. Opposition des styles de caractres: ceux de Far West qui voquent bien le vieil Ouest amricain et les autres, plus modernes, et opposition de lalignement gauche-droite pour voquer le sujet. La disposition verticale de le devant Far West nuit en revanche la lisibilit de la premire ligne; cette tentative doriginalit ne convient pas ces caractres ni ce quils voquent. * @/O/$B  -f-1i1**>((%x%@z00.@a$.$`$$`$$`$) @)@) )@$`$s$`@s$$`$$`@$ ]$`^$$`$@;$`;$ @$$`$$`@$$`@$" $`# $$`$ $$`$ $$`% $$`% $$`& $d$`' $$`' $$`( $$`( $$`) $$`) $ ^@6 t7 ^@8 t9  #D D @{ t F p @@    @ V W     1 2  2 t=  K ?s>#? =}=_=?w|=5*""9ϼ??EEEUUEEDDDD4}=fA=}?9n??0=}=^}=?|=7W⪪"" ᅵ>gDDDDDDDDDD@@L\Q<=Q=w@K L $@L ta C@CDD Y7$9$R)8tab@bZHbx*x x@@_t@!'@|@@@@ @@"@ ,@57@8ST@X@h@k@m@@prtw@@@ @@@ ;@[@@z{@@@@/@0@7CW@@v@@@@@@@3@I@ﯾ￿L4d4(d>>>>@Z>>> >@U > > >!>@P!>!>!> ">@K">">.fPC ..EPSFcript E _qqqqld},mqqqqdd &T,D[j\R)8ta.fPC ..EPSFDRAW!zt5%,o78 CorelDRAW 7(%%CreationDate: Sun Jan 31 11:29:38 1999 t Jun 22 17:52:50 1990Fri Jun 22 17:46:36 1990Bahamas=@===A=@===8=@v===/=@m===&=@d=zB%,E9 CorelDRAW!OURS.EPSMon Nov 18 12:03:33 1996Corel PostScript EngineCorel PostScript EngineFri Jun 22 17:39:37 1990Fri Jun 22 17:52:50 1990Fri Jun 22 17:46:36 1990BahamasMerlinTimesNewRomanPSTimesNewRomanPS-ItalicTimesNewRomanPS-Bold B 7 8 @as8 9 9z?TW%,[ CorelDRAW! 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m 563 68 568 54 576 42 c 584 30 599 24 617 24 c 627 24 636 26 643 29 c 650 33 658 40 662 49 c 666 58 669 71 669 85 c 669 100 663 113 653 122 c 643 133 630 138 616 138 c 604 138 594 134 587 128 c 579 123 573 116 570 108 c 565 100 563 91 563 83 C 563 84 L @c F %CHAR: 711 0 (n) @t 725 0 m 725 98 l 725 110 728 121 734 132 c 740 142 749 150 760 156 c 770 162 783 166 795 166 c 803 166 814 163 824 159 c 834 155 845 146 853 136 c 861 125 865 111 865 95 c 865 0 L 834 0 L 834 95 l 834 106 830 116 823 124 c 816 133 806 138 795 138 c 784 138 774 134 767 125 c 760 117 756 108 756 98 c 756 0 L 725 0 L @c F T @rax 204.19 409.25 264.82 424.94 @E [0.07023 0.00000 0.00000 0.07118 204.17958 410.54235] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_Shogun 333.00 z %CHAR: 0 0 (V) @t 119 35 m 119 40 122 43 128 43 c 133 43 139 41 143 39 c 147 36 150 32 150 28 c 150 24 153 20 159 18 c 165 16 172 14 176 14 c 188 14 201 17 215 21 c 230 25 244 33 256 42 c 268 53 279 65 286 77 c 294 90 299 105 299 120 c 299 132 296 142 29 249.70 144.72 249.84 C 144.50 250.34 144.360 149 c 284 156 276 162 267 165 c 258 168 248 170 238 170 c 222 170 204 166 189 160 c 174 154 159 144 146 134 c 133 122 119 109 109 95 c 99 81 88 65 80 49 C 84 42 88 35 90 27 c 92 19 93 12 93 6 c 93 -10 87 -18 77 -18 c 67 -18 61 -10 61 5 c 61 12 62 19 64 25 C 48 43 38 61 38 75 c 38 95 49 117 67 142 C 63 142 58 144 54 146 c 50 148 47 152 45 156 c 42 160 40 164 40 166 c 40 167 42 168 42 168 c 43 168 46 167 47 167 c 49 167 51 166 52 166 c 58 166 66 169 73 173 c 80 177 89 184 98 191 c 108 198 114 202 116 202 C 117 201 119 198 121 194 c 123 190 124 184 124 179 c 124 173 122 168 119 164 c 116 160 112 157 108 155 c 104 153 96 150 86 146 c 81 144 75 140 71 135 c 66 129 61 123 59 117 c 57 111 55 104 55 99 c 55 94 57 88 59 82 c 61 76 65 70 69 65 c 73 59 76 55 76 55 C 86 72 97 89 108 104 c 120 120 135 136 149 150 c 164 164 181 176 199 184 c 217 193 238 198 258 198 c 268 198 279 196 289 192 c 300 188 311 180 318 172 c 326 164 330 152 330 139 c 330 118 322 97 305 77 c 289 57 269 39 245 27 c 221 15 197 8 176 8 c 171 8 163 9 155 11 c 146 13 137 16 130 20 c 123 24 119 30 119 35 c @c F %CHAR: 317 0 (i) @t 412 36 m 408 32 402 28 398 24 c 394 20 388 15 384 12 c 379 9 373 6 369 4 c 364 2 357 0 353 0 c 347 0 341 3 337 7 c 333 11 331 18 331 24 c 331 29 332 35 334 40 c 336 47 341 53 345 57 c 347 59 350 63 353 66 c 356 70 360 74 364 76 c 367 79 370 81 372 81 c 374 81 376 80 377 79 c 379 77 380 75 380 73 c 380 71 379 68 377 66 c 375 64 370 60 366 58 c 362 55 357 51 355 49 c 353 47 351 42 351 39 c 351 34 354 30 359 28 c 365 26 371 24 376 24 c 389 24 402 28 412 36 C @c 414 108 m 408 103 401 100 396 100 c 393 100 389 101 386 102 c 383 103 381 106 381 108 c 381 110 383 114 386 118 c 389 122 393 124 396 124 c 397 124 399 122 401 120 c 403 117 405 115 405 115 C 406 114 410 111 414 108 C @c F %CHAR: 400 0 (s) @t 420 49 m 438 63 L 438 63 439 64 439 64 c 439 64 439 65 439 65 c 439 65 439 67 439 67 C 439 68 438 70 438 70 c 438 70 440 73 443 75 c 447 78 451 82 454 84 c 458 86 461 89 463 90 C 465 92 467 94 469 94 c 471 94 473 92 473 90 c 473 89 472 86 471 84 c 470 82 469 79 469 79 c 469 79 471 76 474 73 c 477 70 481 66 483 64 c 485 61 487 56 487 52 c 487 46 484 37 478 29 c 472 21 465 13 457 8 c 449 3 439 0 432 0 c 428 0 423 2 421 5 c 419 8 416 13 416 18 c 417 28 422 34 429 34 c 431 34 434 33 435 31 c 436 29 438 26 439 24 c 440 21 442 18 442 17 C 443 15 446 13 448 13 c 453 13 458 15 461 19 c 465 23 467 28 467 34 c 467 37 465 41 463 46 c 460 50 456 55 453 58 c 449 62 446 64 446 64 C 443 64 434 58 420 47 C 420 49 L @c F %CHAR: 496 0 (i) @t 591 36 m 587 32 581 28 577 24 c 573 20 567 15 563 12 c 558 9 552 6 548 4 c 543 2 536 0 532 0 c 526 0 520 3 516 7 c 512 11 510 18 510 24 c 510 29 511 35 513 40 c 515 47 520 53 524 57 c 526 59 529 63 532 66 c 535 70 539 74 543 76 c 546 79 549 81 551 81 c 553 81 555 80 556 79 c 558 77 559 75 559 73 c 559 71 558 68 556 66 c 554 64 549 60 545 58 c 541 55 536 51 534 49 c 532 47 530 42 530 39 c 530 34 533 30 538 28 c 544 26 550 24 555 24 c 568 24 581 28 591 36 C @c 593 108 m 587 103 580 100 575 100 c 572 100 568 101 565 102 c 562 103 560 106 560 108 c 560 110 562 114 565 118 c 568 122 572 124 575 124 c 576 124 578 122 580 120 c 582 117 584 115 584 115 C 585 114 589 111 593 108 C @c F %CHAR: 579 0 (o) @t 708 62 m 702 56 694 52 684 50 C 683 41 679 32 673 25 c 667 17 659 11 651 7 c 642 3 632 0 622 0 c 615 0 607 2 601 6 c 595 10 591 17 591 24 c 591 31 593 38 597 43 c 601 50 606 55 610 57 c 614 60 620 64 629 68 c 639 74 646 77 650 77 c 651 77 652 77 652 77 c 652 77 653 76 653 76 C 653 75 652 73 650 73 c 646 73 641 71 637 69 c 633 67 628 63 625 59 c 620 55 618 50 618 46 c 618 39 622 33 629 30 c 635 26 642 24 648 24 c 656 24 664 27 670 31 c 676 35 680 43 681 52 C 680 52 677 51 674 51 c 670 51 667 50 667 50 C 658 50 653 53 653 57 c 653 60 654 65 656 69 c 658 74 661 77 663 77 c 665 77 668 75 672 72 c 676 69 680 66 682 64 c 685 62 690 61 695 61 c 697 61 700 60 701 60 c 703 60 706 61 708 61 C 708 62 L @c F %CHAR: 703 0 (n) @t 766 77 m 766 77 767 76 767 74 c 767 71 764 63 758 53 c 754 45 751 36 751 31 c 751 30 752 28 754 27 C 758 27 767 34 779 48 c 791 62 803 69 811 69 c 815 69 818 66 819 62 c 820 58 821 53 821 48 c 821 42 822 37 822 34 c 822 31 823 27 825 25 c 827 23 830 21 835 21 c 839 22 844 25 849 27 c 855 29 860 32 863 33 C 850 23 837 13 825 6 c 817 2 810 0 806 0 c 804 0 801 3 800 6 c 799 9 798 13 798 15 c 798 25 796 34 796 38 c 795 42 792 47 790 48 C 786 48 781 46 777 43 c 773 40 768 35 762 30 C 762 30 755 23 740 10 c 734 4 727 0 723 0 c 719 0 717 2 717 5 c 717 9 717 12 717 14 c 719 40 731 61 752 72 c 756 75 761 77 765 77 c 766 77 l @c F T @rax 298.01 495.14 348.70 501.34 @E [0.07200 0.00000 0.00000 0.07118 298.00799 495.25285] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_AvantGarBase 125.00 z %CHAR: 0 0 (A) @t 1 0 m 9 0 L 22 28 L 60 28 L 72 0 L 81 0 L 46 83 L 36 83 L 1 0 L @c 25 36 m 41 74 L 57 36 L 25 36 L @c F %CHAR: 78 0 (v) @t 104 0 m 113 0 L 139 62 L 130 62 L 108 10 L 87 62 L 78 62 L 104 0 L @c F %CHAR: 137 0 (a) @t 207 62 m 199 62 L 199 51 L 193 59 185 63 175 63 c 156 63 141 49 141 31 c 141 13 156 -2 175 -2 c 185 -2 193 3 199 11 C 199 0 L 207 0 L 207 62 L @c 174 56 m 188 56 199 45 199 30 c 199 17 188 6 175 6 c 161 6 149 17 149 31 c 149 45 161 56 174 56 c @c F %CHAR: 215 0 (n) @t 223 0 m 232 0 L 232 34 l 232 41 232 45 235 48 c 238 53 244 56 250 56 c 262 56 269 47 269 34 c 269 0 L 277 0 L 277 34 l 277 52 267 63 250 63 c 243 63 237 60 231 54 C 231 62 L 223 62 L 223 0 L @c F %CHAR: 285 0 (t) @t 296 0 m 304 0 L 304 55 L 318 55 L 318 62 L 304 62 L 304 83 L 296 83 L 296 62 L 282 62 L 282 55 L 296 55 L 296 0 L @c F %CHAR: 349 0 (G) @t 386 38 m 386 31 L 432 31 L 429 17 414 6 399 6 c 378 6 362 22 362 41 c 362 61 378 77 399 77 c 410 77 422 71 428 61 C 437 61 L 435 66 432 71 426 75 c 418 82 408 85 398 85 c 373 85 353 66 353 41 c 353 18 374 -2 398 -2 c 421 -2 440 16 442 38 C 386 38 L @c F %CHAR: 446 0 (a) @t 516 62 m 508 62 L 508 51 L 502 59 494 63 484 63 c 465 63 450 49 450 31 c 450 13 465 -2 484 -2 c 494 -2 502 3 508 11 C 508 0 L 516 0 L 516 62 L @c 483 56 m 497 56 508 45 508 30 c 508 17 497 6 484 6 c 470 6 458 17 458 31 c 458 45 470 56 483 56 c @c F %CHAR: 524 0 (r) @t 532 0 m 541 0 L 541 36 l 541 43 542 47 547 51 c 550 53 553 54 558 55 C 558 63 L 549 63 544 60 540 53 C 540 62 L 532 62 L 532 0 L @c F %CHAR: 557 0 (d) @t 626 83 m 619 83 L 619 52 L 612 59 604 63 595 63 c 576 63 561 49 561 31 c 561 13 576 -2 595 -2 c 605 -2 612 2 619 11 C 619 0 L 626 0 L 626 83 L @c 594 56 m 608 56 619 45 619 31 c 619 17 608 6 594 6 c 581 6 569 17 569 31 c 569 45 581 56 594 56 c @c F %CHAR: 635 0 (e) @t 704 28 m 703 37 702 41 700 46 c 694 57 683 63 671 63 c 654 63 639 49 639 31 c 639 13 654 -2 672 -2 c 685 -2 697 8 702 20 C 693 20 L 690 12 681 6 672 6 c 659 6 648 16 648 28 C 704 28 L @c 648 35 m 650 47 660 56 672 56 c 683 56 692 48 695 35 C 648 35 L @c F T @rax 298.01 462.82 348.70 477.07 @E [0.07200 0.00000 0.00000 0.07118 298.00799 471.05291] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_AvantGarBase 125.00 z %CHAR: 0 0 (A) @t 1 0 m 9 0 L 22 28 L 60 28 L 72 0 L 81 0 L 46 83 L 36 83 L 1 0 L @c 25 36 m 41 74 L 57 36 L 25 36 L @c F %CHAR: 78 0 (v) @t 104 0 m 113 0 L 139 62 L 130 62 L 108 10 L 87 62 L 78 62 L 104 0 L @c F %CHAR: 137 0 (a) @t 207 62 m 199 62 L 199 51 L 193 59 185 63 175 63 c 156 63 141 49 141 31 c 141 13 156 -2 175 -2 c 185 -2 193 3 199 11 C 199 0 L 207 0 L 207 62 L @c 174 56 m 188 56 199 45 199 30 c 199 17 188 6 175 6 c 161 6 149 17 149 31 c 149 45 161 56 174 56 c @c F %CHAR: 215 0 (n) @t 223 0 m 232 0 L 232 34 l 232 41 232 45 235 48 c 238 53 244 56 250 56 c 262 56 269 47 269 34 c 269 0 L 277 0 L 277 34 l 277 52 267 63 250 63 c 243 63 237 60 231 54 C 231 62 L 223 62 L 223 0 L @c F %CHAR: 285 0 (t) @t 296 0 m 304 0 L 304 55 L 318 55 L 318 62 L 304 62 L 304 83 L 296 83 L 296 62 L 282 62 L 282 55 L 296 55 L 296 0 L @c F %CHAR: 349 0 (G) @t 386 38 m 386 31 L 432 31 L 429 17 414 6 399 6 c 378 6 362 22 362 41 c 362 61 378 77 399 77 c 410 77 422 71 428 61 C 437 61 L 435 66 432 71 426 75 c 418 82 408 85 398 85 c 373 85 353 66 353 41 c 353 18 374 -2 398 -2 c 421 -2 440 16 442 38 C 386 38 L @c F %CHAR: 446 0 (a) @t 516 62 m 508 62 L 508 51 L 502 59 494 63 484 63 c 465 63 450 49 450 31 c 450 13 465 -2 484 -2 c 494 -2 502 3 508 11 C 508 0 L 516 0 L 516 62 L @c 483 56 m 497 56 508 45 508 30 c 508 17 497 6 484 6 c 470 6 458 17 458 31 c 458 45 470 56 483 56 c @c F %CHAR: 524 0 (r) @t 532 0 m 541 0 L 541 36 l 541 43 542 47 547 51 c 550 53 553 54 558 55 C 558 63 L 549 63 544 60 540 53 C 540 62 L 532 62 L 532 0 L @c F %CHAR: 557 0 (d) @t 626 83 m 619 83 L 619 52 L 612 59 604 63 595 63 c 576 63 561 49 561 31 c 561 13 576 -2 595 -2 c 605 -2 612 2 619 11 C 619 0 L 626 0 L 626 83 L @c 594 56 m 608 56 619 45 619 31 c 619 17 608 6 594 6 c 581 6 569 17 569 31 c 569 45 581 56 594 56 c @c F %CHAR: 635 0 (e) @t 704 28 m 703 37 702 41 700 46 c 694 57 683 63 671 63 c 654 63 639 49 639 31 c 639 13 654 -2 672 -2 c 685 -2 697 8 702 20 C 693 20 L 690 12 681 6 672 6 c 659 6 648 16 648 28 C 704 28 L @c 648 35 m 650 47 660 56 672 56 c 683 56 692 48 695 35 C 648 35 L @c F %CHAR: 0 -114 (C) @t 77 -92 m 69 -102 59 -108 48 -108 c 29 -108 13 -91 13 -72 c 13 -53 29 -37 48 -37 c 59 -37 70 -42 77 -52 C 86 -52 L 81 -39 64 -29 48 -29 c 23 -29 4 -48 4 -73 c 4 -96 24 -116 48 -116 c 64 -116 79 -106 86 -92 C 77 -92 L @c F %CHAR: 90 -114 (o) @t 127 -51 m 109 -51 94 -65 94 -83 c 94 -101 109 -116 127 -116 c 144 -116 159 -101 159 -83 c 159 -66 144 -51 127 -51 c @c 127 -58 m 140 -58 151 -69 151 -83 c 151 -97 140 -108 127 -108 c 113 -108 102 -97 102 -83 c 102 -69 113 -58 127 -58 c @c F %CHAR: 163 -114 (n) @t 171 -114 m 180 -114 L 180 -80 l 180 -73 180 -69 183 -66 c 186 -61 192 -58 198 -58 c 210 -58 217 -67 217 -80 c 217 -114 L 225 -114 L 225 -80 l 225 -62 215 -51 198 -51 c 191 -51 185 -54 179 -60 C 179 -52 L 171 -52 L 171 -114 L @c F %CHAR: 233 -114 (d) @t 302 -31 m 295 -31 L 295 -62 L 288 -55 280 -51 271 -51 c 252 -51 237 -65 237 -83 c 237 -101 252 -116 271 -116 c 281 -116 288 -112 295 -103 C 295 -114 L 302 -114 L 302 -31 L @c 270 -58 m 284 -58 295 -69 295 -83 c 295 -97 284 -108 270 -108 c 257 -108 245 -97 245 -83 c 245 -69 257 -58 270 -58 c @c F %CHAR: 311 -114 (e) @t 380 -86 m 379 -77 378 -73 376 -68 c 370 -57 359 -51 347 -51 c 330 -51 315 -65 315 -83 c 315 -101 330 -116 348 -116 c 361 -116 373 -106 378 -94 C 369 -94 L 366 -102 357 -108 348 -108 c 335 -108 324 -98 324 -86 C 380 -86 L @c 324 -79 m 326 -67 336 -58 348 -58 c 359 -58 368 -66 371 -79 C 324 -79 L @c F %CHAR: 384 -114 (n) @t 392 -114 m 401 -114 L 401 -80 l 401 -73 401 -69 404 -66 c 407 -61 413 -58 419 -58 c 431 -58 438 -67 438 -80 c 438 -114 L 446 -114 L 446 -80 l 446 -62 436 -51 419 -51 c 412 -51 406 -54 400 -60 C 400 -52 L 392 -52 L 392 -114 L @c F %CHAR: 454 -114 (s) @t 457 -96 m 457 -107 465 -116 477 -116 c 488 -116 496 -107 496 -96 c 496 -87 491 -82 478 -77 c 470 -75 467 -72 467 -67 c 467 -62 472 -58 476 -58 c 482 -58 485 -62 486 -68 C 494 -68 L 494 -58 486 -51 477 -51 c 467 -51 459 -59 459 -68 c 459 -77 464 -81 476 -85 c 485 -88 488 -92 488 -97 c 488 -103 483 -108 477 -108 c 470 -108 466 -103 465 -96 C 457 -96 L @c F %CHAR: 501 -114 (e) @t 570 -86 m 569 -77 568 -73 566 -68 c 560 -57 549 -51 537 -51 c 520 -51 505 -65 505 -83 c 505 -101 520 -116 538 -116 c 551 -116 563 -106 568 -94 C 559 -94 L 556 -102 547 -108 538 -108 c 525 -108 514 -98 514 -86 C 570 -86 L @c 514 -79 m 516 -67 526 -58 538 -58 c 549 -58 558 -66 561 -79 C 514 -79 L @c F %CHAR: 574 -114 (d) @t 643 -31 m 636 -31 L 636 -62 L 629 -55 621 -51 612 -51 c 593 -51 578 -65 578 -83 c 578 -101 593 -116 612 -116 c 622 -116 629 -112 636 -103 C 636 -114 L 643 -114 L 643 -31 L @c 611 -58 m 625 -58 636 -69 636 -83 c 636 -97 625 -108 611 -108 c 598 -108 586 -97 586 -83 c 586 -69 598 -58 611 -58 c @c F T @rax 298.01 439.78 332.21 445.82 @E [0.07200 0.00000 0.00000 0.07118 298.00799 439.93487] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_AvantGarBase 125.00 z %CHAR: 0 0 (B) @t 9 0 m 30 0 l 42 0 47 1 52 5 c 58 9 62 16 62 24 c 62 33 57 41 48 44 C 55 49 57 54 57 61 c 57 75 47 83 30 83 c 9 83 L 9 0 L @c 17 8 m 17 40 L 28 40 l 37 40 40 40 44 38 c 50 36 54 30 54 24 c 54 18 50 12 45 10 c 41 8 37 8 29 8 c 17 8 L @c 17 47 m 17 76 L 29 76 l 36 76 40 75 43 72 C 47 70 49 66 49 62 c 49 57 46 52 42 50 c 39 48 35 47 28 47 c 17 47 L @c F %CHAR: 67 0 (a) @t 137 62 m 129 62 L 129 51 L 123 59 115 63 105 63 c 86 63 71 49 71 31 c 71 13 86 -2 105 -2 c 115 -2 123 3 129 11 C 129 0 L 137 0 L 137 62 L @c 104 56 m 118 56 129 45 129 30 c 129 17 118 6 105 6 c 91 6 79 17 79 31 c 79 45 91 56 104 56 c @c F %CHAR: 145 0 (u) @t 207 62 m 199 62 L 199 28 l 199 14 191 6 180 6 c 168 6 161 14 161 28 c 161 62 L 153 62 L 153 28 l 153 9 162 -2 179 -2 c 188 -2 195 2 199 10 C 199 0 L 207 0 L 207 62 L @c F %CHAR: 215 0 (h) @t 223 0 m 231 0 L 231 34 l 231 41 232 45 234 48 c 238 53 244 56 250 56 c 262 56 269 47 269 34 c 269 0 L 277 0 L 277 34 l 277 52 267 63 250 63 c 242 63 235 59 231 54 C 231 83 L 223 83 L 223 0 L @c F %CHAR: 285 0 (a) @t 355 62 m 347 62 L 347 51 L 341 59 333 63 323 63 c 304 63 289 49 289 31 c 289 13 304 -2 323 -2 c 333 -2 341 3 347 11 C 347 0 L 355 0 L 355 62 L @c 322 56 m 336 56 347 45 347 30 c 347 17 336 6 323 6 c 309 6 297 17 297 31 c 297 45 309 56 322 56 c @c F %CHAR: 363 0 (u) @t 425 62 m 417 62 L 417 28 l 417 14 409 6 398 6 c 386 6 379 14 379 28 c 379 62 L 371 62 L 371 28 l 371 9 380 -2 397 -162.07 247.10 162.36 247.10 C @c F @rax 2 c 406 -2 413 2 417 10 C 417 0 L 425 0 L 425 62 L @c F %CHAR: 433 0 (s) @t 436 18 m 436 7 444 -2 456 -2 c 467 -2 475 7 475 18 c 475 27 470 32 457 37 c 449 39 446 42 446 47 c 446 52 451 56 455 56 c 461 56 464 52 465 46 C 473 46 L 473 56 465 63 456 63 c 446 63 438 55 438 46 c 438 37 443 33 455 29 c 464 26 467 22 467 17 c 467 11 462 6 456 6 c 449 6 445 11 444 18 C 436 18 L @c F T @rax 298.01 410.83 327.53 418.68 @E [0.07200 0.00000 0.00000 0.07118 298.00799 412.61717] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_AvantGarBase 125.00 z %CHAR: 0 0 (S) @t 2 23 m 3 9 13 -2 28 -2 c 42 -2 53 10 53 23 c 53 30 50 37 45 41 c 41 44 39 45 29 48 c 17 51 13 55 13 63 c 13 71 19 77 27 77 c 36 77 42 71 43 62 C 51 62 L 51 75 41 85 28 85 c 15 85 5 75 5 62 c 5 57 7 51 11 48 C 14 44 18 42 26 40 c 39 37 45 32 45 23 c 45 14 37 6 28 6 c 18 6 12 12 11 23 C 2 23 L @c F %CHAR: 58 0 (h) @t 66 0 m 74 0 L 74 34 l 74 41 75 45 77 48 c 81 53 87 56 93 56 c 105 56 112 47 112 34 c 112 0 L 120 0 L 120 34 l 120 52 110 63 93 63 c 85 63 78 59 74 54 C 74 83 L 66 83 L 66 0 L @c F %CHAR: 128 0 (o) @t 165 63 m 147 63 132 49 132 31 c 132 13 147 -2 165 -2 c 182 -2 197 13 197 31 c 197 48 182 63 165 63 c @c 165 56 m 178 56 189 45 189 31 c 189 17 178 6 165 6 c 151 6 140 17 140 31 c 140 45 151 56 165 56 c @c F %CHAR: 201 0 (g) @t 269 62 m 262 62 L 262 51 L 256 59 247 63 237 63 c 220 63 205 48 205 31 c 205 13 220 -2 238 -2 c 248 -2 258 4 262 12 C 262 5 l 262 -9 252 -18 239 -18 c 228 -18 222 -14 216 -3 C 208 -3 L 212 -16 224 -25 238 -25 c 248 -25 258 -21 264 -13 c 268 -8 269 -4 269 7 c 269 62 L @c 237 56 m 251 56 262 45 262 31 c 262 17 251 6 238 6 c 224 6 213 17 213 32 c 213 45 224 56 237 56 c @c F %CHAR: 278 0 (u) @t 340 62 m 332 62 L 332 28 l 332 14 324 6 313 6 c 301 6 294 14 294 28 c 294 62 L 286 62 L 286 28 l 286 9 295 -2 312 -2 c 321 -2 328 2 332 10 C 332 0 L 340 0 L 340 62 L @c F %CHAR: 348 0 (n) @t 356 0 m 365 0 L 365 34 l 365 41 365 45 368 48 c 371 53 377 56 383 56 c 395 56 402 47 402 34 c 402 0 L 410 0 L 410 34 l 410 52 400 63 383 63 c 376 63 370 60 364 54 C 364 62 L 356 62 L 356 0 L @c F T @rax 204.19 379.66 265.03 396.50 @E [0.07023 0.00000 0.00000 0.07118 204.17958 380.07642] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_TimesNewRomanPS 333.00 z %CHAR: 0 0 (V) @t 133 45 m 78 170 l 75 178 69 190 69 198 c 69 212 83 213 93 214 C 93 221 L 3 221 L 3 214 L 28 212 31 201 39 181 c 120 -6 L 126 -6 L 202 179 l 209 195 216 212 237 214 C 237 221 L 169 221 L 169 214 L 178 213 192 209 192 197 c 192 191 186 175 183 169 c 133 45 L @c F %CHAR: 220 0 (i) @t 282 154 m 274 154 L 229 136 L 231 129 L 234 130 239 133 242 133 c 247 133 254 133 254 109 c 254 28 l 254 9 246 6 231 6 C 231 0 L 304 0 L 304 6 L 289 6 282 9 282 28 c 282 154 L @c 251 214 m 251 205 258 198 268 198 c 277 198 284 205 284 214 c 284 224 277 231 268 231 c 258 231 251 224 251 214 c @c F %CHAR: 313 0 (s) @t 420 154 m 414 154 L 413 150 412 147 407 147 c 403 147 399 149 395 150 c 389 152 383 154 377 154 c 349 154 330 137 330 109 c 330 62 407 67 407 28 c 407 13 396 5 382 5 c 356 5 339 27 336 51 C 330 51 L 330 -3 L 336 -3 L 337 0 339 2 342 2 c 344 2 348 1 350 0 c 361 -3 371 -6 381 -6 c 406 -6 431 13 431 39 c 431 91 349 87 349 123 c 349 137 363 144 375 144 c 401 144 409 124 414 102 C 420 102 L 420 154 L @c F %CHAR: 443 0 (i) @t 505 154 m 497 154 L 452 136 L 454 129 L 457 130 462 133 465 133 c 470 133 477 133 477 109 c 477 28 l 477 9 469 6 454 6 C 454 0 L 527 0 L 527 6 L 512 6 505 9 505 28 c 505 154 L @c 474 214 m 474 205 481 198 491 198 c 500 198 507 205 507 214 c 507 224 500 231 491 231 c 481 231 474 224 474 214 c @c F %CHAR: 536 0 (o) @t 620 154 m 575 154 547 114 547 73 c 547 33 574 -6 617 -6 c 670 -6 691 43 691 78 c 691 118 661 154 620 154 c @c 614 142 m 651 142 660 93 660 64 c 660 40 655 7 625 7 c 588 7 577 59 577 87 c 577 129 598 142 614 142 c @c F %CHAR: 702 0 (n) @t 756 154 m 749 154 L 704 136 L 706 129 L 709 130 714 133 717 133 c 722 133 729 133 729 109 c 729 28 l 729 9 721 6 706 6 C 706 0 L 779 0 L 779 6 L 764 6 756 9 756 28 c 756 112 L 767 123 778 134 793 134 c 803 134 817 130 817 97 c 817 28 l 817 9 809 6 794 6 C 794 0 L 867 0 L 867 6 L 852 6 844 9 844 28 c 844 103 l 844 128 834 154 806 154 c 788 154 775 143 756 122 C 756 154 L @c F T @rax 298.01 385.34 370.08 391.39 @E [0.07200 0.00000 0.00000 0.07118 298.00799 385.49900] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_AvantGarBase 125.00 z %CHAR: 0 0 (T) @t 21 0 m 29 0 L 29 76 L 48 76 L 48 83 L 2 83 L 2 76 L 21 76 L 21 0 L @c F %CHAR: 50 0 (i) @t 58 0 m 66 0 L 66 62 L 58 62 L 58 0 L @c 58 69 m 66 69 L 66 83 L 58 83 L 58 69 L @c F %CHAR: 74 0 (m) @t 82 0 m 90 0 L 90 37 l 90 49 97 56 107 56 c 117 56 124 48 124 37 c 124 0 L 132 0 L 132 36 l 132 42 132 46 134 48 c 137 53 143 56 148 56 c 159 56 166 48 166 36 c 166 0 L 173 0 L 173 37 l 173 52 163 63 149 63 c 139 63 131 59 128 51 C 122 59 116 63 107 63 c 99 63 94 60 90 55 C 90 62 L 82 62 L 82 0 L @c F %CHAR: 181 0 (e) @t 250 28 m 249 37 248 41 246 46 c 240 57 229 63 217 63 c 200 63 185 49 185 31 c 185 13 200 -2 218 -2 c 231 -2 243 8 248 20 C 239 20 L 236 12 227 6 218 6 c 205 6 194 16 194 28 C 250 28 L @c 194 35 m 196 47 206 56 218 56 c 229 56 238 48 241 35 C 194 35 L @c F %CHAR: 254 0 (s) @t 257 18 m 257 7 265 -2 277 -2 c 288 -2 296 7 296 18 c 296 27 291 32 278 37 c 270 39 267 42 267 47 c 267 52 272 56 276 56 c 282 56 285 52 286 46 C 294 46 L 294 56 286 63 277 63 c 267 63 259 55 259 46 c 259 37 264 33 276 29 c 285 26 288 22 288 17 c 288 11 283 6 277 6 c 270 6 266 11 265 18 C 257 18 L 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16#c0/Agrave/Aacute/Acircumflex/Atilde/Adieresis/Aring/AE/Ccedilla 16#c8/Egrave/Eacute/Ecircumflex/Edieresis/Igrave/Iacute/Icircumflex/Idieresis 16#d0/Eth/Ntilde/Ograve/Oacute/Ocircumflex/Otilde/Odieresis/multiply 16#d8/Oslash/Ugrave/Uacute/Ucircumflex/Udieresis/Yacute/Thorn/germandbls 16#e0/agrave/aacute/acircumflex/atilde/adieresis/aring/ae/ccedilla 16#e8/egrave/eacute/ecircumflex/edieresis/igrave/iacute/icircumflex/idieresis 16#f0/eth/ntilde/ograve/oacute/ocircumflex/otilde/odieresis/divide 16#f8/oslash/ugrave/uacute/ucircumflex/udieresis/yacute/thorn/ydieresis]def /@BeginSysCorelDict{systemdict/Corel20Dict known{systemdict/Corel20Dict get exec}if}bd/@EndSysCorelDict{systemdict/Corel20Dict known{end}if}bd AutoFlatness {/@ifl{dup currentflat exch sub 10 gt{ ([Error: PathTooComplex; OffendingCommand: AnyPaintingOperator]\n)print flush @np exit}{currentflat 2 add setflat}ifelse}bd/@fill/fill ld/fill{currentflat{ {@fill}stopped{@ifl}{exit}ifelse}bind loop setflat}bd/@eofill/eofill ld/eofill {currentflat{{@eofill}stopped{@ifl}{exit}ifelse}bind loop setflat}bd/@clip /clip ld/clip{currentflat{{@clip}stopped{@ifl}{exit}ifelse}bind loop setflat} bd/@eoclip/eoclip ld/eoclip{currentflat{{@eoclip}stopped{@ifl}{exit}ifelse} bind loop setflat}bd/@stroke/stroke ld/stroke{currentflat{{@stroke}stopped {@ifl}{exit}ifelse}bind loop setflat}bd}if/d/setdash ld/j/setlinejoin ld/J /setlinecap ld/M/setmiterlimit ld/w/setlinewidth ld/O{/$o xd}bd/R{/$O xd}bd/W /eoclip ld/c/curveto ld/C/c ld/l/lineto ld/L/l ld/rl/rlineto ld/m/moveto ld/n /newpath ld/N/newpath ld/P{11 rp}bd/u{}bd/U{}bd/A{pop}bd/q/@gs ld/Q/@gr ld/` {}bd/~{}bd/@{}bd/&{}bd/@j{@sv @np}bd/@J{@rs}bd/g{1 exch sub/$k xd/$c 0 def/$m 0 def/$y 0 def/$t 1 def/$n _ def/$fil 0 def}bd/G{1 sub neg/$K xd _ 1 0 0 0/$C xd /$M xd/$Y xd/$T xd/$N xd}bd/k{1 index type/stringtype eq{/$t xd/$n xd}{/$t 0 def/$n _ def}ifelse/$k xd/$y xd/$m xd/$c xd/$fil 0 def}bd/K{1 index type /stringtype eq{/$T xd/$N xd}{/$T 0 def/$N _ def}ifelse/$K xd/$Y xd/$M xd/$C xd }bd/x/k ld/X/K ld/sf{1 index type/stringtype eq{/s1t xd/s1n xd}{/s1t 0 def/s1n _ def}ifelse/s1k xd/s1y xd/s1m xd/s1c xd}bd/i{dup 0 ne{setflat}{pop}ifelse}bd /v{4 -2 roll 2 copy 6 -2 roll c}bd/V/v ld/y{2 copy c}bd/Y/y ld/@w{matrix rotate /$ptm xd matrix scale $ptm dup concatmatrix/$ptm xd 1 eq{$ptm exch dup concatmatrix/$ptm xd}if 1 w}bd/@g{1 eq dup/$sdf xd{/$scp xd/$sca xd/$scf xd}if }bd/@G{1 eq dup/$SDF xd{/$SCP xd/$SCA xd/$SCF xd}if}bd/@D{2 index 0 eq{$dsf 3 1 roll 4 -1 roll pop}if 3 copy exch $Scra add exch load SetScr/$dsp xd/$dsa xd /$dsf xd}bd/$ngx{$SDF{$SCF SepMode_5 0 eq{$SCA}{$dsa}ifelse $SCP @ss}if}bd/p{ /$pm xd 7 rp/$pyf xd/$pxf xd/$pn xd/$fil 1 def}bd/@MN{2 copy le{pop}{exch pop} ifelse}bd/@MX{2 copy ge{pop}{exch pop}ifelse}bd/InRange{3 -1 roll @MN @MX}bd /wDstChck{2 1 roll dup 3 -1 roll eq{1 add}if}bd/@dot{dup mul exch dup mul add 1 exch sub}bd/@lin{exch pop abs 1 exch sub}bd/cmyk2rgb{3{dup 5 -1 roll add 1 exch sub dup 0 lt{pop 0}if exch}repeat pop}bd/rgb2cmyk{3{1 exch sub 3 1 roll}repeat 3 copy @MN @MN 3{dup 5 -1 roll sub neg exch}repeat}bd/rgb2g{2 index .299 mul 2 index .587 mul add 1 index .114 mul add 4 1 roll 3 rp}bd/WaldoColor_5 where{ pop}{/SetRgb/setrgbcolor ld/GetRgb/currentrgbcolor ld/SetGry/setgray ld/GetGry /currentgray ld/SetRgb2 systemdict/setrgbcolor get def/GetRgb2 systemdict /currentrgbcolor get def/SetHsb systemdict/sethsbcolor get def/GetHsb systemdict/currenthsbcolor get def/rgb2hsb{SetRgb2 GetHsb}bd/hsb2rgb{3 -1 roll dup floor sub 3 1 roll SetHsb GetRgb2}bd/setcmykcolor where{pop/SetCmyk_5 /setcmykcolor ld}{/SetCmyk_5{cmyk2rgb SetRgb}bd}ifelse/currentcmykcolor where{ pop/GetCmyk/currentcmykcolor ld}{/GetCmyk{GetRgb rgb2cmyk}bd}ifelse /setoverprint where{pop}{/setoverprint{/$op xd}bd}ifelse/currentoverprint where {pop}{/currentoverprint{$op}bd}ifelse/@tc_5{5 -1 roll dup 1 ge{pop}{4{dup 6 -1 roll mul exch}repeat pop}ifelse}bd/@trp{exch pop 5 1 roll @tc_5}bd /setprocesscolor_5{SepMode_5 0 eq{SetCmyk_5}{0 4 $ink_5 sub index exch pop 5 1 roll 4 rp SepsColor true eq{$ink_5 3 gt{1 sub neg SetGry}{0 0 0 4 $ink_5 roll SetCmyk_5}ifelse}{1 sub neg SetGry}ifelse}ifelse}bd/findcmykcustomcolor where {pop}{/findcmykcustomcolor{5 array astore}bd}ifelse/setcustomcolor where{pop}{ /setcustomcolor{exch aload pop SepMode_5 0 eq{pop @tc_5 setprocesscolor_5}{ CurrentInkName_5 eq{4 index}{0}ifelse 6 1 roll 5 rp 1 sub neg SetGry}ifelse}bd }ifelse/@scc_5{dup type/booleantype eq{setoverprint}{1 eq setoverprint}ifelse dup _ eq{pop setprocesscolor_5 pop}{findcmykcustomcolor exch setcustomcolor} ifelse SepMode_5 0 eq{true}{GetGry 1 eq currentoverprint and not}ifelse}bd /colorimage where{pop/ColorImage/colorimage ld}{/ColorImage{/ncolors xd pop /dataaq xd{dataaq ncolors dup 3 eq{/$dat xd 0 1 $dat length 3 div 1 sub{dup 3 mul $dat 1 index get 255 div $dat 2 index 1 add get 255 div $dat 3 index 2 add get 255 div rgb2g 255 mul cvi exch pop $dat 3 1 roll put}for $dat 0 $dat length 3 idiv getinterval pop}{4 eq{/$dat xd 0 1 $dat length 4 div 1 sub{dup 4 mul $dat 1 index get 255 div $dat 2 index 1 add get 255 div $dat 3 index 2 add get 255 div $dat 4 index 3 add get 255 div cmyk2rgb rgb2g 255 mul cvi exch pop $dat 3 1 roll put}for $dat 0 $dat length ncolors idiv getinterval}if}ifelse}image} bd}ifelse/setcmykcolor{1 5 1 roll _ currentoverprint @scc_5/$ffpnt xd}bd /currentcmykcolor{0 0 0 0}bd/setrgbcolor{rgb2cmyk setcmykcolor}bd /currentrgbcolor{currentcmykcolor cmyk2rgb}bd/sethsbcolor{hsb2rgb setrgbcolor} bd/currenthsbcolor{currentrgbcolor rgb2hsb}bd/setgray{dup dup setrgbcolor}bd /currentgray{currentrgbcolor rgb2g}bd}ifelse/WaldoColor_5 true def/@sft{$tllx $pxf add dup $tllx gt{$pwid sub}if/$tx xd $tury $pyf sub dup $tury lt{$phei add}if/$ty xd}bd/@stb{pathbbox/$ury xd/$urx xd/$lly xd/$llx xd}bd/@ep{{cvx exec }forall}bd/@tp{@sv/$in true def 2 copy dup $lly le{/$in false def}if $phei sub $ury ge{/$in false def}if dup $urx ge{/$in false def}if $pwid add $llx le{/$in false def}if $in{@np 2 copy m $pwid 0 rl 0 $phei neg rl $pwid neg 0 rl 0 $phei rl clip @np $pn cvlit load aload pop 7 -1 roll 5 index sub 7 -1 roll 3 index sub Tl matrix currentmatrix/$ctm xd @ep 4 rp}{2 rp}ifelse @rs}bd/@th{@sft 0 1 $tly 1 sub{dup $psx mul $tx add{dup $llx gt{$pwid sub}{exit}ifelse}loop exch $phei mul $ty exch sub 0 1 $tlx 1 sub{$pwid mul 3 copy 3 -1 roll add exch @tp pop}for 2 rp}for}bd/@tv{@sft 0 1 $tlx 1 sub{dup $pwid mul $tx add exch $psy mul $ty exch sub{dup $ury lt{$phei add}{exit}ifelse}loop 0 1 $tly 1 sub{$phei mul 3 copy sub @tp pop}for 2 rp}for}bd/@pf{@gs $ctm setmatrix $pm concat @stb eoclip Bburx Bbury $pm itransform/$tury xd/$turx xd Bbllx Bblly $pm itransform/$tlly xd/$tllx xd/$wid $turx $tllx sub def/$hei $tury $tlly sub def @gs $vectpat{1 0 0 0 0 _ $o @scc_5{eofill}if}{$t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc_5{SepMode_5 0 eq $pfrg or{$tllx $tlly Tl $wid $hei scale <00> 8 1 false[8 0 0 1 0 0]{}imagemask}{ /$bkg true def}ifelse}if}ifelse @gr $wid 0 gt $hei 0 gt and{$pn cvlit load aload pop/$pd xd 3 -1 roll sub/$phei xd exch sub/$pwid xd $wid $pwid div ceiling 1 add/$tlx xd $hei $phei div ceiling 1 add/$tly xd $psx 0 eq{@tv}{@th} ifelse}if @gr @np/$bkg false def}bd/@dlt{$fse $fss sub/nff xd $frb dup 1 eq exch 2 eq or{$frt dup $frc $frm $fry $frk @tc_5 4 copy cmyk2rgb rgb2hsb 3 copy /myb xd/mys xd/myh xd $tot $toc $tom $toy $tok @tc_5 cmyk2rgb rgb2hsb 3 1 roll 4 1 roll 5 1 roll sub neg nff div/kdb xd sub neg nff div/kds xd sub neg dup 0 eq{pop $frb 2 eq{.99}{-.99}ifelse}if dup $frb 2 eq exch 0 lt and{1 add}if dup $frb 1 eq exch 0 gt and{1 sub}if nff div/kdh xd}{$frt dup $frc $frm $fry $frk @tc_5 5 copy $tot dup $toc $tom $toy $tok @tc_5 5 1 roll 6 1 roll 7 1 roll 8 1 roll 9 1 roll sub neg nff dup 1 gt{1 sub}if div/$dk xd sub neg nff dup 1 gt{1 sub}if div/$dy xd sub neg nff dup 1 gt{1 sub}if div/$dm xd sub neg nff dup 1 gt {1 sub}if div/$dc xd sub neg nff dup 1 gt{1 sub}if div/$dt xd}ifelse}bd/ffcol{ 5 copy $fsit 0 eq{setcmykcolor pop}{SepMode_5 0 ne{$frn findcmykcustomcolor exch setcustomcolor}{4 rp $frc $frm $fry $frk $frn findcmykcustomcolor exch setcustomcolor}ifelse}ifelse}bd/@ftl{1 index 4 index sub dup $pad mul dup/$pdw xd 2 mul sub $fst div/$wid xd 2 index sub/$hei xd pop Tl @dlt $fss 0 eq{ffcol n 0 0 m 0 $hei l $pdw $hei l $pdw 0 l @cp $ffpnt{fill}{@np}ifelse}if $fss $wid mul $pdw add 0 Tl nff{ffcol n 0 0 m 0 $hei l $wid $hei l $wid 0 l @cp $ffpnt {fill}{@np}ifelse $wid 0 Tl $frb dup 1 eq exch 2 eq or{4 rp myh mys myb kdb add 3 1 roll kds add 3 1 roll kdh add 3 1 roll 3 copy/myb xd/mys xd/myh xd hsb2rgb rgb2cmyk}{$dk add 5 1 roll $dy add 5 1 roll $dm add 5 1 roll $dc add 5 1 roll $dt add 5 1 roll}ifelse}repeat 5 rp $tot dup $toc $tom $toy $tok @tc_5 ffcol n 0 0 m 0 $hei l $pdw $hei l $pdw 0 l @cp $ffpnt{fill}{@np}ifelse 5 rp}bd/@ftrs{ 1 index 4 index sub dup $rox mul/$row xd 2 div 1 index 4 index sub dup $roy mul /$roh xd 2 div 2 copy dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt $row dup mul $roh dup mul add sqrt add dup/$hei xd $fst div/$wid xd 4 index add $roh add exch 5 index add $row add exch Tl $fan rotate 4 rp @dlt $fss 0 eq{ffcol $fty 3 eq{$hei dup neg dup m 2 mul @sqr}{0 0 m 0 0 $hei 0 360 arc}ifelse $ffpnt{fill}{@np}ifelse}if 1.0 $pad 2 mul sub dup scale $hei $fss $wid mul sub/$hei xd nff{ffcol $fty 3 eq {n $hei dup neg dup m 2 mul @sqr}{n 0 0 m 0 0 $hei 0 360 arc}ifelse $ffpnt {fill}{@np}ifelse/$hei $hei $wid sub def $frb dup 1 eq exch 2 eq or{4 rp myh mys myb kdb add 3 1 roll kds add 3 1 roll kdh add 3 1 roll 3 copy/myb xd/mys xd /myh xd hsb2rgb rgb2cmyk}{$dk add 5 1 roll $dy add 5 1 roll $dm add 5 1 roll $dc add 5 1 roll $dt add 5 1 roll}ifelse}repeat 5 rp}bd/@ftc{1 index 4 index sub dup $rox mul/$row xd 2 div 1 index 4 index sub dup $roy mul/$roh xd 2 div 2 copy dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt $row dup mul $roh dup mul add sqrt add dup /$hei xd $fst div/$wid xd 4 index add $roh add exch 5 index add $row add exch Tl 4 rp @dlt $fss 0 eq{ffcol $ffpnt{fill}{@np}ifelse}{n}ifelse/$dang 180 $fst 1 sub div def/$sang $dang -2 div 180 add def/$eang $dang 2 div 180 add def/$sang $sang $dang $fss mul add def/$eang $eang $dang $fss mul add def/$sang $eang $dang sub def nff{ffcol n 0 0 m 0 0 $hei $sang $fan add $eang $fan add arc $ffpnt{fill}{@np}ifelse 0 0 m 0 0 $hei $eang neg $fan add $sang neg $fan add arc $ffpnt{fill}{@np}ifelse/$sang $eang def/$eang $eang $dang add def $frb dup 1 eq exch 2 eq or{4 rp myh mys myb kdb add 3 1 roll kds add 3 1 roll kdh add 3 1 roll 3 copy/myb xd/mys xd/myh xd hsb2rgb rgb2cmyk}{$dk add 5 1 roll $dy add 5 1 roll $dm add 5 1 roll $dc add 5 1 roll $dt add 5 1 roll}ifelse}repeat 5 rp} bd/@ff{/$fss 0 def $o 1 eq setoverprint 1 1 $fsc 1 sub{dup 1 sub $fsit 0 eq{ $fsa exch 5 mul 5 getinterval aload 2 rp/$frk xd/$fry xd/$frm xd/$frc xd/$frn _ def/$frt 1 def $fsa exch 5 mul 5 getinterval aload pop $fss add/$fse xd/$tok xd /$toy xd/$tom xd/$toc xd/$ton _ def/$tot 1 def}{$fsa exch 7 mul 7 getinterval aload 2 rp/$frt xd/$frn xd/$frk xd/$fry xd/$frm xd/$frc xd $fsa exch 7 mul 7 getinterval aload pop $fss add/$fse xd/$tot xd/$ton xd/$tok xd/$toy xd/$tom xd /$toc xd}ifelse $fsit 0 eq SepMode_5 0 eq or dup not CurrentInkName_5 $frn eq and or{@sv $ctm setmatrix eoclip Bbllx Bblly Bburx Bbury $fty 2 eq{@ftc}{1 index 3 index m 2 copy l 3 index 1 index l 3 index 3 index l @cp $fty dup 1 eq exch 3 eq or{@ftrs}{4 rp $fan rotate pathbbox @ftl}ifelse}ifelse @rs/$fss $fse def}{1 0 0 0 0 _ $o @scc_5{fill}if}ifelse}for @np}bd/@Pf{@sv SepMode_5 0 eq $ink_5 3 eq or{0 J 0 j[]0 d $t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc_5 pop $ctm setmatrix 72 1000 div dup matrix scale dup concat dup Bburx exch Bbury exch itransform ceiling cvi/Bbury xd ceiling cvi/Bburx xd Bbllx exch Bblly exch itransform floor cvi/Bblly xd floor cvi/Bbllx xd $Prm aload pop $Psn load exec}{1 SetGry eofill}ifelse @rs @np}bd/F{matrix currentmatrix $sdf{$scf $sca $scp @ss}if $fil 1 eq{@pf}{$fil 2 eq{@ff}{$fil 3 eq{@Pf}{$t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc_5{eofill} {@np}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse $sdf{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if setmatrix}bd/f{@cp F}bd/S{matrix currentmatrix $ctm setmatrix $SDF{$SCF $SCA $SCP @ss}if $T $C $M $Y $K $N $O @scc_5{matrix currentmatrix $ptm concat stroke setmatrix} {@np}ifelse $SDF{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if setmatrix}bd/s{@cp S}bd/B{@gs F @gr S} bd/b{@cp B}bd/E{5 array astore exch cvlit xd}bd/@cc{currentfile $dat readhexstring pop}bd/@sm{/$ctm $ctm currentmatrix def}bd/@E{/Bbury xd/Bburx xd /Bblly xd/Bbllx xd}bd/@c{@cp}bd/@p{/$fil 1 def 1 eq dup/$vectpat xd{/$pfrg true def}{@gs $t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc_5/$pfrg xd @gr}ifelse/$pm xd/$psy xd/$psx xd /$pyf xd/$pxf xd/$pn xd}bd/@P{/$fil 3 def/$Psn xd0.05 C 204.34 239.69 2 array astore/$Prm xd}bd/@k{ /$fil 2 def/$roy xd/$rox xd/$pad xd/$fty xd/$fan xd $fty 1 eq{/$fan 0 def}if /$frb xd/$fst xd/$fsc xd/$fsa xd/$fsit 0 def}bd/@x{/$fil 2 def/$roy xd/$rox xd /$pad xd/$fty xd/$fan xd $fty 1 eq{/$fan 0 def}if/$frb xd/$fst xd/$fsc xd/$fsa xd/$fsit 1 def}bd/@ii{concat 3 index 3 index m 3 index 1 index l 2 copy l 1 index 3 index l 3 index 3 index l clip 4 rp}bd/tcc{@cc}def/@i{@sm @gs @ii 6 index 1 ne{/$frg true def 2 rp}{1 eq{s1t s1c s1m s1y s1k s1n $O @scc_5/$frg xd }{/$frg false def}ifelse 1 eq{@gs $ctm setmatrix F @gr}if}ifelse @np/$ury xd /$urx xd/$lly xd/$llx xd/$bts xd/$hei xd/$wid xd/$dat $wid $bts mul 8 div ceiling cvi string def $bkg $frg or{$SDF{$SCF $SCA $SCP @ss}if $llx $lly Tl $urx $llx sub $ury $lly sub scale $bkg{$t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc_5 pop}if $wid $hei abs $bts 1 eq{$bkg}{$bts}ifelse[$wid 0 0 $hei neg 0 $hei 0 gt{$hei}{0}ifelse]/tcc load $bts 1 eq{imagemask}{image}ifelse $SDF{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if}{$hei abs{tcc pop}repeat}ifelse @gr $ctm setmatrix}bd/@M{@sv}bd/@N {/@cc{}def 1 eq{12 -1 roll neg 12 1 roll @I}{13 -1 roll neg 13 1 roll @i} ifelse @rs}bd/@I{@sm @gs @ii @np/$ury xd/$urx xd/$lly xd/$llx xd/$ncl xd/$bts xd/$hei xd/$wid xd/$dat $wid $bts mul $ncl mul 8 div ceiling cvi string def $ngx $llx $lly Tl $urx $llx sub $ury $lly sub scale $wid $hei abs $bts[$wid 0 0 $hei neg 0 $hei 0 gt{$hei}{0}ifelse]/@cc load false $ncl ColorImage $SDF{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if @gr $ctm setmatrix}bd/z{exch findfont exch scalefont setfont} bd/ZB{9 dict dup begin 4 1 roll/FontType 3 def/FontMatrix xd/FontBBox xd /Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255{Encoding exch/.notdef put}for/CharStrings 256 dict def CharStrings/.notdef{}put/Metrics 256 dict def Metrics/.notdef 3 -1 roll put/BuildChar{exch dup/$char exch/Encoding get 3 index get def dup /Metrics get $char get aload pop setcachedevice begin Encoding exch get CharStrings exch get end exec}def end definefont pop}bd/ZBAddChar{findfont begin dup 4 1 roll dup 6 1 roll Encoding 3 1 roll put CharStrings 3 1 roll put Metrics 3 1 roll put end}bd/Z{findfont dup maxlength 2 add dict exch dup{1 index/FID ne{3 index 3 1 roll put}{2 rp}ifelse}forall pop dup dup/Encoding get 256 array copy dup/$fe xd/Encoding exch put dup/Fontname 3 index put 3 -1 roll dup length 0 ne{0 exch{dup type 0 type eq{exch pop}{$fe exch 2 index exch put 1 add}ifelse}forall pop}if dup 256 dict dup/$met xd/Metrics exch put dup /FontMatrix get 0 get 1000 mul 1 exch 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89.71 541.94 L 89.71 542.52 L 89.71 543.10 L 90.00 543.02 L 90.29 542.88 L 90.58 542.74 L 90.86 542.59 L 91.01 542.30 L 91.01 542.02 L 91.08 541.37 L 91.15 541.08 L 91.30 540.86 L 91.51 540.72 L 91.80 540.58 L 92.02 540.58 L 92.23 540.65 L 92.38 540.72 L 92.45 540.94 L 92.81 543.82 L 93.24 546.70 L 93.53 548.06 L 93.89 549.43 L 94.39 550.80 L 94.90 552.10 L 95.47 552.89 L 96.05 553.82 L 96.41 554.18 L 96.77 554.54 L 97.20 554.76 L 97.70 554.83 L 98.35 554.76 L 99.00 554.69 L 99.58 554.62 L 100.22 554.40 L 101.38 553.90 L 102.38 553.32 L 103.46 552.53 L 104.54 551.74 L 106.56 550.08 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 97.92 536.54 103.68 548.64 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.47 0.33 0.31 0.28 k 100.30 548.64 m 100.22 547.70 L 100.08 546.84 L 99.86 545.90 L 99.79 544.97 L 100.08 544.90 L 100.37 544.90 L 101.09 544.97 L 101.38 544.97 L 101.66 544.90 L 101.95 544.75 L 102.10 544.39 L 101.52 544.18 L 100.94 544.10 L 100.37 544.18 L 99.79 544.25 L 99.72 544.10 L 99.65 543.96 L 99.65 543.60 L 100.73 543.60 L 101.81 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546.55 L 109.15 546.91 L 109.44 547.13 L 109.87 547.34 L 110.59 547.63 L 110.95 547.70 L 111.38 547.78 L 111.74 547.70 L 112.03 547.56 L 112.32 547.20 L 112.39 546.77 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 80.93 527.18 86.54 541.80 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 86.54 534.60 m 86.18 534.74 L 85.90 534.82 L 85.61 534.89 L 85.25 534.89 L 84.60 534.82 L 84.31 534.67 L 84.02 534.53 L 83.45 533.74 L 82.94 532.94 L 82.58 532.08 L 82.30 531.22 L 82.15 530.21 L 82.08 529.27 L 82.15 528.34 L 82.37 527.40 L 82.22 527.26 L 82.08 527.18 L 81.65 527.18 L 81.29 528.98 L 81.00 530.86 L 80.93 532.73 L 80.93 534.67 L 81.07 536.62 L 81.29 537.48 L 81.50 538.42 L 81.72 539.35 L 82.08 540.14 L 82.44 541.01 L 82.87 541.80 L 83.66 541.15 L 84.38 540.36 L 85.03 539.57 L 85.54 538.63 L 85.97 537.70 L 86.26 536.69 L 86.47 535.61 L 86.54 534.60 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 57.02 523.51 68.54 539.50 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 64.94 537.77 m 64.87 536.26 L 65.23 535.82 L 65.59 535.39 L 66.10 535.10 L 66.60 534.82 L 67.54 534.38 L 68.54 533.95 L 68.26 532.94 L 67.97 532.01 L 67.25 530.06 L 66.89 528.70 L 66.67 527.33 L 66.24 524.59 L 65.02 524.38 L 63.79 524.02 L 62.64 523.73 L 61.42 523.51 L 60.70 524.02 L 60.12 524.59 L 59.69 525.31 L 59.26 526.10 L 58.97 526.90 L 58.75 527.69 L 58.25 529.27 L 57.02 534.74 L 57.24 535.32 L 57.60 535.82 L 57.96 536.40 L 58.39 536.83 L 59.26 537.77 L 60.19 538.63 L 60.77 539.14 L 61.27 539.50 L 61.78 539.35 L 62.28 539.21 L 63.14 538.70 L 64.08 538.20 L 64.94 537.77 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 71.93 523.73 77.11 538.27 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 77.11 531.65 m 76.61 531.79 L 76.18 532.01 L 75.89 532.01 L 75.67 532.01 L 75.38 532.01 L 75.17 531.86 L 74.74 531.22 L 74.38 530.50 L 74.16 529.85 L 74.02 529.13 L 73.87 528.41 L 73.94 527.62 L 74.02 526.82 L 74.16 526.10 L 74.59 525.31 L 74.81 525.02 L 75.17 524.66 L 74.66 524.30 L 74.23 523.94 L 74.02 523.80 L 73.80 523.73 L 73.58 523.80 L 73.37 524.09 L 72.86 525.38 L 72.50 526.75 L 72.22 528.19 L 72.07 529.63 L 71.93 531.14 L 71.93 532.66 L 72.00 534.10 L 72.22 535.54 L 73.30 538.27 L 73.87 537.48 L 74.45 536.69 L 75.38 535.03 L 77.11 531.65 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 58.61 525.74 65.38 533.45 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.47 0.33 0.31 0.28 k 65.30 529.70 m 65.38 528.77 L 65.30 527.69 L 65.23 526.61 L 64.94 525.74 L 64.73 525.82 L 64.58 525.89 L 64.22 526.25 L 64.01 526.68 L 63.72 527.11 L 63.65 527.40 L 63.65 527.69 L 63.65 528.05 L 63.58 528.12 L 63.43 528.19 L 63.22 528.19 L 63.07 528.05 L 62.71 527.83 L 62.35 527.69 L 62.21 527.69 L 61.99 527.76 L 61.99 527.98 L 61.92 528.12 L 61.63 528.34 L 61.56 528.41 L 61.49 528.55 L 61.42 528.70 L 61.49 528.91 L 61.70 529.34 L 61.99 529.63 L 62.35 529.92 L 62.71 530.21 L 61.63 530.86 L 60.55 531.43 L 59.54 532.08 L 59.11 532.37 L 58.61 532.80 L 58.61 533.23 L 58.97 533.23 L 59.11 533.30 L 59.18 533.45 L 60.77 532.66 L 62.35 531.86 L 63.14 531.36 L 63.94 530.93 L 64.66 530.35 L 65.30 529.70 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 83.81 529.99 85.82 533.45 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 85.82 532.66 m 85.75 532.22 L 85.68 531.86 L 85.39 531.07 L 85.18 530.78 L 84.89 530.42 L 84.67 530.21 L 84.31 529.99 L 84.02 530.06 L 83.81 530.21 L 83.81 530.64 L 83.88 531.07 L 84.02 531.58 L 84.17 532.01 L 84.67 532.73 L 85.32 533.45 L 85.46 533.45 L 85.61 533.45 L 85.68 533.38 L 85.68 533.23 L 85.75 532.87 L 85.82 532.66 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 75.38 527.90 76.90 530.64 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 76.90 529.63 m 76.82 529.13 L 76.68 528.70 L 76.46 528.26 L 76.25 528.12 L 76.03 527.98 L 75.89 527.90 L 75.74 527.90 L 75.60 527.98 L 75.53 528.19 L 75.38 528.48 L 75.38 528.84 L 75.38 529.13 L 75.46 529.49 L 75.74 530.06 L 76.03 530.64 L 76.25 530.64 L 76.39 530.57 L 76.54 530.50 L 76.61 530.35 L 76.82 529.99 L 76.90 529.63 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 92.02 509.98 99.00 526.97 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.47 0.33 0.31 0.28 k 98.28 524.59 m 98.50 524.02 L 98.78 523.51 L 98.93 522.86 L 99.00 522.29 L 98.78 522.07 L 98.50 522.07 L 98.35 522.22 L 98.14 522.36 L 97.78 522.86 L 97.56 523.15 L 97.34 523.30 L 96.91 523.51 L 96.48 523.80 L 96.26 523.87 L 96.05 523.94 L 95.83 523.94 L 95.54 523.87 L 95.76 522.14 L 95.90 520.34 L 95.90 518.54 L 95.90 516.82 L 95.69 515.02 L 95.40 513.36 L 95.04 511.70 L 94.46 510.19 L 94.03 509.98 L 94.39 513.43 L 94.54 515.23 L 94.61 517.10 L 94.61 518.90 L 94.46 520.70 L 94.18 522.43 L 93.74 524.16 L 93.46 523.94 L 93.10 523.80 L 92.74 523.87 L 92.59 523.94 L 92.45 524.02 L 92.23 524.52 L 92.09 525.02 L 92.02 525.53 L 92.09 525.82 L 92.16 526.03 L 92.45 526.39 L 92.74 526.68 L 93.17 526.90 L 93.60 526.97 L 94.46 526.97 L 95.33 526.97 L 95.76 526.82 L 96.19 526.68 L 96.55 526.39 L 96.98 526.18 L 97.34 525.82 L 97.70 525.46 L 97.99 525.02 L 98.28 524.59 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 64.15 514.15 76.25 521.28 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 76.18 520.42 m 76.25 519.70 L 76.25 518.98 L 76.03 518.26 L 75.74 517.75 L 74.88 516.82 L 73.87 516.02 L 72.86 515.45 L 71.78 514.87 L 70.63 514.51 L 69.48 514.30 L 68.26 514.15 L 67.03 514.15 L 66.31 514.37 L 65.59 514.66 L 64.87 514.94 L 64.15 515.38 L 64.22 515.74 L 64.37 516.10 L 64.58 516.46 L 64.80 516.74 L 65.45 517.32 L 66.02 517.82 L 68.18 519.26 L 69.34 519.91 L 70.49 520.42 L 71.64 520.92 L 72.79 521.21 L 73.44 521.28 L 74.09 521.28 L 74.74 521.28 L 75.38 521.21 L 76.18 520.42 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 85.46 497.30 90.72 503.14 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 90.72 503.14 m 90.72 502.42 L 90.65 501.70 L 90.43 500.18 L 90.29 499.46 L 90.22 498.74 L 90.22 498.02 L 90.36 497.30 L 89.21 498.02 L 88.63 498.31 L 88.06 498.60 L 87.41 498.82 L 86.76 499.03 L 86.11 499.10 L 85.46 499.18 L 85.61 499.97 L 85.82 500.69 L 86.11 501.41 L 86.54 502.13 L 88.34 502.42 L 88.27 501.84 L 88.27 501.26 L 88.56 501.19 L 88.70 501.19 L 88.78 501.19 L 89.35 502.56 L 89.71 502.70 L 90.07 502.85 L 90.43 502.99 L 90.72 503.14 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 86.98 475.20 108.58 495.50 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 107.71 494.42 m 107.50 494.28 L 107.21 494.06 L 106.85 493.70 L 106.78 493.56 L 106.70 493.34 L 106.63 493.06 L 106.63 492.84 L 106.70 492.34 L 106.92 491.90 L 107.28 491.47 L 107.57 491.11 L 107.86 490.68 L 108.07 490.25 L 108.14 489.74 L 108.36 489.60 L 108.43 489.38 L 108.58 488.95 L 108.50 488.45 L 108.36 488.02 L 107.64 487.08 L 106.85 486.29 L 106.06 485.57 L 105.19 484.92 L 104.26 484.34 L 103.39 483.77 L 101.59 482.69 L 101.16 482.47 L 100.87 482.04 L 100.66 481.61 L 100.58 481.18 L 100.73 480.96 L 100.73 480.74 L 100.66 480.38 L 100.22 479.52 L 99.43 478.73 L 98.57 477.94 L 97.63 477.29 L 96.77 476.71 L 95.76 476.21 L 94.75 475.78 L 93.74 475.42 L 92.66 475.20 L 93.46 475.78 L 94.39 476.35 L 95.40 477.00 L 96.34 477.65 L 97.13 478.30 L 98.06 479.02 L 98.78 479.81 L 99.14 480.17 L 99.43 480.60 L 99.22 480.74 L 99.07 480.74 L 98.78 480.53 L 98.42 480.24 L 98.28 480.17 L 98.14 480.10 L 95.90 479.30 L 93.82 478.51 L 91.73 477.50 L 90.72 476.93 L 89.78 476.28 L 89.28 477.00 L 91.22 478.15 L 93.17 479.16 L 95.18 480.17 L 97.13 481.32 L 97.13 481.39 L 97.06 481.54 L 96.84 481.68 L 94.75 480.74 L 92.74 479.74 L 90.72 478.73 L 89.71 478.30 L 88.70 477.94 L 88.49 478.44 L 89.86 479.16 L 91.30 479.88 L 92.66 480.53 L 93.96 481.32 L 93.96 481.32 L 93.96 481.39 L 93.96 481.39 L 94.03 481.32 L 94.25 481.46 L 93.96 481.61 L 91.15 480.38 L 89.64 479.81 L 88.13 479.30 L 87.91 479.59 L 87.62 480.02 L 87.34 480.46 L 86.98 480.82 L 87.84 481.46 L 88.70 482.04 L 89.57 482.54 L 90.58 482.98 L 92.52 483.77 L 94.54 484.49 L 95.69 484.70 L 96.34 484.78 L 96.91 484.78 L 97.49 484.70 L 98.06 484.63 L 98.57 484.42 L 99.07 483.98 L 99.07 483.77 L 99.00 483.55 L 98.86 483.05 L 98.78 482.76 L 98.86 482.62 L 99.00 482.47 L 99.29 482.33 L 100.08 482.90 L 100.44 483.26 L 100.80 483.70 L 100.94 483.62 L 101.02 483.62 L 101.16 483.70 L 101.23 483.77 L 101.45 484.27 L 102.02 484.78 L 102.60 485.28 L 103.18 485.86 L 103.68 486.36 L 104.18 486.94 L 104.62 487.66 L 104.69 487.94 L 104.76 488.38 L 104.76 488.81 L 104.76 489.17 L 104.62 489.53 L 104.40 489.74 L 103.90 490.25 L 102.74 491.04 L 102.31 491.47 L 102.10 491.69 L 101.95 491.98 L 101.95 492.26 L 101.95 492.55 L 102.02 492.91 L 102.24 493.27 L 102.60 493.92 L 103.10 494.57 L 103.75 495.07 L 104.33 495.50 L 104.76 495.43 L 105.19 495.29 L 106.06 495.00 L 106.85 494.64 L 107.28 494.57 L 107.71 494.42 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 33.84 475.06 59.47 492.55 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 52.99 491.47 m 54.07 491.62 L 55.22 491.83 L 56.45 491.98 L 57.02 491.98 L 57.60 491.83 L 58.18 490.03 L 58.68 488.16 L 59.11 486.29 L 59.47 484.34 L 59.26 483.34 L 59.04 482.40 L 58.39 480.53 L 57.82 478.73 L 57.24 476.86 L 57.10 476.42 L 56.88 476.06 L 56.66 475.70 L 56.38 475.49 L 56.09 475.34 L 55.73 475.20 L 55.01 475.06 L 54.29 475.06 L 53.42 475.13 L 52.63 475.13 L 51.91 475.06 L 51.26 475.34 L 50.69 475.70 L 50.18 476.28 L 49.82 476.86 L 49.46 477.50 L 49.18 478.22 L 48.67 479.59 L 48.53 479.52 L 48.53 479.38 L 48.46 479.23 L 48.38 479.16 L 48.17 479.30 L 47.95 479.45 L 47.88 479.09 L 47.81 478.66 L 47.88 477.86 L 48.10 477.00 L 48.38 476.28 L 47.23 475.78 L 46.58 475.56 L 45.86 475.34 L 45.22 475.27 L 44.57 475.27 L 43.85 475.42 L 43.27 475.70 L 43.06 475.92 L 42.84 475.99 L 42.41 476.21 L 42.05 476.50 L 41.90 476.71 L 41.76 477.00 L 41.69 478.22 L 41.69 478.87 L 41.76 479.16 L 41.90 479.38 L 41.83 479.66 L 41.62 479.88 L 41.18 480.17 L 40.82 479.95 L 40.39 479.74 L 40.25 479.52 L 40.10 479.38 L 40.03 479.16 L 40.03 478.87 L 38.52 478.94 L 37.73 478.94 L 36.94 479.09 L 36.14 479.30 L 35.50 479.59 L 35.21 479.88 L 34.99 480.17 L 34.70 480.53 L 34.56 480.89 L 34.34 481.54 L 34.13 482.18 L 33.84 483.48 L 34.13 484.06 L 34.49 484.63 L 35.28 485.64 L 36.22 486.58 L 37.15 487.51 L 39.24 489.24 L 40.25 490.25 L 41.18 491.18 L 41.62 491.47 L 42.12 491.62 L 42.62 491.69 L 43.13 491.69 L 44.14 491.69 L 44.64 491.69 L 45.14 491.76 L 45.36 491.40 L 45.58 491.04 L 45.94 490.82 L 46.30 490.68 L 46.94 490.97 L 47.59 491.40 L 48.31 491.83 L 49.03 492.19 L 49.75 492.41 L 50.54 492.55 L 50.90 492.48 L 51.26 492.41 L 51.62 492.34 L 52.06 492.12 L 52.49 491.69 L 52.70 491.54 L 52.99 491.47 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 140.98 473.54 168.34 494.42 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 151.63 492.84 m 152.35 493.06 L 153.07 493.27 L 153.79 493.34 L 154.51 493.34 L 155.23 493.27 L 155.88 493.06 L 156.53 492.70 L 157.10 492.19 L 157.97 492.12 L 158.69 492.19 L 159.48 492.19 L 159.91 492.19 L 160.27 492.12 L 161.42 490.97 L 162.50 489.82 L 164.52 487.58 L 164.59 487.22 L 166.03 485.28 L 166.68 484.34 L 167.26 483.26 L 167.76 482.18 L 168.12 481.10 L 168.34 479.95 L 168.34 479.30 L 168.34 478.66 L 166.97 477.94 L 165.53 477.22 L 162.72 476.06 L 162.07 476.21 L 161.42 476.50 L 160.85 476.86 L 160.34 477.29 L 160.34 477.58 L 160.34 477.94 L 160.56 478.58 L 160.63 478.87 L 160.63 479.16 L 160.56 479.45 L 160.34 479.74 L 159.91 479.59 L 159.55 479.45 L 159.41 479.16 L 159.34 478.73 L 159.19 477.94 L 159.05 477.58 L 158.90 477.22 L 157.61 474.62 L 156.24 474.05 L 155.52 473.76 L 154.80 473.62 L 154.01 473.54 L 153.22 473.62 L 152.50 473.76 L 152.21 473.98 L 151.85 474.19 L 151.56 474.55 L 151.20 474.91 L 150.91 475.20 L 150.84 475.42 L 150.77 475.63 L 150.98 475.92 L 151.20 476.14 L 151.78 476.50 L 151.99 476.71 L 152.21 476.93 L 152.35 477.22 L 152.35 477.50 L 151.99 477.58 L 151.63 477.58 L 151.27 477.50 L 150.91 477.36 L 150.34 477.00 L 149.69 476.57 L 149.11 476.06 L 148.46 475.63 L 147.82 475.27 L 147.46 475.13 L 147.10 475.13 L 146.59 474.98 L 146.16 474.91 L 145.73 474.91 L 145.30 474.98 L 144.86 475.13 L 144.50 475.34 L 143.71 475.78 L 142.99 476.35 L 142.27 477.00 L 140.98 478.44 L 140.98 479.45 L 141.05 480.53 L 141.48 482.54 L 141.91 484.56 L 142.06 485.64 L 142.20 486.65 L 142.42 487.37 L 142.78 488.02 L 142.99 488.66 L 142.99 488.95 L 142.99 489.31 L 143.28 489.82 L 143.50 490.39 L 143.86 491.69 L 144.22 492.91 L 144.43 493.49 L 144.72 494.06 L 145.58 494.28 L 146.52 494.35 L 147.53 494.42 L 148.46 494.35 L 148.82 494.14 L 149.18 493.78 L 149.98 493.13 L 150.34 492.91 L 150.70 492.77 L 151.20 492.77 L 151.63 492.84 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 132.62 489.67 137.23 490.97 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 137.23 489.67 m 132.62 489.67 L 132.98 489.89 L 133.27 490.10 L 134.14 490.32 L 134.93 490.54 L 135.29 490.75 L 135.65 490.97 L 136.15 490.75 L 136.51 490.46 L 136.87 490.10 L 137.23 489.67 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 28.08 328.82 174.38 488.38 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 34.70 486.94 m 34.34 486.50 L 33.91 486.07 L 32.98 485.21 L 32.62 484.78 L 32.40 484.27 L 32.18 483.70 L 32.26 482.98 L 32.54 482.18 L 32.76 481.46 L 33.19 479.88 L 33.48 479.16 L 33.84 478.51 L 34.13 478.22 L 34.42 477.94 L 34.70 477.72 L 35.14 477.50 L 35.35 477.22 L 35.64 477.00 L 35.93 476.86 L 36.29 476.71 L 36.94 476.57 L 37.58 476.57 L 39.02 476.57 L 39.74 476.50 L 40.39 476.35 L 43.42 473.11 L 43.85 472.97 L 44.28 472.90 L 45.14 472.82 L 46.01 472.97 L 46.80 473.26 L 48.31 473.98 L 49.18 474.26 L 49.90 474.55 L 50.33 474.19 L 50.76 473.98 L 51.19 473.76 L 51.70 473.62 L 52.70 473.47 L 53.71 473.47 L 54.72 473.54 L 55.80 473.62 L 56.88 473.76 L 57.89 473.90 L 58.39 474.77 L 60.62 482.54 L 60.91 483.12 L 61.06 483.70 L 61.06 484.27 L 60.98 484.85 L 60.91 485.42 L 60.77 486.00 L 60.34 487.08 L 62.93 487.08 L 65.52 487.08 L 68.04 487.08 L 70.34 487.15 L 71.35 487.08 L 72.43 487.08 L 74.45 487.08 L 76.54 487.08 L 77.54 487.01 L 78.48 486.94 L 79.27 487.15 L 80.06 487.44 L 80.78 487.87 L 81.43 488.38 L 82.44 487.66 L 83.52 487.01 L 84.74 486.43 L 85.97 486.07 L 87.19 485.86 L 88.49 485.78 L 89.78 485.93 L 91.08 486.29 L 92.45 487.08 L 102.31 487.01 L 101.59 485.93 L 101.16 485.35 L 100.87 485.14 L 100.66 484.99 L 100.22 485.42 L 99.72 485.78 L 99.22 486.00 L 98.71 486.22 L 98.21 486.29 L 97.63 486.36 L 96.55 486.36 L 95.40 486.22 L 94.32 485.93 L 92.23 485.21 L 90.50 484.63 L 88.78 483.91 L 87.91 483.48 L 87.12 483.05 L 86.33 482.47 L 85.61 481.82 L 86.04 480.46 L 86.62 479.02 L 87.26 477.65 L 87.98 476.28 L 88.49 475.70 L 88.92 475.13 L 89.42 474.70 L 90.00 474.19 L 90.58 473.83 L 91.22 473.54 L 91.94 473.40 L 92.66 473.33 L 95.11 474.55 L 96.26 475.27 L 97.49 475.99 L 98.57 476.78 L 99.65 477.58 L 100.73 478.58 L 101.74 479.52 L 101.95 480.02 L 102.17 480.46 L 102.31 480.89 L 102.38 481.18 L 102.38 481.39 L 103.39 482.04 L 104.47 482.62 L 106.56 483.84 L 107.57 484.49 L 108.58 485.21 L 109.44 486.00 L 110.30 487.01 L 130.54 486.94 L 132.98 487.01 L 135.65 487.01 L 140.98 486.94 L 140.54 486.07 L 140.18 485.21 L 139.90 484.27 L 139.61 483.34 L 139.25 481.46 L 138.96 480.53 L 138.67 479.59 L 138.82 478.80 L 139.03 478.15 L 139.46 477.50 L 139.97 476.86 L 141.05 475.70 L 141.55 475.13 L 142.06 474.55 L 142.56 474.12 L 142.99 473.83 L 143.50 473.54 L 144.07 473.40 L 144.58 473.26 L 145.15 473.18 L 146.30 473.11 L 147.53 473.69 L 148.68 474.41 L 149.11 473.83 L 149.62 473.33 L 150.05 472.82 L 150.62 472.39 L 151.27 472.10 L 151.92 471.89 L 152.64 471.82 L 153.43 471.89 L 154.30 472.10 L 155.23 472.25 L 156.24 472.39 L 157.10 472.61 L 157.97 472.97 L 158.33 473.18 L 158.69 473.47 L 158.98 473.83 L 159.26 474.19 L 159.48 474.70 L 159.62 475.27 L 160.63 474.91 L 161.71 474.62 L 162.22 474.48 L 162.79 474.48 L 163.37 474.55 L 163.94 474.70 L 165.67 475.56 L 166.54 475.99 L 167.33 476.57 L 168.12 477.14 L 168.91 477.79 L 169.63 478.51 L 170.21 479.30 L 170.28 479.88 L 170.28 480.46 L 170.21 481.03 L 170.06 481.54 L 169.70 482.54 L 169.27 483.41 L 168.70 484.34 L 168.12 485.21 L 167.62 486.14 L 167.11 487.08 L 174.31 487.15 L 174.38 328.82 L 28.08 328.90 L 28.22 487.01 L 34.70 486.94 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 48.60 480.82 51.62 484.34 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.47 0.33 0.31 0.28 k 51.62 483.98 m 51.48 483.62 L 51.34 483.19 L 50.69 482.26 L 49.97 481.39 L 49.39 480.82 L 49.03 480.82 L 48.89 480.96 L 48.74 481.18 L 48.60 481.46 L 48.67 481.82 L 48.89 482.18 L 49.18 482.62 L 49.46 482.98 L 50.11 483.70 L 50.40 483.98 L 50.62 484.34 L 51.19 484.27 L 51.41 484.20 L 51.62 483.98 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 41.83 481.03 44.28 483.77 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.47 0.33 0.31 0.28 k 44.28 483.19 m 44.21 483.05 L 44.06 482.69 L 43.63 482.04 L 43.06 481.39 L 42.70 481.03 L 42.55 481.03 L 42.41 481.03 L 42.19 481.10 L 41.83 481.54 L 41.90 481.75 L 42.12 482.04 L 42.62 482.69 L 43.20 483.34 L 43.56 483.77 L 43.78 483.77 L 43.99 483.62 L 44.14 483.41 L 44.28 483.19 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 158.04 480.46 160.13 485.93 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.47 0.33 0.31 0.28 k 159.84 481.25 m 160.06 480.89 L 160.13 480.74 L 160.06 480.60 L 159.91 480.60 L 159.70 480.53 L 159.55 480.46 L 159.34 480.53 L 158.90 481.03 L 158.62 482.11 L 158.33 483.26 L 158.11 484.49 L 158.04 485.71 L 158.26 485.86 L 158.54 485.93 L 158.69 485.93 L 158.76 485.93 L 158.90 485.78 L 158.98 485.64 L 159.84 481.25 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 151.70 479.81 153.07 483.77 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.47 0.33 0.31 0.28 k 153.07 483.70 m 152.64 480.02 L 152.35 479.81 L 152.35 479.81 L 152.21 479.81 L 151.99 479.88 L 151.85 480.02 L 151.70 480.24 L 151.78 481.10 L 151.85 482.33 L 151.92 482.83 L 151.99 483.26 L 152.21 483.62 L 152.35 483.77 L 152.50 483.77 L 152.64 483.77 L 152.78 483.77 L 152.93 483.77 L 153.07 483.70 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 90.58 475.63 96.98 479.02 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 96.98 479.02 m 95.62 478.01 L 94.25 477.14 L 92.81 476.35 L 91.30 475.70 L 91.15 475.63 L 90.94 475.63 L 90.72 475.63 L 90.58 475.78 L 91.30 476.28 L 92.02 476.78 L 93.60 477.58 L 95.26 478.30 L 96.98 479.02 L @c F @rax 48.82 445.18 54.86 451.30 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 48.83772 445.19097] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (B) @t T @rax 52.13 442.66 63.36 453.74 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 54.93895 445.19097] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (u) @t T @rax 60.41 445.18 62.14 451.15 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 60.39192 445.19097] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (l) @t T @rax 62.71 445.18 64.44 451.15 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 62.71801 445.19097] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (l) @t T @rax 61.92 442.66 74.45 453.74 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 65.08224 445.19097] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (e) @t T @rax 71.21 445.18 74.74 450.29 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 71.18346 445.19097] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (t) @t T @rax 74.74 445.18 76.90 450.65 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 74.76793 445.19097] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (i) @t T @rax 74.88 442.66 86.11 453.74 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 77.70414 445.19097] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (n) @t T @rax 86.18 445.10 92.02 451.15 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 86.16959 445.19097] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (d) @t T @rax 89.14 442.66 101.66 453.74 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 92.27082 445.19097] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (e) @t T @rax 101.38 445.18 103.10 451.15 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 101.38452 445.19097] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (l) @t T @rax 103.75 445.18 105.91 450.65 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 103.74875 445.19097] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (i) @t T @rax 103.54 442.66 116.06 453.74 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 106.68496 445.19097] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (a) @t T @rax 112.75 445.18 114.91 450.65 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 112.78619 445.19097] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (i) @t T @rax 113.26 442.66 123.19 453.74 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 115.72240 445.19097] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (s) @t T @rax 117.36 442.66 129.89 453.74 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 120.48898 445.19097] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (o) @t T @rax 123.77 442.66 135.00 453.74 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 126.59021 445.19097] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (n) @t T @rax 135.07 445.10 140.90 451.15 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 135.09379 445.19097] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (d) @t T @rax 138.10 442.66 150.55 453.74 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 141.19501 445.19097] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (e) @t T @rax 144.79 442.66 154.73 453.74 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 147.25811 445.19097] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (s) @t T @rax 34.85 436.18 40.68 442.22 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 34.84304 436.26793] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (d) @t T @rax 40.97 436.25 43.13 441.72 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 40.94426 436.26793] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (i) @t T @rax 40.75 433.73 53.28 444.82 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 43.88048 436.26793] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (a) @t T @rax 46.87 433.73 59.33 444.82 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 49.98170 436.26793] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (p) @t T @rax 52.92 433.73 65.45 444.82 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 56.04480 436.26793] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (o) @t T @rax 60.55 433.73 66.82 444.82 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 62.14602 436.26793] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (r) @t T @rax 61.92 433.73 74.45 444.82 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 65.08224 436.26793] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (a) @t T @rax 67.10 433.73 83.38 444.82 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 71.18346 436.26793] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (m) @t T @rax 79.13 436.25 81.29 441.72 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 79.11505 436.26793] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (i) @t T @rax 79.56 433.73 89.50 444.82 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 82.05127 436.26793] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (s) @t T @rax 86.83 436.25 90.43 441.36 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 86.85598 436.26793] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (t) @t T @rax 87.34 433.73 99.79 444.82 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 90.44045 436.26793] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (e) @t T @rax 94.03 433.73 103.97 444.82 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 96.50354 436.26793] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (s) @t T @rax 104.33 436.25 107.64 442.22 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 104.32074 436.26793] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (f) @t T @rax 105.70 433.73 111.89 444.82 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 107.25695 436.26793] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (r) @t T @rax 107.14 433.73 119.59 444.82 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 110.23130 436.26793] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (a) @t T @rax 113.47 433.73 124.70 444.82 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 116.29439 436.26793] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (n) @t T @rax 119.59 433.73 128.38 444.82 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 121.78549 436.26793] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (c) @t T @rax 122.83 433.73 135.36 444.82 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 125.98009 436.26793] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (o) @t T @rax 128.88 433.73 141.41 444.82 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 132.04318 436.26793] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (p) @t T @rax 138.17 436.25 143.28 442.22 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 138.14440 436.26793] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (h) @t T @rax 140.47 433.73 153.00 444.82 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 143.59737 436.26793] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (o) @t T @rax 146.88 433.73 158.11 444.82 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 149.69860 436.26793] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (n) @t T @rax 151.99 433.73 164.52 444.82 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 155.15157 436.26793] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (e) @t T @rax 158.76 433.73 168.70 444.82 @E [0.01113 0.00000 0.00000 0.00846 161.25279 436.26793] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R26-Bahamas 1008.00 z 0 0 (s) @t T @rax 62.14 425.52 140.04 430.34 @E [0.00530 0.00000 0.00000 0.00530 62.14602 426.65850] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS 1008.00 z 0 0 (S) @t 560 0 (u) @t 1064 0 (p) @t 1568 0 (p) @t 2072 0 (l) @t 2352 0 (\351m) @t 3584 0 (en) @t 4536 0 (t) @t 5068 0 (d) @t 5572 0 (e) @t 6272 0 (F) @t 6832 0 (r) @t 7168 0 (an) @t 8120 0 (ce-) @t 9352 0 (P) @t 9912 0 (h) @t 10416 0 (o) @t 10920 0 (t) @t 11200 0 (o) @t 11704 0 (g) @t 12208 0 (r) @t 12544 0 (ap) @t 13496 0 (h) @t 14000 0 (i) @t 14280 0 (e) @t T @rax 42.70 420.34 130.39 425.23 @E [0.00530 0.00000 0.00000 0.00530 42.73650 421.51059] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS 1008.00 z 0 0 (p) @t 504 0 (u) @t 1008 0 (b) @t 1512 0 (l) @t 1792 0 (i) @t 2072 0 (\351\351p) @t 3377 0 (ar) @t 4413 0 (l) @t 4693 0 (a) @t 5393 0 (C) @t 6065 0 (o) @t 6569 0 (m) @t 7353 0 (m) @t 8137 0 (i) @t 8417 0 (ss) @t 9201 0 (i) @t 9481 0 (o) @t 9985 0 (n) @t 10741 0 (n) @t 11245 0 (at) @t 11973 0 (i) @t 12253 0 (o) @t 12757 0 (n) @t 13261 0 (al) @t 13989 0 (e) @t 14689 0 (p) @t 15193 0 (o) @t 15697 0 (u) @t 16201 0 (r) @t T @rax 132.41 421.42 148.03 425.23 @E [0.00530 0.00000 0.00000 0.00530 132.42450 421.51059] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS 1008.00 z 0 0 (l) @t 280 0 (') @t 461 0 (A) @t 1189 0 (u) @t 1693 0 (d) @t 2197 0 (i) @t 2477 0 (o) @t T @rax 146.59 421.42 159.26 425.23 @E [0.00530 0.00000 0.00000 0.00530 146.60985 421.51059] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS 1008.00 z 0 0 (v) @t 504 0 (i) @t 784 0 (suel) @t T @rax 55.22 415.22 146.95 420.05 @E [0.00530 0.00000 0.00000 0.00530 55.24401 416.36268] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS 1008.00 z 0 0 (d) @t 504 0 (e) @t 1204 0 (l) @t 1484 0 (a) @t 2184 0 (F) @t 2744 0 (\351d) @t 3696 0 (\351r) @t 4480 0 (at) @t 5208 0 (i) @t 5488 0 (o) @t 5992 0 (n) @t 6748 0 (P) @t 7308 0 (h) @t 7812 0 (o) @t 8316 0 (t) @t 8596 0 (o) @t 9100 0 (g) @t 9604 0 (r) @t 9940 0 (ap) @t 10892 0 (h) @t 11396 0 (i) @t 11676 0 (q) @t 12180 0 (u) @t 12684 0 (e) @t 13384 0 (d) @t 13888 0 (e) @t 14588 0 (F) @t 15148 0 (r) @t 15484 0 (an) @t 16436 0 (ce) @t T @rax 81.65 387.43 84.46 390.96 @E [0.00530 0.00000 0.00000 0.00530 81.66994 387.45813] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS 1008.00 z 0 0 (F) @t T @rax 84.53 387.36 126.86 391.03 @E [0.00530 0.00000 0.00000 0.00530 84.52989 387.45813] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS 1008.00 z 0 0 (ax) @t 1204 0 (:) @t 1988 0 (0) @t 2492 0 (5) @t 3248 0 (6) @t 3752 0 (2) @t 4508 0 (2) @t 5012 0 (3) @t 5768 0 (0) @t 6272 0 (0) @t 7028 0 (1) @t 7532 0 (9) @t T @rax 77.76 358.56 80.50 362.09 @E [0.00530 0.00000 0.00000 0.00530 77.74228 358.55358] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS 1008.00 z 0 0 (F) @t T @rax 80.57 357.41 123.98 362.23 @E [0.00530 0.00000 0.00000 0.00530 80.60223 358.55358] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS 1008.00 z 0 0 (ax) @t 1204 0 (:) @t 1736 0 (\050) @t 2072 0 (+35) @t 3649 0 (2) @t 4153 0 (\051) @t 4741 0 (4) @t 5245 0 (2) @t 6001 0 (5) @t 6505 0 (4) @t 7261 0 (5) @t 7765 0 (3) @t T @rax 83.09 349.20 118.94 352.87 @E [0.00530 0.00000 0.00000 0.00530 83.08085 349.28734] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS 1008.00 z 0 0 (I) @t 336 0 (S) @t 896 0 (S) @t 1456 0 (N) @t 2436 0 (1) @t 2940 0 (2) @t 3444 0 (6) @t 3948 0 (6) @t 4452 0 (-) @t 4788 0 (8) @t 5292 0 (1) @t 5796 0 (0) @t 6300 0 (9) @t T @rax 37.87 338.33 68.69 342.07 @E [0.00530 0.00000 0.00000 0.00530 37.85552 338.38140] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS 1008.00 z 0 0 (L) @t 616 0 (a) @t 1316 0 (r) @t 1652 0 (\351d) @t 2604 0 (act) @t 3780 0 (i) @t 4060 0 (o) @t 4564 0 (n) @t 5320 0 (n) @t T @rax 68.62 337.25 124.06 342.07 @E [0.00530 0.00000 0.00000 0.00530 68.62857 338.38140] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS 1008.00 z 0 0 (') @t 181 0 (est) @t 1553 0 (p) @t 2057 0 (as) @t 3149 0 (r) @t 3485 0 (espo) @t 5333 0 (n) @t 5837 0 (sabl) @t 7461 0 (e) @t 8161 0 (d) @t 8665 0 (es) @t 9757 0 (t) @t 10037 0 (e) @t T @rax 123.91 338.33 164.09 342.07 @E [0.00530 0.00000 0.00000 0.00530 123.92092 338.38140] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS 1008.00 z 0 0 (x) @t 504 0 (t) @t 784 0 (es) @t 1876 0 (et) @t 2856 0 (i) @t 3136 0 (l) @t 3416 0 (l) @t 3696 0 (u) @t 4200 0 (st) @t 4872 0 (r) @t 5208 0 (at) @t 5936 0 (i) @t 6216 0 (o) @t 6720 0 (n) @t 7224 0 (s) @t T @rax 45.79 331.42 73.22 336.31 @E [0.00530 0.00000 0.00000 0.00530 45.78711 332.58524] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS 1008.00 z 0 0 (q) @t 504 0 (u) @t 1008 0 (i) @t 1540 0 (en) @t 2492 0 (g) @t 2991 0 (ag) @t 3943 0 (en) @t 4895 0 (t) @t T @rax 74.52 331.42 156.38 336.31 @E [0.00530 0.00000 0.00000 0.00530 74.50100 332.58524] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS 1008.00 z 0 0 (l) @t 280 0 (a) @t 980 0 (seul) @t 2604 0 (e) @t 3304 0 (r) @t 3640 0 (espo) @t 5488 0 (n) @t 5992 0 (sabi) @t 7616 0 (l) @t 7896 0 (i) @t 8176 0 (t) @t 8456 0 (\351) @t 9156 0 (d) @t 9660 0 (e) @t 10360 0 (l) @t 10640 0 (eu) @t 11592 0 (r) @t 11928 0 (s) @t 12572 0 (au) @t 13524 0 (t) @t 13804 0 (eu) @t 14756 0 (r) @t 15092 0 (s) @t T @rax 62.57 403.20 139.61 409.03 @E [0.00633 0.00000 0.00000 0.00633 62.75614 404.57969] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS-Italic 1008.00 z 0 0 (R) @t 616 0 (e) @t 1064 0 (s) @t 1456 0 (p) @t 1960 0 (o) @t 2464 0 (n) @t 2968 0 (s) @t 3360 0 (a) @t 3864 0 (b) @t 4368 0 (l) @t 4648 0 (e) @t 5348 0 (d) @t 5852 0 (e) @t 6552 0 (l) @t 6832 0 (a) @t 7588 0 (p) @t 8092 0 (u) @t 8596 0 (b) @t 9100 0 (l) @t 9380 0 (i) @t 9660 0 (c) @t 10108 0 (a) @t 10612 0 (t) @t 10892 0 (i) @t 11172 0 (o) @t 11676 0 (n) @t T @rax 64.44 374.33 131.98 380.02 @E [0.00633 0.00000 0.00000 0.00633 64.47211 375.67514] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS-Italic 1008.00 z 0 0 (Co) @t 1176 0 (mp) @t 2408 0 (o) @t 2912 0 (s) @t 3304 0 (i) @t 3584 0 (t) @t 3864 0 (i) @t 4144 0 (o) @t 4648 0 (n) @t 5404 0 (e) @t 5852 0 (t) @t 6384 0 (mi) @t 7392 0 (s) @t 7784 0 (e) @t 8484 0 (e) @t 8932 0 (n) @t 9688 0 (p) @t 10192 0 (a) @t T @rax 130.10 373.75 136.51 382.03 @E [0.00633 0.00000 0.00000 0.00633 131.69998 375.67514] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS-Italic 1008.00 z 0 0 (g) @t T @rax 133.34 373.75 139.03 382.03 @E [0.00633 0.00000 0.00000 0.00633 134.78873 375.67514] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS-Italic 1008.00 z 0 0 (e) @t T @rax 78.98 398.38 102.17 402.41 @E [0.00583 0.00000 0.00000 0.00583 79.00065 398.44033] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS-Bold 1008.00 z 0 0 (Cl) @t 1008 0 (au) @t 2072 0 (d) @t 2632 0 (e) @t 3332 0 (T) @t T @rax 101.59 398.38 115.13 402.34 @E [0.00583 0.00000 0.00000 0.00583 101.61332 398.44033] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS-Bold 1008.00 z 0 0 (.) @t 504 0 (VI) @t 1624 0 (D) @t T @rax 114.98 398.45 122.98 402.41 @E [0.00583 0.00000 0.00000 0.00583 114.99788 398.44033] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS-Bold 1008.00 z 0 0 (AL) @t T @rax 73.22 369.43 109.08 373.54 @E [0.00583 0.00000 0.00000 0.00583 73.20449 369.53578] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS-Bold 1008.00 z 0 0 (G) @t 784 0 (\351) @t 1232 0 (r) @t 1680 0 (ar) @t 2632 0 (d) @t 3444 0 (DE) @t 4844 0 (S) @t 5404 0 (R) @t T @rax 108.43 369.43 128.81 373.54 @E [0.00583 0.00000 0.00000 0.00583 108.43906 369.53578] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS-Bold 1008.00 z 0 0 (O) @t 784 0 (CH) @t 2296 0 (E) @t 2968 0 (S) @t T @rax 57.10 391.75 68.54 396.72 @E [0.00583 0.00000 0.00000 0.00583 57.11251 392.72044] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS 1008.00 z 0 0 (12) @t 1008 0 (,) @t 1512 0 (a) @t T @rax 66.82 390.96 72.72 398.59 @E [0.00583 0.00000 0.00000 0.00583 68.28538 392.72044] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS 1008.00 z 0 0 (v) @t T @rax 71.14 392.62 145.73 396.79 @E [0.00583 0.00000 0.00000 0.00583 71.10719 392.72044] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS 1008.00 z 0 0 (e) @t 448 0 (nu) @t 1456 0 (e) @t 2156 0 (B) @t 2828 0 (e) @t 3276 0 (r) @t 3612 0 (na) @t 4564 0 (r) @t 4900 0 (d) @t 5656 0 (I) @t 5992 0 (V) @t 6972 0 (-) @t 7560 0 (31) @t 8568 0 (60) @t 9576 0 (0) @t 10332 0 (M) @t 11228 0 (ur) @t 12068 0 (e) @t 12516 0 (t) @t T @rax 48.53 362.81 97.20 367.92 @E [0.00583 0.00000 0.00000 0.00583 48.49453 363.81588] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS 1008.00 z 0 0 (20) @t 1008 0 (5,) @t 2016 0 (r) @t 2352 0 (ue) @t 3556 0 (de) @t 4760 0 (Ki) @t 5768 0 (r) @t 6104 0 (c) @t 6552 0 (hb) @t 7560 0 (e) @t 8008 0 (r) @t T @rax 96.48 362.52 132.62 367.78 @E [0.00583 0.00000 0.00000 0.00583 96.50354 363.81588] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS 1008.00 z 0 0 (g) @t 756 0 (\226) @t 1361 0 (L-) @t 2313 0 (18) @t 3321 0 (58) @t 4581 0 (Lu) @t 5701 0 (x) @t T @rax 132.98 363.74 150.98 367.92 @E [0.00583 0.00000 0.00000 0.00583 132.99649 363.81588] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS 1008.00 z 0 0 (e) @t 448 0 (m) @t 1232 0 (bo) @t 2240 0 (ur) @t T @rax 149.18 362.02 155.09 369.72 @E [0.00583 0.00000 0.00000 0.00583 150.65191 363.81588] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k e /_R282-TimesNewRomanPS 1008.00 z 0 0 (g) @t T @rax %Note: Object 77.83 459.50 84.10 468.14 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 k 79.06 465.19 m 78.84 465.62 L 78.62 465.84 L 78.55 465.84 L 78.41 465.77 L 78.12 465.48 L 77.83 465.84 L 80.57 468.07 L 80.78 468.14 L 80.93 468.14 L 81.22 468.00 L 81.50 467.78 L 81.65 467.57 L 84.10 461.52 L 81.58 459.50 L 79.06 465.19 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 82.80 461.74 113.04 472.90 @E 0 J 0 j [] 0 d 0 R 0 @G 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 K [0.52962 0.00000 0.00000 0.52962 -1456.09726 1611.74187] 1 3.888 3.888 0.000 @w 82.80 461.74 m 86.11 464.18 91.51 468.43 97.78 470.38 C 103.25 472.10 107.86 472.90 113.04 472.39 C S @rax %Note: Object 110.52 469.94 114.55 473.90 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 113.47 473.90 m 110.52 471.02 L 112.10 469.94 L 114.55 472.68 L 113.47 473.90 L @c F @rax 90.86 459.50 100.44 467.14 @E 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1}if/$fco xd/$fi 0 def $frb dup 1 eq exch 2 eq or{$frt dup $frc $frm $fry $frk @tc_5 4 copy cmyk2rgb rgb2hsb 3 copy/myb xd /mys xd/myh xd $tot $toc $tom $toy $tok @tc_5 cmyk2rgb rgb2hsb 3 1 roll 4 1 roll 5 1 roll @dlt_hsb}{$frt dup $frc $frm $fry $frk @tc_5 5 copy $tot dup $toc $tom $toy $tok @tc_5 5 1 roll 6 1 roll 7 1 roll 8 1 roll 9 1 roll @dlt_cmyk} ifelse}bd/@ffnxt{/$fi $fi 1 add def $frb dup 1 eq exch 2 eq or{pop pop pop pop myh mys myb $fi $fco lt{kdb add 3 1 roll kds add 3 1 roll kdh add 3 1 roll}{ kdb2 add 3 1 roll kds2 add 3 1 roll kdh2 add 3 1 roll}ifelse 3 copy/myb xd/mys xd/myh xd hsb2rgb rgb2cmyk}{$fi $fco lt $fmp 50 eq or{$dk add 5 1 roll $dy add 5 1 roll $dm add 5 1 roll $dc add 5 1 roll $dt add 5 1 roll}{$dk2 add 5 1 roll $dy2 add 5 1 roll $dm2 add 5 1 roll $dc2 add 5 1 roll $dt2 add 5 1 roll}ifelse }ifelse}bd/ffcol{5 copy $fsit 0 eq{setcmykcolor pop}{SepMode_5 0 ne{$frn findcmykcustomcolor exch setcustomcolor}{pop pop pop pop $frc $frm $fry $frk $frn 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Object 28.35780 624.25786 181.80482 777.70488 @E 0 O 0 @g [ 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 0.72 0.58 0.72 0.13 50 0.22 0.16 0.16 0.00 62 0.14 0.12 0.11 0.00 30 0.09 0.06 0.08 0.00 32 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 26 ] 6 200 3 0 1 0.00 -0.23 0.17 50 @k 1 J 1 j [] 0 d 0 R 0 @G 0.84 0.73 0.72 0.91 K [1.08293152 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.08293152 -949960.00000000 1258570.00000000] 1 0.21600 0.21600 -90.00000 @w /$fm 0 def 39.11783 777.70488 m 171.04479 777.70488 l 176.96296 777.70488 181.80482 772.86302 181.80482 766.94485 c 181.80482 635.01789 l 181.80482 629.09972 176.96296 624.25786 171.04479 624.25786 c 39.11783 624.25786 l 33.19965 624.25786 28.35780 629.09972 28.35780 635.01789 c 28.35780 766.94485 l 28.35780 772.86302 33.19965 777.70488 39.11783 777.70488 c @c B @rax %Note: Object 50.67780 646.35506 160.14444 755.38488 @E 0 O 0 @g [ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.90 0 0.72 0.58 0.72 0.13 50 0.22 0.16 0.16 0.00 62 0.14 0.12 0.11 0.00 30 0.09 0.06 0.08 0.00 32 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 26 ] 6 200 3 0 1 0.00 0.22 -0.31 50 @k 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27782 -814111 26193 -814041 24354 c -814082 22456 -814350 21048 -814856 20128 c -815357 19208 -816160 18318 -817260 17462 C -814257 15815 -812697 13271 -812592 9825 c -812592 7753 -813023 5978 -813878 4494 c -814734 3015 -815904 1898 -817383 1135 c -818867 378 -820514 0 -822324 0 c -828896 0 L -828896 4092 L -822610 4092 l -818849 4360 -816969 6141 -816969 9447 c -816969 10722 -817255 11758 -817825 12550 c -818401 13347 -819152 13923 -820078 14278 c -821009 14633 -822022 14814 -823122 14814 c -828896 14814 L -828896 18906 L -823774 18906 l -821830 19040 -820456 19610 -819641 20611 c -818826 21612 -818419 22782 -818419 24127 c -818489 25256 -818785 26188 -819315 26921 c -819845 27654 -820561 28202 -821463 28562 c -822365 28923 -823384 29104 -824519 29104 c -826445 29057 -827918 28475 -828937 27352 c -829955 26228 -830514 24843 -830613 23190 c -830613 0 L -834944 0 L @c F %CHAR: -811766 0 (U) @t -809572 32637 m -805194 32637 L -805194 11083 l -805194 8405 -804583 6478 -803361 5303 c -802133 4121 -800608 3533 -798774 3533 c -797400 3533 -796230 3894 -795270 4622 c -794310 5343 -793588 6251 -793110 7346 c -792633 8440 -792395 9546 -792395 10664 c -792395 32637 L -788017 32637 L -788017 10995 l -788017 8667 -788512 6636 -789496 4901 c -790480 3166 -791812 1834 -793489 914 c -795171 -6 -796993 -466 -798966 -466 c -800421 -442 -801789 -169 -803076 361 c -804362 885 -805497 1647 -806487 2637 c -807476 3632 -808239 4814 -808768 6182 c -809304 7555 -809572 9051 -809572 10664 c -809572 32637 L @c F %CHAR: -785835 0 (L) @t -782855 32637 m -778571 32637 L -778571 11356 l -778472 9773 -778210 8452 -777791 7392 c -777372 6339 -776685 5524 -775730 4948 c -774776 4377 -773472 4092 -771819 4092 c -767622 4092 L -767622 0 L -772930 0 l -774258 0 -775655 320 -777121 955 c -778588 1589 -779869 2631 -780963 4080 c -782057 5530 -782686 7381 -782855 9639 c -782855 32637 L @c F %CHAR: -767727 0 (L) @t -764747 32637 m -760463 32637 L -760463 11356 l -760364 9773 -760102 8452 -759683 7392 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-631963 3964 -633564 2666 -635508 1671 c -637447 681 -639717 122 -642319 0 c -644967 0 L -644967 4197 L -641940 4197 l -639880 4197 -638052 4825 -636463 6083 c -634874 7340 -633646 8929 -632790 10844 c -631934 12765 -631504 14657 -631504 16531 c -631585 18766 -632126 20792 -633128 22614 c -634123 24430 -635537 25873 -637365 26944 c -639193 28009 -641323 28545 -643762 28545 c -646789 28545 L -646789 0 L -651119 0 L @c F %CHAR: -625502 0 (E) @t -624431 16106 m -624285 20239 -623249 23539 -621311 26007 c -619373 28481 -617126 30204 -614571 31176 c -612010 32148 -609617 32637 -607388 32637 c -604035 32637 L -604035 28545 L -607568 28545 l -609972 28417 -612079 27864 -613884 26880 c -615694 25902 -617103 24709 -618104 23300 c -619111 21892 -619693 20466 -619862 19011 C -604035 19011 L -604035 14814 L -619862 14814 L -619722 13201 -619221 11607 -618354 10035 c -617487 8458 -616230 7125 -614588 6019 c -612941 4919 -610973 4272 -608686 4092 c -604035 4092 L -604035 0 L -607947 0 l -609908 0 -611858 361 -613791 1077 c -615723 1793 -617493 2852 -619105 4249 c -620717 5652 -621998 7363 -622958 9371 c -623919 11385 -624408 13632 -624431 16106 c @c F %CHAR: -589314 0 (L) @t -586334 32637 m -582050 32637 L -582050 11356 l -581951 9773 -581689 8452 -581270 7392 c -580851 6339 -580164 5524 -579209 4948 c -578255 4377 -576951 4092 -575298 4092 c -571101 4092 L -571101 0 L -576409 0 l -577737 0 -579134 320 -580600 955 c -582067 1589 -583348 2631 -584442 4080 c -585536 5530 -586165 7381 -586334 9639 c -586334 32637 L @c F %CHAR: -574652 0 (') @t -572004 23283 m -570368 32637 L -566363 32637 L -568546 23283 L -572004 23283 L @c F %CHAR: -564274 0 (A) @t -562458 0 m -562365 21659 l -562277 23871 -561748 25862 -560782 27625 c -559815 29389 -558517 30763 -556893 31735 c -555263 32707 -553459 33196 -551474 33196 c -549297 33196 -547359 32707 -545653 31729 c -543948 30751 -542609 29313 -541643 27416 c -540677 25518 -540176 23254 -540147 20635 c -540147 0 L -544524 0 L -544524 14814 L 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-446469 1839 -448535 879 c -450596 -81 -452796 -559 -455130 -559 c -455177 -559 l -457388 -536 -459531 -134 -461591 652 c -463652 1438 -465514 2584 -467173 4098 c -468826 5611 -470130 7451 -471085 9622 c -472034 11793 -472511 14220 -472511 16903 c @c F %CHAR: -437388 0 (V) @t -438040 32637 m -433482 32637 L -424216 5640 L -415263 32637 L -410752 32637 L -420485 2648 l -421206 512 -422417 -559 -424123 -559 c -425130 -512 -425933 -204 -426521 373 c -427114 949 -427650 1909 -428127 3260 c -438040 32637 L @c F %CHAR: -411457 0 (I) @t -408477 0 m -408477 32637 L -404006 32637 L -404006 0 L -408477 0 L @c F %CHAR: -401079 0 (S) @t -400008 4092 m -388506 4092 l -385404 4092 -383681 5274 -383332 7637 c -383332 8981 -383698 10099 -384437 10990 c -385177 11886 -386265 12678 -387709 13370 c -389199 14098 -390706 14837 -392226 15588 c -393745 16345 -395049 17119 -396143 17910 c -397231 18702 -398105 19645 -398751 20734 c -399397 21828 -399723 23097 -399723 24540 c -399723 26287 -399309 27765 -398489 28987 c -397668 30210 -396620 31124 -395351 31729 c -394082 32334 -392808 32637 -391527 32637 c -380351 32637 L -380351 28545 L -391527 28545 l -392738 28545 -393687 28178 -394356 27439 c -395031 26700 -395392 25792 -395439 24727 c -395340 23429 -394828 22468 -393902 21839 c -392901 21135 -391929 20530 -390968 20029 c -390014 19529 -388885 18976 -387575 18370 c -386271 17765 -385334 17305 -384775 16997 c -380893 14697 -378954 11828 -378954 8376 c -378954 7084 -379234 5797 -379798 4523 c -380363 3254 -381335 2177 -382709 1310 c -384088 437 -385910 0 -388174 0 c -400008 0 L -400008 4092 L @c F %CHAR: -377796 0 (U) @t -375602 32637 m -371224 32637 L -371224 11083 l -371224 8405 -370613 6478 -369391 5303 c -368163 4121 -366638 3533 -364804 3533 c -363430 3533 -362260 3894 -361300 4622 c -360340 5343 -359618 6251 -359140 7346 c -358663 8440 -358425 9546 -358425 10664 c -358425 32637 L -354047 32637 L -354047 10995 l -354047 8667 -354542 6636 -355526 4901 c -356510 3166 -357842 1834 -359519 914 c -361201 -6 -363023 -466 -364996 -466 c -366451 -442 -367819 -169 -369106 361 c -370392 885 -371527 1647 -372517 2637 c -373506 3632 -374269 4814 -374798 6182 c -375334 7555 -375602 9051 -375602 10664 c -375602 32637 L @c F %CHAR: -351865 0 (E) @t -350794 16106 m -350648 20239 -349612 23539 -347674 26007 c -345736 28481 -343489 30204 -340934 31176 c -338373 32148 -335980 32637 -333751 32637 c -330398 32637 L -330398 28545 L -333931 28545 l -336335 28417 -338442 27864 -340247 26880 c -342057 25902 -343466 24709 -344467 23300 c -345474 21892 -346056 20466 -346225 19011 C -330398 19011 L -330398 14814 L -346225 14814 L -346085 13201 -345584 11607 -344717 10035 c -343850 8458 -342593 7125 -340951 6019 c -339304 4919 -337336 4272 -335049 4092 c -330398 4092 L -330398 0 L -334310 0 l -336271 0 -338221 361 -340154 1077 c -342086 1793 -343856 2852 -345468 4249 c -347080 5652 -348361 7363 -349321 9371 c -350282 11385 -350771 13632 -350794 16106 c @c F %CHAR: -328582 0 (L) @t -325602 32637 m -321318 32637 L -321318 11356 l -321219 9773 -320957 8452 -320538 7392 c -320119 6339 -319432 5524 -318477 4948 c -317523 4377 -316219 4092 -314566 4092 c -310369 4092 L -310369 0 L -315677 0 l -317005 0 -318402 320 -319868 955 c -321335 1589 -322616 2631 -323710 4080 c -324804 5530 -325433 7381 -325602 9639 c -325602 32637 L @c F %CHAR: -297569 0 (F) @t -296306 0 m -296306 22439 l -296079 26001 -295002 28592 -293075 30210 c -291155 31828 -288617 32637 -285462 32637 c -280759 32637 L -280759 28545 L -285462 28545 l -289583 28545 -291737 26537 -291929 22520 c -291929 18289 L -280759 18289 L -280759 14197 L -291929 14197 L -291929 0 L -296306 0 L @c F %CHAR: -279461 0 (R) @t -277173 -93 m -277173 20442 l -277173 24511 -276289 27596 -274513 29692 c -272738 31787 -270026 32928 -266376 33108 c -264537 33108 -262866 32730 -261353 31973 c -259839 31211 -258640 30122 -257744 28708 c -256847 27288 -256388 25635 -256358 23743 c -256358 22218 -256679 20809 -257319 19517 c -257959 18225 -258885 17259 -260090 16612 C -258623 16042 -257558 15227 -256882 14168 c -256207 13108 -255846 11752 -255800 10099 c -255800 0 L -260177 0 L -260177 9267 l -260456 12555 -262429 14197 -266091 14197 c -270887 14197 L -270887 18289 L -266975 18289 l -265386 18289 -263949 18743 -262662 19645 c -261376 20547 -260736 21915 -260736 23743 c -260736 25466 -261324 26775 -262494 27672 c -263663 28568 -264985 29016 -266463 29016 c -267849 29016 -269024 28708 -269985 28091 c -270939 27474 -271650 26676 -272109 25699 c -272569 24721 -272796 23696 -272796 22637 c -272796 -93 L -277173 -93 L @c F %CHAR: -253530 0 (A) @t -251714 0 m -251621 21659 l -251533 23871 -251004 25862 -250038 27625 c -249071 29389 -247773 30763 -246149 31735 c -244519 32707 -242715 33196 -240730 33196 c -238553 33196 -236615 32707 -234909 31729 c -233204 30751 -231865 29313 -230899 27416 c -229933 25518 -229432 23254 -229403 20635 c -229403 0 L -233780 0 L -233780 14814 L -245515 14814 L -245515 19011 L -233780 19011 L -233780 19156 -233774 19360 -233757 19633 c -233739 19907 -233734 20105 -233734 20227 c -233734 22177 -234007 23813 -234549 25134 c -235090 26455 -235864 27451 -236859 28108 c -237861 28772 -239054 29104 -240445 29104 c -240532 29104 l -242209 29104 -243547 28690 -244549 27864 c -245550 27037 -246248 26059 -246644 24924 c -247046 23795 -247244 22701 -247244 21659 c -247244 0 L -251714 0 L @c F %CHAR: -227599 0 (N) @t -225224 0 m -225224 28545 l -225224 29948 -224863 31042 -224147 31834 c -223431 32619 -222547 33015 -221493 33015 c -219782 33015 -218513 32165 -217686 30460 c -205853 6193 L -205853 32637 L -201475 32637 L -201475 2648 l -201475 1705 -201796 984 -202430 477 c -203065 -29 -203850 -285 -204782 -285 c -205672 -285 -206505 -58 -207290 396 c -208076 850 -208606 1449 -208874 2194 c -220847 27014 L -220847 0 L -225224 0 L @c F %CHAR: -199141 0 (C) @t -197517 16484 m -197488 18906 -196970 21124 -195963 23120 c -194962 25122 -193646 26834 -192016 28248 c -190387 29668 -188611 30751 -186696 31508 c -184787 32259 -182924 32637 -181120 32637 c -176929 32637 L -176929 28545 L -180416 28545 l -183128 28417 -185427 27753 -187307 26554 c -189188 25361 -190579 23842 -191493 22002 c -192401 20163 -192855 18231 -192855 16199 c -192855 14575 -192523 12846 -191865 11001 c -191207 9162 -189956 7550 -188116 6164 c -186271 4785 -183739 4092 -180520 4092 c -176929 4092 L -176929 0 L -181306 0 l -184420 0 -187208 728 -189676 2177 c -192144 3626 -194065 5617 -195445 8137 c -196824 10664 -197517 13446 -197517 16484 c @c F %CHAR: -175858 0 (O) @t -170130 16903 m -170130 15093 -169828 13394 -169217 11804 c -168605 10215 -167726 8801 -166580 7567 c -165433 6333 -164118 5361 -162622 4651 c -161126 3941 -159502 3539 -157744 3440 c -156166 3440 -154409 3877 -152476 4756 c -150544 5629 -148861 7037 -147429 8976 c -145998 10920 -145258 13359 -145206 16298 c -145206 18481 -145707 20559 -146702 22526 c -147697 24494 -149158 26083 -151079 27288 c -153006 28498 -155253 29104 -157831 29104 c -159455 29104 -161015 28784 -162511 28143 c -164001 27503 -165328 26607 -166487 25454 c -167639 24302 -168535 22992 -169176 21531 c -169810 20070 -170130 18527 -170130 16903 c @c -174793 16903 m -174770 19168 -174281 21286 -173332 23260 c -172377 25227 -171108 26944 -169513 28411 c -167924 29872 -166143 31019 -164170 31851 c -162197 32678 -160212 33126 -158209 33196 c -156207 33196 -154211 32864 -152226 32200 c -150235 31537 -148390 30518 -146690 29139 c -144991 27759 -143594 25995 -142505 23853 c -141417 21717 -140800 19255 -140648 16484 c -140648 14389 -141062 12328 -141894 10291 c -142720 8260 -143902 6420 -145427 4779 c -146952 3137 -148751 1839 -150817 879 c -152878 -81 -155078 -559 -157412 -559 c -157459 -559 l -159670 -536 -161813 -134 -163873 652 c -165934 1438 -167796 2584 -169455 4098 c -171108 5611 -172412 7451 -173367 9622 c -174316 11793 -174793 14220 -174793 16903 c @c F %CHAR: -139670 0 (P) @t -137761 0 m -137761 22212 l -137761 24371 -137278 26287 -136311 27945 c -135345 29604 -134053 30885 -132441 31787 c -130822 32689 -129076 33155 -127184 33196 c -125467 33196 -123791 32794 -122161 31997 c -120531 31199 -119193 30006 -118145 28417 c -117091 26828 -116567 24930 -116567 22724 c -116567 20704 -117010 18900 -117895 17323 c -118774 15739 -119903 14523 -121271 13673 c -122638 12817 -124006 12392 -125380 12392 c -131655 12392 L -131655 16484 L -126870 16484 l -124670 16484 -123133 17171 -122260 18545 c -121381 19913 -120945 21310 -120945 22724 c -120945 23667 -121125 24616 -121486 25582 c -121847 26543 -122493 27369 -123424 28062 c -124356 28755 -125613 29104 -127184 29104 c -129501 29104 -131108 28370 -132022 26909 c -132930 25448 -133384 23853 -133384 22125 c -133384 0 L -137761 0 L @c F %CHAR: -116387 0 (H) @t -113546 0 m -113546 32730 L -109216 32730 L -109216 19086 L -95106 19086 L -95106 32835 L -90636 32835 L -90636 0 L -95106 0 L -95106 14994 L -109216 14994 L -109216 0 L -113546 0 L @c F %CHAR: -87929 0 (O) @t -82201 16903 m -82201 15093 -81899 13394 -81288 11804 c -80676 10215 -79797 8801 -78651 7567 c -77504 6333 -76189 5361 -74693 4651 c -73197 3941 -71573 3539 -69815 3440 c -68237 3440 -66480 3877 -64547 4756 c -62615 5629 -60932 7037 -59500 8976 c -58069 10920 -57329 13359 -57277 16298 c -57277 18481 -57778 20559 -58773 22526 c -59768 24494 -61229 26083 -63150 27288 c -65077 28498 -67324 29104 -69902 29104 c -71526 29104 -73086 28784 -74582 28143 c -76072 27503 -77399 26607 -78558 25454 c -79710 24302 -80606 22992 -81247 21531 c -81881 20070 -82201 18527 -82201 16903 c @c -86864 16903 m -86841 19168 -86352 21286 -85403 23260 c -84448 25227 -83179 26944 -81584 28411 c -79995 29872 -78214 31019 -76241 31851 c -74268 32678 -72283 33126 -70280 33196 c -68278 33196 -66282 32864 -64297 32200 c -62306 31537 -60461 30518 -58761 29139 c -57062 27759 -55665 25995 -54576 23853 c -53488 21717 -52871 19255 -52719 16484 c -52719 14389 -53133 12328 -53965 10291 c -54791 8260 -55973 6420 -57498 4779 c -59023 3137 -60822 1839 -62888 879 c -64949 -81 -67149 -559 -69483 -559 c -69530 -559 l -71741 -536 -73884 -134 -75944 652 c -78005 1438 -79867 2584 -81526 4098 c -83179 5611 -84483 7451 -85438 9622 c -86387 11793 -86864 14220 -86864 16903 c @c F %CHAR: -51741 0 (N) @t -49366 0 m -49366 28545 l -49366 29948 -49005 31042 -48289 31834 c -47573 32619 -46689 33015 -45635 33015 c -43924 33015 -42655 32165 -41828 30460 c -29995 6193 L -29995 32637 L -25617 32637 L -25617 2648 l -25617 1705 -25938 984 -26572 477 c -27207 -29 -27992 -285 -28924 -285 c -29814 -285 -30647 -58 -31432 396 c -32218 850 -32748 1449 -33016 2194 c -44989 27014 L -44989 0 L -49366 0 L @c F %CHAR: -23283 0 (E) @t -22212 16106 m -22066 20239 -21030 23539 -19092 26007 c -17154 28481 -14907 30204 -12352 31176 c -9791 32148 -7398 32637 -5169 32637 c -1816 32637 L -1816 28545 L -5349 28545 l -7753 28417 -9860 27864 -11665 26880 c -13475 25902 -14884 24709 -15885 23300 c -16892 21892 -17474 20466 -17643 19011 C -1816 19011 L -1816 14814 L -17643 14814 L -17503 13201 -17002 11607 -16135 10035 c -15268 8458 -14011 7125 -12369 6019 c -10722 4919 -8754 4272 -6467 4092 c -1816 4092 L -1816 0 L -5728 0 l -7689 0 -9639 361 -11572 1077 c -13504 1793 -15274 2852 -16886 4249 c -18498 5652 -19779 7363 -20739 9371 c -21700 11385 -22189 13632 -22212 16106 c @c F T @rax %Note: Object 51.26627 646.92255 129.80806 757.43972 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 0 J 0 j [] 0 d 0 R 0 @G 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 K 0 0.28800 0.28800 0.00000 @w /$fm 0 def 66.04469 717.94772 m 64.71666 721.49584 62.66523 728.00957 58.36280 725.65994 C 54.51250 722.27565 L 51.26627 726.49276 L 86.20554 754.01660 l 90.55077 757.43972 96.81902 752.76510 98.56602 747.80164 C 129.80806 672.54491 L 98.27206 646.92255 L 66.04469 717.94772 L @c B @rax %Note: Object 112.23694 676.13046 484.80803 814.14454 @E 0 J 0 j [] 0 d 0 R 0 @G 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 K [1.16834525 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.07207188 -622300.00000000 767080.00000000] 1 23.44876 25.48800 0.00000 @w /$fm 0 def 112.23694 676.13046 m 152.61477 706.92888 217.97688 758.18239 297.13465 783.19191 c 364.68369 804.57307 420.53981 814.14454 484.80803 807.81506 C S @rax 204.78671 735.65008 429.35414 816.65631 @E [0.00032696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00030391 149.38978981 556.30486154] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k e % FontChange:/_Bahamas 84666.00000 z %CHAR: 31.00 @n 192192 590122 (M) @t 192192 590122 m 170676 638741 l 169703 640879 169438 642921 169882 644859 c 170338 646795 171300 648203 172782 649092 c 174042 649853 175502 650098 177154 649811 c 178815 649536 180434 648647 182043 647134 c 213782 618506 L 203315 658924 l 202702 661368 202648 663422 203167 665094 c 203685 666766 204595 667983 205897 668766 c 207410 669676 209030 669951 210755 669591 c 212480 669232 213899 668279 215020 666745 c 248886 624179 L 241690 619861 L 211666 658511 L 222841 613574 l 223232 612125 223211 610748 222778 609447 c 222344 608146 221603 607183 220544 606558 c 218459 605298 216184 605743 213707 607891 c 179133 639165 L 199463 594482 L 192192 590122 L @c F T @rax 204.78671 735.65008 429.35414 816.65631 @E [0.00032696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00030391 149.38978981 556.30486154] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k e % FontChange:/_Bahamas 73377.00000 z %CHAR: 28.00 @n 248505 624438 (O) @t 243974 652192 m 245314 649670 246991 647534 249018 645772 c 251037 644021 253302 642700 255815 641829 c 258319 640957 260869 640581 263474 640700 c 266069 640819 268638 641461 271151 642627 c 273344 643791 275462 645699 277507 648341 c 279543 650991 280846 654192 281397 657953 c 281947 661704 281167 665649 279066 669785 c 277452 672821 275223 675334 272380 677333 c 269546 679333 266336 680462 262767 680727 c 259200 680984 255632 680159 252046 678251 c 249790 677058 247853 675454 246249 673463 c 244653 671464 243470 669235 242718 666777 c 241956 664328 241681 661842 241873 659338 c 242076 656825 242772 654450 243974 652192 c @c 237489 648745 m 235838 651918 234949 655220 234820 658668 c 234683 662108 235178 665437 236315 668657 c 237444 671867 239076 674774 241204 677388 c 243333 680003 245762 682094 248496 683671 c 251275 685149 254293 686167 257549 686717 c 260805 687267 264134 687203 267518 686543 c 270903 685883 274141 684469 277241 682296 c 280341 680122 283020 677160 285285 673408 c 286827 670501 287780 667318 288129 663878 c 288477 660430 288202 656999 287294 653587 c 286386 650175 284845 647038 282690 644185 c 280525 641324 277819 639021 274572 637297 c 274508 637269 l 271417 635665 268142 634637 264694 634207 c 261245 633775 257806 633995 254384 634876 c 250963 635757 247789 637353 244855 639672 c 241929 641984 239470 645011 237489 648745 c @c F T @rax 204.78671 735.65008 429.35414 816.65631 @E [0.00032696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00030391 149.38978981 556.30486154] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k e % FontChange:/_Bahamas 73377.00000 z %CHAR: 26.00 @n 298190 651588 (N) @t 301556 653230 m 281836 693661 l 280864 695651 280616 697449 281084 699054 c 281561 700668 282534 701833 284028 702566 c 286459 703749 288844 703419 291191 701576 c 324707 675390 L 306444 712840 L 312645 715866 L 333365 673390 l 334007 672051 334062 670813 333512 669648 c 332962 668493 332026 667594 330705 666942 c 329448 666336 328109 666079 326678 666180 c 325257 666282 324092 666768 323193 667630 c 289101 694514 L 307757 656256 L 301556 653230 L @c F T @rax 204.78671 735.65008 429.35414 816.65631 @E [0.00032696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00030391 149.38978981 556.30486154] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k e % FontChange:/_Bahamas 73377.00000 z %CHAR: 24.00 @n 338630 671400 (O) @t 336034 699412 m 337199 696807 338731 694550 340621 692661 c 342519 690763 344684 689295 347123 688249 c 349563 687203 352085 686653 354690 686590 c 357295 686524 359891 686984 362487 687965 c 364752 688983 367000 690735 369219 693230 c 371439 695733 372962 698834 373768 702539 c 374585 706254 374089 710244 372283 714509 c 370879 717646 368834 720315 366137 722507 c 363440 724699 360322 726048 356781 726561 c 353241 727065 349618 726497 345912 724846 c 343573 723810 341537 722352 339804 720471 c 338062 718591 336731 716454 335805 714050 c 334879 711657 334429 709198 334448 706685 c 334466 704171 334998 701742 336034 699412 c @c 329330 696421 m 327908 699696 327248 703053 327357 706502 c 327458 709950 328192 713234 329549 716362 c 330898 719490 332732 722278 335035 724736 c 337337 727194 339914 729111 342748 730496 c 345628 731780 348710 732578 351993 732899 c 355286 733220 358598 732927 361927 732037 c 365257 731138 368393 729496 371329 727111 c 374264 724727 376731 721590 378730 717691 c 380070 714683 380794 711446 380904 707988 c 381014 704521 380501 701126 379355 697779 c 378207 694440 376456 691423 374099 688717 c 371742 686011 368888 683911 365523 682416 c 365458 682388 l 362258 681003 358928 680214 355452 680021 c 351985 679830 348573 680287 345215 681407 c 341868 682526 338804 684333 336043 686855 c 333282 689368 331045 692560 329330 696421 c @c F T @rax 204.78671 735.65008 429.35414 816.65631 @E [0.00032696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00030391 149.38978981 556.30486154] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k e T @rax 204.78671 735.65008 429.35414 816.65631 @E [0.00032696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00030391 149.38978981 556.30486154] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k e % FontChange:/_Bahamas 84666.00000 z %CHAR: 20.00 @n 412400 703574 (-) @t 408770 720168 m 406442 726550 L 424359 733069 L 426687 726687 L 408770 720168 L @c F T @rax 204.78671 735.65008 429.35414 816.65631 @E [0.00032696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00030391 149.38978981 556.30486154] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k e T @rax 204.78671 735.65008 429.35414 816.65631 @E [0.00032696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00030391 149.38978981 556.30486154] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k e % FontChange:/_Bahamas 84666.00000 z %CHAR: 18.00 @n 456786 719661 (M) @t 456786 719661 m 446753 771868 l 446287 774175 446489 776229 447357 778007 c 448235 779795 449494 780948 451135 781489 c 452531 781944 454013 781848 455558 781203 c 457103 780568 458490 779329 459707 777488 c 484196 742457 L 483085 784198 l 483043 786717 483456 788728 484334 790240 c 485213 791743 486367 792739 487816 793204 c 489489 793744 491128 793649 492737 792907 c 494335 792167 495510 790929 496251 789182 c 519672 740087 L 511692 737494 L 491129 781923 L 491911 735620 l 491965 734117 491637 732784 490928 731620 c 490208 730446 489266 729673 488102 729291 c 485784 728541 483667 729493 481742 732138 c 455083 770386 L 464851 722275 L 456786 719661 L @c F T @rax 204.78671 735.65008 429.35414 816.65631 @E [0.00032696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00030391 149.38978981 556.30486154] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k e % FontChange:/_Bahamas 73377.00000 z %CHAR: 16.00 @n 518631 740374 (U) @t 507771 790766 m 514403 792664 L 523768 760021 l 524932 755967 526693 753316 529060 752059 c 531426 750803 533994 750574 536773 751372 c 538856 751968 540460 753022 541608 754536 c 542754 756049 543451 757746 543699 759608 c 543946 761479 543827 763249 543341 764937 c 533792 798223 L 540424 800131 L 549826 767340 l 550844 763818 550971 760525 550238 757470 c 549496 754407 548056 751821 545918 749693 c 543772 747574 541204 746079 538223 745226 c 536012 744630 533810 744447 531637 744694 c 529463 744932 527409 745583 525482 746666 c 523557 747739 521887 749197 520484 751041 c 519072 752885 518016 755031 517319 757480 c 507771 790766 L @c F T @rax 204.78671 735.65008 429.35414 816.65631 @E [0.00032696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00030391 149.38978981 556.30486154] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k e % FontChange:/_Bahamas 73377.00000 z %CHAR: 15.00 @n 558025 752114 (L) @t 549247 803001 m 555768 804753 L 564446 772357 l 565243 769990 566179 768082 567252 766642 c 568316 765212 569701 764249 571389 763772 c 573077 763285 575177 763386 577690 764057 c 584074 765771 L 585744 759543 L 577662 757379 l 575645 756837 573389 756746 570893 757122 c 568408 757488 566032 758553 563776 760314 c 561519 762066 559804 764634 558622 768001 c 549247 803001 L @c F %CHAR: 583101 759452 (T) @t 571599 802937 m 569930 809165 L 601198 817539 L 602867 811311 L 590595 808028 L 602234 764580 L 595575 762790 L 583936 806239 L 571599 802937 L @c F T @rax 204.78671 735.65008 429.35414 816.65631 @E [0.00032696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00030391 149.38978981 556.30486154] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k e % FontChange:/_Bahamas 73377.00000 z %CHAR: 14.00 @n 614149 767523 (I) @t 618698 768660 m 606261 818566 L 613094 820262 L 625532 770357 L 618698 768660 L @c F T @rax 204.78671 735.65008 429.35414 816.65631 @E [0.00032696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00030391 149.38978981 556.30486154] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k e T @rax 204.78671 735.65008 429.35414 816.65631 @E [0.00032696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00030391 149.38978981 556.30486154] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k e % FontChange:/_Bahamas 84666.00000 z %CHAR: 12.00 @n 653119 777234 (-) @t 651859 794189 m 650452 800824 L 669099 804793 L 670507 798157 L 651859 794189 L @c F T @rax 204.78671 735.65008 429.35414 816.65631 @E [0.00032696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00030391 149.38978981 556.30486154] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k e T @rax 204.78671 735.65008 429.35414 816.65631 @E [0.00032696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00030391 149.38978981 556.30486154] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k e % FontChange:/_Bahamas 84666.00000 z %CHAR: 10.00 @n 699199 786547 (P) @t 702617 787150 m 695600 826922 l 694923 830785 695188 834362 696395 837643 c 697601 840913 699505 843612 702110 845739 c 704713 847866 707697 849264 711063 849920 c 714153 850470 717276 850279 720440 849359 c 723615 848448 726388 846734 728768 844215 c 731150 841707 732685 838479 733383 834531 c 734018 830912 733796 827547 732716 824435 c 731637 821323 730006 818795 727826 816836 c 725646 814878 723329 813682 720862 813248 c 709634 811270 L 708343 818593 L 716916 820106 l 720852 820794 723382 822509 724525 825250 c 725657 827981 725996 830616 725551 833156 c 725255 834838 724631 836479 723688 838088 c 722736 839696 721318 840977 719423 841929 c 717540 842872 715180 843093 712354 842596 c 708216 841865 705560 840055 704396 837145 c 703231 834235 702925 831240 703464 828140 c 710449 788526 L 702617 787150 L @c F T @rax 204.78671 735.65008 429.35414 816.65631 @E [0.00032696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00030391 149.38978981 556.30486154] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k e % FontChange:/_Bahamas 73377.00000 z %CHAR: 7.00 @n 741023 793939 (O) @t 746737 821474 m 747086 818640 747893 816044 749149 813677 c 750406 811311 752048 809275 754075 807559 c 756101 805844 758349 804579 760825 803763 c 763292 802937 765916 802615 768686 802799 c 771154 803102 773814 804129 776666 805863 c 779518 807605 781876 810127 783738 813439 c 785599 816751 786288 820703 785811 825317 c 785389 828729 784215 831875 782270 834764 c 780335 837645 777748 839855 774511 841368 c 771282 842891 767640 843405 763613 842909 c 761083 842597 758707 841799 756487 840515 c 754277 839222 752378 837571 750791 835544 c 749205 833517 748059 831306 747342 828894 c 746627 826482 746425 824015 746737 821474 c @c 739454 820584 m 739050 824134 739408 827537 740519 830801 c 741628 834067 743289 836993 745490 839589 c 747700 842184 750269 844312 753185 845991 c 756111 847669 759129 848752 762238 849238 c 765366 849623 768549 849495 771786 848834 c 775024 848183 778106 846935 781023 845110 c 783948 843276 786471 840790 788580 837654 c 790690 834507 792130 830783 792901 826482 c 793304 823208 793047 819896 792140 816557 c 791241 813219 789745 810118 787673 807257 c 785609 804396 783049 802020 780004 800121 c 776960 798232 773612 797058 769971 796608 c 769897 796599 l 766430 796213 763018 796434 759642 797259 c 756267 798094 753139 799534 750260 801580 c 747379 803625 744985 806257 743087 809467 c 741178 812678 739968 816383 739454 820584 c @c F T @rax 204.78671 735.65008 429.35414 816.65631 @E [0.00032696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00030391 149.38978981 556.30486154] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k e % FontChange:/_Bahamas 73377.00000 z %CHAR: 5.00 @n 797313 801277 (L) @t 797505 852925 m 804229 853513 L 807155 820098 l 807522 817631 808118 815585 808925 813989 c 809723 812385 810915 811201 812493 810431 c 814079 809669 816161 809395 818757 809624 c 825343 810202 L 825912 803781 L 817574 803048 l 815492 802872 813254 803176 810860 803974 c 808476 804771 806320 806230 804403 808358 c 802486 810477 801239 813302 800661 816824 c 797505 852925 L @c F T @rax 204.78671 735.65008 429.35414 816.65631 @E [0.00032696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00030391 149.38978981 556.30486154] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k e % FontChange:/_Bahamas 73377.00000 z %CHAR: 3.00 @n 823123 803478 (Y) @t 822114 854934 m 829002 855292 L 829846 839103 l 830167 836672 831158 834681 832809 833123 c 834460 831572 837028 830884 840495 831059 c 842880 831269 844732 831912 846071 832984 c 847411 834058 848301 835268 848750 836608 c 849200 837947 849401 839212 849337 840405 c 848502 856310 L 855390 856668 L 856244 840405 l 856280 837672 855711 835204 854538 833022 c 853364 830829 851822 829041 849915 827646 c 848007 826253 845980 825289 843825 824758 C 844879 804615 L 837844 804248 L 836789 824391 L 833432 825032 830379 826472 827636 828729 c 824893 830985 823325 834516 822930 839332 c 822114 854934 L @c F T @rax 204.78671 735.65008 429.35414 816.65631 @E [0.00032696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00030391 149.38978981 556.30486154] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k e T @rax 204.78671 735.65008 429.35414 816.65631 @E [0.00032696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00030391 149.38978981 556.30486154] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k e T @rax 204.78671 735.65008 429.35414 816.65631 @E [0.00032696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00030391 149.38978981 556.30486154] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k e T @rax 204.78671 735.65008 429.35414 816.65631 @E [0.00032696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00030391 149.38978981 556.30486154] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k e T @rax 204.78671 735.65008 429.35414 816.65631 @E [0.00032696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00030391 149.38978981 556.30486154] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k e T @rax 204.78671 735.65008 429.35414 816.65631 @E [0.00032696 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00030391 149.38978981 556.30486154] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k e T @rax %Note: Object 456.70422 775.74274 506.08318 823.13688 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k /$fm 0 def 486.14655 823.13688 m 456.70422 788.94198 L 476.38828 775.74274 L 506.08318 809.08838 L 486.14655 823.13688 L @c F @rax 207.85380 645.19682 566.33754 737.98866 @E [0.00036116 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00028202 207.85378767 646.73685823] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_Merlin 455083.00000 z %CHAR: 0 0 (i) @t 122759 288978 m 115762 283346 108822 277714 101939 272140 c 95055 266565 87888 261673 80550 257463 c 73211 253311 65873 251035 58649 250751 c 44655 251775 33107 261502 24119 279876 C 81801 323564 L 93690 302972 107343 291424 122759 288978 C @c 44541 -5461 m 44541 41868 l 44541 101939 43347 139881 41014 155638 c 39365 169291 33107 176117 22299 176117 c 18545 176117 12629 174581 4551 171566 C 2787 181976 L 9272 186186 19853 193752 34529 204674 c 49149 215539 60298 223332 67921 227940 c 75544 232547 82199 234880 87831 234880 c 99037 234880 105579 224128 107343 202569 c 109732 180099 110870 146707 110870 102451 c 111552 88115 111894 66158 111894 36407 C 44541 -5461 L @c F %CHAR: 136980 0 (s) @t 267646 155638 m 265029 166447 259397 174809 250694 180611 c 241990 186413 232775 189315 222991 189315 c 217757 189315 213434 188347 210191 186300 c 206892 184309 205242 181863 205242 178905 c 205868 168210 210703 160758 219691 156492 c 228622 152225 242901 147731 262469 143010 c 282038 138231 296999 132657 307238 126286 c 317477 119857 322938 109789 323507 96023 c 323507 87831 319525 78047 311504 66613 c 303540 55179 293130 43916 280331 32880 c 267589 21844 254391 12856 240739 5916 c 227143 -1081 214970 -4551 204332 -4551 c 203422 -4551 l 186812 -4096 173330 171 162863 8305 c 152453 16383 146992 26054 146537 37317 c 146537 52960 165081 69457 202114 86864 C 202114 72188 207006 60697 216847 52391 c 226631 44029 237667 39592 249841 39080 c 265029 40104 273050 45451 273960 55065 C 271343 67523 264688 76454 253936 81915 c 243242 87376 228167 92439 208769 97103 c 189371 101768 174809 106831 165081 112349 c 155411 117866 150121 126968 149324 139654 c 149324 148869 153932 158995 163147 169860 c 172363 180725 183740 190964 197222 200464 c 210703 209964 223673 217871 236188 224128 c 248703 230386 257691 233628 263095 233856 c 272765 233856 281981 232320 290627 229305 c 299274 226290 306157 222422 311277 217700 c 316396 212979 318956 208257 318956 203422 c 318956 198587 316965 194093 313040 189826 c 309058 185560 301606 179644 290684 172021 c 279762 164456 272083 158995 267646 155638 C @c F %CHAR: 335396 0 (i) @t 458155 288978 m 451158 283346 444218 277714 437335 272140 c 430451 266565 423284 261673 415946 257463 c 408607 253311 401269 251035 394045 250751 c 380051 251775 368503 261502 359515 279876 C 417197 323564 L 429086 302972 442739 291424 458155 288978 C @c 379937 -5461 m 379937 41868 l 379937 101939 378743 139881 376410 155638 c 374761 169291 368503 176117 357695 176117 c 353941 176117 348025 174581 339947 171566 C 338183 181976 L 344668 186186 355249 193752 369925 204674 c 384545 215539 395694 223332 403317 227940 c 410940 232547 417595 234880 423227 234880 c 434433 234880 440975 224128 442739 202569 c 445128 180099 446266 146707 446266 102451 c 446948 88115 447290 66158 447290 36407 C 379937 -5461 L @c F %CHAR: 472376 0 (o) @t 557078 169689 m 549513 158369 545246 144375 544279 127821 c 544564 113771 548147 100289 554974 87433 c 561800 74634 570503 64224 581084 56373 c 591665 48466 602302 44541 612940 44541 c 622326 45053 629380 49206 634044 56999 c 638766 64736 641098 74690 641098 86864 c 641098 102109 637571 117582 630460 133282 c 623350 148926 612940 161896 599287 172135 c 585578 182318 569422 187437 550707 187437 c 546782 187437 539615 186812 529261 185560 C 526531 194662 L 561231 220772 590698 233856 614817 233856 c 630574 233856 644739 228736 657310 218497 c 669882 208314 679609 195401 686606 179758 c 693603 164114 697130 148641 697130 133339 c 697130 123157 695594 112861 692579 102451 c 688597 90220 679496 75544 665331 58364 c 651110 41242 634841 26452 616467 14051 c 598093 1650 580856 -4551 564701 -4551 c 551447 -4551 538534 171 525905 9671 c 513277 19113 503037 31116 495187 45508 c 487337 59957 483241 74065 482843 87831 c 487451 120995 509408 150405 548830 176003 C 557078 169689 L @c F %CHAR: 709019 0 (n) @t 992593 36407 m 930246 -5461 L 928995 15416 927686 34245 926321 51026 c 924956 67807 922965 84020 920348 99720 c 917788 115364 914546 126570 910678 133339 c 905729 142157 898618 146537 889232 146537 c 878367 146537 865909 139199 851801 124408 c 837751 109675 823871 90675 810275 67295 c 796622 43972 784563 19739 774153 -5461 C 758566 -5461 L 758566 23664 757940 54269 756575 86409 c 755267 118606 753048 141019 750033 153761 c 747018 168039 741045 175207 732228 175207 c 728303 175207 721818 173102 712717 168893 C 707256 179758 L 712205 183000 722273 190225 737462 201317 c 752650 212410 764255 220317 772332 225039 c 780353 229760 787464 232092 793721 232092 c 804985 232092 811640 223787 813688 207120 c 815110 201317 816760 189713 818580 172192 c 820457 154728 821823 138004 822790 122019 C 840936 144034 854247 160132 862723 170144 c 871142 180156 880358 190338 890313 200521 c 900268 210760 909711 218838 918528 224868 c 927402 230841 935195 233856 942021 233856 c 955446 233856 964548 223104 969383 201659 c 972285 195117 975186 181863 978087 161782 c 981045 141758 983718 120199 986165 97103 c 988611 73951 990715 53757 992593 36407 C @c F T @rax %Note: Object 87.54180 661.42205 125.99263 699.87288 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 0 J 0 j [] 0 d 0 R 0 @G 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 K [0.28376105 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.28376105 -741172.00000000 983996.00000000] 1 0.79200 0.79200 -90.00000 @w /$fm 0 def 106.76721 699.87288 m 117.35603 699.87288 125.99263 691.23657 125.99263 680.64746 c 125.99263 670.05865 117.35603 661.42205 106.76721 661.42205 c 96.17811 661.42205 87.54180 670.05865 87.54180 680.64746 c 87.54180 691.23657 96.17811 699.87288 106.76721 699.87288 c @c B @rax %Note: Object 91.78980 665.85430 121.41638 695.48088 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k /$fm 0 def 106.60309 695.48088 m 114.76176 695.48088 121.41638 688.82655 121.41638 680.66759 c 121.41638 672.50891 114.76176 665.85430 106.60309 665.85430 c 98.44413 665.85430 91.78980 672.50891 91.78980 680.66759 c 91.78980 688.82655 98.44413 695.48088 106.60309 695.48088 c @c F @rax %Note: Object 91.92529 665.94189 121.46428 695.48088 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k /$fm 0 def 106.69380 695.48088 m 121.46428 680.71238 L 106.69550 665.94189 L 91.92529 680.71039 L 106.69380 695.48088 L @c F @rax 100.50180 674.38488 112.23411 677.15008 @E [0.00006654 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006040 106.40579138 674.38485722] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_SwitzerlandLight 63499.00000 z %CHAR: -88726 0 (F) @t -79638 21844 m -79638 0 L -84027 0 L -84027 45783 L -54500 45783 L -54500 42036 L -79638 42036 L -79638 25527 L -56850 25527 L -56850 21844 L -79638 21844 L @c F %CHAR: -19403 0 (P) @t -10132 20201 m -10132 0 L -14458 0 L -14458 45783 L 2560 45783 l 11989 45783 16855 41759 17164 33718 c 17164 30384 16363 27701 14767 25685 c 13172 23677 11116 22256 8600 21431 c 6084 20613 3330 20201 345 20201 c -10132 20201 L @c -10132 42036 m -10132 23947 L 909 23947 l 4203 23947 6727 24384 8481 25265 c 10227 26138 11394 27265 11973 28638 c 12553 30011 12839 31623 12839 33472 c 12839 39179 8902 42036 1036 42036 c -10132 42036 L @c F %CHAR: 53365 0 (F) @t 62453 21844 m 62453 0 L 58064 0 L 58064 45783 L 87591 45783 L 87591 42036 L 62453 42036 L 62453 25527 L 85241 25527 L 85241 21844 L 62453 21844 L @c F T @rax 100.50180 674.38488 112.23411 677.15008 @E [0.00006654 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006040 106.40579138 674.38485722] @tm 0 J 0 j [] 0 d 0 R 0 @G 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 K 0 0.50400 0.50400 0.00000 @w r % FontChange:/_SwitzerlandLight 63499.00000 z %CHAR: -88726 0 (F) @t -79638 21844 m -79638 0 L -84027 0 L -84027 45783 L -54500 45783 L -54500 42036 L -79638 42036 L -79638 25527 L -56850 25527 L -56850 21844 L -79638 21844 L @c S %CHAR: -19403 0 (P) @t -10132 20201 m -10132 0 L -14458 0 L -14458 45783 L 2560 45783 l 11989 45783 16855 41759 17164 33718 c 17164 30384 16363 27701 14767 25685 c 13172 23677 11116 22256 8600 21431 c 6084 20613 3330 20201 345 20201 c -10132 20201 L @c -10132 42036 m -10132 23947 L 909 23947 l 4203 23947 6727 24384 8481 25265 c 10227 26138 11394 27265 11973 28638 c 12553 30011 12839 31623 12839 33472 c 12839 39179 8902 42036 1036 42036 c -10132 42036 L @c S %CHAR: 53365 0 (F) @t 62453 21844 m 62453 0 L 58064 0 L 58064 45783 L 87591 45783 L 87591 42036 L 62453 42036 L 62453 25527 L 85241 25527 L 85241 21844 L 62453 21844 L @c S T @rax 93.94498 691.58721 119.27792 698.96580 @E [0.00006104 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006104 62.77379298 655.23285792] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_Arial 63499.00000 z %CHAR: 40.00 @n 535932 595621 (F) @t 539924 598971 m 510707 633784 L 534194 653492 L 537647 649389 L 518764 633546 L 527812 622759 L 544147 636474 L 547600 632363 L 531257 618655 L 544528 602837 L 539924 598971 L @c F T @rax 93.94498 691.58721 119.27792 698.96580 @E [0.00006104 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006104 62.77379298 655.23285792] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_Arial 63499.00000 z %CHAR: 32.00 @n 565197 621020 (E) @t 569460 623679 m 545369 662223 L 573246 679637 L 576087 675090 L 553314 660866 L 560688 649063 L 582016 662382 L 584842 657858 L 563515 644538 L 571713 631418 L 595375 646205 L 598225 641657 L 569460 623679 L @c F T @rax 93.94498 691.58721 119.27792 698.96580 @E [0.00006104 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006104 62.77379298 655.23285792] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_Arial 63499.00000 z %CHAR: 21.00 @n 600566 643880 (D) @t 605138 645634 m 588851 688075 L 603471 693687 l 606765 694950 609368 695711 611258 695973 c 613900 696346 616369 696132 618648 695323 c 621616 694290 624211 692520 626450 690004 c 628696 687488 630537 684337 631989 680551 c 633229 677328 633951 674327 634149 671550 c 634355 668771 634181 666342 633625 664263 c 633078 662175 632283 660398 631244 658930 c 630204 657453 628784 656096 626989 654857 c 625196 653611 623021 652500 620449 651516 c 605138 645634 L @c 608837 652802 m 617894 656278 l 620695 657349 622791 658453 624180 659588 c 625568 660715 626561 661937 627141 663247 c 627958 665089 628315 667280 628188 669811 c 628069 672344 627394 675217 626164 678415 c 624466 682853 622426 685988 620052 687813 c 617679 689639 615298 690551 612901 690560 c 611178 690568 608647 689925 605305 688639 c 596391 685217 L 608837 652802 L @c F T @rax 93.94498 691.58721 119.27792 698.96580 @E [0.00006104 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006104 62.77379298 655.23285792] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_Arial 63499.00000 z %CHAR: 13.00 @n 643880 660390 (E) @t 648777 661517 m 638547 705807 L 670573 713205 L 671780 707975 L 645618 701934 L 648746 688370 L 673249 694029 L 674447 688830 L 649944 683178 L 653429 668098 L 680614 674376 L 681828 669153 L 648777 661517 L @c F T @rax 93.94498 691.58721 119.27792 698.96580 @E [0.00006104 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006104 62.77379298 655.23285792] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_Arial 63499.00000 z %CHAR: 1.00 @n 684964 670549 (R) @t 689956 670636 m 689163 716078 L 709308 716435 l 713356 716499 716444 716149 718563 715371 c 720690 714585 722397 713181 723699 711133 c 724993 709084 725659 706815 725707 704314 c 725762 701092 724762 698354 722714 696108 c 720667 693861 717468 692401 713118 691726 C 714721 690987 715944 690258 716785 689527 c 718571 687940 720269 685956 721880 683566 c 730001 671335 L 722436 671208 L 716261 680550 l 714459 683249 712975 685312 711808 686741 c 710649 688170 709618 689162 708705 689725 c 707800 690290 706871 690670 705942 690884 c 705260 691019 704141 691067 702593 691044 c 695616 690924 L 695965 670739 L 689956 670636 L @c 695521 696131 m 708450 696354 l 711197 696401 713340 696726 714880 697322 c 716420 697917 717586 698846 718372 700108 c 719150 701377 719531 702743 719508 704203 c 719467 706355 718659 708109 717071 709466 c 715491 710823 713015 711474 709642 711411 c 695259 711165 L 695521 696131 L @c F T @rax 93.94498 691.58721 119.27792 698.96580 @E [0.00006104 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006104 62.77379298 655.23285792] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_Arial 63499.00000 z %CHAR: -7.00 @n 730818 671184 (A) @t 730722 671192 m 753591 714181 L 760020 713387 L 772949 666009 L 766147 666842 L 762560 681153 L 743700 683471 L 737065 670414 L 730722 671192 L @c 746019 688123 m 761313 686241 L 758139 699314 l 757170 703291 756488 706537 756082 709061 C 755154 706244 753995 703465 752599 700743 c 746019 688123 L @c F T @rax 93.94498 691.58721 119.27792 698.96580 @E [0.00006104 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006104 62.77379298 655.23285792] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_Arial 63499.00000 z %CHAR: -15.00 @n 768457 666740 (T) @t 784356 662478 m 794730 701204 L 780268 705077 L 781657 710261 L 816455 700934 L 815066 695751 L 800540 699649 L 790166 660922 L 784356 662478 L @c F T @rax 93.94498 691.58721 119.27792 698.96580 @E [0.00006104 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006104 62.77379298 655.23285792] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_Arial 63499.00000 z %CHAR: -21.00 @n 805342 655310 (I) @t 810874 653191 m 827162 695624 L 832773 693473 L 816486 651032 L 810874 653191 L @c F T @rax 93.94498 691.58721 119.27792 698.96580 @E [0.00006104 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006104 62.77379298 655.23285792] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_Arial 63499.00000 z %CHAR: -29.00 @n 822352 649595 (O) @t 835766 667470 m 839425 674066 844061 678249 849672 680019 c 855284 681789 860896 681122 866499 678019 c 870167 675979 872993 673273 874969 669883 c 876937 666501 877834 662811 877636 658810 c 877446 654818 876247 650834 874040 646857 c 871810 642825 869000 639674 865602 637387 c 862213 635110 858578 633983 854689 633998 c 850792 634014 847124 634982 843672 636895 c 839926 638967 837084 641721 835139 645166 c 833194 648611 832329 652309 832544 656278 c 832758 660247 833838 663977 835766 667470 c @c 841148 664383 m 838489 659588 837687 655103 838735 650921 c 839782 646737 842251 643562 846140 641411 c 850101 639213 854125 638800 858229 640165 c 862332 641531 865801 644777 868634 649889 c 870428 653127 871445 656254 871691 659278 c 871937 662295 871373 665049 869999 667549 c 868635 670041 866635 672018 864015 673471 c 860293 675534 856379 676034 852276 674963 c 848172 673891 844465 670368 841148 664383 c @c F T @rax 93.94498 691.58721 119.27792 698.96580 @E [0.00006104 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006104 62.77379298 655.23285792] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_Arial 63499.00000 z %CHAR: -40.00 @n 865396 624830 (N) @t 869103 621718 m 898320 656539 L 903043 652571 L 898392 609892 L 921331 637228 L 925751 633522 L 896534 598701 L 891803 602669 L 896479 645372 L 873516 618011 L 869103 621718 L @c F T @rax %Note: Object 99.06180 678.68220 114.35272 687.77688 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k /$fm 0 def 99.06180 687.77688 m 114.35272 687.77688 L 114.35272 678.68220 L 99.06180 678.68220 L 99.06180 687.77688 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 108.13380 680.01194 112.73074 684.60888 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k /$fm 0 def 110.43241 684.60888 m 111.69836 684.60888 112.73074 683.57622 112.73074 682.31027 c 112.73074 681.04431 111.69836 680.01194 110.43241 680.01194 c 109.16646 680.01194 108.13380 681.04431 108.13380 682.31027 c 108.13380 683.57622 109.16646 684.60888 110.43241 684.60888 c @c F @rax %Note: Object 91.06980 665.14876 122.12192 696.20088 @E 0 J 0 j [] 0 d 0 R 0 @G 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 K 0 0.21600 0.21600 0.00000 @w /$fm 0 def 106.59572 696.20088 m 115.14728 696.20088 122.12192 689.22624 122.12192 680.67496 c 122.12192 672.12340 115.14728 665.14876 106.59572 665.14876 c 98.04444 665.14876 91.06980 672.12340 91.06980 680.67496 c 91.06980 689.22624 98.04444 696.20088 106.59572 696.20088 c @c S @rax 88.21304 662.09074 124.97924 683.21537 @E [0.00006104 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006104 67.38179281 654.72885794] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_Arial 63499.00000 z %CHAR: -95.00 @n 344165 466718 (P) @t 343736 461837 m 389019 457868 L 387527 440787 l 387265 437786 386916 435500 386487 433937 c 385924 431746 385059 429944 383884 428531 c 382709 427118 381145 426039 379192 425285 c 377240 424531 375145 424253 372899 424452 c 369049 424793 365897 426301 363445 428984 c 360992 431667 360048 436215 360603 442621 c 361619 454232 L 343213 455844 L 343736 461837 L @c 366969 453764 m 365937 442057 l 365604 438183 366081 435374 367382 433620 c 368684 431865 370637 430872 373255 430650 c 375145 430484 376811 430817 378240 431659 c 379677 432500 380677 433683 381249 435207 c 381606 436191 381899 438048 382137 440763 c 383154 452343 L 366969 453764 L @c F T @rax 88.21304 662.09074 124.97924 683.21537 @E [0.00006104 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006104 67.38179281 654.72885794] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_Arial 63499.00000 z %CHAR: -86.00 @n 341293 422903 (H) @t 341651 417831 m 386996 420998 L 387417 414997 L 368796 413696 L 370439 390129 L 389060 391431 L 389480 385431 L 344134 382255 L 343714 388256 L 365089 389756 L 363438 413322 L 342071 411830 L 341651 417831 L @c F T @rax 88.21304 662.09074 124.97924 683.21537 @E [0.00006104 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006104 67.38179281 654.72885794] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_Arial 63499.00000 z %CHAR: -77.00 @n 345732 375279 (O) @t 367996 377271 m 375347 378970 381553 378319 386626 375334 c 391697 372350 394952 367731 396396 361492 c 397341 357396 397214 353490 396015 349752 c 394825 346022 392674 342886 389578 340362 c 386483 337830 382720 336052 378291 335029 c 373799 333997 369568 333973 365607 334965 c 361638 335966 358368 337910 355773 340815 c 353185 343712 351447 347085 350558 350935 c 349598 355102 349741 359063 350995 362809 c 352256 366556 354432 369684 357519 372176 c 360614 374675 364107 376374 367996 377271 c @c 369298 371207 m 363964 369976 360090 367564 357678 363992 c 355273 360412 354567 356452 355566 352126 c 356582 347712 358971 344442 362734 342307 c 366497 340172 371219 339767 376926 341085 c 380529 341910 383529 343252 385943 345086 c 388348 346927 390022 349188 390959 351879 c 391896 354571 392031 357372 391356 360293 c 390396 364445 388149 367683 384609 370017 c 381070 372350 375965 372747 369298 371207 c @c F T @rax 88.21304 662.09074 124.97924 683.21537 @E [0.00006104 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006104 67.38179281 654.72885794] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_Arial 63499.00000 z %CHAR: -66.00 @n 358156 325750 (T) @t 364855 310708 m 401478 327019 L 395382 340696 L 400280 342879 L 414940 309971 L 410035 307788 L 403923 321519 L 367300 305216 L 364855 310708 L @c F T @rax 88.21304 662.09074 124.97924 683.21537 @E [0.00006104 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006104 67.38179281 654.72885794] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_Arial 63499.00000 z %CHAR: -57.00 @n 372794 288920 (O) @t 393035 298405 m 399360 302508 405417 304033 411204 302953 c 416990 301882 421632 298660 425118 293286 c 427403 289761 428625 286046 428776 282126 c 428935 278212 427982 274529 425942 271101 c 423895 267663 420966 264703 417148 262226 c 413282 259718 409322 258250 405258 257829 c 401186 257409 397448 258123 394019 259964 c 390589 261806 387804 264386 385652 267695 c 383319 271283 382104 275054 382009 279006 c 381906 282959 382883 286634 384930 290039 c 386986 293445 389684 296231 393035 298405 c @c 396336 293150 m 391741 290166 388922 286578 387883 282395 c 386843 278205 387534 274252 389954 270521 c 392416 266727 395781 264465 400043 263751 c 404305 263028 408893 264259 413799 267450 c 416902 269465 419268 271743 420903 274299 c 422537 276847 423339 279545 423299 282396 c 423260 285245 422427 287920 420792 290436 c 418474 294008 415251 296286 411131 297270 c 407004 298247 402075 296874 396336 293150 c @c F T @rax 88.21304 662.09074 124.97924 683.21537 @E [0.00006104 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006104 67.38179281 654.72885794] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_Arial 63499.00000 z %CHAR: -50.00 @n 401092 245741 (G) @t 431571 237152 m 435652 240582 L 448050 225850 L 435136 215015 L 431429 215761 428111 216960 425182 218603 c 422253 220247 419722 222334 417594 224866 c 414729 228287 412855 232010 411974 236033 c 411093 240058 411442 243940 413014 247694 c 414586 251440 417086 254750 420506 257623 c 423896 260465 427650 262409 431778 263458 c 435906 264505 439795 264299 443454 262830 c 447113 261370 450391 258901 453304 255432 c 455415 252916 456916 250297 457813 247582 c 458702 244860 458907 242312 458416 239931 c 457931 237557 456765 235081 454931 232517 C 450303 235716 L 451637 237724 452487 239542 452844 241169 c 453209 242796 453090 244583 452495 246535 c 451891 248488 450859 250345 449383 252099 c 447613 254210 445763 255758 443834 256758 c 441906 257758 440025 258291 438183 258354 c 436350 258417 434588 258186 432897 257655 c 430000 256742 427293 255218 424778 253107 c 421674 250504 419522 247789 418332 244972 c 417141 242145 416896 239288 417594 236399 c 418292 233502 419610 230906 421531 228612 c 423205 226620 425230 224993 427586 223739 c 429952 222484 431976 221731 433675 221476 C 440160 226922 L 431571 237152 L @c F T @rax 88.21304 662.09074 124.97924 683.21537 @E [0.00006104 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006104 67.38179281 654.72885794] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_Arial 63499.00000 z %CHAR: -38.00 @n 433836 207007 (R) @t 437773 203935 m 465760 239748 L 481635 227343 l 484833 224850 487008 222628 488167 220691 c 489326 218747 489763 216572 489485 214167 c 489207 211761 488294 209571 486755 207602 c 484770 205062 482278 203562 479269 203102 c 476261 202650 472856 203522 469046 205737 C 469832 204157 470316 202816 470515 201721 c 470904 199371 470975 196760 470722 193887 c 469340 179266 L 463372 183925 L 464458 195085 l 464752 198316 464895 200847 464895 202689 c 464887 204530 464713 205952 464355 206967 c 464006 207976 463530 208857 462942 209610 c 462490 210143 461657 210889 460435 211841 c 454942 216135 L 442512 200229 L 437773 203935 L @c 458148 220239 m 468332 212278 l 470499 210587 472372 209484 473943 208976 c 475515 208475 476999 208468 478404 208951 c 479809 209444 480968 210261 481873 211420 c 483191 213119 483667 214992 483285 217040 c 482913 219096 481397 221160 478738 223231 c 467403 232089 L 458148 220239 L @c F T @rax 88.21304 662.09074 124.97924 683.21537 @E [0.00006104 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006104 67.38179281 654.72885794] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_Arial 63499.00000 z %CHAR: -31.00 @n 471294 177162 (A) @t 471214 177210 m 509584 207189 L 515140 203847 L 507678 155302 L 501806 158835 L 504353 173360 L 488058 183155 L 476691 173924 L 471214 177210 L @c 492066 186457 m 505281 178519 L 507695 191751 l 508425 195775 509124 199021 509782 201498 C 507790 199291 505600 197235 503218 195315 c 492066 186457 L @c F T @rax 88.21304 662.09074 124.97924 683.21537 @E [0.00006104 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006104 67.38179281 654.72885794] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_Arial 63499.00000 z %CHAR: -22.00 @n 509697 154938 (P) @t 514237 153105 m 531271 195252 L 547169 188823 l 549963 187695 552051 186696 553416 185830 c 555345 184656 556814 183298 557821 181758 c 558829 180226 559409 178416 559559 176329 c 559702 174241 559362 172154 558512 170059 c 557068 166479 554702 163907 551416 162343 c 548130 160788 543510 161209 537549 163613 c 526738 167987 L 519818 150850 L 514237 153105 L @c 528747 172956 m 539645 168558 l 543248 167098 546082 166733 548138 167463 c 550193 168193 551709 169781 552694 172210 c 553408 173980 553567 175662 553186 177282 c 552805 178893 551964 180202 550669 181187 c 549828 181822 548146 182648 545614 183663 c 534835 188021 L 528747 172956 L @c F T @rax 88.21304 662.09074 124.97924 683.21537 @E [0.00006104 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006104 67.38179281 654.72885794] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_Arial 63499.00000 z %CHAR: -14.00 @n 550640 138428 (H) @t 555577 137198 m 566570 181298 L 572404 179845 L 567888 161733 L 590811 156017 L 595328 174131 L 601162 172678 L 590168 128569 L 584334 130030 L 589517 150818 L 566594 156533 L 561411 135746 L 555577 137198 L @c F T @rax 88.21304 662.09074 124.97924 683.21537 @E [0.00006104 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006104 67.38179281 654.72885794] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_Arial 63499.00000 z %CHAR: -7.00 @n 596988 128268 (I) @t 602870 127546 m 608402 172662 L 614379 171924 L 608838 126816 L 602870 127546 L @c F T @rax 88.21304 662.09074 124.97924 683.21537 @E [0.00006104 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006104 67.38179281 654.72885794] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_Arial 63499.00000 z %CHAR: -2.00 @n 616397 125728 (Q) @t 655886 129220 m 658608 127205 661132 125704 663458 124736 C 661545 120616 L 658322 121911 655131 123879 651980 126538 C 648543 124776 644797 123958 640725 124101 c 636614 124244 632923 125371 629645 127467 c 626366 129569 623882 132451 622208 136103 c 620524 139762 619762 143842 619914 148349 c 620072 152826 621128 156874 623072 160493 c 625017 164106 627700 166812 631129 168614 c 634550 170424 638336 171249 642488 171106 c 646686 170955 650425 169828 653726 167717 c 657020 165606 659489 162732 661132 159081 c 662775 155438 663513 151365 663362 146857 c 663227 143119 662544 139777 661307 136832 c 660060 133887 658259 131347 655886 129220 C @c 642923 137364 m 646360 136277 649170 134729 651354 132728 C 655004 135833 656933 140610 657163 147079 c 657290 150754 656775 153985 655624 156779 c 654472 159573 652719 161763 650361 163367 c 648012 164971 645337 165827 642336 165931 c 637859 166082 634081 164685 631026 161716 c 627962 158756 626327 154223 626113 148128 c 625906 142222 627208 137634 630026 134372 c 632835 131110 636519 129403 641059 129244 c 643209 129165 645249 129498 647178 130237 C 645337 131523 643384 132459 641321 133047 C 642923 137364 L @c F T @rax 88.21304 662.09074 124.97924 683.21537 @E [0.00006104 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006104 67.38179281 654.72885794] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_Arial 63499.00000 z %CHAR: 11.00 @n 667555 123823 (U) @t 692970 175067 m 698876 176210 L 703884 150437 l 704757 145952 704939 142294 704440 139452 c 703940 136618 702527 134118 700201 131950 c 697868 129783 694558 128283 690256 127442 c 686073 126633 682517 126689 679581 127609 c 676643 128538 674342 130252 672675 132760 c 671007 135269 669714 138888 668793 143619 c 663785 169392 L 669690 170543 L 674691 144794 l 675445 140921 676358 138135 677437 136435 c 678517 134737 680025 133562 681977 132911 c 683922 132260 686168 132181 688700 132673 c 693042 133514 695947 135102 697416 137428 c 698876 139753 699067 143714 697979 149318 c 692970 175067 L @c F T @rax 88.21304 662.09074 124.97924 683.21537 @E [0.00006104 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006104 67.38179281 654.72885794] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_Arial 63499.00000 z %CHAR: 20.00 @n 714538 132078 (E) @t 719260 133793 m 703711 176512 L 734595 187751 L 736437 182711 L 711205 173527 L 715959 160446 L 739588 169042 L 741414 164034 L 717784 155429 L 723079 140897 L 749304 150437 L 751137 145397 L 719260 133793 L @c F T @rax 88.21304 662.09074 124.97924 683.21537 @E [0.00006104 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006104 67.38179281 654.72885794] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e T @rax 88.21304 662.09074 124.97924 683.21537 @E [0.00006104 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00006104 67.38179281 654.72885794] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e % FontChange:/_Arial 63499.00000 z %CHAR: 31.00 @n 773126 153033 (D) @t 777325 155557 m 753917 194522 L 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$pm itransform/$tlly xd/$tllx xd/$wid $turx $tllx sub def/$hei $tury $tlly sub def @gs $vectpat{1 0 0 0 0 _ $o @scc_5{eofill}if}{$t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc_5{SepMode_5 0 eq $pfrg or{$tllx $tlly Tl $wid $hei scale <00> 8 1 false[8 0 0 1 0 0]{}imagemask}{ /$bkg true def}ifelse}if}ifelse @gr $wid 0 gt $hei 0 gt and{$pn cvlit load aload pop/$pd xd 3 -1 roll sub/$phei xd exch sub/$pwid xd $wid $pwid div ceiling 1 add/$tlx xd $hei $phei div ceiling 1 add/$tly xd $psx 0 eq{@tv}{@th} ifelse}if @gr @np/$bkg false def}bd/@dlt{$fse $fss sub/nff xd $frb dup 1 eq exch 2 eq or{$frt dup $frc $frm $fry $frk @tc_5 4 copy cmyk2rgb rgb2hsb 3 copy /myb xd/mys xd/myh xd $tot $toc $tom $toy $tok @tc_5 cmyk2rgb rgb2hsb 3 1 roll 4 1 roll 5 1 roll sub neg nff div/kdb xd sub neg nff div/kds xd sub neg dup 0 eq{pop $frb 2 eq{.99}{-.99}ifelse}if dup $frb 2 eq exch 0 lt and{1 add}if dup $frb 1 eq exch 0 gt and{1 sub}if nff div/kdh xd}{$frt dup $frc $frm $fry $frk @tc_5 5 copy $tot dup $toc $tom $toy $tok @tc_5 5 1 roll 6 1 roll 7 1 roll 8 1 roll 9 1 roll sub neg nff dup 1 gt{1 sub}if div/$dk xd sub neg nff dup 1 gt{1 sub}if div/$dy xd sub neg nff dup 1 gt{1 sub}if div/$dm xd sub neg nff dup 1 gt {1 sub}if div/$dc xd sub neg nff dup 1 gt{1 sub}if div/$dt xd}ifelse}bd/ffcol{ 5 copy $fsit 0 eq{setcmykcolor pop}{SepMode_5 0 ne{$frn findcmykcustomcolor exch setcustomcolor}{4 rp $frc $frm $fry $frk $frn findcmykcustomcolor exch setcustomcolor}ifelse}ifelse}bd/@ftl{1 index 4 index sub dup $pad mul dup/$pdw xd 2 mul sub $fst div/$wid xd 2 index sub/$hei xd pop Tl @dlt $fss 0 eq{ffcol n 0 0 m 0 $hei l $pdw $hei l $pdw 0 l @cp $ffpnt{fill}{@np}ifelse}if $fss $wid mul $pdw add 0 Tl nff{ffcol n 0 0 m 0 $hei l $wid $hei l $wid 0 l @cp $ffpnt {fill}{@np}ifelse $wid 0 Tl $frb dup 1 eq exch 2 eq or{4 rp myh mys myb kdb add 3 1 roll kds add 3 1 roll kdh add 3 1 roll 3 copy/myb xd/mys xd/myh xd hsb2rgb rgb2cmyk}{$dk add 5 1 roll $dy add 5 1 roll $dm add 5 1 roll $dc add 5 1 roll $dt add 5 1 roll}ifelse}repeat 5 rp $tot dup $toc $tom $toy $tok @tc_5 ffcol n 0 0 m 0 $hei l $pdw $hei l $pdw 0 l @cp $ffpnt{fill}{@np}ifelse 5 rp}bd/@ftrs{ 1 index 4 index sub dup $rox mul/$row xd 2 div 1 index 4 index sub dup $roy mul /$roh xd 2 div 2 copy dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt $row dup mul $roh dup mul add sqrt add dup/$hei xd $fst div/$wid xd 4 index add $roh add exch 5 index add $row add exch Tl $fan rotate 4 rp @dlt $fss 0 eq{ffcol $fty 3 eq{$hei dup neg dup m 2 mul @sqr}{0 0 m 0 0 $hei 0 360 arc}ifelse $ffpnt{fill}{@np}ifelse}if 1.0 $pad 2 mul sub dup scale $hei $fss $wid mul sub/$hei xd nff{ffcol $fty 3 eq {n $hei dup neg dup m 2 mul @sqr}{n 0 0 m 0 0 $hei 0 360 arc}ifelse $ffpnt {fill}{@np}ifelse/$hei $hei $wid sub def $frb dup 1 eq exch 2 eq or{4 rp myh mys myb kdb add 3 1 roll kds add 3 1 roll kdh add 3 1 roll 3 copy/myb xd/mys xd /myh xd hsb2rgb rgb2cmyk}{$dk add 5 1 roll $dy add 5 1 roll $dm add 5 1 roll $dc add 5 1 roll $dt add 5 1 roll}ifelse}repeat 5 rp}bd/@ftc{1 index 4 index sub dup $rox mul/$row xd 2 div 1 index 4 index sub dup $roy mul/$roh xd 2 div 2 copy dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt $row dup mul $roh dup mul add sqrt add dup /$hei xd $fst div/$wid xd 4 index add $roh add exch 5 index add $row add exch Tl 4 rp @dlt $fss 0 eq{ffcol $ffpnt{fill}{@np}ifelse}{n}ifelse/$dang 180 $fst 1 sub div def/$sang $dang -2 div 180 add def/$eang $dang 2 div 180 add def/$sang $sang $dang $fss mul add def/$eang $eang $dang $fss mul add def/$sang $eang $dang sub def nff{ffcol n 0 0 m 0 0 $hei $sang $fan add $eang $fan add arc $ffpnt{fill}{@np}ifelse 0 0 m 0 0 $hei $eang neg $fan add $sang neg $fan add arc $ffpnt{fill}{@np}ifelse/$sang $eang def/$eang $eang $dang add def $frb dup 1 eq exch 2 eq or{4 rp myh mys myb kdb add 3 1 roll kds add 3 1 roll kdh add 3 1 roll 3 copy/myb xd/mys xd/myh xd hsb2rgb rgb2cmyk}{$dk add 5 1 roll $dy add 5 1 roll $dm add 5 1 roll $dc add 5 1 roll $dt add 5 1 roll}ifelse}repeat 5 rp} bd/@ff{/$fss 0 def $o 1 eq setoverprint 1 1 $fsc 1 sub{dup 1 sub $fsit 0 eq{ $fsa exch 5 mul 5 getinterval aload 2 rp/$frk xd/$fry xd/$frm xd/$frc xd/$frn _ def/$frt 1 def $fsa exch 5 mul 5 getinterval aload pop $fss add/$fse xd/$tok xd /$toy xd/$tom xd/$toc xd/$ton _ def/$tot 1 def}{$fsa exch 7 mul 7 getinterval aload 2 rp/$frt xd/$frn xd/$frk xd/$fry xd/$frm xd/$frc xd $fsa exch 7 mul 7 getinterval aload pop $fss add/$fse xd/$tot xd/$ton xd/$tok xd/$toy xd/$tom xd /$toc xd}ifelse $fsit 0 eq SepMode_5 0 eq or dup not CurrentInkName_5 $frn eq and or{@sv $ctm setmatrix eoclip Bbllx Bblly Bburx Bbury $fty 2 eq{@ftc}{1 index 3 index m 2 copy l 3 index 1 index l 3 index 3 index l @cp $fty dup 1 eq exch 3 eq or{@ftrs}{4 rp $fan rotate pathbbox @ftl}ifelse}ifelse @rs/$fss $fse def}{1 0 0 0 0 _ $o @scc_5{fill}if}ifelse}for @np}bd/@Pf{@sv SepMode_5 0 eq $ink_5 3 eq or{0 J 0 j[]0 d $t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc_5 pop $ctm setmatrix 72 1000 div dup matrix scale dup concat dup Bburx exch Bbury exch itransform ceiling cvi/Bbury xd ceiling cvi/Bburx xd Bbllx exch Bblly exch itransform floor cvi/Bblly xd floor cvi/Bbllx xd $Prm aload pop $Psn load exec}{1 SetGry eofill}ifelse @rs @np}bd/F{matrix currentmatrix $sdf{$scf $sca $scp @ss}if $fil 1 eq{@pf}{$fil 2 eq{@ff}{$fil 3 eq{@Pf}{$t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc_5{eofill} {@np}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse $sdf{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if setmatrix}bd/f{@cp F}bd/S{matrix currentmatrix $ctm setmatrix $SDF{$SCF $SCA $SCP @ss}if $T $C $M $Y $K $N $O @scc_5{matrix currentmatrix $ptm concat stroke setmatrix} {@np}ifelse $SDF{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if setmatrix}bd/s{@cp S}bd/B{@gs F @gr S} bd/b{@cp B}bd/E{5 array astore exch cvlit xd}bd/@cc{currentfile $dat readhexstring pop}bd/@sm{/$ctm $ctm currentmatrix def}bd/@E{/Bbury xd/Bburx xd /Bblly xd/Bbllx xd}bd/@c{@cp}bd/@p{/$fil 1 def 1 eq dup/$vectpat xd{/$pfrg true def}{@gs $t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc_5/$pfrg xd @gr}ifelse/$pm xd/$psy xd/$psx xd /$pyf xd/$pxf xd/$pn xd}bd/@P{/$fil 3 def/$Psn xd array astore/$Prm xd}bd/@k{ /$fil 2 def/$roy xd/$rox xd/$pad xd/$fty xd/$fan xd $fty 1 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roll @i} ifelse @rs}bd/@I{@sm @gs @ii @np/$ury xd/$urx xd/$lly xd/$llx xd/$ncl xd/$bts xd/$hei xd/$wid xd/$dat $wid $bts mul $ncl mul 8 div ceiling cvi string def $ngx $llx $lly Tl $urx $llx sub $ury $lly sub scale $wid $hei abs $bts[$wid 0 0 $hei neg 0 $hei 0 gt{$hei}{0}ifelse]/@cc load false $ncl ColorImage $SDF{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if @gr $ctm setmatrix}bd/z{exch findfont exch scalefont setfont} bd/ZB{9 dict dup begin 4 1 roll/FontType 3 def/FontMatrix xd/FontBBox xd /Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255{Encoding exch/.notdef put}for/CharStrings 256 dict def CharStrings/.notdef{}put/Metrics 256 dict def Metrics/.notdef 3 -1 roll put/BuildChar{exch dup/$char exch/Encoding get 3 index get def dup /Metrics get $char get aload pop setcachedevice begin Encoding exch get CharStrings exch get end exec}def end definefont pop}bd/ZBAddChar{findfont begin dup 4 1 roll dup 6 1 roll Encoding 3 1 roll put CharStrings 3 1 roll put Metrics 3 1 roll put end}bd/Z{findfont dup maxlength 2 add dict exch dup{1 index/FID ne{3 index 3 1 roll put}{2 rp}ifelse}forall pop dup dup/Encoding get 256 array copy dup/$fe xd/Encoding exch put dup/Fontname 3 index put 3 -1 roll dup length 0 ne{0 exch{dup type 0 type eq{exch pop}{$fe exch 2 index exch put 1 add}ifelse}forall pop}if dup 256 dict dup/$met xd/Metrics exch put dup /FontMatrix get 0 get 1000 mul 1 exch div 3 index length 256 eq{0 1 255{dup $fe exch get dup/.notdef eq{2 rp}{5 index 3 -1 roll get 2 index mul $met 3 1 roll put}ifelse}for}if pop definefont pop pop}bd/@ftx{{currentpoint 3 -1 roll(0)dup 3 -1 roll 0 exch put dup @gs true charpath $ctm setmatrix @@txt @gr @np stringwidth pop 3 -1 roll add exch moveto}forall}bd/@ft{matrix currentmatrix exch $sdf{$scf $sca $scp @ss}if $fil 1 eq{/@@txt/@pf ld @ftx}{$fil 2 eq{/@@txt /@ff ld @ftx}{$fil 3 eq{/@@txt/@Pf ld @ftx}{$t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc_5{show} {pop}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse $sdf{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if setmatrix}bd/@st{ matrix currentmatrix exch $SDF{$SCF $SCA $SCP @ss}if $T $C $M $Y $K $N $O @scc_5{{currentpoint 3 -1 roll(0)dup 3 -1 roll 0 exch put dup @gs true charpath $ctm setmatrix $ptm concat stroke @gr @np stringwidth pop 3 -1 roll add exch moveto}forall}{pop}ifelse $SDF{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if setmatrix}bd/@te{@ft}bd /@tr{@st}bd/@ta{dup @gs @ft @gr @st}bd/@t@a{dup @gs @st @gr @ft}bd/@tm{@sm concat}bd/e{/t{@te}def}bd/r{/t{@tr}def}bd/o{/t{pop}def}bd/a{/t{@ta}def}bd/@a{ /t{@t@a}def}bd/t{@te}def/T{@np $ctm setmatrix/$ttm matrix def}bd/ddt{t}def/@t{ /$stm $stm currentmatrix def 3 1 roll moveto $ttm concat ddt $stm setmatrix}bd /@n{/$ttm exch matrix rotate def}bd/@s{}bd/@l{}bd/@B{@gs S @gr F}bd/@b{@cp @B} bd/@sep{CurrentInkName_5(Composite)eq{/$ink_5 -1 def}{CurrentInkName_5(Cyan)eq {/$ink_5 0 def}{CurrentInkName_5(Magenta)eq{/$ink_5 1 def}{CurrentInkName_5 (Yellow)eq{/$ink_5 2 def}{CurrentInkName_5(Black)eq{/$ink_5 3 def}{/$ink_5 4 def}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}bd/@whi{@gs -72000 dup moveto -72000 72000 lineto 72000 dup lineto 72000 -72000 lineto @cp 1 SetGry 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750 186 186 352 352 500 500 1000 186 990 750 186 557 750 750 750 750 332 480 557 557 557 141 500 186 801 223 297 600 750 801 750 750 600 332 332 186 389 600 750 186 332 211 297 834 834 834 406 631 631 631 631 631 631 906 740 520 520 520 520 260 260 260 260 668 631 777 777 777 777 777 750 777 668 668 668 668 611 611 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 500 297 314 314 314 314 186 186 186 186 352 389 352 352 352 352 352 750 352 389 389 389 389 389 369 389 ] CorelDrawReencodeVect /_R114-Paragon /Paragon Z %%EndSetup %StartPage @sv @sm @sv %StartColorLayer (COMPOSITE) @sm @sv @sv @rax %Note: Object 305.35 647.64 367.06 714.74 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 335.88 713.74 m 343.44 710.42 345.46 701.86 349.06 695.59 C 348.77 694.66 348.77 693.50 347.90 693.00 C 352.87 680.54 357.84 668.02 363.96 655.99 C 363.96 654.12 362.59 650.81 365.90 651.02 C 363.46 650.74 L 364.68 650.02 366.26 649.80 367.06 648.65 C 364.68 649.66 362.09 650.45 359.35 650.74 C 361.80 651.24 L 357.34 652.75 352.66 650.59 348.55 649.30 C 347.98 650.52 349.49 651.53 350.28 652.39 C 350.06 652.61 L 348.26 651.60 346.25 649.73 345.96 647.64 C 344.09 647.86 345.74 651.02 343.37 650.74 C 342.94 653.11 342.00 655.85 342.36 657.94 C 343.87 656.64 342.50 654.12 343.58 652.61 C 344.09 653.11 343.58 653.90 344.09 654.34 C 345.17 654.62 344.59 653.33 345.24 652.90 C 345.74 653.40 L 343.66 660.02 341.50 666.50 337.61 672.34 C 342.14 666.65 L 342.00 669.82 340.70 673.13 340.49 676.66 C 342.14 675.86 342.14 673.42 343.08 671.83 C 345.10 676.15 345.24 681.70 344.74 686.52 C 343.37 686.23 L 342.79 690.84 346.25 694.44 344.95 698.76 C 342.79 703.80 340.27 709.63 335.16 712.66 C 328.39 712.51 321.26 712.51 316.15 708.62 C 317.95 708.26 319.46 710.14 321.26 710.50 C 317.88 706.54 307.87 704.16 308.95 696.60 C 311.18 688.90 L 312.34 690.62 L 312.34 689.11 311.54 688.03 311.18 686.74 C 311.40 686.52 L 314.78 689.83 L 313.20 686.16 310.18 682.92 308.95 679.03 C 308.16 679.25 306.29 679.39 306.36 681.05 C 307.44 684.43 309.60 689.40 306.36 692.50 C 306.79 695.95 305.35 698.90 307.58 701.86 C 309.17 704.74 312.98 705.82 314.57 708.34 c 319.10 714.74 328.25 713.30 335.88 713.74 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 278.50 653.76 306.58 694.66 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 301.61 686.52 m 294.26 681.26 286.27 675.50 280.66 668.23 C 281.38 666.22 280.15 663.12 282.60 662.26 C 285.48 661.39 288.94 662.04 291.74 660.82 C 289.80 660.31 L 294.55 655.06 L 294.34 654.26 293.26 653.76 292.68 654.62 C 287.64 659.81 L 284.76 660.53 280.87 660.02 279.50 663.41 C 279.00 664.99 278.50 666.86 279.00 668.52 C 285.26 678.60 297.50 682.99 303.26 693.22 C 304.99 694.66 L 306.58 691.70 302.54 689.26 301.61 686.52 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 345.67 651.24 360.86 686.23 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 360.86 655.34 m 360.86 652.90 L 357.05 653.83 353.45 652.54 350.28 651.24 C 351.79 653.04 353.88 654.34 355.75 655.56 C 353.30 656.21 350.35 654.62 348.19 653.11 C 347.54 654.70 345.67 657.22 347.40 658.94 C 348.19 658.01 346.61 655.85 348.84 655.56 C 349.34 660.31 L 349.85 659.45 350.06 658.22 351.00 657.72 C 350.86 662.11 347.76 666.65 349.34 671.11 C 348.34 672.62 347.69 670.25 346.68 671.62 C 346.75 675.50 349.70 679.61 347.90 683.64 C 347.98 684.86 347.69 685.22 348.19 686.23 C 352.08 675.86 356.54 665.64 360.86 655.34 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 290.59 660.10 319.68 683.35 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 308.09 678.10 m 310.75 675.65 314.86 676.30 317.66 673.85 C 319.68 668.30 313.27 670.10 310.97 668.74 c 305.06 670.10 305.28 664.13 303.48 660.82 C 303.77 660.60 L 303.26 660.10 L 301.10 661.54 299.66 664.06 298.15 666.14 C 298.08 668.23 299.38 670.10 298.94 672.12 C 297.94 670.32 297.14 668.45 297.50 666.14 C 296.78 666.43 297.00 667.51 296.06 667.30 C 294.84 662.54 L 293.54 663.91 295.49 665.64 294.84 667.01 C 293.26 666.36 292.25 663.62 290.59 664.20 C 291.46 666.14 293.69 667.51 295.34 668.74 C 294.84 672.91 296.78 676.15 299.38 679.03 C 299.16 679.32 L 297.14 677.95 295.34 675.50 293.90 673.56 C 294.34 676.73 297.65 680.54 301.39 681.41 C 304.49 683.35 306.00 679.10 308.09 678.10 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 316.44 657.72 331.06 678.31 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 327.24 678.31 m 325.58 676.80 322.99 676.44 320.98 675.00 C 322.78 674.93 324.79 675.65 326.81 675.72 C 325.94 675.22 324.65 674.71 323.64 674.21 C 328.18 673.70 328.25 668.45 331.06 665.64 C 330.19 660.60 L 327.74 660.96 324.79 657.72 323.64 660.60 C 323.35 665.14 L 322.49 666.00 321.26 667.15 320.98 668.52 C 319.90 668.02 320.18 666.65 319.75 665.64 C 318.67 666.65 318.96 669.31 318.60 671.11 c 316.44 675.14 321.05 675.94 323.14 677.45 C 324.50 677.74 325.87 678.24 327.24 678.31 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 311.76 659.16 320.98 666.65 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 317.38 666.14 m 318.38 663.70 319.10 661.32 320.98 659.45 C 317.88 659.16 316.37 665.21 312.34 663.05 C 312.55 664.20 311.76 665.86 313.06 666.65 C 317.38 666.14 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 344.30 659.81 349.85 666.36 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 347.69 661.03 m 346.90 660.82 346.10 660.74 345.46 659.81 C 344.66 661.32 344.30 663.34 344.74 665.14 C 346.18 666.36 L 345.46 663.62 349.85 663.70 347.69 661.03 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 303.34 659.45 309.24 665.86 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 309.24 664.20 m 309.10 661.90 305.64 661.82 305.35 659.45 C 303.34 661.82 307.30 663.70 308.09 665.64 C 308.95 665.86 308.95 664.70 309.24 664.20 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 312.84 652.82 318.60 661.54 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 318.60 657.43 m 315.00 659.45 L 314.78 657.94 314.57 656.50 314.28 655.06 C 315.79 654.62 317.66 655.06 318.60 653.83 C 316.66 653.83 314.64 652.82 312.84 653.83 C 315.00 655.42 313.85 659.45 313.78 661.54 C 315.36 660.24 317.45 659.45 318.60 657.43 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 301.39 649.73 313.34 661.32 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 310.46 661.32 m 309.96 659.23 309.17 655.92 310.18 653.83 C 309.74 653.40 L 309.96 653.11 L 310.46 652.54 308.95 652.25 308.59 651.74 C 308.38 651.53 308.16 651.46 308.30 651.24 C 313.34 650.74 L 309.38 650.23 305.14 649.73 301.39 649.80 C 303.70 651.10 307.15 650.81 309.46 652.90 C 308.16 653.40 306.65 651.82 305.35 652.90 C 306.07 654.41 308.45 653.83 309.46 654.34 C 309.38 655.70 309.67 657.86 309.24 659.45 C 306.58 657.00 L 306.36 657.22 L 307.80 658.66 308.81 660.74 310.46 661.32 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 335.66 651.24 342.36 661.03 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 339.98 656.71 m 340.34 657.94 339.34 659.16 338.98 660.31 C 340.78 660.24 340.49 657.94 341.21 656.71 c 341.21 654.70 342.00 653.04 342.36 651.24 C 341.35 651.24 L 339.84 654.55 337.97 658.01 335.66 660.60 C 335.88 661.03 L 337.90 660.74 338.69 658.22 339.98 656.71 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 282.96 554.54 407.59 660.60 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 339.26 653.11 m 335.09 656.21 328.39 655.63 323.86 653.62 C 326.88 653.90 329.98 653.26 332.78 652.39 C 328.39 652.03 322.70 651.46 319.75 647.14 C 320.47 646.85 321.55 648.72 322.70 647.86 C 322.34 646.70 321.48 646.13 320.54 645.41 C 317.88 640.80 315.58 634.90 317.88 629.42 C 318.46 628.06 319.61 626.83 320.26 625.54 C 320.04 632.52 L 320.54 628.99 322.34 625.82 325.58 623.59 C 323.50 629.93 327.60 635.76 326.09 642.31 C 326.38 643.61 327.17 644.90 328.18 645.70 C 327.60 642.60 327.24 638.71 328.68 635.62 C 330.70 630.72 335.95 626.54 340.70 624.60 C 338.98 623.16 335.38 627.70 335.38 623.45 C 335.95 621.65 334.30 619.92 335.88 618.62 C 333.65 617.62 330.55 618.12 328.97 619.56 C 328.97 619.85 L 330.84 620.71 333.29 618.84 334.66 620.50 C 334.15 622.30 335.88 623.81 334.66 625.32 C 333.86 625.10 333.07 624.24 332.28 624.60 C 333.00 625.39 334.08 625.25 334.66 626.26 C 333.58 627.84 331.70 627.55 330.34 626.54 C 329.98 625.90 329.04 625.61 328.68 625.82 C 328.46 625.82 L 328.61 627.12 330.05 628.13 331.06 628.92 C 327.24 634.25 L 324.50 628.92 328.46 623.02 327.46 617.62 C 324.07 613.66 317.45 609.70 320.04 603.72 C 325.37 598.10 332.06 595.01 339.26 593.42 C 344.88 595.22 350.21 598.25 355.39 600.34 C 356.54 603.43 L 354.96 605.02 354.89 608.04 352.94 609.26 C 354.24 610.63 355.46 612.65 357.26 613.80 C 355.39 612.72 357.84 610.42 356.04 608.26 C 355.39 609.26 L 355.46 609.34 355.68 609.55 355.61 609.70 C 355.46 610.06 355.10 609.91 354.89 609.91 C 354.60 608.40 356.18 607.03 356.26 605.45 C 356.76 605.02 357.26 606.02 357.77 606.31 C 357.55 607.39 356.69 608.54 356.98 609.41 C 358.06 611.42 361.44 611.86 360.36 614.52 C 359.57 615.96 357.84 617.26 356.26 616.61 C 355.18 616.32 353.38 615.60 353.66 614.02 C 353.38 611.42 L 351.86 615.10 353.88 619.20 355.39 622.66 C 352.15 627.12 346.39 626.90 341.86 629.14 C 341.57 630.50 342.36 631.66 343.08 632.23 C 340.70 637.06 L 338.98 637.13 338.04 635.11 337.10 633.96 C 337.18 633.31 336.67 632.95 336.89 632.23 C 337.39 631.51 340.20 633.31 339.26 630.86 C 338.54 630.50 337.90 630.50 337.39 629.86 C 337.61 629.42 337.75 628.92 338.04 628.42 C 335.88 630.14 336.17 634.82 336.89 637.85 C 337.46 638.64 337.39 640.22 338.76 640.44 C 338.04 638.71 L 340.70 640.44 L 341.50 637.70 342.14 634.90 343.58 632.52 C 344.09 633.60 343.66 635.33 343.80 636.34 C 344.30 636.12 344.74 636.62 344.59 637.06 C 344.59 637.85 L 347.76 633.02 350.86 625.90 356.98 624.10 C 359.86 622.80 363.10 621.86 365.90 621.22 C 365.90 620.71 L 363.67 620.35 361.15 620.93 359.21 621.72 C 359.57 620.21 361.87 619.70 363.46 619.34 C 363.46 618.84 L 361.87 618.70 359.86 618.91 358.49 619.85 C 356.98 619.06 354.96 618.84 354.17 617.62 C 355.61 617.54 357.77 618.84 358.99 618.34 C 358.49 617.83 L 360.07 616.54 362.45 614.74 362.59 612.36 C 363.96 612.36 L 362.16 611.21 359.86 609.84 358.49 608.04 C 359.57 606.53 358.27 604.73 359.35 603.43 C 359.78 600.91 358.85 598.90 358.20 596.74 C 360.29 595.73 361.30 598.61 362.09 599.83 C 362.16 601.20 362.38 602.50 362.30 603.94 C 364.68 603.36 363.74 600.62 363.96 599.11 C 363.46 597.74 362.88 595.73 361.08 595.51 C 356.69 594.50 351.58 597.60 347.90 594.86 C 348.19 593.14 L 350.50 593.14 354.10 594.65 356.26 592.63 C 358.27 590.83 359.35 588.46 360.58 586.44 C 359.86 586.15 360.14 585.36 359.86 584.71 C 360.14 584.50 L 360.65 585.14 360.86 585.94 361.08 586.66 C 363.74 586.94 366.05 583.34 368.57 585.94 C 367.99 590.54 365.69 594.36 364.68 598.61 C 364.97 598.90 L 367.27 593.86 370.37 588.74 370.44 583.06 C 369.36 581.83 367.85 583.42 366.55 582.62 C 367.06 581.54 368.35 580.03 369.29 579.02 C 369.94 581.40 371.30 584.42 374.26 585.00 C 374.98 586.94 372.74 588.24 372.89 590.26 C 373.18 590.76 373.75 590.40 374.26 590.54 C 374.54 589.82 374.76 589.25 374.98 588.60 C 376.49 591.26 L 373.61 598.10 370.80 605.30 366.84 611.64 C 365.69 612.94 364.46 614.02 362.74 614.02 C 363.46 615.53 365.04 614.16 365.90 614.52 C 367.99 613.01 368.57 610.56 369.94 608.54 C 370.80 610.34 369.36 611.71 369.50 613.51 C 370.94 613.15 370.44 611.14 371.16 609.91 C 371.16 603.72 375.48 598.10 377.64 592.20 C 378.36 591.70 379.37 592.06 380.30 591.91 C 380.88 592.42 380.74 593.42 380.09 593.42 C 380.30 597.74 379.80 603.36 379.58 607.82 C 380.09 607.82 L 381.67 603.94 384.05 598.82 381.74 594.86 C 383.54 596.02 384.70 599.62 387.50 600.62 C 386.57 603.00 L 385.49 601.99 384.05 601.42 383.40 600.12 C 383.54 602.71 381.96 603.86 383.18 606.10 C 383.69 604.22 L 387.50 607.32 392.18 607.90 396.79 609.26 C 396.79 608.04 L 393.70 606.53 390.10 606.24 387.50 603.94 C 389.52 599.76 389.52 593.35 394.92 591.70 C 395.14 590.90 395.93 590.90 395.78 590.04 C 393.19 590.04 L 393.70 588.53 394.78 586.94 396.07 585.94 C 398.66 588.24 401.62 589.82 405.22 589.82 C 403.13 588.24 400.10 588.46 398.52 586.44 C 407.59 585.94 L 404.50 585.00 400.68 585.94 398.02 584.21 C 397.51 584.71 L 396.29 583.34 L 398.81 582.34 402.19 584.21 404.71 582.62 C 403.27 581.62 399.82 582.55 398.02 580.90 C 399.60 579.82 403.63 580.32 404.50 577.80 C 403.49 578.59 402.41 579.02 401.11 579.24 C 400.90 579.02 L 401.83 578.16 403.49 577.22 404.21 575.86 C 402.77 576.43 401.11 577.73 399.38 578.23 C 399.38 576.43 401.62 574.85 402.26 573.05 C 401.90 570.10 400.82 567.50 403.27 565.34 C 403.49 564.34 402.98 563.76 402.26 563.11 C 402.26 565.63 400.82 567.79 398.88 569.45 C 396.58 569.52 393.98 567.50 391.68 566.21 C 390.10 567.14 390.89 569.23 390.82 570.60 C 389.09 569.95 389.66 566.42 387.00 567.43 C 388.37 569.81 392.11 573.05 388.58 575.64 C 387.07 577.94 384.48 578.16 381.96 578.23 C 382.97 575.14 L 382.61 575.42 381.74 575.86 381.46 576.65 C 380.09 576.50 378.58 574.99 377.21 574.20 C 377.86 573.12 379.15 571.90 379.08 570.31 C 377.50 570.10 376.99 573.12 374.98 573.26 C 373.97 571.82 374.76 570.02 375.26 568.66 C 376.78 565.70 379.80 565.34 382.68 565.34 C 383.04 565.13 382.61 564.12 381.96 564.12 C 379.37 564.05 377.06 564.91 375.26 566.71 C 373.68 568.66 373.18 571.25 373.75 573.70 C 374.47 575.42 375.34 577.01 376.70 578.52 C 375.77 579.02 L 375.05 577.22 373.97 575.35 372.38 574.20 C 372.46 574.06 372.67 573.84 372.89 573.91 C 371.66 573.26 369.65 573.55 368.28 572.76 C 367.56 572.76 L 367.56 573.70 370.37 573.62 369.29 574.92 C 371.45 574.99 372.74 575.64 374.04 577.51 C 373.75 578.02 373.25 577.73 372.89 577.80 C 373.39 578.45 374.54 578.45 375.48 578.74 C 375.98 579.10 374.98 579.53 374.76 579.96 C 374.18 579.82 373.39 579.31 372.89 579.74 C 372.60 580.39 L 372.96 580.61 373.46 580.61 373.75 581.11 C 373.68 581.33 373.46 581.40 373.61 581.62 C 374.54 582.55 375.19 580.90 376.20 581.11 C 376.20 580.82 376.34 580.32 375.98 580.25 C 378.14 578.45 381.24 580.54 383.69 579.96 C 383.26 580.75 382.61 581.62 381.96 582.12 C 382.25 582.84 383.26 582.91 384.19 582.84 C 384.70 579.53 387.58 578.52 389.59 576.65 C 388.37 579.46 391.32 580.90 393.41 581.62 c 394.13 582.05 395.14 581.90 395.57 582.84 C 392.62 581.11 391.54 587.59 388.08 584.21 C 385.27 584.93 380.95 581.62 379.80 585.22 C 377.06 584.42 374.04 583.56 372.17 581.40 C 372.96 575.86 366.26 576.50 363.96 573.41 C 365.69 571.54 368.50 572.04 370.44 570.60 C 368.57 570.53 365.40 571.82 363.24 570.31 C 361.66 569.02 361.44 566.50 362.30 564.84 C 364.18 561.74 L 364.90 562.32 365.69 562.54 366.55 562.46 C 367.85 561.10 370.44 564.12 371.66 561.74 C 370.80 560.30 369.14 562.82 369.00 560.52 C 367.27 559.66 365.54 562.54 363.96 560.23 C 363.38 560.95 363.17 561.96 362.30 562.25 C 360.86 561.74 L 359.28 564.62 360.58 568.73 362.59 571.32 C 363.17 571.10 363.46 571.61 363.96 571.82 C 363.96 572.04 L 362.16 572.26 359.64 572.04 358.49 570.31 C 358.20 568.80 359.35 565.42 356.54 566.21 C 356.90 568.66 356.40 572.26 359.64 572.54 C 360.58 572.26 361.08 573.05 362.09 572.76 C 362.09 574.34 360.94 576.50 362.09 578.23 C 360.65 579.60 357.98 578.74 356.76 578.74 C 356.90 580.32 358.70 579.74 359.64 580.25 C 359.86 579.74 360.29 580.03 360.58 579.96 C 360.86 581.40 359.86 583.06 359.86 584.71 C 358.49 581.33 353.59 579.02 355.10 574.63 C 354.38 573.05 354.46 571.10 354.17 569.45 C 356.04 569.81 L 355.68 568.15 352.58 567.36 352.94 564.84 C 351.94 563.40 L 353.16 569.74 349.06 575.14 348.19 581.11 C 344.88 582.26 343.44 579.02 340.20 580.25 C 339.70 580.25 338.90 579.74 338.26 579.24 C 338.76 578.16 340.20 578.74 339.98 577.30 C 338.40 577.01 336.46 577.51 335.16 578.74 C 334.44 579.74 333.79 580.61 333.00 581.62 C 329.90 572.76 L 331.85 574.06 334.80 575.42 337.10 575.86 C 337.97 575.42 337.39 574.42 337.61 573.70 C 337.25 573.70 336.96 573.62 336.89 573.91 C 335.88 572.33 333.36 572.40 331.78 571.32 c 330.19 570.10 327.74 570.02 327.74 567.43 C 326.95 567.79 326.16 567.79 325.37 567.94 C 326.66 572.33 321.26 570.24 320.26 573.05 C 318.89 571.46 316.80 571.75 315.29 572.76 C 313.78 573.62 314.28 575.42 313.34 576.65 C 315.14 576.22 317.38 574.34 319.75 575.42 C 310.46 579.96 L 307.08 578.30 310.75 575.64 310.97 573.41 C 310.18 573.55 309.46 574.34 308.81 573.70 C 309.60 572.40 311.18 572.26 312.34 571.32 C 311.90 571.03 311.18 571.03 310.68 570.60 C 311.40 570.31 312.19 570.10 312.84 569.81 C 313.20 569.23 312.34 569.23 312.19 568.94 C 313.06 567.94 L 312.34 566.71 311.54 568.44 310.68 568.22 C 311.69 566.71 L 309.74 564.84 307.08 562.90 304.49 561.74 C 302.76 562.25 304.85 566.86 302.98 564.62 C 302.40 564.84 301.97 565.42 301.39 565.56 C 301.75 564.34 L 300.74 564.70 299.88 565.63 298.94 566.21 C 298.66 565.99 L 300.60 563.83 L 300.38 563.83 L 300.38 560.59 304.78 557.50 301.10 554.54 C 300.38 555.55 300.46 556.92 300.17 558.14 C 298.58 560.16 294.48 562.10 296.78 565.34 C 296.78 566.71 294.19 566.42 293.18 567.72 C 291.60 569.81 290.95 571.46 291.96 573.91 C 293.40 575.64 295.27 577.22 297.50 577.51 C 299.45 577.22 302.54 577.30 304.49 575.64 C 303.26 578.30 308.81 578.74 305.86 580.90 C 306.79 578.81 304.49 580.82 304.20 579.24 C 302.40 579.24 299.30 579.10 296.78 580.25 C 295.85 579.24 294.48 578.59 292.68 579.24 C 292.25 580.10 291.74 579.31 291.24 579.24 C 291.17 579.53 291.46 580.03 290.95 580.25 C 290.09 579.24 L 289.58 579.96 L 289.44 579.60 289.08 579.74 288.86 579.74 C 288.86 580.39 L 287.64 579.96 L 287.50 581.62 287.57 581.90 287.14 583.56 C 286.99 583.63 286.85 583.42 286.70 583.34 C 285.84 585.94 285.05 589.25 286.49 592.20 C 285.48 594.36 L 284.47 594.72 284.54 592.42 283.10 593.14 C 282.96 597.46 288.50 595.66 290.59 598.39 C 290.95 598.32 291.46 598.61 291.74 598.25 C 291.38 596.59 289.44 596.02 288.14 595.30 C 287.57 592.13 285.70 588.60 287.35 585.43 C 289.44 586.01 287.86 587.23 289.58 587.81 C 288.86 588.60 L 289.58 589.25 290.95 589.39 292.18 589.32 C 291.46 590.62 292.39 592.56 293.18 593.86 C 293.76 594.43 294.77 594.86 295.34 594.65 C 294.26 593.35 292.46 591.55 293.18 589.54 C 294.98 587.52 297.79 586.80 299.88 585.00 C 303.19 583.42 305.14 587.02 307.80 586.94 c 310.97 587.45 L 310.61 591.12 305.28 593.93 306.86 598.25 C 309.10 601.34 313.99 604.51 310.68 608.76 c 308.81 615.24 L 310.25 614.95 312.34 613.30 313.78 611.64 C 313.70 610.20 312.84 609.12 312.19 608.04 C 311.98 603.43 317.09 601.63 317.88 597.46 C 322.70 598.90 L 320.54 600.34 319.18 602.50 318.17 604.66 C 317.66 607.03 318.74 608.76 319.75 610.42 C 319.18 612.72 318.96 615.10 319.10 617.62 C 322.99 621.43 L 319.39 624.46 316.15 627.91 315.50 632.23 C 309.89 633.60 302.54 628.13 298.94 634.61 C 298.37 635.90 298.87 637.42 299.38 638.50 C 300.38 638.50 L 300.60 637.20 299.88 635.04 301.10 633.96 C 304.99 632.02 309.38 634.39 313.78 633.96 C 314.14 633.53 314.78 633.82 315.29 633.74 C 315.07 637.99 316.37 641.74 318.60 645.05 C 317.81 646.70 318.96 648.14 320.04 649.30 C 324.36 651.96 L 322.99 652.54 321.48 650.95 320.04 651.46 C 320.40 652.32 320.69 653.11 321.26 654.12 C 322.27 655.70 325.44 654.70 325.08 657.22 C 324.79 657.65 324.14 657.43 323.64 657.43 C 326.45 658.94 330.05 660.60 333.29 659.16 C 335.45 657.65 338.98 656.35 339.26 653.11 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 276.34 612.94 318.60 659.59 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 302.76 659.59 m 303.05 657.00 304.34 654.91 304.49 652.25 C 301.75 652.10 300.60 656.71 297.00 655.85 C 295.20 654.12 295.56 651.60 294.84 649.51 C 296.50 647.21 300.17 644.40 297.00 641.59 C 297.36 640.80 297.94 641.16 298.66 641.45 C 298.80 641.74 298.87 642.10 299.16 642.31 C 299.30 637.20 291.67 632.16 297.00 627.26 C 301.61 625.82 304.70 619.92 309.24 619.34 C 311.26 618.05 312.98 614.59 315.94 615.96 C 316.80 616.10 317.45 616.61 318.17 617.11 C 318.60 616.61 318.24 615.74 317.88 615.24 C 316.58 612.94 313.85 614.52 312.19 614.74 C 308.09 617.62 L 307.80 616.39 L 304.49 617.76 301.75 621.22 297.79 620.21 C 293.69 618.84 L 295.85 618.26 298.30 618.12 300.38 617.11 C 295.99 619.20 289.08 613.66 286.20 619.99 C 284.90 621.14 283.90 622.44 283.75 624.10 C 285.48 627.34 289.15 630.00 292.68 631.01 C 292.10 629.14 289.87 628.63 288.58 627.26 C 289.94 627.26 291.67 628.06 293.18 628.42 C 289.58 626.04 L 291.46 625.90 293.90 626.11 295.78 626.76 C 294.05 628.56 293.04 630.94 293.90 633.46 C 297.65 636.55 294.55 641.52 296.28 645.26 C 295.27 647.21 293.40 649.15 293.40 651.24 C 287.28 649.73 280.37 645.70 278.28 639.22 C 276.84 638.21 L 276.34 644.54 282.67 648.65 287.64 651.02 C 289.66 651.60 291.46 652.75 293.90 652.39 C 295.34 653.83 295.20 655.99 297.29 657.00 C 301.75 655.99 L 302.26 659.59 L 302.76 659.59 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 328.46 656.42 333.94 658.44 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 333.94 656.71 m 331.78 656.42 330.34 658.22 328.46 658.44 C 330.48 658.22 332.50 658.01 333.94 656.71 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 296.14 634.10 315.07 653.11 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 301.10 648.36 m 300.89 645.55 301.39 642.46 302.54 639.94 C 305.35 637.06 310.68 638.42 314.28 638.71 C 315.07 638.42 314.78 637.34 314.57 636.84 C 313.20 635.11 311.04 634.10 308.81 634.25 C 305.64 634.32 304.70 638.14 301.75 638.71 C 298.66 641.59 301.68 646.85 298.66 649.01 C 296.86 648.14 299.09 647.14 298.94 645.91 C 297.79 647.21 296.14 649.30 297.50 651.24 C 297.94 651.82 296.64 652.82 296.78 653.11 C 299.59 652.75 299.16 648.86 301.10 648.36 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 357.48 615.02 376.78 649.51 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 371.38 638.71 m 370.58 633.74 376.78 631.30 375.26 626.26 C 375.19 622.30 374.18 616.75 369.50 615.02 C 371.88 619.85 L 370.66 619.06 369.50 616.39 367.56 615.74 C 367.06 616.25 L 368.64 619.13 371.59 621.65 371.88 625.03 C 372.67 625.10 372.89 625.03 373.10 624.31 C 372.96 624.10 373.18 624.02 373.39 623.81 C 373.61 623.81 L 373.75 625.90 374.40 628.85 373.10 630.36 C 372.46 629.21 373.46 627.34 371.66 627.05 C 370.94 630.36 369.36 633.60 367.34 636.62 C 367.06 634.90 L 366.26 636.41 365.54 638.86 365.18 640.44 C 368.28 638.35 369.14 634.90 370.66 632.02 C 370.58 636.91 368.57 641.74 364.18 645.26 C 362.16 646.42 360.29 647.93 357.98 648.36 C 357.70 648.65 357.48 649.51 358.20 649.51 C 363.46 648.00 369.58 644.40 371.38 638.71 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 423.79 622.66 455.40 647.71 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 449.14 639.22 m 449.71 636.34 452.59 633.82 451.51 630.86 C 452.66 629.42 455.40 629.93 455.33 627.41 C 454.82 626.04 454.82 623.23 452.52 622.66 C 451.87 622.80 451.58 623.59 451.73 624.31 C 453.17 625.10 454.18 626.83 453.38 628.42 C 452.66 628.99 451.87 629.35 451.01 629.42 C 450.43 628.34 450.50 626.33 449.14 626.26 C 448.63 626.76 L 452.88 633.82 446.33 639.36 444.10 645.26 C 440.28 644.54 436.82 644.11 433.01 645.05 C 430.78 643.54 430.42 640.94 429.70 638.71 C 431.57 639.43 L 430.99 637.20 426.17 635.83 429.41 633.46 C 430.70 629.64 433.37 631.66 435.89 632.23 C 436.10 632.52 L 435.02 632.95 433.58 632.59 432.29 632.74 C 432.29 634.39 432.79 635.83 433.73 637.06 C 433.73 633.46 L 435.82 633.96 437.40 632.59 438.98 632.74 C 440.93 637.06 L 439.70 630.86 L 441.07 629.35 442.22 627.91 444.10 627.26 C 444.10 626.76 L 441.79 625.75 439.99 628.20 438.98 629.86 C 438.62 630.36 438.91 631.15 438.77 631.80 C 436.90 632.52 L 434.52 631.22 432.00 628.99 428.90 628.92 C 430.92 630.65 L 423.79 634.25 430.78 640.15 431.28 644.76 C 434.52 647.71 438.70 643.90 442.08 646.20 C 446.98 647.42 447.26 641.74 449.14 639.22 c @c F @rax %Note: Object 375.26 558.94 453.38 645.91 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 402.26 640.66 m 407.30 641.52 412.20 640.66 415.51 636.62 C 416.30 634.90 417.82 633.53 417.89 631.51 C 417.38 631.30 416.88 630.94 416.23 631.01 C 413.42 635.40 409.90 639.14 404.50 639.00 C 398.30 636.34 395.42 645.91 388.58 641.81 C 384.48 639.72 378.07 636.26 378.86 630.36 C 378.86 629.64 L 379.58 629.71 381.38 630.00 380.95 631.51 C 382.68 630.86 385.49 633.24 385.56 630.36 C 389.09 630.65 393.26 629.42 396.29 626.76 C 397.01 627.34 398.09 627.84 398.52 626.76 c 398.81 626.26 399.60 626.04 399.38 625.32 C 399.17 625.03 L 402.12 623.74 402.26 620.35 403.49 617.83 C 408.31 620.71 L 409.10 627.84 417.02 628.85 421.49 632.52 c 425.59 634.25 L 424.51 631.15 420.19 630.50 417.67 628.42 C 422.21 628.42 L 418.32 627.12 413.42 627.41 410.90 623.59 C 411.98 623.52 413.28 624.53 414.50 624.82 C 421.20 625.82 428.11 623.16 433.01 617.62 C 436.18 612.86 438.91 607.82 439.49 601.99 C 444.38 595.01 446.62 586.94 450.29 579.46 c 451.37 576.36 453.10 573.34 453.38 569.81 C 451.37 570.31 451.80 573.34 450.29 574.63 C 448.63 571.61 449.42 567.36 450.50 564.34 C 449.21 565.63 449.21 567.79 448.63 569.59 C 447.19 565.99 L 447.12 566.64 447.48 567.43 446.69 567.72 C 440.78 565.20 434.66 563.04 428.47 561.24 C 426.60 562.61 425.81 558.94 424.37 561.24 C 427.03 565.34 432.22 569.59 430.13 574.92 C 427.54 572.54 L 429.12 574.92 430.99 577.15 431.57 579.96 C 430.27 580.54 429.26 578.95 427.97 578.74 C 432.58 582.70 439.92 587.59 438.26 594.86 C 437.83 595.80 437.83 597.10 436.90 597.96 C 436.10 597.02 L 434.59 605.45 432.43 615.46 423.94 619.99 C 417.31 621.86 408.89 621.43 404.50 615.74 C 401.33 610.56 404.50 603.22 403.49 597.46 C 402.98 594.94 403.92 590.76 400.90 590.26 C 401.83 595.22 399.60 600.05 396.79 603.94 C 398.38 603.43 399.82 600.91 401.33 599.40 C 402.26 602.50 400.68 605.30 400.90 608.54 C 400.32 608.40 399.31 607.75 398.52 608.54 C 399.38 615.46 395.57 622.30 389.30 626.04 C 385.78 626.83 379.87 628.92 377.21 625.03 C 380.30 625.03 L 379.15 623.81 377.35 624.10 375.98 623.45 C 378.50 629.21 375.26 637.42 382.46 641.45 C 387.94 644.83 397.22 645.41 402.26 640.66 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 263.95 571.82 277.06 643.61 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 277.06 642.82 m 276.98 642.10 276.26 642.02 275.69 642.10 C 274.75 640.51 274.75 638.14 272.59 637.56 C 265.90 625.54 267.55 608.76 272.09 596.23 C 270.50 596.16 270.36 594.22 270.86 593.14 C 273.10 586.30 274.25 578.52 275.40 571.82 C 274.18 571.82 273.89 573.41 273.46 574.42 C 272.16 581.62 270.50 588.74 268.99 595.80 C 269.86 597.24 L 264.96 610.63 263.95 628.99 273.46 640.66 C 273.24 642.60 275.47 643.61 277.06 642.82 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 344.74 628.63 348.55 635.11 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 348.55 628.63 m 347.90 628.92 346.25 629.93 345.24 630.86 C 344.74 635.11 L 346.10 633.02 347.04 630.72 348.55 628.63 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 446.69 605.81 450.79 631.30 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 450.79 605.81 m 448.78 613.94 447.62 622.66 446.69 631.30 C 447.70 629.64 L 450.79 605.81 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 381.96 628.63 383.54 630.43 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 383.40 630.36 m 383.54 629.64 383.26 628.85 382.68 628.63 C 381.96 628.63 L 382.18 629.35 382.46 630.43 383.40 630.36 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 444.82 622.94 445.32 630.36 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 445.03 622.94 m 444.82 630.36 L 445.32 627.26 L 445.03 622.94 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 213.05 603.94 256.61 628.63 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 238.18 625.32 m 241.34 622.51 246.38 624.02 249.48 621.22 C 252.00 620.35 249.48 617.04 252.14 616.39 C 255.96 616.90 L 256.61 616.03 254.95 615.82 254.59 615.24 C 251.57 615.24 248.98 615.96 246.89 617.83 C 246.24 617.83 245.59 618.05 245.16 617.62 C 247.75 615.31 248.54 612.22 249.48 609.26 C 250.99 609.26 253.87 609.62 253.08 607.03 C 253.30 605.02 248.98 606.46 251.14 603.94 C 249.26 603.94 L 246.89 608.62 247.39 615.31 242.06 617.83 c 237.89 621.72 233.14 616.75 228.89 617.83 C 224.28 620.14 218.09 619.92 215.14 624.60 C 214.20 625.75 213.05 627.26 213.48 628.63 C 219.46 621.86 230.40 624.60 238.18 625.32 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 269.35 556.92 290.95 628.63 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 276.84 623.16 m 277.70 623.23 279.29 622.94 280.15 623.45 C 277.56 625.03 L 278.14 625.54 279.50 625.03 280.15 624.60 C 279.79 626.26 L 281.30 626.26 281.59 624.31 282.38 623.45 C 282.38 622.44 L 284.76 620.71 286.34 618.34 287.64 615.96 C 287.78 612.72 284.40 611.86 282.60 609.91 C 282.89 605.81 L 279.86 605.74 277.56 609.12 273.96 607.54 C 272.38 606.46 271.94 604.51 272.30 603.00 C 273.96 600.70 276.77 599.83 277.34 597.02 C 275.98 596.45 275.40 594.86 275.69 593.64 C 276.26 593.14 277.20 593.64 277.78 593.14 C 278.28 594.65 280.66 595.80 279.29 597.46 C 279.65 599.33 279.65 600.62 278.28 601.99 C 277.78 601.70 277.27 601.63 276.84 601.06 C 277.34 600.41 277.56 599.62 277.78 598.90 C 276.70 598.75 276.19 600.70 275.69 601.85 C 275.90 603.36 276.70 604.80 274.68 605.16 C 275.98 605.59 277.70 604.66 278.78 603.22 C 280.30 602.14 280.15 600.26 281.16 598.90 C 281.95 599.54 282.74 601.06 283.75 601.34 C 283.90 597.02 278.86 594.14 278.28 589.82 C 278.78 587.81 L 282.96 583.20 285.26 577.51 289.80 573.26 C 290.95 573.41 L 290.59 569.59 L 280.94 562.90 L 281.09 561.82 281.59 560.74 281.38 559.80 C 280.30 559.15 280.30 560.81 279.79 561.46 C 278.14 562.61 277.20 563.90 275.40 564.62 C 273.46 564.26 271.80 562.90 270.58 561.24 C 271.37 559.73 271.94 558.22 272.95 556.92 C 271.37 557.64 270.58 558.94 269.86 560.52 C 270.00 563.11 272.45 564.34 274.18 565.99 C 272.30 567.94 L 271.30 567.79 270.58 565.20 269.35 566.71 C 270.36 568.15 272.16 569.30 273.96 568.44 C 274.10 568.73 273.74 569.81 274.18 570.31 C 276.55 570.46 279.86 570.31 281.38 569.16 C 279.50 568.80 277.34 569.59 275.18 569.45 C 275.54 567.79 276.05 565.56 278.28 565.06 C 279.36 567.36 284.04 566.14 282.38 569.59 C 283.61 571.10 281.38 572.33 281.38 573.91 C 280.44 578.81 280.87 584.35 277.06 588.10 C 275.40 590.04 279.94 593.35 275.40 592.92 C 273.46 593.50 274.18 596.23 274.68 597.46 C 275.69 599.62 271.44 600.55 271.08 603.00 C 270.07 605.16 271.66 606.82 272.95 608.26 C 277.56 609.91 273.17 614.30 275.90 617.62 C 275.40 617.83 274.90 618.34 274.18 618.34 C 273.89 619.42 276.77 619.99 275.18 621.22 C 275.04 621.14 274.90 620.93 274.68 621.00 C 273.96 621.65 275.47 622.01 275.40 622.66 C 274.68 624.53 273.38 626.11 273.24 628.20 C 275.04 628.42 274.25 626.33 275.18 625.54 C 276.19 628.63 L 276.84 623.16 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 305.86 622.80 315.50 628.63 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 308.95 626.54 m 311.04 625.82 313.34 626.83 315.50 627.26 C 314.57 625.75 313.78 623.59 311.90 622.94 C 308.95 622.80 308.38 626.11 306.14 627.26 C 305.86 628.20 L 307.37 628.63 307.80 626.62 308.95 626.54 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 340.70 615.82 351.00 627.41 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 347.18 623.59 m 347.26 623.45 347.04 623.30 346.97 623.16 C 345.67 623.23 345.60 624.74 344.59 625.32 C 343.80 623.45 343.87 621.00 342.86 619.56 C 345.17 618.62 348.26 619.42 350.78 618.84 C 351.00 618.12 350.50 617.83 350.06 617.40 C 346.68 618.05 341.86 615.82 340.70 619.34 C 344.16 619.34 342.50 624.02 343.80 626.26 C 343.08 627.41 L 344.74 627.41 346.61 625.25 347.18 623.59 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 395.28 622.15 398.52 627.05 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 398.52 625.32 m 397.30 625.10 396.50 622.15 395.28 624.10 C 395.71 625.25 397.37 627.05 398.52 625.32 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 428.69 554.04 473.62 624.82 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 455.33 601.34 m 456.12 597.82 456.41 594.00 457.70 590.76 C 459.94 592.92 L 459.22 593.64 L 460.01 594.14 461.09 593.86 461.81 593.42 C 460.87 592.20 458.78 590.83 458.21 589.03 C 459.43 586.01 459.79 582.26 462.31 580.25 C 466.20 580.61 469.58 584.14 472.39 587.45 C 472.54 588.31 471.17 588.02 471.38 589.03 C 472.61 589.75 473.18 587.95 473.62 587.16 C 473.62 585.94 L 472.10 586.66 L 470.81 583.20 467.21 580.32 463.68 579.46 C 461.81 579.74 L 461.30 578.95 462.10 578.16 462.31 577.30 C 463.68 576.65 464.98 577.66 466.42 577.80 C 465.62 576.36 463.03 574.92 463.54 573.05 C 463.68 570.96 466.13 568.80 464.18 566.71 C 460.80 563.26 456.70 561.24 453.38 557.86 C 450.72 556.99 447.41 557.71 445.32 555.41 C 447.70 554.04 L 433.73 557.64 L 432.43 555.84 430.63 557.93 429.19 558.65 C 428.69 559.01 L 429.19 559.15 429.77 558.79 430.13 559.30 C 430.13 559.80 L 441.94 556.42 L 452.52 559.01 L 456.12 562.54 460.73 564.41 463.03 569.16 C 460.87 577.01 458.78 584.93 455.62 592.42 C 449.78 624.82 L 452.66 617.62 453.89 609.34 455.33 601.34 c @c F @rax %Note: Object 412.42 600.62 437.62 626.26 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 433.51 613.80 m 435.60 609.70 437.33 604.44 437.62 600.62 C 436.32 603.36 436.18 606.60 435.17 609.41 C 432.94 614.74 428.69 620.86 422.71 622.22 C 419.33 623.02 416.02 622.73 412.42 622.44 C 419.69 626.26 429.62 621.65 433.51 613.80 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 467.78 604.94 491.33 623.16 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 478.37 619.99 m 478.51 618.55 477.22 617.62 477.72 615.96 C 478.58 616.39 L 478.22 615.10 477.43 614.02 476.71 612.86 C 476.93 612.65 L 480.31 615.74 L 480.82 614.74 L 483.98 616.25 488.23 617.83 491.33 617.11 C 484.92 616.82 480.31 612.43 474.77 609.91 C 470.23 604.94 L 467.78 608.40 467.93 611.50 468.29 615.96 C 469.22 614.02 469.30 611.35 470.23 609.26 C 470.52 610.70 470.66 612.22 470.88 613.80 C 471.67 611.86 L 472.10 613.01 L 472.39 611.86 L 473.83 614.23 L 474.12 614.16 474.62 613.44 474.12 613.01 C 473.98 612.86 474.19 612.72 474.26 612.65 C 476.28 616.10 476.93 620.64 480.31 623.16 C 480.67 622.22 478.73 621.22 478.37 619.99 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 471.89 617.11 473.69 622.22 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 471.89 617.11 m 472.18 618.91 472.54 620.71 473.62 622.22 C 473.69 620.71 472.54 618.84 471.89 617.11 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 470.30 615.46 472.10 621.94 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 470.88 615.46 m 470.30 617.76 471.02 620.14 472.10 621.94 C 471.67 620.14 471.02 617.04 470.88 615.46 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 157.10 509.40 269.86 621.72 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 232.49 616.25 m 230.18 612.65 230.18 608.11 228.60 604.22 C 230.98 603.94 233.86 603.65 236.09 604.44 C 235.37 604.80 234.07 604.51 234.14 605.59 C 237.38 608.33 241.27 609.62 245.16 610.63 C 245.59 609.84 246.38 609.05 246.38 608.04 C 243.79 607.10 240.77 607.03 238.46 605.45 C 242.57 604.22 246.67 601.63 251.14 603.00 C 252.50 602.35 254.30 603.22 255.96 603.00 C 257.90 602.35 261.14 603.65 261.50 600.84 C 261.58 600.34 261.50 599.90 261.00 599.62 C 260.86 599.90 260.57 599.83 260.28 599.83 C 259.85 598.03 260.14 595.94 259.06 594.36 C 261.94 592.56 265.61 591.84 267.77 588.82 C 267.34 586.80 267.48 585.65 266.76 583.85 C 267.84 582.70 269.64 581.83 269.86 579.96 C 264.24 581.83 260.86 575.50 254.81 577.01 C 248.54 573.41 L 247.75 569.16 248.76 564.84 249.48 560.74 C 250.70 560.23 252.14 560.81 253.37 560.23 C 253.80 561.24 254.38 562.10 254.59 563.11 C 253.15 563.90 251.50 562.61 250.49 563.40 C 251.50 564.26 252.86 564.55 254.30 564.34 C 254.45 565.56 253.80 566.93 253.58 568.22 C 250.20 565.56 L 250.20 566.93 251.28 568.01 252.36 568.66 C 253.37 569.02 254.88 569.81 255.74 569.16 C 255.24 569.02 254.66 568.44 254.59 567.94 C 254.45 566.50 254.45 564.91 255.46 564.12 C 255.74 564.12 L 255.96 563.40 255.24 563.62 254.95 563.40 C 254.66 562.46 254.66 561.31 254.59 560.23 C 260.06 557.64 L 257.90 556.06 255.10 558.43 252.86 559.30 C 249.19 558.94 244.58 561.46 241.78 558.14 C 240.84 556.99 240.77 555.62 239.40 554.76 C 237.96 557.42 244.44 559.30 240.84 561.96 C 240.05 564.55 242.86 565.20 244.44 565.99 C 246.17 566.21 L 245.95 567.79 245.59 569.74 244.66 571.32 C 243.79 569.45 244.08 566.86 242.06 565.56 C 240.70 565.06 239.04 565.34 237.96 566.21 C 236.81 568.22 L 232.56 569.81 228.17 571.03 224.57 573.91 C 225.00 570.74 228.67 568.30 229.61 565.06 C 228.60 564.34 L 226.80 566.86 225.58 569.52 223.78 572.04 C 224.28 565.34 L 223.56 564.84 L 222.48 567.72 222.77 571.90 222.19 574.92 C 218.95 574.92 L 218.95 565.34 L 217.58 564.05 215.64 562.54 214.20 561.46 C 215.86 561.02 L 216.07 559.22 212.47 557.86 215.14 556.20 C 215.14 555.26 L 214.78 555.34 214.56 554.83 214.70 554.54 C 214.27 552.24 211.39 553.10 209.88 551.81 C 206.50 546.91 202.75 542.16 200.30 536.76 C 199.87 536.54 199.37 536.54 199.08 536.04 C 200.45 527.26 201.60 518.26 206.57 510.84 C 205.78 509.40 L 200.81 517.03 198.79 526.54 198.36 536.04 C 197.28 536.62 195.48 536.04 194.26 535.54 C 186.84 530.42 175.90 528.91 172.44 519.26 C 165.10 522.72 158.69 530.42 157.10 538.20 C 157.39 538.20 157.68 538.13 157.75 538.42 C 160.20 531.79 164.88 525.31 171.00 521.14 C 177.98 531.00 L 183.96 533.59 189.86 536.33 195.98 538.63 C 198.07 547.92 203.04 556.92 205.56 565.99 C 208.44 568.44 L 207.79 569.45 206.28 569.30 205.34 570.31 C 206.57 575.21 206.64 580.54 208.94 585.00 C 202.90 583.99 196.20 583.13 190.15 581.11 C 183.74 576.36 177.55 571.03 171.29 565.99 C 170.06 565.99 L 176.54 572.76 183.89 580.25 192.60 583.85 C 200.30 585.50 207.94 587.23 216.14 587.81 C 214.78 588.96 213.77 590.76 214.20 592.42 C 220.10 596.74 208.44 598.25 211.10 603.22 C 211.75 603.94 210.74 604.51 210.60 605.16 c 209.38 607.10 207.58 609.26 207.94 611.64 C 208.66 615.53 211.18 618.62 213.98 621.72 C 220.46 620.64 225.94 617.33 232.49 616.25 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 481.32 617.54 485.57 621.22 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 482.90 619.99 m 483.62 619.92 485.21 620.42 485.57 619.34 C 485.14 618.84 L 485.57 618.34 L 485.42 617.54 484.20 618.12 483.70 617.62 C 483.62 617.83 483.77 617.90 483.91 618.12 C 483.70 618.55 483.26 618.26 482.90 618.34 C 483.19 618.62 L 482.18 618.41 482.33 619.99 481.32 619.06 C 482.18 619.99 483.12 621.00 484.42 621.22 C 482.90 619.99 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 321.48 616.03 324.86 620.35 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 324.58 616.39 m 323.14 616.03 322.70 617.90 321.48 618.34 C 322.27 619.34 323.50 620.35 324.86 620.21 C 324.58 616.39 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 335.16 612.36 340.99 617.11 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 340.49 614.74 m 340.99 612.72 338.76 612.86 337.61 612.65 C 336.67 612.36 336.17 613.01 335.66 613.51 C 335.16 617.11 L 336.24 615.31 338.40 614.81 340.49 614.74 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 488.02 615.24 492.98 616.25 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 488.02 615.24 m 490.10 616.25 L 492.98 615.96 L 488.02 615.24 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 287.14 606.60 296.57 615.02 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 296.57 613.30 m 296.57 611.14 L 293.18 611.35 289.66 610.42 289.80 606.60 C 287.14 607.39 289.94 610.92 288.36 612.86 C 290.45 614.30 293.26 614.45 295.78 615.02 C 296.57 613.30 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 489.89 614.16 493.70 615.46 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 493.70 615.02 m 492.98 614.16 490.90 614.59 489.89 614.52 C 490.90 615.46 492.48 614.81 493.70 615.02 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 300.89 603.94 308.95 614.02 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 308.95 610.63 m 308.59 604.22 L 307.30 603.94 306.94 605.30 306.58 606.10 C 307.30 608.54 304.85 609.34 303.26 609.91 C 302.47 610.20 301.46 610.20 300.89 610.92 C 302.04 614.02 L 304.70 613.66 306.86 612.14 308.95 610.63 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 491.11 613.01 492.98 614.23 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 492.98 613.51 m 492.19 613.80 491.90 613.01 491.11 613.30 C 491.47 613.44 492.41 614.23 492.98 613.51 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 491.62 612.65 494.50 613.51 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 494.50 612.65 m 491.62 612.65 L 492.62 612.65 493.63 613.51 494.50 612.65 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 479.59 609.91 484.92 612.65 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 484.92 610.92 m 480.53 609.91 L 480.82 610.20 L 480.53 610.63 480.02 610.34 479.59 610.42 C 483.70 612.65 L 481.97 611.14 L 484.92 610.92 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 325.08 602.50 347.40 612.72 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 329.18 612.36 m 328.75 612.00 328.25 612.22 327.96 611.86 C 328.90 609.26 331.20 611.71 332.78 611.64 C 335.95 610.42 340.06 611.35 342.86 609.05 C 347.40 608.76 L 347.40 607.82 L 342.50 609.70 343.80 603.65 340.99 602.50 C 341.35 602.71 341.06 603.14 341.21 603.43 C 340.49 604.01 339.48 603.43 338.76 603.94 C 338.76 604.44 L 340.99 603.94 342.79 605.02 343.08 607.03 C 343.15 607.39 342.79 607.54 342.58 607.82 C 338.76 608.40 335.30 605.23 332.28 608.76 C 332.28 607.54 332.14 605.52 333.29 604.66 C 334.30 604.66 335.38 604.80 336.17 604.22 C 335.30 602.93 332.35 604.80 332.57 602.50 C 330.98 605.23 332.78 611.35 327.24 610.63 C 326.45 611.93 326.16 610.06 325.08 610.63 C 325.44 611.93 327.46 612.72 329.18 612.36 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 492.12 611.42 494.50 611.71 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 494.50 611.42 m 492.12 611.42 L 492.70 611.71 493.78 611.71 494.50 611.42 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 332.57 609.26 333.94 610.63 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 333.94 609.91 m 333.36 609.26 332.78 610.20 332.57 610.42 C 333.14 610.63 333.50 610.13 333.94 609.91 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 481.68 609.26 485.28 610.42 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 485.28 610.42 m 484.13 610.06 483.12 609.26 481.68 609.26 C 482.62 610.34 484.13 610.06 485.28 610.42 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 456.12 596.23 475.49 609.70 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 470.02 603.94 m 471.53 604.66 473.11 604.73 474.77 604.94 C 474.98 603.72 475.49 601.70 474.26 600.84 C 472.32 601.42 470.23 601.70 468.29 600.62 C 467.78 601.06 L 467.14 598.61 464.83 597.53 462.53 597.02 C 463.32 598.75 460.58 598.54 459.72 598.25 C 456.98 596.23 L 456.12 597.53 457.70 598.10 457.99 599.40 C 458.42 601.63 458.71 604.73 461.59 605.16 C 463.39 605.30 465.19 604.51 465.91 606.60 C 465.26 607.61 465.91 608.83 466.42 609.70 C 468.00 608.26 466.78 604.22 470.02 603.94 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 290.30 600.91 298.15 608.76 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 297.79 608.04 m 295.56 607.61 297.00 604.80 296.57 603.22 C 297.14 603.00 297.58 602.35 298.15 602.21 C 298.15 601.56 L 295.70 602.93 292.25 600.91 290.30 602.21 C 291.89 603.22 294.19 603.43 295.78 603.43 C 295.78 606.60 L 294.77 607.25 294.05 605.45 292.97 605.59 C 294.05 607.03 296.06 608.76 297.79 608.04 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 482.69 605.74 485.28 608.04 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 483.91 607.32 m 484.20 606.82 484.92 607.10 485.28 607.03 C 484.49 607.10 483.98 605.74 483.19 606.60 C 483.48 606.74 483.91 606.74 484.13 607.03 C 482.69 607.32 L 483.41 607.75 484.27 607.75 485.14 608.04 C 483.91 607.32 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 493.27 607.03 495.94 607.90 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 495.94 607.03 m 493.27 607.03 L 493.70 607.90 495.22 607.54 495.94 607.03 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 301.39 587.81 307.37 607.39 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 306.36 604.22 m 306.14 603.86 305.57 603.86 305.35 604.22 C 304.20 605.81 L 303.77 604.66 303.05 603.43 302.98 601.99 C 304.49 601.34 306.79 601.63 307.37 599.83 C 303.26 600.62 L 302.40 598.75 302.76 597.82 303.98 596.23 C 306.86 587.81 L 302.54 597.96 L 302.04 597.96 L 302.54 600.26 302.26 602.71 301.39 604.66 C 302.98 603.72 L 303.34 604.80 304.27 606.24 303.26 607.32 C 304.99 607.39 305.86 605.45 306.36 604.22 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 211.90 566.21 266.98 606.82 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 226.66 598.90 m 227.59 598.82 227.95 599.90 228.17 600.62 C 228.17 601.99 L 234.14 601.34 L 233.64 598.90 233.86 595.73 234.86 593.42 C 237.17 590.33 240.26 588.46 244.15 588.82 C 242.14 587.23 243.00 584.64 243.50 582.62 C 243.79 582.34 243.94 581.90 244.44 582.12 C 245.09 584.14 244.15 587.59 246.89 588.31 C 248.54 588.46 250.70 588.10 251.86 588.60 C 250.49 589.82 248.69 590.26 246.60 590.04 C 248.90 591.34 249.84 593.64 249.98 596.02 C 249.48 601.56 L 252.29 595.22 258.98 593.21 264.17 590.26 C 266.98 588.74 264.74 586.01 264.38 583.99 C 263.09 581.83 261.50 580.25 259.06 579.24 C 255.67 578.45 252.36 579.53 249.26 580.25 C 248.76 579.74 L 249.55 578.45 251.86 578.45 250.49 576.65 C 250.49 576.14 L 244.15 572.76 L 240.70 574.70 236.45 576.72 232.99 579.46 C 232.99 581.40 234.58 583.06 235.37 584.50 C 239.18 584.71 L 239.40 585.50 238.10 586.15 237.24 586.22 C 234.29 586.51 230.76 586.80 228.38 585.00 C 229.25 583.34 231.05 584.14 232.70 584.21 C 231.77 582.62 230.18 580.75 231.48 578.74 C 234.29 575.21 238.46 574.06 242.06 571.82 C 242.28 569.81 241.85 568.22 240.84 567.00 C 237.74 566.21 239.04 571.54 235.80 570.10 C 230.26 572.11 225.79 576.43 220.18 578.52 C 219.60 577.73 220.46 576.86 221.18 576.65 C 218.81 577.80 211.90 572.62 212.98 579.24 C 215.78 579.82 219.17 583.42 221.18 579.46 C 221.54 581.11 219.24 582.26 218.81 583.85 C 219.74 587.23 222.48 589.90 224.06 593.14 C 223.78 593.42 223.78 593.86 223.34 594.14 C 220.46 592.92 221.04 586.94 216.58 589.32 C 215.78 589.90 214.78 591.12 215.86 591.91 C 216.79 592.85 217.80 594.14 218.95 593.64 C 217.80 596.95 212.26 598.90 212.98 602.71 C 214.34 606.10 218.09 606.74 220.97 606.82 C 223.78 604.51 225.07 601.63 226.66 598.90 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 492.98 605.59 495.22 606.31 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 495.22 605.59 m 492.98 605.81 L 492.98 606.31 L 495.22 606.10 L 495.22 605.59 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 455.83 526.61 495.43 605.45 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 488.02 604.94 m 488.02 604.51 487.37 604.22 488.02 603.94 C 488.52 603.94 L 487.80 602.50 489.82 603.50 489.38 602.21 C 489.89 601.34 L 488.02 600.84 L 489.38 600.12 L 488.02 599.62 L 488.66 599.33 488.81 599.04 489.38 598.39 C 489.31 596.59 486.58 596.23 485.78 594.36 C 488.88 594.86 L 486.29 592.92 L 488.23 593.21 491.62 594.14 493.49 592.42 C 491.18 592.92 488.66 592.63 486.79 591.41 C 488.23 591.12 489.82 591.26 491.11 590.54 C 490.18 590.04 488.23 590.54 487.01 590.04 C 489.17 589.03 L 488.02 588.31 486.58 589.39 485.57 589.03 C 487.08 587.16 488.30 584.71 487.51 582.34 C 485.93 580.03 481.18 581.33 481.54 577.80 C 484.92 575.64 489.02 572.90 490.90 569.16 C 488.30 566.14 483.62 566.14 480.10 564.62 c 475.70 563.11 L 475.63 560.30 476.42 557.86 479.59 557.14 C 478.73 553.61 482.90 550.66 484.63 547.34 C 483.98 547.13 483.70 546.55 483.19 546.12 C 483.19 544.10 485.42 543.53 486.50 542.23 C 489.67 543.53 493.13 541.15 495.43 538.92 C 494.78 534.46 493.13 530.35 490.39 526.61 C 488.02 527.11 489.02 529.34 488.02 531.00 C 484.92 536.76 477.94 534.53 474.26 539.14 C 471.17 540.94 467.93 542.45 464.47 543.46 C 464.47 544.61 L 467.78 544.03 470.88 542.16 473.83 541.01 C 470.09 544.61 466.42 548.93 465.91 554.26 C 465.48 555.05 464.33 554.62 464.47 555.70 C 467.57 556.92 471.02 557.35 473.83 559.30 C 471.38 560.02 467.57 558.79 465.19 560.23 C 462.17 559.30 462.17 555.91 461.09 553.54 C 459.79 554.83 459.29 556.85 459.94 558.65 C 456.12 558.65 L 455.83 559.15 456.41 559.51 456.77 559.51 C 459.43 560.16 460.51 560.59 463.32 560.74 c 466.13 561.82 469.01 561.53 471.89 561.96 C 469.30 561.02 L 471.10 560.23 473.47 559.30 475.27 560.02 C 475.27 561.60 473.83 562.90 474.48 564.62 C 479.38 566.35 484.42 567.72 489.17 569.81 C 489.31 570.31 489.02 570.53 488.66 570.82 C 483.91 569.30 479.30 567.36 474.26 566.21 C 478.58 568.44 483.62 569.81 488.23 571.54 C 486.07 573.55 483.98 575.42 481.54 576.65 C 480.38 574.99 478.51 575.64 476.93 575.14 C 474.19 573.55 471.38 572.26 468.79 570.31 C 473.11 570.10 L 473.11 569.81 L 465.91 568.94 L 465.48 569.30 465.70 570.02 465.70 570.60 C 468.43 571.90 471.31 573.55 473.33 576.14 C 473.62 578.30 473.83 580.54 474.26 582.62 C 474.77 582.62 L 474.77 577.30 L 476.71 577.73 479.38 576.36 480.53 578.52 C 478.87 584.42 488.81 580.32 486.07 586.66 C 485.78 587.74 484.70 588.74 483.70 589.03 C 481.61 589.39 479.52 588.46 477.43 588.10 C 476.50 589.90 479.38 589.90 480.31 591.26 C 483.12 593.35 484.99 596.52 488.02 597.74 C 487.37 598.10 486.72 597.96 486.07 598.25 C 485.78 599.76 484.92 601.70 483.91 603.22 C 484.92 603.94 L 483.70 604.44 L 484.70 605.16 486.58 605.45 488.02 604.94 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 493.27 604.22 495.72 605.30 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 495.72 604.22 m 494.78 604.30 493.70 604.51 493.27 605.16 C 494.21 605.30 495.07 605.02 495.72 604.22 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 215.14 593.14 225.50 604.44 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 218.81 603.22 m 220.97 602.21 222.98 600.70 224.06 598.39 C 225.00 598.90 L 225.50 597.53 224.14 596.23 224.06 594.86 C 221.40 595.80 223.56 599.40 220.68 600.62 C 219.96 599.83 218.88 599.90 218.30 598.90 C 219.46 597.46 222.55 595.73 220.68 593.42 C 220.68 593.14 L 219.17 593.71 219.74 595.22 219.24 596.74 C 216.94 597.74 216.86 600.05 218.09 601.85 C 218.16 601.99 217.94 602.14 217.80 602.21 C 216.58 602.71 216.50 600.62 215.14 601.34 C 216.29 602.71 217.94 603.65 219.46 604.44 C 219.38 603.94 218.95 603.65 218.81 603.22 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 459.43 598.90 466.42 604.01 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 466.42 601.99 m 465.77 601.06 465.62 599.83 464.69 598.90 C 464.33 600.41 463.82 602.14 462.31 603.00 C 462.38 602.14 463.68 600.55 462.53 599.40 C 461.59 599.83 460.51 599.54 459.43 599.62 C 459.79 601.20 460.30 603.00 461.81 603.94 C 463.68 604.01 465.41 603.50 466.42 601.99 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 492.77 601.99 495.00 603.43 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 494.93 602.21 m 494.42 602.86 493.20 601.99 492.77 603.00 C 493.42 603.14 495.00 603.43 494.93 602.21 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 235.30 590.04 248.90 602.50 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 242.78 601.99 m 242.50 601.06 241.34 600.12 241.78 599.11 C 243.50 600.34 L 243.94 596.23 L 242.06 596.23 240.48 595.44 238.68 595.01 C 240.84 591.84 244.30 595.01 247.10 595.01 C 247.46 595.30 247.97 595.51 248.04 596.02 C 247.39 596.95 245.81 596.23 245.16 596.23 C 244.66 601.85 L 247.46 601.92 248.90 600.05 248.26 597.24 C 248.69 594.43 247.10 592.06 244.66 590.76 C 242.35 590.04 240.05 590.83 238.18 591.91 C 236.45 593.50 235.58 595.51 235.37 597.74 C 235.80 599.33 235.30 601.34 236.81 602.50 C 242.78 601.99 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 356.47 597.96 357.26 602.50 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 356.76 597.96 m 356.47 599.33 356.54 601.20 357.26 602.50 C 356.98 601.06 356.90 599.54 356.76 597.96 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 475.99 593.86 481.10 603.65 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 480.10 600.34 m 481.10 597.46 478.37 595.80 477.72 593.86 C 476.71 595.80 476.50 598.32 475.99 600.12 C 476.57 601.42 480.31 603.65 480.10 600.34 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 492.12 600.62 494.71 602.35 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 494.71 600.62 m 492.12 601.34 L 492.62 602.35 494.57 601.63 494.71 600.62 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 330.34 597.10 340.49 602.21 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 340.49 599.83 m 340.49 599.40 L 337.75 598.03 334.58 597.10 331.56 597.24 C 330.48 597.96 330.77 599.11 330.34 600.12 C 333.50 602.21 337.39 601.42 340.49 599.83 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 252.58 595.30 259.06 601.06 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 258.84 600.34 m 259.06 598.39 258.55 596.81 257.90 595.30 C 256.90 595.80 255.74 596.16 254.95 597.24 C 255.46 597.46 255.89 597.82 256.18 598.25 C 255.60 599.33 254.81 598.03 253.80 598.39 C 252.58 601.06 L 258.84 600.34 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 331.34 598.25 333.36 600.12 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 332.28 598.39 m 332.06 598.32 331.70 598.61 331.78 598.90 C 331.34 600.05 332.78 599.76 333.29 600.12 C 333.29 599.76 333.36 598.25 332.28 598.39 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 466.13 594.14 472.10 600.26 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 472.10 599.83 m 469.01 595.01 L 470.02 594.14 L 468.58 594.65 466.99 595.01 466.13 596.02 C 466.70 596.30 467.50 595.94 468.07 595.51 C 469.58 596.23 469.73 597.96 470.88 598.90 C 470.23 599.26 469.37 598.39 468.50 598.25 C 469.01 599.54 470.88 600.26 472.10 599.83 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 492.26 599.04 494.71 600.12 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 494.71 599.11 m 494.28 599.11 492.41 599.04 492.26 600.12 C 493.13 599.83 493.99 599.83 494.71 599.11 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 308.59 591.26 315.07 600.84 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 314.57 598.39 m 315.07 595.80 310.39 595.66 311.90 592.92 c 312.48 592.42 311.90 591.70 311.69 591.26 C 310.61 591.26 309.67 593.21 308.95 594.36 C 308.95 595.30 L 309.67 594.65 309.60 593.14 310.97 593.42 C 311.26 594.36 311.47 595.73 310.68 596.52 C 311.47 596.95 312.55 596.95 312.84 597.96 C 311.47 599.04 310.10 597.10 308.59 597.02 C 309.60 599.33 313.06 600.84 314.57 598.39 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 434.52 577.30 444.82 599.40 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 444.82 587.59 m 443.66 586.73 440.14 586.80 441.72 584.21 C 442.73 582.55 443.09 580.54 443.59 578.52 C 437.33 577.30 L 434.52 583.13 442.30 586.15 440.93 592.20 C 440.93 594.72 439.13 597.10 439.70 599.40 C 441.79 595.80 442.37 591.26 444.82 587.59 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 352.94 597.02 355.61 598.90 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 355.61 597.02 m 352.94 597.24 L 354.89 598.90 L 355.10 598.39 355.39 597.60 355.61 597.02 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 492.26 597.96 493.70 599.11 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 493.70 598.39 m 493.70 597.96 L 492.26 598.90 L 492.91 599.11 493.27 598.61 493.70 598.39 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 474.98 594.86 475.27 598.39 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 475.27 594.86 m 474.98 598.39 L 475.27 598.39 L 475.27 594.86 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 310.75 580.25 333.50 599.26 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 333.29 593.42 m 333.50 591.26 330.98 593.21 329.90 591.91 C 329.98 589.25 328.18 587.52 325.80 585.94 C 324.14 585.86 322.70 586.01 321.26 586.66 C 322.20 589.32 L 322.78 588.53 322.78 586.94 324.14 587.16 C 324.29 588.46 323.35 589.90 322.70 591.26 C 322.27 591.62 321.55 591.41 320.98 591.41 C 320.90 591.34 320.69 591.26 320.76 591.05 C 321.26 590.54 L 320.18 589.10 320.47 587.23 319.75 585.72 C 321.48 585.00 L 320.76 582.84 L 318.89 583.92 316.66 583.92 314.78 582.84 C 315.79 581.26 320.98 583.70 320.26 580.25 C 317.81 580.32 315.07 581.54 312.34 582.12 C 314.64 584.50 310.75 588.96 313.78 591.26 C 313.34 593.14 L 317.45 595.30 322.27 599.26 326.95 596.23 c 333.29 593.42 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 470.66 591.41 474.48 596.23 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 474.48 591.91 m 474.48 591.41 L 473.18 592.13 471.02 592.42 470.66 594.14 C 473.62 596.23 L 472.03 594.72 472.61 592.92 474.48 591.91 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 492.12 594.14 494.71 596.23 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 494.71 595.30 m 493.49 594.86 L 493.78 594.72 493.70 594.36 493.70 594.14 C 493.20 594.14 492.70 594.36 492.26 594.86 C 492.26 595.30 L 493.49 594.86 L 494.21 595.51 492.12 595.44 492.98 596.23 C 493.63 595.94 494.28 596.02 494.71 595.30 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 315.07 589.32 321.77 594.86 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 321.77 593.86 m 321.77 589.32 317.16 594.86 316.44 591.05 C 315.94 591.05 L 315.07 592.06 316.66 592.63 316.44 593.64 C 317.81 594.14 320.18 594.65 321.77 593.86 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 380.74 593.14 381.24 594.14 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 380.74 593.14 m 381.24 594.14 L 381.24 593.64 L 380.74 593.14 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 385.34 593.42 387.29 594.14 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 385.34 593.42 m 387.29 594.14 L 386.57 593.42 L 385.34 593.42 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 388.87 593.64 389.81 594.00 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 389.81 593.64 m 388.87 593.64 L 389.02 594.00 389.52 593.86 389.81 593.86 C 389.81 593.64 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 322.70 587.95 326.09 593.93 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 326.09 588.10 m 324.29 587.95 324.00 590.62 322.99 591.91 C 322.70 592.42 324.14 593.93 325.08 593.14 C 325.80 591.62 325.80 589.82 326.09 588.10 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 333.94 589.10 345.60 594.14 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 345.46 591.41 m 342.86 590.54 340.20 589.10 337.10 590.04 C 333.94 591.41 L 334.87 594.14 336.96 591.62 338.54 591.70 C 341.06 591.26 342.86 592.42 344.95 592.92 C 345.24 592.42 345.60 592.06 345.46 591.41 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 462.53 586.15 469.51 592.92 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 464.69 590.76 m 466.20 589.90 468.22 590.54 469.51 589.32 C 467.93 589.03 466.27 586.15 464.18 587.81 C 462.53 589.10 463.18 591.26 463.54 592.92 C 464.62 592.92 464.33 591.41 464.69 590.76 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 314.06 583.99 319.75 591.62 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 319.75 591.26 m 318.60 588.96 318.38 586.30 317.16 583.99 C 318.60 585.86 315.86 586.66 314.57 586.94 C 314.06 586.94 L 314.06 587.45 L 315.29 588.02 316.58 587.30 317.66 586.94 C 318.38 587.74 318.24 588.82 318.60 589.82 C 317.66 589.82 316.44 588.74 315.50 588.10 C 316.08 589.39 318.10 591.62 319.75 591.26 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 388.08 589.54 391.68 591.34 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 391.68 589.54 m 388.08 590.04 L 388.37 591.05 L 389.66 590.90 391.61 591.34 391.68 589.54 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 197.14 537.70 217.80 588.53 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 217.58 583.06 m 215.57 580.39 212.18 584.71 211.10 580.90 C 212.40 574.42 213.34 567.72 213.98 561.02 C 213.34 559.44 211.46 558.43 211.10 557.14 C 208.87 556.92 210.67 554.54 208.15 554.76 C 208.66 553.82 L 205.06 548.50 201.46 543.31 198.58 537.70 C 197.14 537.70 L 197.14 539.42 L 206.57 564.62 L 207.65 566.35 211.90 566.50 210.17 568.94 C 206.57 570.82 L 208.94 583.85 L 210.89 586.44 217.80 588.53 217.58 583.06 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 475.70 579.46 484.63 586.44 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 484.63 585.94 m 480.53 585.00 L 482.62 582.26 478.01 581.54 477.43 579.46 C 476.71 580.32 477.79 580.90 478.08 581.62 c 478.51 582.05 479.30 582.55 478.58 583.06 C 478.58 583.56 478.08 583.70 477.94 583.99 C 477.22 583.85 476.57 583.34 475.70 583.56 C 475.70 583.99 L 478.37 585.43 481.54 586.44 484.63 585.94 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 443.09 576.14 448.42 585.94 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 448.42 579.02 m 443.30 576.14 445.32 583.06 443.09 584.71 C 443.23 585.86 444.67 585.50 445.54 585.94 C 448.42 579.02 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 322.49 580.61 330.84 584.64 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 330.84 583.06 m 330.19 580.61 L 322.49 582.84 L 322.70 584.50 L 325.37 583.99 328.61 584.64 330.84 583.06 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 362.95 576.65 366.55 581.33 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 366.55 580.25 m 364.90 580.54 363.74 578.52 363.24 577.30 C 363.24 577.01 363.24 576.72 362.95 576.65 C 363.24 578.30 364.18 579.74 365.18 581.11 C 365.90 581.33 366.19 580.54 366.55 580.25 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 321.48 573.70 329.40 580.90 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 329.40 579.46 m 329.26 577.94 328.75 575.50 327.96 573.70 C 325.58 574.20 324.07 574.63 321.48 574.63 C 321.98 580.90 L 329.40 579.46 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 281.88 568.22 287.86 579.74 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 287.86 573.05 m 284.98 572.90 285.77 569.74 284.26 568.22 C 285.84 570.82 282.46 572.54 282.60 575.14 C 281.88 579.74 L 287.86 573.05 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 315.29 577.30 319.75 579.60 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 319.75 578.52 m 319.75 577.30 L 315.29 579.02 L 316.30 579.60 318.17 578.45 319.75 578.52 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 262.94 564.55 270.86 579.96 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 269.14 576.65 m 267.55 573.62 268.20 570.02 268.70 566.71 C 270.86 565.06 L 269.78 564.55 268.70 565.42 267.77 565.85 C 265.90 569.59 265.75 574.34 262.94 577.80 C 264.67 579.96 269.06 579.10 269.14 576.65 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 363.96 575.14 368.28 579.02 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 368.28 577.51 m 367.20 576.43 364.90 575.93 363.96 575.14 C 365.04 576.22 364.61 578.16 366.19 578.74 C 367.20 579.02 367.99 578.30 368.28 577.51 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 375.48 574.42 381.24 578.23 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 381.24 577.30 m 375.98 574.42 L 375.48 575.50 377.28 576.65 377.64 577.80 C 378.65 577.66 380.09 578.16 381.24 578.23 C 381.24 577.30 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 432.50 572.04 450.07 577.30 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 450.07 575.42 m 448.49 574.92 448.70 573.26 448.42 572.04 C 443.02 572.90 438.12 573.12 432.50 573.70 C 437.62 576.00 443.09 577.22 449.14 577.30 C 450.07 575.42 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 339.26 569.81 350.78 576.72 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 350.78 570.31 m 350.28 569.81 349.56 570.31 349.06 570.60 C 347.40 575.14 343.15 573.05 339.77 573.26 C 339.26 574.13 339.48 575.35 340.49 575.86 C 342.79 575.93 345.10 576.72 347.40 576.14 C 348.34 574.13 349.20 572.11 350.78 570.31 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 305.64 573.70 308.59 575.42 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 308.59 573.91 m 308.30 574.13 308.16 574.56 307.80 574.42 C 307.80 573.70 L 307.37 574.85 305.78 574.20 305.64 575.42 C 306.58 574.92 307.66 574.92 308.59 573.91 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 148.46 539.42 201.74 575.14 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 197.35 573.41 m 198.79 573.12 200.30 573.84 201.74 573.91 C 201.74 573.26 L 184.90 567.65 168.55 560.81 153.79 550.44 C 156.96 548.14 157.68 544.32 159.26 541.01 C 171.58 550.94 183.96 560.45 197.86 566.21 C 198.50 566.42 198.65 565.92 199.08 565.85 C 199.30 564.91 198.29 565.06 197.86 564.62 C 198.65 564.12 199.94 564.55 200.81 564.12 C 199.15 563.40 196.78 563.40 194.76 563.11 C 188.28 560.23 181.94 556.63 176.04 552.31 C 175.68 548.35 176.54 544.82 177.48 541.30 C 175.75 544.03 175.10 547.20 173.88 550.22 C 172.80 550.66 171.79 549.00 170.78 548.50 C 171.00 546.26 172.15 543.10 172.44 541.30 C 171.29 543.31 171.00 545.76 169.78 547.85 C 159.98 539.42 L 158.40 539.42 156.60 541.01 155.38 540.14 C 154.30 543.31 154.08 547.13 151.78 549.72 C 152.50 552.46 149.69 554.90 149.40 557.86 C 148.46 563.62 148.54 568.01 150.55 573.26 C 153.50 573.70 L 159.48 572.11 165.67 570.96 171.94 570.10 C 172.37 569.74 171.50 569.02 171.00 568.94 C 164.66 570.24 158.04 571.03 152.06 573.05 C 149.98 565.92 150.48 558.65 153.50 552.10 C 166.18 560.23 179.50 567.00 193.54 571.82 C 195.26 573.41 197.28 574.42 199.37 575.14 C 197.35 573.41 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 258.34 570.31 264.17 574.42 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 264.17 570.31 m 262.58 571.10 260.35 571.75 258.34 572.26 C 258.77 573.05 258.48 574.20 259.56 574.42 C 261.36 573.84 263.45 572.33 264.17 570.31 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 249.48 569.02 256.18 574.06 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 256.18 572.04 m 254.30 571.25 250.85 572.04 250.70 569.16 C 249.55 569.02 249.84 570.24 249.48 570.82 C 249.70 573.34 252.65 572.90 254.30 573.91 C 255.67 574.06 255.17 572.33 256.18 572.04 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 322.49 571.46 327.74 573.26 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 327.74 572.26 m 325.87 571.46 324.14 572.76 322.49 573.05 C 324.07 572.40 326.30 573.26 327.74 572.26 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 214.27 563.62 219.96 572.76 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 214.99 563.62 m 214.27 566.71 215.86 569.95 217.08 572.76 C 216.36 569.95 219.96 564.62 214.99 563.62 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 339.48 565.99 348.19 572.76 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 346.97 569.81 m 346.97 569.45 L 342.86 571.32 L 342.29 570.24 340.99 568.94 341.64 567.94 C 343.66 567.94 346.39 568.22 348.19 566.71 C 347.47 565.99 345.89 567.14 344.59 566.71 c 342.86 566.86 340.78 566.50 339.48 567.00 C 340.99 568.01 340.34 570.31 341.86 571.54 C 341.21 572.54 L 343.58 572.76 345.24 571.54 346.97 569.81 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 428.90 562.90 447.91 572.26 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 439.70 570.10 m 439.70 570.60 439.13 570.96 438.77 571.32 C 447.91 570.60 L 447.19 569.45 L 428.90 562.90 L 430.63 565.85 432.58 568.66 432.50 572.26 C 435.02 571.75 437.47 570.53 439.70 570.10 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 391.32 569.59 393.41 572.04 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 393.41 569.59 m 391.32 572.04 L 391.68 572.04 L 393.41 569.59 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 290.95 517.54 349.27 571.82 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 337.61 571.82 m 337.25 570.96 336.96 568.94 337.75 567.94 C 338.26 567.94 L 337.75 566.86 336.10 567.22 335.66 565.85 C 338.98 564.26 335.38 561.24 336.38 558.79 C 338.18 558.36 339.84 559.66 341.86 559.51 C 341.35 557.64 339.48 556.56 337.75 556.20 C 337.39 555.91 337.25 555.55 337.39 555.05 C 339.84 553.54 336.67 552.10 336.38 550.66 C 338.26 548.86 334.37 543.53 338.76 543.74 C 340.70 541.80 L 340.99 541.94 340.99 542.23 340.99 542.52 C 340.49 543.02 L 341.50 543.31 342.29 542.52 342.58 541.80 C 342.65 541.44 342.07 541.15 342.58 540.79 C 344.16 540.79 342.58 542.52 344.30 542.52 C 344.66 542.95 345.24 543.24 344.95 543.96 C 344.30 544.10 343.58 544.54 343.08 545.11 C 343.44 546.41 344.16 544.75 344.74 545.62 C 345.67 546.34 347.04 546.26 347.69 546.12 C 345.38 543.53 349.27 538.70 345.24 538.42 C 342.94 537.84 343.30 536.40 342.58 534.60 C 341.64 532.80 338.69 531.65 339.77 529.34 C 340.99 528.05 342.79 529.42 344.30 529.56 C 343.15 528.84 343.08 526.10 342.86 524.23 C 344.74 522.36 L 343.80 521.42 L 341.28 522.65 341.86 525.02 342.14 527.40 C 342.29 527.54 342.50 527.62 342.36 527.83 C 342.00 528.91 341.06 527.76 340.70 528.12 C 340.99 526.82 340.27 526.03 339.48 525.24 C 340.85 522.65 339.55 520.20 338.26 518.04 C 337.97 517.75 337.39 517.90 337.10 517.54 C 334.44 528.62 L 333.50 528.62 L 334.44 531.79 333.79 537.91 338.76 538.20 C 337.39 536.26 338.47 533.74 337.10 531.43 C 337.10 530.50 L 335.59 531.43 336.96 532.44 336.89 533.81 C 336.60 534.10 336.60 534.60 336.17 534.82 C 333.14 531.94 336.60 528.70 336.89 525.74 C 338.04 526.32 339.05 527.83 338.76 529.06 C 335.81 532.66 342.14 534.46 340.99 537.91 C 339.70 539.86 338.47 541.22 336.89 542.74 C 333.14 542.59 335.59 538.06 332.57 537.05 C 318.17 537.70 L 316.58 539.86 317.16 543.10 316.66 545.40 C 316.30 545.83 315.58 545.54 315.00 545.62 C 314.78 544.32 314.14 543.10 314.06 541.80 C 315.29 541.80 L 313.06 540.36 311.54 537.62 308.95 536.54 C 309.24 537.41 L 301.75 537.41 L 299.16 531.43 298.30 524.52 296.06 518.26 C 295.06 518.04 L 295.34 518.26 L 290.95 520.42 L 292.25 523.44 297.00 522.72 296.57 526.90 C 293.26 531.00 299.09 535.61 294.19 538.92 C 294.48 542.95 298.44 544.75 298.66 548.71 C 303.48 549.22 L 303.48 552.31 303.34 556.56 304.49 559.80 C 309.96 563.62 314.78 568.51 320.76 571.54 C 321.26 564.26 329.90 567.14 334.66 565.85 C 335.30 566.14 335.38 566.71 335.66 567.22 C 333.94 568.22 331.49 567.36 329.69 567.94 C 331.34 569.23 333.94 568.73 336.17 568.22 C 336.60 568.73 336.24 569.59 336.38 570.31 C 335.45 570.82 334.66 569.81 333.79 569.81 C 334.66 570.96 336.10 571.75 337.61 571.82 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 309.24 570.60 310.46 571.03 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 309.24 570.82 m 309.24 571.03 L 310.46 570.82 L 310.46 570.60 L 309.24 570.82 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 259.06 558.14 265.75 570.60 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 262.44 568.66 m 262.44 568.44 L 261.65 568.30 261.36 569.23 260.78 569.59 C 260.78 565.56 L 262.30 564.84 265.18 566.21 265.75 564.34 C 261.00 563.83 L 261.14 561.96 263.45 560.02 263.66 558.14 C 262.94 558.14 L 261.79 560.16 261.58 563.04 259.06 564.12 C 261.36 565.20 259.78 568.51 259.56 570.60 C 260.78 570.60 262.08 569.74 262.44 568.66 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 284.04 561.02 293.90 567.72 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 293.90 564.34 m 293.90 564.12 L 290.59 564.12 287.35 562.32 284.26 561.02 C 284.04 561.24 L 285.48 563.90 288.36 565.20 290.59 567.22 C 292.46 567.72 293.26 565.56 293.90 564.34 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 377.86 533.16 418.90 567.50 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 395.14 563.62 m 396.43 564.84 398.38 565.20 399.89 565.34 C 398.66 564.62 L 400.03 563.33 400.03 561.74 398.66 560.52 C 398.23 560.02 L 397.01 560.81 398.66 562.46 396.79 563.11 C 395.42 560.74 398.23 559.51 398.66 557.64 C 401.33 559.80 402.70 564.84 406.58 564.34 C 410.90 563.83 416.02 563.26 417.67 558.36 C 418.10 557.21 418.82 556.20 418.90 555.05 C 417.67 554.76 L 413.78 561.46 L 405.94 563.40 L 403.42 561.31 401.11 558.79 399.38 556.20 C 401.18 551.95 404.50 547.56 409.03 545.62 C 409.10 545.40 408.67 543.74 407.81 544.61 C 404.93 546.62 L 404.93 545.04 403.42 542.52 404.93 540.79 C 404.71 540.65 L 402.26 542.02 402.70 547.70 398.88 546.34 C 397.37 548.21 403.13 550.73 398.66 552.10 C 392.83 552.53 391.39 546.62 386.78 543.96 C 386.28 541.66 388.08 538.70 384.84 537.91 C 384.34 537.26 383.76 536.40 383.69 535.54 C 386.28 535.90 389.30 536.62 391.97 537.70 C 390.67 538.63 388.58 537.84 387.29 538.42 C 387.29 539.42 388.51 539.42 389.30 539.42 C 391.54 539.86 392.40 537.62 394.42 537.70 C 381.74 533.16 L 379.30 533.45 380.38 536.62 378.36 537.41 C 377.86 539.71 380.30 541.15 381.46 542.23 C 383.18 542.45 384.19 541.01 385.56 540.36 C 385.99 541.80 385.78 542.74 385.78 544.46 C 387.36 545.90 389.38 547.06 390.31 549.00 C 389.09 549.94 387.86 546.91 387.00 549.00 C 389.59 552.10 L 388.80 553.54 387.58 552.31 386.57 552.31 C 384.34 547.56 L 382.25 548.86 381.17 551.23 379.80 552.82 C 380.74 554.83 383.18 556.56 385.34 557.14 C 384.48 559.44 382.68 561.53 383.40 564.12 C 384.26 565.06 384.70 566.50 386.06 566.71 C 389.81 567.50 392.62 564.70 395.14 563.62 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 352.15 561.02 359.35 565.70 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 359.35 565.06 m 358.49 565.20 357.34 563.90 357.48 562.90 C 356.26 562.32 354.60 564.26 354.17 562.25 C 354.89 561.46 L 354.60 561.02 353.59 561.31 352.94 561.24 C 352.15 561.53 352.37 562.54 352.66 562.90 C 353.74 565.20 357.55 562.10 356.76 565.56 C 357.77 565.70 358.56 565.20 359.35 565.06 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 384.19 553.75 397.51 565.63 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 397.51 554.26 m 393.91 558.43 384.84 553.75 384.84 561.74 C 384.19 562.75 385.27 563.62 385.56 564.62 C 387.00 565.63 389.23 565.63 390.82 564.62 C 394.20 561.82 395.71 557.93 397.51 554.26 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 241.85 560.52 247.90 565.34 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 247.75 562.90 m 246.89 563.40 246.17 564.62 244.94 564.34 C 244.44 563.83 L 246.17 563.26 244.30 561.74 244.15 561.02 C 243.00 560.52 L 242.14 561.10 241.85 562.75 242.06 563.62 C 243.50 564.91 245.59 564.70 247.39 565.34 C 247.90 564.62 247.25 563.54 247.75 562.90 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 215.86 556.06 226.94 565.06 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 219.96 559.30 m 217.94 559.51 217.37 556.06 215.86 557.14 C 216.29 559.44 217.66 561.24 219.24 562.90 C 219.24 562.61 219.17 562.32 219.46 562.25 C 220.10 562.61 220.39 563.11 221.18 563.62 C 221.18 562.25 L 222.26 563.04 223.78 564.62 225.00 563.62 C 226.94 565.06 L 224.28 563.11 223.70 559.15 219.96 559.30 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 231.84 559.80 238.97 564.84 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 237.46 563.11 m 237.74 562.90 L 236.81 561.24 234.79 559.94 232.70 559.80 C 232.06 560.02 231.84 560.74 231.98 561.46 C 234.14 562.90 236.81 563.33 238.97 564.84 C 238.97 563.90 237.96 563.76 237.46 563.11 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 305.35 547.06 331.34 564.84 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 330.19 558.14 m 330.48 554.90 330.34 551.45 331.34 548.50 C 326.95 549.22 L 325.80 551.30 325.87 554.76 323.14 555.91 C 321.48 555.26 L 321.55 555.91 322.34 556.63 321.77 557.42 C 321.48 557.86 320.98 557.50 320.54 557.64 C 319.90 556.13 319.39 554.54 319.61 552.60 C 321.05 551.81 322.70 551.02 323.86 549.43 C 320.90 549.72 318.17 549.43 316.15 547.06 C 313.85 547.56 312.70 550.51 309.96 549.94 C 311.54 551.81 315.86 550.80 315.50 553.82 C 314.86 554.33 315.14 555.34 314.28 555.70 C 311.69 555.05 308.45 552.60 308.09 549.72 C 305.35 549.43 L 307.08 554.90 312.77 558.65 316.94 562.61 C 318.89 563.11 320.76 563.62 322.49 564.84 C 324.29 562.25 326.66 558.72 330.19 558.14 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 225.29 560.02 234.58 564.41 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 234.14 564.34 m 234.36 564.41 234.50 564.26 234.58 564.12 C 232.06 562.75 229.68 560.30 226.66 561.02 C 225.29 560.02 L 226.15 562.25 228.60 562.54 230.04 564.34 C 230.90 562.03 232.85 563.90 234.14 564.34 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 342.36 561.02 344.30 564.12 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 344.30 561.02 m 342.36 564.12 L 344.30 561.96 L 344.30 561.02 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 273.38 546.12 279.50 562.46 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 277.56 557.64 m 278.14 557.71 278.28 559.01 279.29 558.65 C 279.50 556.42 277.49 554.62 276.84 552.60 C 277.27 550.44 277.99 548.42 278.06 546.12 C 276.98 547.13 276.26 549.14 275.90 550.94 C 274.75 553.54 278.64 555.84 276.19 558.14 C 275.69 557.93 275.26 557.50 274.97 557.14 C 275.04 556.20 275.54 555.55 275.40 554.54 C 273.67 555.34 273.96 558.14 273.96 559.80 C 274.61 560.30 274.75 560.95 274.18 561.46 C 273.96 561.74 273.38 562.10 273.96 562.46 C 276.34 561.74 276.05 559.15 277.56 557.64 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 342.79 556.42 353.88 564.05 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 353.88 559.30 m 351.07 559.01 348.55 563.26 346.46 559.51 C 346.46 558.14 L 345.67 557.86 343.87 558.72 344.30 557.14 C 344.30 556.42 L 343.30 556.56 342.79 557.42 343.37 558.36 C 346.25 558.79 347.54 564.05 351.29 561.74 C 353.88 559.30 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 371.16 553.46 376.06 562.25 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 375.26 562.25 m 376.06 560.81 374.69 559.80 374.04 558.79 C 375.98 558.14 375.77 556.20 375.48 554.54 c 375.34 554.11 375.77 554.04 375.98 553.82 C 375.26 553.46 374.76 554.26 374.54 554.76 C 374.47 555.70 375.48 557.21 374.04 557.86 C 373.10 557.14 371.88 558.36 371.66 559.30 C 371.16 561.82 374.04 561.24 375.26 562.25 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 246.60 561.02 248.04 562.03 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 248.04 561.02 m 246.60 561.02 L 246.67 562.03 247.68 561.10 248.04 561.02 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 282.17 534.82 293.18 561.46 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 291.74 561.24 m 290.88 559.94 289.37 557.35 290.95 555.91 C 288.36 553.82 L 286.78 549.50 285.70 545.11 285.48 540.36 C 287.64 536.54 290.59 540.43 293.18 540.65 C 291.38 538.85 290.95 536.33 288.58 535.03 C 286.56 534.82 284.40 536.04 284.26 538.20 C 284.47 539.71 284.04 541.01 282.89 542.02 C 283.10 542.59 283.90 541.94 284.26 541.80 C 285.26 542.45 284.40 543.82 284.98 544.61 C 284.90 545.11 284.40 544.82 284.04 544.90 C 283.61 544.54 283.18 543.82 282.60 543.74 C 282.17 544.25 L 282.67 545.11 283.68 545.26 284.54 545.40 C 284.76 545.11 L 286.49 548.50 285.98 552.96 289.08 555.41 C 287.57 556.56 285.48 556.20 284.04 557.64 C 285.55 558.50 287.78 557.86 289.37 557.42 C 289.94 558.22 290.16 559.15 290.09 560.23 C 289.08 560.74 287.86 559.44 286.99 559.80 C 288.07 561.02 290.16 561.46 291.74 561.24 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 292.46 553.10 298.94 560.74 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 298.15 556.92 m 296.86 556.70 297.00 558.50 295.78 559.01 C 295.78 557.93 294.48 556.20 295.78 555.70 C 297.00 555.41 298.44 555.41 298.94 554.04 C 297.07 555.41 293.04 553.10 292.46 555.91 C 294.55 555.70 294.34 558.22 295.34 559.30 C 294.84 560.74 L 296.50 560.16 297.58 558.43 298.15 556.92 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 99.00 473.83 154.58 560.81 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 130.68 560.02 m 132.70 555.62 133.99 550.94 135.94 546.62 C 135.86 548.21 136.87 549.43 138.38 549.72 C 139.97 549.94 141.26 548.64 140.98 547.06 C 144.14 547.34 148.25 546.26 151.06 548.71 C 151.56 548.21 L 150.19 547.70 147.96 546.62 149.18 544.90 C 150.98 543.31 150.26 539.21 153.00 539.64 C 154.15 540.36 L 154.37 539.93 154.58 539.64 154.44 539.14 C 152.57 538.20 150.84 537.34 149.90 535.32 C 150.05 532.73 149.90 529.85 146.95 529.34 C 146.59 529.34 L 145.87 527.76 147.96 525.60 146.59 524.52 C 146.66 524.45 146.81 524.23 146.95 524.23 C 146.81 523.01 144.94 523.66 144.14 522.79 C 147.17 517.25 147.96 510.62 149.90 504.65 C 145.30 493.34 136.66 483.70 128.59 473.83 C 123.70 474.26 118.30 474.84 115.78 479.59 C 106.70 494.50 101.74 511.20 99.00 528.84 C 103.25 540.14 111.89 550.01 121.10 559.01 C 123.70 560.81 127.80 559.73 130.68 560.02 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 232.78 556.70 236.88 560.02 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 235.58 557.64 m 235.15 556.99 234.58 556.70 233.86 556.92 C 234.65 557.64 232.78 558.14 233.14 558.65 C 234.29 559.44 236.88 560.02 235.58 557.64 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 127.44 546.70 134.28 559.01 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 129.24 559.01 m 130.97 555.12 132.26 550.80 134.28 547.34 C 132.48 546.70 131.76 548.14 131.40 549.43 C 132.55 550.22 L 132.41 554.33 127.44 554.90 128.09 559.01 C 129.24 559.01 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 123.26 512.21 139.54 560.45 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 127.58 554.76 m 126.36 554.26 L 127.15 552.82 126.36 549.14 129.46 549.43 C 132.05 546.26 128.16 544.03 129.24 540.36 C 133.56 537.91 L 135.29 535.25 133.78 532.15 135.94 529.56 C 139.54 517.82 L 136.15 517.32 138.96 514.01 139.10 512.21 C 133.34 526.82 127.66 542.95 123.26 558.79 C 127.08 560.45 126.07 556.20 127.58 554.76 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 230.04 551.45 239.26 558.79 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 234.86 555.05 m 234.86 555.84 235.58 555.84 236.09 556.42 C 236.09 554.40 239.26 552.74 236.09 551.45 C 234.29 553.90 230.69 555.91 230.04 558.79 C 234.86 555.05 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 405.22 549.94 412.63 558.65 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 405.22 549.94 m 406.87 553.10 409.39 556.42 412.63 558.65 C 410.11 555.70 408.38 552.10 405.22 549.94 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 466.63 551.74 478.08 558.65 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 474.98 555.70 m 475.13 556.20 474.98 556.63 474.48 556.92 C 473.69 556.99 472.97 556.85 472.39 556.20 C 473.62 556.20 L 473.11 555.05 470.52 556.63 472.10 554.76 C 472.61 554.76 L 470.81 554.54 469.22 551.74 467.28 553.82 C 466.63 554.76 L 469.08 556.06 472.18 556.92 474.77 558.65 C 478.08 556.92 L 474.98 555.70 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 99.79 475.34 147.46 558.36 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 140.26 504.36 m 142.70 503.35 144.65 503.35 147.46 503.42 C 142.20 493.56 135.58 483.70 127.80 475.34 C 125.50 475.70 122.98 475.99 121.10 477.43 C 125.64 486.43 133.70 494.14 139.39 502.42 C 137.66 502.42 L 130.46 494.71 124.99 486.22 119.16 478.22 C 108.50 492.55 105.05 510.34 99.79 527.11 C 102.17 530.21 102.67 534.10 104.98 537.26 C 109.87 544.75 115.85 551.95 122.54 558.36 C 126.94 539.71 133.27 521.93 140.26 504.36 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 421.99 557.64 428.47 558.72 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 428.47 557.64 m 421.99 557.64 L 423.50 558.72 426.67 558.72 428.47 557.64 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 304.34 553.54 308.09 557.86 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 308.09 556.92 m 307.37 555.70 305.86 554.76 305.14 553.54 C 304.34 555.41 305.86 556.42 306.36 557.86 C 306.94 557.50 307.66 557.64 308.09 556.92 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 345.74 546.62 360.86 558.72 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 352.44 557.42 m 352.66 556.70 351.94 556.63 351.79 556.20 C 353.59 553.46 355.46 556.42 357.77 555.41 c 357.98 555.55 358.06 555.34 358.20 555.26 C 357.26 554.33 354.96 555.26 354.38 553.54 C 356.04 553.46 355.90 551.23 356.98 550.22 C 360.86 551.45 L 360.36 549.79 359.21 549.65 357.77 549.22 C 353.16 550.94 L 353.59 548.42 350.57 549.50 350.57 547.56 C 349.56 547.42 347.98 546.62 346.68 547.34 C 346.39 547.63 345.96 547.63 345.74 547.99 C 347.04 547.06 348.19 548.93 349.34 548.21 C 349.70 548.86 349.56 549.72 350.28 549.94 C 350.57 549.94 350.86 550.01 351.00 549.72 C 351.65 550.51 350.78 552.74 351.79 553.54 C 351.50 555.41 L 351.14 555.34 351.00 555.84 350.78 555.91 C 350.86 556.63 351.58 558.72 352.44 557.42 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 231.26 524.02 294.55 559.73 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 253.37 555.41 m 259.78 554.90 266.26 559.73 272.59 555.91 C 274.18 554.90 272.88 552.46 275.18 551.81 C 275.69 548.86 276.55 546.12 274.46 543.46 C 275.76 543.60 277.49 544.25 279.00 543.46 C 280.30 542.30 281.09 540.65 280.66 539.14 C 279.00 536.83 280.58 535.75 282.17 533.81 C 285.26 534.96 288.86 534.24 291.24 531.94 C 292.39 532.15 293.54 533.30 294.55 532.22 C 294.55 531.22 293.40 531.00 292.68 530.50 C 289.30 530.93 286.70 534.10 282.89 532.94 C 282.67 531.94 282.89 530.21 284.26 529.85 C 286.78 528.12 290.88 529.06 293.18 528.12 C 290.81 528.70 289.87 525.74 287.35 526.46 C 286.27 525.46 284.54 525.10 283.39 526.25 C 282.60 526.90 L 281.81 526.03 281.38 524.81 280.15 524.23 C 279.36 524.02 278.78 524.59 278.06 524.74 C 280.15 526.03 281.81 528.62 281.38 531.00 C 281.16 532.94 280.15 534.74 278.57 535.82 C 276.55 535.90 274.61 536.40 272.81 536.26 C 273.24 536.76 L 272.38 537.84 270.86 538.56 269.35 538.92 C 271.37 539.42 L 271.58 540.50 269.78 541.94 271.37 542.52 C 270.86 543.02 L 269.35 541.73 267.77 541.15 265.75 541.01 C 266.18 539.71 267.26 537.26 268.99 537.05 C 266.98 536.33 264.67 533.23 262.94 535.03 C 266.98 537.05 L 265.10 540.36 L 263.88 538.42 L 263.30 538.99 264.10 540.00 264.17 540.79 C 263.45 540.65 262.44 541.30 261.50 541.01 C 260.35 539.93 260.14 537.91 258.84 537.26 C 258.26 538.34 257.98 539.64 258.19 541.01 C 255.74 541.01 252.58 544.54 250.99 540.79 C 251.06 540.36 250.78 539.21 250.20 538.92 C 249.26 538.56 248.90 540.00 248.04 539.14 C 249.26 538.42 L 248.98 538.20 L 249.48 537.70 250.56 537.70 250.49 536.76 C 249.26 536.83 248.54 538.42 247.75 538.92 C 244.66 537.34 247.75 534.46 247.75 532.22 C 247.25 531.94 245.81 532.51 245.66 533.59 C 245.95 538.92 239.04 538.70 236.59 543.24 C 235.66 543.02 235.08 542.30 234.14 542.23 C 234.36 544.82 231.98 546.84 231.26 549.22 C 232.27 549.50 233.78 549.79 234.58 549.00 C 234.58 548.50 L 232.70 548.50 L 233.35 546.84 234.36 544.82 235.58 543.74 C 236.16 544.54 235.44 545.90 235.37 547.06 C 235.66 550.73 239.18 553.61 241.78 555.91 C 242.28 556.42 L 240.70 553.10 234.50 550.73 236.81 545.83 C 238.25 542.74 241.70 540.94 244.15 538.92 C 249.77 541.22 252.29 545.62 258.19 547.34 C 261.86 548.42 265.90 549.14 269.86 549.43 C 271.30 550.73 271.44 552.82 271.37 554.54 C 270.00 557.50 265.61 555.84 262.94 555.91 C 258.77 554.83 254.38 553.46 250.49 552.31 C 251.64 553.61 253.66 553.61 254.81 554.76 C 252.14 555.12 249.70 554.11 247.10 553.82 C 247.75 555.55 251.78 554.04 250.70 556.92 C 251.64 558.00 253.80 557.14 253.37 555.41 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 420.12 556.20 427.03 557.35 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 427.03 556.20 m 420.12 556.42 L 422.42 556.99 424.80 557.35 427.03 556.20 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 217.66 550.66 230.26 556.85 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 230.26 555.41 m 229.10 555.05 L 229.61 554.54 L 226.58 554.83 223.99 554.04 221.40 553.32 C 220.75 552.96 221.54 552.53 221.69 552.10 C 221.69 552.31 L 221.90 552.31 L 221.90 552.10 L 220.68 551.30 220.10 553.61 218.95 554.26 C 218.45 553.10 218.30 551.95 218.30 550.66 C 217.66 552.53 218.45 553.54 218.59 555.41 C 219.24 555.55 219.74 554.76 219.96 554.26 C 220.61 554.83 219.96 555.41 219.74 555.91 C 220.97 556.20 222.55 555.41 223.78 555.70 C 223.34 556.63 L 225.86 556.70 228.38 556.85 230.26 555.41 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 337.18 542.30 343.08 556.34 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 343.08 555.41 m 343.08 555.26 L 341.78 555.91 341.50 554.26 340.49 553.54 C 341.86 552.24 338.98 550.80 340.49 549.43 C 340.06 548.86 338.98 549.72 338.98 548.71 C 338.76 547.42 340.49 547.56 340.20 546.12 C 340.99 545.83 341.78 545.83 342.36 545.11 C 340.78 542.30 339.34 545.26 337.75 546.12 C 337.46 547.85 337.18 550.73 338.98 551.16 C 338.90 553.25 339.48 555.26 341.35 556.20 C 342.14 556.34 342.65 556.06 343.08 555.41 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 398.81 454.46 494.71 555.91 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 460.87 552.60 m 463.68 549.22 464.69 543.53 462.82 539.14 C 461.59 537.26 L 468.43 538.85 474.12 534.60 480.31 533.45 C 481.18 532.80 481.39 531.94 481.32 531.00 C 483.26 530.21 486.22 530.64 487.30 528.62 C 484.63 528.84 480.89 531.50 478.87 528.12 C 478.87 526.75 480.60 526.03 481.03 524.74 C 479.81 524.30 479.66 522.43 477.94 522.79 C 476.42 523.01 474.98 523.30 473.83 524.23 C 472.68 527.90 467.57 527.26 464.90 529.85 C 462.53 529.34 L 463.61 523.51 462.10 517.75 458.71 513.22 C 459.50 511.34 461.09 509.33 460.08 507.02 C 459.79 504.43 454.61 505.30 457.27 502.42 C 457.49 501.26 456.98 500.26 456.12 499.54 C 460.37 496.94 458.42 504.50 462.53 502.42 C 466.27 500.33 469.08 505.01 472.90 505.30 C 477.07 504.65 479.66 509.62 483.70 507.46 C 482.62 507.10 481.39 507.24 480.53 506.52 C 481.61 506.16 482.90 506.30 483.91 505.80 C 477.94 505.66 471.17 504.72 466.92 501.05 C 469.73 499.82 L 466.49 499.10 463.54 502.06 460.37 501.05 C 460.51 500.26 461.59 501.05 462.10 500.26 C 465.19 496.66 L 463.32 498.53 461.09 499.54 458.50 498.60 C 459.22 496.51 461.52 493.85 459.94 491.11 C 467.28 491.11 L 467.42 490.82 466.99 490.61 466.92 490.46 C 469.51 488.30 471.67 492.05 473.83 492.84 C 482.40 492.05 488.30 497.30 494.71 501.70 C 490.68 495.72 482.98 489.24 474.26 490.90 C 472.97 486.65 471.31 482.40 469.30 478.44 C 472.54 473.54 478.80 470.23 476.93 463.54 C 476.42 460.01 472.61 457.85 470.52 455.62 C 469.73 456.26 469.87 457.13 470.23 457.99 C 472.03 461.16 476.21 463.61 474.48 467.86 C 473.69 471.46 470.66 474.34 468.29 477.00 C 468.07 472.90 L 466.13 478.44 466.20 485.14 462.53 489.74 C 461.02 489.74 458.71 488.45 458.21 490.61 C 458.42 491.11 457.99 491.33 457.70 491.62 C 457.27 491.83 457.13 491.40 456.77 491.11 C 457.92 488.30 460.51 485.86 459.22 482.26 C 453.31 472.54 442.30 465.84 434.88 457.06 C 434.66 455.76 433.58 454.75 432.29 454.46 C 433.22 455.40 433.51 456.62 434.02 457.85 C 432.00 457.70 430.27 456.91 427.97 457.56 C 432.43 459.94 437.62 461.16 440.93 465.70 C 440.50 470.23 439.70 475.34 434.88 477.22 C 433.80 477.43 432.79 477.94 431.57 477.72 C 430.63 476.50 L 430.78 475.99 431.28 476.35 431.57 476.21 C 428.90 474.26 425.30 473.11 421.99 471.96 C 421.70 472.25 L 423.29 473.62 425.52 474.41 427.54 475.06 C 429.98 478.94 434.02 482.11 437.62 484.92 C 436.54 485.93 436.39 488.23 434.52 488.02 C 431.50 487.73 428.98 488.30 427.03 490.25 C 423.58 490.03 420.12 488.45 416.66 487.30 C 417.02 484.13 412.99 482.83 410.69 481.82 C 410.18 481.82 L 410.40 484.56 413.78 484.63 415.30 486.79 C 414.22 489.60 413.71 492.70 411.41 495.00 C 408.31 494.86 406.58 491.33 403.70 490.61 C 402.19 493.85 404.93 496.30 404.71 499.54 C 400.10 504.50 398.81 511.99 400.90 518.54 C 402.77 518.11 405.07 516.10 407.30 515.45 C 415.30 512.71 L 416.38 510.70 415.08 508.82 415.51 506.23 C 416.38 502.63 417.38 499.10 419.33 495.94 C 416.81 495.72 414.50 497.59 411.91 498.10 C 411.98 497.16 410.83 497.23 410.47 496.44 C 413.57 495.36 415.37 491.90 416.02 489.24 C 419.33 489.60 422.71 491.26 426.31 491.62 C 424.73 493.99 421.49 493.13 419.33 493.34 C 417.82 493.70 415.73 491.33 415.30 493.56 C 420.12 494.21 L 419.90 497.30 422.57 500.33 423.72 503.42 C 421.70 505.22 419.18 503.71 417.17 503.14 C 416.88 504.36 L 419.18 504.94 421.99 506.45 424.08 504.65 C 424.37 505.44 425.59 505.80 425.59 506.74 C 424.08 506.23 422.93 507.53 421.70 508.46 C 420.77 509.26 420.48 510.62 420.98 511.85 C 421.27 511.99 L 419.62 512.93 418.03 510.62 416.52 509.83 C 415.87 511.99 418.68 512.42 420.12 513.22 C 419.40 514.66 417.89 517.46 419.83 519.05 C 420.62 519.84 421.70 519.91 422.71 520.20 C 421.70 522.14 422.21 525.24 424.08 526.90 C 426.10 528.41 428.83 528.91 431.28 528.34 C 434.52 525.96 L 436.82 526.90 440.57 526.61 441.22 529.85 C 441.94 530.35 442.73 529.70 443.30 529.34 C 443.59 529.85 443.81 530.35 444.31 530.71 C 444.82 531.00 445.18 530.42 445.32 529.99 C 445.32 529.56 445.10 528.91 445.54 528.62 C 447.41 531.72 L 447.26 530.71 446.83 529.92 446.47 529.06 C 446.90 528.62 L 448.42 529.99 L 448.42 529.63 447.98 529.56 448.13 529.06 C 448.78 528.26 449.21 529.56 449.78 529.56 C 449.71 529.13 449.21 528.70 448.92 528.34 C 449.14 528.12 L 448.63 526.90 447.41 528.41 446.69 527.11 C 446.33 527.90 445.97 527.33 445.54 527.11 C 442.08 527.54 438.91 525.74 435.67 525.02 C 437.47 523.30 439.42 526.03 441.72 525.46 C 446.83 525.10 447.77 519.34 450.50 516.10 C 451.80 515.30 451.80 517.46 453.17 517.03 C 452.02 517.10 452.23 518.90 451.01 518.76 C 451.30 518.76 L 451.30 519.70 L 451.58 519.62 451.73 520.06 452.02 520.20 C 451.80 520.56 451.51 520.42 451.30 520.42 C 453.02 520.42 455.47 522.65 456.48 520.42 C 456.70 520.13 456.98 520.20 457.27 520.20 C 456.12 519.41 L 456.98 519.05 L 455.11 519.55 455.11 517.25 453.17 517.32 C 454.18 516.46 456.26 517.03 456.77 515.81 C 454.97 514.94 452.23 515.30 450.29 514.22 C 449.93 515.45 449.28 516.53 448.42 517.54 C 447.91 514.94 446.69 512.14 444.10 510.84 C 441.43 509.62 437.47 509.83 435.17 511.56 C 432.29 513.43 433.73 516.53 433.01 519.05 C 431.93 518.26 430.63 518.62 430.13 519.70 C 427.61 520.20 424.22 519.70 421.49 519.26 C 420.41 518.33 418.82 516.60 420.12 515.16 C 422.50 508.46 429.91 513.50 433.51 509.62 C 430.13 510.12 L 428.90 509.33 427.61 508.54 426.31 507.74 C 427.82 508.10 430.27 508.10 431.57 506.74 C 431.57 506.23 L 429.62 506.81 427.10 507.53 426.10 504.79 C 426.17 504.43 425.81 504.14 425.59 503.86 C 426.02 503.71 425.66 503.21 425.81 502.92 C 424.01 501.91 423.58 499.54 422.50 497.81 C 425.59 497.81 L 432.29 506.52 L 434.81 508.32 437.18 505.01 439.27 506.52 C 442.51 506.59 444.10 502.70 447.19 502.42 C 449.50 501.05 451.58 497.59 454.61 499.32 C 454.39 501.41 456.77 502.56 455.62 505.01 C 456.70 506.23 458.42 506.81 458.93 508.46 C 458.57 509.76 458.93 512.21 456.77 511.99 C 456.70 512.64 457.49 513.36 456.48 513.72 C 453.38 513.79 451.51 510.91 448.63 510.34 C 448.42 511.13 450.07 511.70 449.57 512.71 C 452.02 513.22 454.97 514.80 457.49 514.22 C 460.73 517.82 461.23 523.15 461.09 528.34 C 459.79 528.55 460.80 529.63 460.87 530.21 C 463.68 531.00 L 463.32 531.94 L 465.12 531.94 466.70 529.70 468.50 529.06 C 470.23 528.12 472.54 527.83 474.48 528.34 C 475.70 529.06 475.99 530.35 475.49 531.43 C 470.30 532.51 465.91 538.34 460.37 535.82 C 456.12 532.22 L 458.71 537.34 463.18 542.16 460.87 548.71 C 459.94 550.94 459.00 553.25 456.98 554.76 C 454.03 554.76 451.01 554.62 448.42 555.70 C 451.37 555.62 455.11 555.91 458.21 555.41 C 460.87 552.60 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 412.13 549.94 429.19 555.62 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 429.19 555.26 m 427.03 555.05 424.37 554.83 422.21 554.04 C 422.78 553.61 423.72 553.82 424.37 553.82 C 419.98 553.25 416.23 551.23 412.13 549.94 C 412.13 551.81 414.72 552.02 416.02 553.03 C 419.90 554.83 424.87 555.62 429.19 555.26 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 470.52 543.96 483.19 555.26 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 483.19 547.85 m 475.99 543.96 L 473.40 545.83 472.32 549.22 470.52 551.81 C 477.43 555.26 L 479.66 553.10 480.60 549.94 483.19 547.85 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 405.58 514.44 445.68 553.90 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 429.91 553.82 m 430.27 549.43 429.19 545.33 431.78 541.80 C 434.66 538.63 438.26 536.26 442.08 536.04 C 439.78 537.12 437.33 538.56 435.38 540.36 C 438.48 538.70 441.50 536.83 444.82 535.54 C 440.71 533.16 436.39 536.76 432.79 538.92 C 433.08 536.90 435.17 535.61 436.90 534.10 C 439.70 533.16 442.51 532.15 445.68 532.22 C 445.54 531.36 443.88 531.94 443.59 531.43 C 438.12 532.66 L 437.83 531.72 440.50 530.50 439.49 529.99 C 435.60 530.64 436.39 535.32 433.01 536.54 C 433.51 531.72 L 431.28 531.72 432.79 534.46 431.28 535.32 C 429.48 536.11 427.54 536.54 425.81 537.70 C 425.81 538.42 426.67 539.14 427.32 539.42 C 428.98 538.56 431.14 538.34 432.50 536.76 C 432.72 540.43 429.12 542.45 428.69 546.12 C 425.02 545.54 420.77 544.03 418.39 540.79 C 419.90 540.50 422.28 542.81 423.43 540.65 C 423.58 539.35 422.50 538.56 422.21 537.41 C 420.98 537.62 418.82 538.20 418.10 537.05 C 418.10 536.26 L 419.33 535.75 420.41 537.34 421.70 536.54 C 420.12 533.16 L 418.32 533.16 416.09 534.24 414.79 533.16 C 415.30 532.44 415.58 531.65 416.52 531.00 C 419.11 532.44 L 415.87 531.00 417.67 528.34 418.39 526.25 C 418.90 525.31 419.98 525.82 420.77 525.74 C 421.20 524.74 420.12 523.80 419.33 523.01 C 417.31 524.23 416.23 521.71 414.79 520.63 C 415.58 519.84 415.30 518.33 415.01 517.32 C 413.21 514.44 410.62 516.31 408.31 516.10 C 407.81 516.96 406.30 516.53 406.37 517.82 C 408.60 520.56 416.52 514.94 413.78 521.64 C 414.43 523.80 418.10 524.45 416.66 527.11 C 415.87 528.91 415.22 530.71 413.78 532.22 C 410.98 531.43 409.03 528.26 406.37 527.62 C 407.02 534.10 405.58 542.95 411.91 547.56 C 415.01 550.51 418.90 551.45 422.71 552.60 C 419.33 550.01 414.43 549.43 411.70 545.40 C 411.41 542.16 414.43 539.50 416.23 536.76 C 416.88 537.55 415.30 537.91 415.30 538.63 C 416.88 538.92 416.02 540.94 417.17 541.80 C 420.12 548.14 432.79 543.02 429.19 553.32 C 429.62 553.54 429.26 553.90 429.91 553.82 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 127.80 550.94 129.24 553.54 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 129.24 550.94 m 128.38 551.02 127.94 552.53 127.80 553.54 C 128.38 552.96 128.74 551.81 129.24 550.94 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 229.46 549.72 234.58 553.75 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 234.58 551.81 m 234.07 549.72 231.77 551.95 230.26 550.94 C 229.46 551.52 229.75 552.82 230.04 553.54 C 231.84 553.75 233.06 552.46 234.58 551.81 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 129.24 550.94 130.68 553.32 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 130.68 550.94 m 129.24 553.32 L 130.68 553.32 130.18 551.74 130.68 550.94 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 221.76 544.61 227.16 553.03 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 227.16 550.44 m 226.66 549.94 L 226.44 550.22 L 224.86 549.22 222.98 547.06 224.78 545.40 C 223.27 544.61 222.48 546.55 221.90 547.56 C 221.76 549.94 223.56 552.10 225.50 553.03 C 225.86 552.10 226.58 551.30 227.16 550.44 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 278.78 544.25 284.76 553.10 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 284.76 552.10 m 284.47 551.16 283.10 551.59 282.38 551.16 C 280.94 549.00 280.15 546.62 279.50 544.25 C 278.78 544.46 L 280.44 549.72 L 278.78 550.22 L 280.30 551.45 282.67 553.10 284.76 552.10 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 467.28 542.30 474.77 552.60 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 474.77 543.02 m 472.82 542.30 470.81 544.90 469.73 546.62 C 468.43 548.35 467.71 550.44 467.28 552.60 C 470.88 550.44 471.53 545.83 474.77 543.02 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 155.88 339.70 420.91 551.81 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 211.75 550.22 m 212.47 549.72 213.26 551.02 213.98 550.22 C 220.46 541.30 L 219.96 544.25 218.45 547.20 217.37 550.22 C 220.61 544.10 223.49 536.40 226.66 529.56 C 227.81 523.94 226.58 515.81 233.86 514.22 C 234.86 514.30 236.09 514.15 236.09 513.00 C 238.90 511.85 241.56 510.41 244.66 510.12 C 244.37 512.21 243.94 515.95 246.89 516.82 C 247.18 516.74 247.68 517.03 247.75 516.60 C 246.96 515.81 245.88 515.52 245.38 514.44 C 245.16 513.00 245.81 511.92 246.17 510.84 C 249.48 508.82 253.15 507.96 256.97 507.02 C 258.98 508.82 257.47 511.34 257.18 513.43 C 254.45 515.45 249.98 514.44 248.26 517.03 C 244.66 519.12 239.69 517.90 236.09 519.91 C 239.18 522.65 242.64 526.32 247.61 524.52 C 246.67 526.10 244.15 527.11 242.57 528.62 C 239.47 526.10 235.44 524.74 231.77 523.30 C 231.48 520.63 L 229.75 521.35 230.69 523.73 230.76 525.02 C 230.98 526.25 232.49 527.54 231.48 528.62 C 232.34 528.70 232.78 528.12 232.99 527.40 C 231.98 525.02 L 235.37 525.53 238.90 527.54 242.28 528.84 C 240.34 532.15 236.30 528.26 234.58 532.22 C 233.35 532.22 L 235.80 533.74 238.97 531.43 240.34 534.60 C 240.55 535.46 240.84 536.40 241.78 536.76 C 242.28 536.76 L 240.98 535.10 241.78 533.52 241.56 531.43 C 242.14 531.00 243.29 530.21 243.79 531.00 C 243.29 531.36 243.65 532.01 243.29 532.44 C 246.60 532.15 249.77 530.21 253.37 529.85 c 267.05 528.84 278.78 522.72 291.46 519.26 C 298.58 514.22 306.36 510.91 313.56 506.23 C 323.64 511.63 334.66 514.66 344.59 520.42 C 345.10 522.36 347.47 522.00 348.84 523.01 C 349.27 525.02 347.04 526.54 347.69 528.84 C 348.70 528.26 348.48 525.96 350.28 525.74 C 352.66 524.74 L 361.94 527.54 371.45 529.63 380.59 532.94 C 381.24 531.94 L 380.74 531.72 381.10 531.36 380.95 531.00 C 382.25 530.71 383.54 531.50 385.06 531.22 C 385.27 529.34 383.98 527.40 383.40 525.46 C 386.50 525.31 390.10 526.25 393.19 525.24 C 391.61 523.73 389.38 520.92 387.00 521.42 C 385.56 522.79 L 384.48 521.35 383.54 519.70 382.97 518.04 C 384.26 516.82 386.50 517.54 387.29 515.59 C 386.28 513.79 387.14 511.06 386.57 509.40 C 388.01 509.62 389.23 510.84 390.53 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410.54 381.17 403.34 381.24 398.02 C 385.34 400.54 385.99 405.43 388.87 408.82 C 387.14 414.36 385.56 419.83 385.06 425.81 C 385.34 426.31 385.85 426.02 386.28 426.10 C 387.14 408.60 399.38 395.21 398.02 376.42 c 399.10 372.53 397.58 367.42 400.10 364.39 C 400.97 364.25 402.41 364.82 402.77 363.96 C 401.40 363.24 398.66 363.60 399.38 361.01 C 398.88 359.71 400.54 359.35 401.33 359.14 C 403.70 359.06 402.70 362.02 403.99 363.24 C 401.83 366.41 406.51 369.50 404.21 372.82 C 405.72 380.30 402.77 386.35 402.12 393.41 C 403.70 398.16 401.11 402.70 400.61 407.45 C 398.66 409.54 399.53 415.44 394.92 413.86 C 390.38 415.44 390.82 420.55 390.53 424.22 C 391.03 426.10 L 392.90 424.44 391.32 420.84 392.47 418.61 C 393.19 417.31 393.77 415.66 395.28 414.79 C 397.58 415.66 399.02 418.10 400.39 419.83 C 399.67 412.34 402.19 403.85 403.70 396.14 C 402.98 393.91 L 404.28 386.42 407.52 378.72 405.94 370.94 C 409.32 369.94 L 408.31 367.92 408.10 365.62 407.59 363.46 C 408.53 363.02 410.11 361.73 410.90 363.24 C 414.50 369.65 411.12 378.86 412.92 386.06 C 414.29 390.31 L 413.93 392.76 411.62 395.50 413.78 397.80 C 411.41 416.74 L 412.13 417.24 L 412.13 421.92 411.41 426.31 409.97 430.42 C 411.48 429.91 411.91 428.11 412.42 426.82 C 412.27 424.01 413.42 421.70 413.28 418.90 C 414.58 421.92 414.79 425.52 415.01 429.05 C 416.23 427.10 415.87 423.72 415.30 421.56 C 409.97 414.14 413.78 405.72 415.30 397.80 C 416.59 399.46 416.66 402.70 419.33 402.84 C 418.03 400.10 417.38 396.65 414.50 394.92 C 414.50 392.76 416.30 391.25 416.66 389.16 C 413.57 383.33 416.09 377.42 414.79 370.94 C 412.92 369.94 414.72 367.85 413.78 366.34 C 413.21 364.61 412.78 362.81 411.70 361.30 C 411.98 359.06 414.72 358.34 413.78 355.54 C 415.51 353.52 417.31 357.55 419.11 355.32 C 420.91 350.86 419.83 347.76 419.11 343.01 C 416.52 341.64 412.92 339.70 409.97 341.86 C 408.38 343.66 405.58 344.45 403.27 344.02 C 400.54 347.26 393.19 345.96 394.13 351.72 C 397.80 354.82 392.83 359.14 395.78 362.52 C 395.42 365.11 394.92 367.70 393.41 369.94 C 392.62 376.56 392.69 383.62 389.30 389.16 C 383.40 385.85 386.57 379.15 383.69 374.26 C 384.77 370.80 389.09 371.45 389.30 368.50 C 390.60 368.93 391.82 369.94 392.47 368.06 C 393.48 366.55 394.49 365.11 394.42 363.24 C 392.40 364.25 392.83 361.66 391.68 360.86 C 391.82 358.92 389.81 357.84 389.59 356.04 C 388.22 355.75 387.07 354.82 385.78 354.10 C 386.35 353.52 387.00 353.02 386.78 352.22 C 385.34 353.16 384.70 354.31 383.18 354.82 C 388.37 356.76 L 390.02 359.14 389.88 362.74 392.90 364.25 C 392.69 365.26 391.68 365.90 391.03 366.84 C 387.86 367.20 387.79 363.60 386.57 361.80 C 387.58 361.44 388.30 361.30 389.59 361.30 C 388.37 359.14 385.06 360.00 382.97 359.14 C 382.61 358.34 382.46 357.84 382.97 357.05 C 383.04 359.21 378.86 358.13 380.30 360.86 c 379.44 363.74 377.28 366.41 373.75 366.84 C 373.75 365.11 L 371.16 369.72 364.97 370.80 364.18 376.42 C 362.45 378.22 361.15 380.52 358.99 381.74 C 356.18 381.02 353.66 379.01 350.57 379.80 C 351.00 374.76 342.36 371.52 349.06 367.06 c 349.49 366.70 349.78 366.12 350.28 366.12 C 352.94 374.54 L 353.09 374.90 353.88 374.40 354.17 374.04 C 352.94 368.21 350.64 362.95 350.57 356.76 C 349.78 356.54 348.84 356.11 348.55 355.32 C 348.84 355.03 L 347.76 355.25 347.18 354.60 346.46 355.82 C 344.95 355.90 342.94 356.40 341.64 355.54 C 339.98 353.81 337.46 352.51 337.75 349.85 C 342.00 348.41 340.34 354.60 344.30 355.32 C 344.95 355.32 L 344.38 353.23 341.50 352.01 341.86 349.56 C 344.59 348.70 347.98 349.06 350.78 349.34 C 351.86 350.35 352.37 351.72 352.44 353.16 C 352.66 353.02 352.80 353.23 352.94 353.45 C 353.09 353.81 352.66 354.02 352.44 354.31 C 353.95 354.24 354.38 352.44 354.89 351.22 C 354.74 350.06 353.95 351.50 353.66 351.00 C 352.94 348.62 L 343.44 347.76 332.78 347.33 322.70 347.83 C 320.04 351.65 311.54 347.04 312.34 353.45 C 315.79 355.03 L 315.50 355.75 314.35 355.54 314.78 356.54 C 318.46 359.14 322.85 360.43 327.46 360.14 C 327.74 360.72 326.95 360.94 326.81 361.30 C 317.38 360.36 L 317.38 360.86 L 320.54 361.51 323.86 362.59 326.95 362.52 C 325.08 367.42 321.77 372.60 323.35 379.01 c 324.14 383.83 325.66 389.23 324.36 393.91 C 329.90 413.86 L 329.26 415.80 327.38 418.10 329.18 420.12 C 324.14 419.83 319.25 417.82 314.06 417.24 c 311.40 417.02 L 310.75 419.76 313.85 418.32 315.00 419.40 c 330.19 423.43 346.39 425.02 362.30 427.32 C 360.58 443.45 L 368.06 476.21 L 367.49 477.36 365.26 476.93 365.18 478.66 C 364.10 480.82 367.99 483.62 364.18 484.20 C 361.87 486.72 365.98 490.03 362.59 492.12 C 362.30 494.14 362.74 495.94 363.96 497.45 C 366.77 498.60 370.08 498.82 372.89 500.04 C 372.89 502.85 372.67 506.23 374.76 508.46 C 369.14 514.44 360.79 513.79 352.94 514.44 C 340.49 511.20 327.17 508.46 315.00 503.86 C 303.05 508.10 291.74 513.79 279.29 516.60 C 272.38 517.25 264.46 517.61 258.19 515.45 C 257.40 515.30 256.61 515.59 255.96 515.16 C 257.54 514.73 258.84 513.36 259.34 511.85 C 260.64 509.54 257.69 507.31 260.06 505.51 C 260.86 502.34 256.97 500.76 258.34 497.59 C 256.68 496.66 256.18 493.70 253.37 494.50 C 255.38 482.62 257.90 470.45 260.57 458.50 C 260.57 450.14 256.39 442.94 254.59 435.02 C 252.07 435.53 253.44 437.90 253.80 439.85 c 255.46 447.05 260.50 453.74 258.34 461.59 C 257.26 467.21 255.67 472.61 254.30 478.22 C 250.06 475.85 249.70 470.02 244.94 467.86 C 240.19 465.41 L 242.06 464.04 L 246.74 464.83 251.78 467.71 256.68 465.26 C 256.75 464.26 257.69 462.53 255.96 462.60 C 253.37 462.10 250.27 462.74 248.04 461.16 C 247.97 460.66 248.04 460.22 248.54 459.94 C 246.38 458.21 241.49 458.93 241.34 454.61 C 245.95 453.60 247.18 447.84 247.75 443.81 C 245.59 444.46 243.65 442.73 241.34 442.66 C 240.55 443.30 240.48 444.46 240.84 445.32 C 238.39 447.41 236.66 449.93 233.64 450.65 C 230.26 449.71 230.54 446.11 229.10 443.81 C 228.24 439.20 233.86 440.14 235.80 437.11 C 235.80 435.74 235.66 434.16 236.95 433.51 C 238.90 433.44 240.05 434.59 241.56 435.24 C 241.78 435.02 L 241.27 433.94 239.90 432.94 238.68 432.36 C 236.59 431.14 234.50 433.22 233.86 435.02 C 233.14 437.40 230.26 435.24 228.60 435.96 C 227.81 435.02 226.08 433.80 226.94 432.79 C 231.48 432.22 235.37 430.20 239.69 429.05 C 240.55 429.55 239.98 430.70 240.19 431.64 C 243.07 430.92 240.55 427.32 241.34 424.94 C 245.88 423.22 250.34 416.95 255.46 421.06 c 258.19 421.85 260.64 423.14 262.66 425.45 C 264.38 424.94 L 263.09 419.90 256.68 420.91 253.08 418.25 C 249.48 417.53 246.17 420.70 242.78 422.06 C 242.28 421.56 L 245.09 413.93 242.57 401.26 253.80 400.25 C 254.30 399.74 L 252.86 399.24 250.99 400.90 249.48 400.90 C 253.80 397.80 L 250.70 399.24 L 251.35 397.15 253.08 394.92 253.08 392.26 C 256.46 390.02 261.14 386.50 261.29 382.25 C 259.56 384.62 257.90 388.15 254.95 389.59 C 256.18 382.10 247.39 381.46 243.94 376.20 c 241.49 373.32 239.40 370.15 236.09 368.71 C 233.86 366.34 232.70 361.66 228.89 361.80 C 235.80 369.43 242.14 379.01 251.64 384.62 C 251.35 391.03 L 242.28 400.61 232.70 410.33 222.19 418.46 C 218.66 417.24 215.35 414.79 211.39 415.80 C 208.15 412.20 L 202.75 413.71 197.86 409.90 193.39 413.64 C 190.08 413.50 186.48 413.71 183.24 414.36 C 181.37 409.46 185.18 405.65 188.06 402.12 C 195.26 395.21 203.40 390.46 211.10 384.62 C 211.90 380.30 217.58 379.44 219.24 375.41 C 216.79 377.06 214.49 379.01 211.75 380.23 C 211.39 377.06 213.34 374.26 214.70 371.45 C 213.05 372.02 212.69 374.04 211.39 375.19 C 210.17 372.10 L 209.88 372.31 L 202.46 369.14 197.78 361.66 190.15 359.64 C 192.24 362.45 196.56 362.74 197.86 365.83 c 196.56 369.94 203.54 372.02 199.37 375.70 C 199.87 379.01 202.46 382.61 205.56 383.83 C 207.94 384.12 L 204.19 388.66 198.00 391.03 193.39 395.42 c 187.56 400.61 L 180.50 398.16 172.80 392.62 169.56 385.34 C 167.90 383.83 L 169.99 392.76 178.70 398.52 186.55 401.40 C 182.59 408.10 L 182.66 404.14 180.79 401.04 177.26 399.24 C 174.96 399.31 172.37 400.10 171.79 402.62 C 171.86 403.70 170.57 403.42 170.06 403.85 C 167.47 404.35 164.59 404.21 163.08 406.94 C 162.65 410.90 164.81 414.43 164.95 418.46 C 165.38 419.40 166.68 419.40 167.69 419.40 C 168.84 417.82 171.14 417.60 171.50 415.51 C 172.44 415.66 173.38 416.45 174.38 415.80 C 177.19 418.61 175.54 422.50 178.99 424.94 C 178.56 426.53 176.47 427.90 177.98 429.70 C 183.24 434.02 L 184.90 437.33 186.05 443.16 191.16 442.66 C 191.38 442.66 191.45 442.80 191.66 442.94 C 185.54 444.24 178.78 446.76 176.04 453.02 C 175.68 453.31 174.89 453.24 174.89 453.96 C 175.68 457.34 179.35 458.86 182.09 460.22 C 187.06 462.10 192.38 463.54 197.86 464.26 C 190.80 460.94 181.37 460.80 175.75 454.25 C 178.70 454.46 178.06 451.22 179.64 449.86 C 183.89 446.26 188.86 444.60 194.04 443.45 C 196.27 444.31 198.58 445.61 200.95 445.03 C 205.56 442.22 L 211.25 442.01 216.50 444.46 222.19 442.94 C 220.75 442.44 218.45 442.94 216.86 442.44 C 213.84 441.65 210.46 441.14 207.50 441.00 C 208.08 440.86 208.44 440.14 209.16 440.06 C 204.26 440.21 198.29 448.06 193.39 441.72 C 190.87 440.35 186.77 440.93 186.19 437.11 C 186.48 432.50 180.86 432.36 178.70 428.76 C 178.70 427.82 179.86 427.46 180.14 426.60 C 180.36 429.70 L 182.16 430.13 181.37 428.26 181.80 427.32 c 182.66 425.74 185.26 425.95 186.55 424.94 C 184.90 424.80 182.66 424.80 181.08 425.81 C 180.36 425.52 180.94 423.94 179.64 424.44 C 177.26 421.06 L 178.78 420.19 180.07 417.60 182.30 417.96 C 185.69 422.50 L 185.40 423.22 L 186.70 424.30 186.98 423.14 188.28 423.72 C 189.94 425.81 189.79 428.76 190.94 431.14 C 192.24 429.55 194.04 432.14 195.48 433.01 c 195.77 433.30 L 194.18 433.80 192.24 433.80 191.16 435.02 C 192.24 435.53 193.54 435.02 194.54 434.52 C 195.05 435.46 193.54 435.96 193.54 436.90 C 196.20 437.76 196.06 433.73 198.58 433.51 C 206.64 433.66 213.34 428.40 221.40 430.63 C 220.68 429.12 218.16 429.84 217.08 428.26 C 217.58 427.75 218.45 427.90 218.95 427.54 C 218.95 427.32 L 217.08 426.31 215.78 428.26 214.20 428.76 C 208.44 430.92 201.60 430.20 196.20 433.01 C 194.90 430.56 189.79 429.34 190.94 425.45 C 197.14 422.06 203.98 416.95 211.75 420.34 C 212.76 420.34 L 211.68 419.40 210.24 419.40 209.16 418.46 C 214.56 415.15 219.17 420.70 224.06 422.21 c 231.48 426.60 L 231.26 425.45 L 239.18 427.32 L 240.98 424.51 236.88 423.79 236.30 421.56 c 233.35 420.41 236.38 416.02 232.70 416.02 C 232.56 414.79 230.54 413.21 232.20 412.42 C 234.36 410.83 236.38 408.96 238.46 407.16 C 243.79 406.94 L 242.86 413.21 240.70 419.83 240.34 426.31 C 239.76 428.83 235.80 428.83 233.35 429.70 C 229.90 430.63 226.87 424.51 223.78 429.41 C 221.76 431.64 219.46 433.15 218.95 435.96 C 221.76 438.12 224.28 440.86 227.88 440.71 C 227.88 444.82 L 226.58 445.25 225.50 443.95 224.06 443.81 C 218.88 443.95 214.20 445.75 209.16 445.54 C 209.30 445.75 209.45 445.82 209.38 446.04 C 200.88 445.82 195.55 454.03 186.84 452.74 C 187.99 453.24 189.50 453.82 190.94 453.96 C 188.06 455.83 L 189.94 456.34 191.16 455.04 192.60 454.25 C 195.84 455.04 198.29 457.92 201.74 458.21 C 200.09 457.06 L 206.06 457.34 L 203.47 454.61 196.99 456.91 194.26 453.46 C 199.80 450.50 205.20 446.40 211.75 447.05 C 214.34 449.35 218.16 451.51 219.24 454.90 C 221.69 454.54 223.85 452.74 226.15 452.74 C 225.14 454.10 224.06 456.34 226.15 457.34 c 226.66 457.85 L 224.06 457.99 L 223.20 459.65 225.36 459.36 226.15 459.94 C 226.80 461.45 229.46 461.45 229.10 463.03 C 230.69 464.76 233.06 464.33 235.08 465.05 C 233.86 466.20 231.48 464.40 231.48 466.42 C 229.68 467.64 227.66 468.00 225.79 468.79 C 226.15 467.21 228.46 465.55 228.38 463.82 C 225.94 464.04 226.58 466.63 224.57 467.64 C 219.74 466.42 L 219.46 465.34 221.40 463.82 219.96 462.60 C 217.58 460.66 L 217.94 462.96 219.89 464.83 217.80 466.92 C 216.65 465.41 216.36 462.60 214.49 461.59 C 210.10 460.30 209.95 468.65 205.78 464.76 C 205.85 462.74 207.86 460.44 209.66 459.22 C 213.98 460.44 L 212.69 459.00 210.89 457.20 208.66 458.21 C 205.99 459.36 205.49 462.24 204.19 464.26 C 203.26 463.75 202.18 463.46 200.95 463.54 C 201.17 465.05 205.70 464.40 203.40 466.63 C 197.78 463.46 191.45 468.22 186.41 463.54 C 186.19 462.82 L 179.86 462.74 174.96 465.91 169.78 468.65 C 163.66 466.13 161.28 459.14 160.49 453.02 C 160.49 449.64 160.85 446.54 163.80 444.31 C 166.25 441.94 169.27 440.42 172.15 439.06 C 185.69 441.22 L 185.40 440.06 184.46 439.20 183.24 439.06 C 179.06 438.19 174.46 438.12 170.78 436.25 C 165.67 437.33 162.29 442.80 159.77 447.26 C 158.47 446.62 156.38 445.10 155.88 447.70 C 155.95 448.63 156.67 448.92 157.39 449.42 C 157.54 462.31 L 163.08 460.44 164.16 467.64 168.41 469.30 C 173.95 469.80 177.77 464.40 183.24 464.04 C 191.88 466.92 L 189.86 468.72 187.85 471.60 187.78 474.84 C 185.90 477.00 L 186.98 476.21 188.64 474.41 190.44 474.12 C 190.15 475.20 187.85 475.92 187.56 477.43 C 189.50 476.14 191.16 474.41 193.75 474.84 C 192.46 473.26 189.86 473.83 188.28 474.34 C 189.58 471.24 191.95 467.86 195.48 467.14 C 200.81 465.55 204.26 469.51 208.15 471.96 C 207.36 473.11 205.20 474.26 205.34 475.99 C 205.70 478.73 206.28 481.75 208.44 483.26 C 211.39 482.62 211.61 486.00 213.48 487.30 C 211.97 487.30 209.88 486.22 208.15 487.30 C 208.87 487.44 209.66 487.15 210.17 487.51 C 209.16 488.30 207.65 487.73 207.00 489.24 C 209.81 487.94 213.70 489.46 216.58 490.46 C 220.18 494.93 224.06 497.95 229.75 497.59 C 230.76 499.10 231.98 500.83 231.48 502.63 C 229.75 504.36 227.38 505.73 226.44 507.74 C 228.67 507.24 230.04 504.65 232.20 503.86 C 234.94 502.85 238.97 502.06 239.40 498.31 C 240.19 497.59 L 241.99 499.32 243.00 502.34 242.57 504.65 C 243.07 504.79 243.50 504.22 243.50 503.86 C 243.50 501.70 242.78 499.82 241.56 498.10 C 243.50 497.95 246.17 498.53 248.04 497.59 C 248.18 498.74 247.68 500.83 248.54 501.91 C 246.96 502.85 246.89 504.72 246.38 506.23 C 245.95 507.53 248.40 509.11 245.88 509.40 C 243.00 508.61 L 244.58 507.31 246.17 505.51 245.88 503.14 C 245.88 501.91 245.30 500.90 244.44 500.04 C 245.16 501.84 244.15 504.50 243.50 506.52 C 240.70 508.90 237.60 510.62 234.14 511.56 C 230.69 511.85 228.10 508.03 224.78 510.12 C 224.57 509.11 L 221.76 510.05 220.10 512.21 217.37 512.71 C 217.08 513.00 L 218.88 513.50 220.75 513.00 222.34 512.50 C 222.34 515.02 223.20 517.32 224.78 519.26 C 224.35 520.20 223.49 519.05 222.84 519.70 C 221.04 520.42 220.25 521.93 219.46 523.51 C 219.24 525.74 216.29 524.23 215.14 525.74 C 213.19 527.26 213.98 530.50 214.49 532.44 C 215.06 533.52 215.35 535.54 217.08 535.54 C 222.34 534.60 L 221.69 537.55 219.10 540.36 217.37 543.24 C 213.55 538.06 208.44 534.60 206.78 528.62 C 201.96 523.30 L 201.38 526.90 205.99 528.91 206.78 532.22 C 207.58 536.33 211.46 538.06 213.98 541.51 C 209.30 543.31 206.14 539.64 202.18 538.92 C 202.68 540.14 L 206.78 542.30 210.96 544.25 214.99 546.84 C 214.34 547.70 213.84 549.36 212.54 549.22 C 210.38 547.06 L 209.09 547.63 209.59 548.71 210.17 549.72 C 211.10 550.44 211.68 551.81 212.98 551.59 C 211.75 550.22 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 361.37 531.00 380.30 551.59 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 377.64 550.44 m 377.64 549.94 L 377.28 550.01 377.21 549.65 376.99 549.43 C 380.30 547.42 375.34 544.54 379.37 543.02 c 380.30 542.30 378.14 541.94 379.08 541.30 C 378.36 539.86 L 377.35 540.72 376.56 540.72 375.26 540.36 C 376.06 538.06 370.66 535.46 374.98 534.60 C 375.70 534.02 375.77 533.30 375.98 532.66 C 375.26 531.94 L 373.97 532.15 374.90 533.95 373.61 534.10 C 371.45 534.10 369.58 532.15 368.57 531.00 C 367.56 536.04 L 369.00 537.84 371.45 539.50 370.44 542.02 C 369.65 544.46 366.55 545.04 365.18 547.06 C 363.24 547.06 363.60 550.66 361.37 549.43 C 362.95 551.16 L 362.66 549.65 364.68 549.65 364.18 547.99 C 365.54 546.05 367.34 550.01 368.06 547.34 C 369.65 547.13 370.58 545.90 370.15 544.46 C 371.16 543.74 370.94 540.65 373.10 541.80 C 374.98 544.25 379.66 538.70 378.14 543.74 C 374.47 544.75 378.36 547.92 375.77 549.22 C 375.19 549.94 375.70 550.80 376.20 551.45 C 377.21 551.59 377.28 551.02 377.64 550.44 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 290.59 544.61 292.25 549.94 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 291.46 545.62 m 290.59 544.61 L 290.95 546.34 291.74 548.21 291.46 549.94 C 292.25 548.71 292.10 546.84 291.46 545.62 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 390.10 539.64 397.01 549.79 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 397.01 549.43 m 396.29 548.21 396.72 545.90 394.63 545.83 C 394.78 545.40 395.28 545.76 395.57 545.62 C 395.57 545.11 L 394.92 545.11 L 394.42 543.10 393.12 541.44 392.18 539.64 C 393.91 544.46 L 392.83 545.26 392.11 543.82 391.03 543.96 C 391.82 545.04 393.77 544.61 394.42 546.12 C 392.83 547.13 390.53 544.03 390.10 546.12 C 392.40 547.20 394.13 549.79 397.01 549.43 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 137.30 546.62 140.40 549.36 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 139.54 547.06 m 139.10 546.62 138.24 546.91 137.66 546.84 C 137.59 547.20 137.38 547.56 137.38 547.99 C 137.30 549.36 140.40 548.93 139.54 547.06 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 302.98 538.34 314.14 549.14 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 313.78 546.62 m 314.14 544.75 311.47 545.26 310.46 544.25 C 308.59 542.95 308.38 540.50 305.86 540.65 C 305.78 539.42 306.94 539.86 307.58 539.42 C 308.95 539.64 310.46 539.86 311.90 540.14 C 309.74 538.34 306.00 539.42 302.98 539.14 C 303.98 540.36 304.99 541.51 305.86 542.74 C 306.36 542.23 L 307.80 543.82 306.79 546.12 306.36 547.85 C 309.24 547.70 311.69 549.14 313.78 546.62 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 349.78 542.16 357.55 548.86 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 356.26 546.62 m 356.76 546.91 356.47 547.56 356.54 547.99 C 357.19 548.35 357.05 547.63 357.26 547.34 C 357.55 546.41 356.47 546.84 356.26 546.62 C 354.89 545.26 352.15 544.61 351.50 542.52 C 350.50 542.16 350.78 543.24 350.06 543.46 C 349.78 545.90 352.66 546.91 354.17 548.21 C 355.61 548.86 355.90 547.34 356.26 546.62 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 256.46 543.82 270.65 547.85 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 269.64 546.34 m 270.65 544.25 268.06 544.75 267.26 543.96 C 263.45 543.96 259.78 543.82 256.46 544.90 C 260.35 546.62 264.67 547.56 269.14 547.85 C 269.64 546.34 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 317.38 538.56 334.44 549.14 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 327.74 545.40 m 327.96 547.34 L 329.76 546.41 332.86 547.34 333.50 545.11 C 334.44 542.59 331.34 541.80 331.06 539.86 C 331.49 539.42 332.14 539.71 332.78 539.64 C 333.00 539.14 332.35 538.70 332.06 538.63 C 327.10 538.56 323.06 538.85 318.38 539.42 C 318.38 540.14 L 321.19 540.36 324.79 540.79 327.24 539.64 C 328.18 541.22 325.80 541.51 324.86 542.02 C 322.99 543.10 321.05 546.84 318.38 545.11 C 319.25 544.54 318.46 543.82 318.17 543.24 C 317.38 544.82 318.38 546.84 319.75 547.85 C 321.98 547.13 326.45 549.14 327.74 545.40 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 358.78 541.01 365.90 548.21 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 363.96 546.62 m 364.90 545.26 365.76 543.96 365.90 542.23 C 365.26 542.02 365.54 541.01 364.68 541.30 C 363.96 544.25 358.78 544.75 360.36 547.85 C 361.58 548.21 362.88 547.20 363.96 546.62 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 301.61 546.62 303.84 547.85 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 303.77 547.56 m 303.84 547.13 303.48 546.84 303.26 546.62 C 301.61 547.34 L 302.47 547.06 302.90 547.85 303.77 547.56 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 226.08 536.83 232.49 547.06 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 232.49 541.01 m 232.34 539.86 230.69 540.43 230.04 539.42 C 228.67 538.63 228.46 536.83 226.66 537.26 C 227.30 539.14 229.18 540.22 230.76 541.01 C 229.75 542.52 228.96 544.03 227.66 545.40 C 227.66 541.80 L 226.87 543.24 226.08 545.62 227.38 547.06 C 229.68 545.33 229.61 541.51 232.49 541.01 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 298.94 544.82 302.04 546.84 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 302.04 545.40 m 301.10 544.82 300.24 546.41 298.94 545.83 C 299.16 546.84 L 302.04 545.40 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 129.60 528.12 153.65 546.84 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 146.59 545.62 m 147.96 545.40 L 147.74 542.02 153.65 538.13 148.18 535.54 C 147.89 533.52 149.26 530.50 146.09 529.99 C 146.16 531.36 143.64 533.45 146.30 533.81 C 146.59 534.10 146.95 534.46 146.81 534.82 C 144.29 534.53 141.70 532.80 139.54 530.71 C 140.04 529.70 141.05 530.21 140.98 529.06 C 139.25 528.12 137.66 530.64 136.15 531.22 C 135.07 534.31 137.88 535.46 139.39 537.26 C 138.17 537.55 137.16 536.04 135.94 535.54 C 134.78 537.55 134.64 541.15 132.41 542.23 C 131.69 541.30 132.70 540.65 132.55 539.64 C 129.60 540.65 132.26 543.60 132.19 545.62 C 133.85 546.84 135.79 545.54 137.38 544.90 C 146.59 545.62 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 394.92 535.03 402.12 545.62 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 402.12 540.65 m 400.82 540.94 400.10 543.02 399.17 544.25 C 398.30 542.16 396.94 540.36 395.78 538.42 C 397.58 538.34 399.31 536.90 400.10 535.54 C 400.10 535.03 L 398.59 536.33 396.50 536.40 394.92 537.41 C 398.66 544.90 L 398.52 545.62 L 400.97 545.54 401.40 542.52 402.12 540.65 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 477.22 543.02 481.68 545.11 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 481.68 545.11 m 480.67 543.82 478.73 543.82 477.22 543.02 C 477.79 543.46 480.17 544.54 481.68 545.11 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 348.34 534.10 358.49 544.90 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 357.98 544.90 m 355.25 542.95 357.55 537.91 354.17 536.04 C 355.61 535.25 357.34 535.75 358.49 534.10 C 356.18 535.32 352.37 534.82 350.28 534.60 C 351.79 535.25 353.38 536.11 354.38 537.41 C 352.37 538.20 348.34 536.76 348.34 539.64 C 349.27 542.16 350.35 538.99 351.79 538.92 C 355.39 538.63 L 356.18 539.93 355.75 541.73 356.04 543.24 C 354.67 543.31 352.94 542.30 351.94 541.30 C 352.80 543.24 355.68 544.46 357.98 544.90 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 253.80 542.74 261.00 544.25 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 253.80 543.96 m 254.30 544.25 L 261.00 542.74 L 253.80 543.96 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 309.46 541.51 312.55 544.25 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 309.46 541.51 m 312.55 544.25 L 312.55 541.80 L 309.46 541.51 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 318.60 542.02 322.99 543.96 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 318.60 542.02 m 319.61 543.96 L 322.99 542.23 L 318.60 542.02 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 475.99 529.99 495.79 544.46 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 488.52 540.14 m 488.38 538.34 487.58 536.62 487.30 535.32 C 489.02 536.54 490.82 538.42 489.89 540.65 C 488.02 541.80 L 490.03 540.65 495.79 540.72 493.27 536.26 C 492.62 534.02 491.69 531.94 490.39 529.99 C 489.67 531.65 487.37 533.23 487.01 534.82 C 483.70 537.26 477.50 536.54 475.99 541.30 C 478.51 541.94 480.82 544.46 483.41 543.46 C 488.52 540.14 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 297.58 539.14 302.76 544.46 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 302.76 540.79 m 301.39 539.14 L 300.89 540.65 297.58 541.66 298.66 543.74 C 300.96 544.46 301.25 541.51 302.76 540.79 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 356.54 534.46 364.68 543.74 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 363.24 539.42 m 361.87 539.35 361.94 541.44 361.08 542.23 C 360.50 540.65 359.50 538.99 359.21 537.26 C 361.08 535.75 363.24 537.91 364.68 536.54 C 363.24 535.54 L 363.96 534.60 L 362.16 534.46 360.29 536.54 357.77 535.82 C 356.54 537.26 358.78 537.34 358.70 538.63 C 359.28 540.36 360.58 542.02 360.36 543.74 C 362.38 543.31 362.30 540.79 363.24 539.42 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 274.46 538.42 279.29 542.95 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 279.29 540.79 m 278.57 538.42 L 278.50 539.71 276.84 540.43 278.28 541.51 C 277.78 542.02 L 276.26 541.51 276.34 539.86 275.69 538.63 C 275.04 539.14 275.90 540.79 274.46 540.36 C 274.90 541.22 275.40 542.30 276.34 542.74 C 277.70 542.95 279.14 542.23 279.29 540.79 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 294.26 530.50 299.88 542.74 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 298.66 535.03 m 298.94 537.41 L 299.38 537.62 299.88 537.26 299.66 536.76 C 299.09 534.60 298.15 532.66 297.50 530.50 C 297.29 530.50 L 297.14 531.65 297.14 533.30 298.15 534.31 C 297.00 537.05 294.26 538.70 296.06 542.02 C 296.78 542.74 L 297.65 540.22 296.78 537.12 298.66 535.03 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 262.15 542.52 266.54 542.74 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 262.15 542.52 m 262.15 542.74 L 266.54 542.74 L 266.54 542.52 L 262.15 542.52 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 271.80 539.42 272.95 540.79 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 272.95 540.14 m 272.30 539.42 L 271.80 540.79 L 272.16 540.65 272.66 540.65 272.95 540.14 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 378.14 534.31 384.19 541.80 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 384.19 539.42 m 383.98 539.14 383.54 538.99 383.69 538.63 C 382.75 538.99 381.74 539.86 380.74 539.14 C 381.96 537.91 381.38 535.90 382.18 534.60 C 381.46 534.31 L 380.88 536.54 378.14 538.13 380.59 540.36 C 381.89 541.80 382.97 539.71 384.19 539.42 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 232.70 537.91 236.30 539.64 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 236.30 539.64 m 235.37 538.85 234.07 538.13 232.70 537.91 C 233.64 538.99 234.94 539.35 236.30 539.64 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 410.47 537.26 412.42 538.63 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 412.42 537.41 m 410.47 537.26 L 410.69 538.63 L 411.26 538.34 411.91 538.06 412.42 537.41 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 273.46 537.05 274.97 538.42 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 274.97 537.26 m 274.25 537.05 273.89 537.55 273.46 537.91 C 273.96 538.42 L 274.97 537.26 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 247.10 536.62 248.26 537.62 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 248.26 537.26 m 248.26 536.76 L 247.90 536.62 247.10 536.83 247.39 537.41 C 247.68 537.41 248.04 537.62 248.26 537.26 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 410.18 532.44 416.23 536.76 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 416.23 535.32 m 415.58 534.60 414.29 533.59 413.14 533.45 c 410.47 532.44 L 410.18 535.32 L 412.13 535.61 414.79 536.76 416.23 535.32 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 468.50 529.85 480.10 536.04 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 479.59 532.66 m 480.10 531.50 478.80 530.14 477.72 529.85 C 477.22 529.85 L 476.93 531.43 L 477.50 532.15 479.23 531.00 479.09 532.44 C 477.94 533.45 475.92 532.51 474.48 533.16 C 468.50 536.04 L 479.59 532.66 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 418.10 534.60 420.26 535.54 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 420.26 535.54 m 420.26 535.25 419.90 535.03 420.12 534.60 C 418.10 534.60 L 418.68 535.25 419.62 535.25 420.26 535.54 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 422.71 529.85 431.50 535.61 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 430.63 531.94 m 430.20 531.14 431.50 530.50 430.42 529.99 C 428.98 530.86 428.40 532.80 427.03 534.10 C 424.58 531.94 L 427.68 529.85 L 426.31 529.85 423.72 530.50 422.71 531.94 C 424.51 531.50 425.38 533.81 426.53 534.31 C 425.81 535.54 L 427.90 535.61 429.62 533.59 430.63 531.94 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 308.30 523.15 320.98 535.32 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 309.74 533.59 m 310.18 532.22 309.67 530.50 311.18 529.56 C 314.50 529.13 318.24 529.13 320.98 530.71 C 320.26 528.26 317.95 525.10 315.29 523.80 C 312.55 523.15 311.54 525.82 310.18 527.40 C 309.46 529.92 308.30 532.30 308.81 535.32 C 309.74 535.25 309.24 534.10 309.74 533.59 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 447.70 521.42 460.87 534.31 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 460.87 534.31 m 460.87 531.36 457.42 530.50 455.83 528.84 C 457.13 528.70 458.42 530.14 459.72 530.71 C 458.14 529.13 459.50 527.33 456.98 525.96 C 457.27 525.74 L 454.10 523.80 L 456.98 524.02 L 455.33 522.79 452.81 521.42 451.01 522.65 C 451.22 524.16 447.70 526.90 451.01 527.83 C 451.87 529.20 453.31 530.21 454.61 531.00 C 454.03 530.93 455.11 529.85 455.33 529.56 C 457.63 530.50 459.22 532.94 460.87 534.31 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 214.99 520.92 227.09 534.46 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 224.28 531.00 m 222.26 531.79 218.95 532.30 217.08 530.71 C 216.94 530.42 217.15 529.92 217.58 529.99 C 219.10 530.42 217.66 528.41 218.81 528.12 C 220.75 527.26 222.70 524.59 224.78 525.46 C 224.28 527.62 218.30 527.11 221.90 530.21 C 227.09 530.42 223.56 525.02 225.50 522.36 C 223.78 520.92 L 221.76 521.86 222.84 524.81 221.18 525.96 C 219.10 526.32 216.29 525.96 215.35 528.12 C 214.99 529.92 215.14 532.15 216.14 533.59 C 218.59 534.46 221.40 533.30 223.78 532.66 C 224.06 532.15 224.50 531.65 224.28 531.00 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 393.41 526.61 398.81 532.94 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 398.23 530.50 m 398.59 529.20 398.81 527.11 397.01 526.61 C 396.50 526.61 L 396.50 528.05 397.58 529.56 396.50 530.71 C 395.71 531.79 393.41 531.50 393.70 532.94 C 395.42 532.66 396.94 531.79 398.23 530.50 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 142.20 524.02 146.59 532.44 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 146.59 524.74 m 145.80 524.59 145.08 524.02 144.14 524.23 C 142.20 531.22 L 143.86 532.44 L 145.44 530.35 144.58 526.82 146.59 524.74 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 469.73 529.42 474.26 532.66 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 474.26 531.00 m 473.11 530.71 470.66 529.42 469.73 530.71 C 470.59 532.66 473.33 532.30 474.26 531.00 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 298.44 514.80 332.57 532.44 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 332.57 528.62 m 332.57 527.83 L 329.40 529.56 L 328.39 524.95 325.08 519.91 320.26 517.54 C 317.30 515.23 312.70 514.80 308.95 516.10 C 306.50 517.46 302.26 517.90 302.04 521.64 C 302.04 522.43 302.26 523.66 301.10 523.51 C 299.95 524.16 299.45 522.36 298.44 523.30 C 300.10 525.82 302.69 527.26 305.35 527.62 C 302.69 527.26 303.34 523.73 303.26 521.86 C 302.98 518.76 306.50 518.76 308.30 517.54 C 311.54 516.74 315.79 515.81 318.60 518.26 C 322.78 521.14 326.81 525.31 327.46 530.21 C 326.45 530.64 325.30 530.50 324.36 531.22 C 325.30 532.44 327.89 532.15 329.18 531.43 C 330.34 530.71 331.78 529.92 332.57 528.62 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 471.17 531.00 471.89 531.22 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 471.17 531.00 m 471.17 531.22 L 471.89 531.22 L 471.17 531.00 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 244.44 524.02 272.81 531.00 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 272.81 524.02 m 263.09 525.82 252.86 526.61 244.44 531.00 C 253.30 527.26 263.95 527.83 272.81 524.02 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 341.86 516.82 379.80 531.00 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 379.80 530.50 m 369.86 527.90 359.86 525.31 350.28 521.64 C 348.19 518.40 344.95 517.82 341.86 516.82 C 343.80 517.90 345.74 519.26 347.18 520.92 C 357.55 525.31 369.00 527.62 379.80 531.00 C 379.80 530.50 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 322.70 508.61 383.26 529.85 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 381.74 525.46 m 376.85 524.45 371.45 524.52 366.55 523.51 C 359.57 520.70 351.36 520.85 345.46 515.45 C 322.70 508.61 L 330.48 511.92 340.06 514.22 348.55 517.32 C 353.66 523.01 361.66 523.80 368.57 526.25 c 382.68 529.85 L 383.26 528.41 381.67 527.04 381.74 525.46 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 245.16 509.11 306.14 528.62 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 282.17 520.92 m 290.09 516.74 297.94 512.86 306.14 509.11 C 289.58 517.75 269.28 519.84 250.49 524.02 C 245.16 528.62 L 256.90 524.59 269.50 522.72 282.17 520.92 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 406.87 520.63 414.29 528.34 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 411.91 526.46 m 414.00 524.59 412.78 522.65 411.41 520.92 C 411.41 520.63 L 410.90 520.63 L 410.83 522.00 411.98 523.44 409.97 523.80 C 408.53 523.73 408.53 521.50 406.87 521.64 C 408.17 524.52 411.26 527.40 414.29 528.34 C 411.91 526.46 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 177.48 492.55 199.08 528.91 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 196.70 526.90 m 191.88 526.61 L 193.54 524.59 197.14 525.02 198.36 522.36 C 193.10 524.52 L 192.46 523.30 193.68 522.36 194.26 521.42 C 195.19 511.92 196.06 501.91 199.08 493.06 C 197.28 492.55 196.85 495.36 196.20 496.66 C 193.54 505.73 193.75 515.02 191.38 524.23 C 187.06 523.30 179.57 526.82 178.99 519.91 c 177.48 516.60 L 179.86 523.80 L 178.70 523.80 L 178.85 524.74 180.36 524.81 180.86 525.46 C 185.98 526.32 191.30 528.91 196.70 526.90 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 474.12 523.44 480.10 527.62 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 480.10 524.52 m 477.94 525.46 474.98 523.44 474.12 526.25 C 474.98 526.54 476.14 527.62 477.43 527.62 C 480.10 524.52 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 138.89 525.24 141.77 528.26 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 141.77 526.46 m 141.19 525.74 139.90 525.82 139.10 525.24 C 138.89 527.40 L 140.04 527.04 141.48 528.26 141.77 526.46 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 423.43 520.34 433.01 527.54 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 433.01 525.96 m 431.57 524.59 429.19 524.74 427.68 523.01 C 427.39 522.14 428.90 521.64 427.68 520.92 C 426.38 521.14 424.37 520.34 423.72 521.64 C 423.43 523.80 424.73 526.03 426.82 526.61 C 428.69 527.54 431.42 527.26 433.01 525.96 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 139.10 523.66 142.20 525.96 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 142.20 524.23 m 141.19 524.16 140.26 523.66 139.10 523.80 C 139.75 524.30 141.77 525.96 142.20 524.23 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 351.00 516.82 383.90 524.02 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 383.90 524.02 m 382.90 522.22 382.18 520.20 381.46 518.26 C 371.59 521.64 360.94 517.10 351.00 516.82 C 356.76 519.70 363.17 520.85 369.50 522.36 c 374.47 522.50 378.94 523.80 383.90 524.02 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 433.30 521.64 433.73 524.02 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 433.51 524.02 m 433.73 524.02 L 433.51 521.64 L 433.30 521.64 L 433.51 524.02 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 237.96 516.31 268.49 523.80 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 268.49 519.05 m 259.06 516.31 248.40 520.06 237.96 520.20 C 243.29 523.80 L 251.64 522.22 260.35 521.35 268.49 519.05 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 434.88 522.79 435.53 523.80 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 435.38 523.51 m 435.53 523.22 435.10 523.01 434.88 522.79 C 434.88 523.80 L 435.17 523.80 435.31 523.66 435.38 523.51 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 434.66 518.54 442.08 523.80 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 442.08 520.20 m 440.71 521.64 L 439.20 520.34 436.61 519.84 434.66 518.54 C 434.81 520.06 436.03 522.50 438.12 523.30 C 439.49 523.80 L 439.63 522.22 442.01 522.14 442.08 520.20 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 433.87 510.91 447.41 523.51 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 446.47 520.20 m 446.62 518.33 447.41 515.59 445.68 514.22 C 443.66 510.91 439.70 511.34 436.61 511.99 C 435.31 513.14 433.87 514.73 434.52 516.82 C 436.97 517.46 438.70 514.73 440.71 515.59 C 439.70 516.60 438.48 518.11 436.90 518.26 C 440.50 520.42 L 441.72 520.34 440.78 517.75 442.37 518.76 C 442.37 519.41 L 443.23 518.54 443.66 517.25 445.03 517.03 C 445.82 519.26 443.66 521.42 443.09 523.51 C 444.53 523.15 446.11 521.64 446.47 520.20 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 137.38 502.56 148.46 523.51 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 142.70 523.01 m 145.37 517.46 146.16 511.13 148.46 505.30 C 143.50 502.56 144.00 508.90 142.70 511.34 C 142.70 511.85 L 145.08 511.99 L 144.58 513.50 145.15 515.74 143.64 516.60 C 141.77 516.82 L 142.78 518.90 137.38 523.51 142.70 523.01 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 429.26 521.14 431.78 522.43 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 431.57 521.42 m 429.41 521.14 L 429.26 522.22 430.70 521.93 431.28 522.36 C 431.78 522.43 431.50 521.71 431.57 521.42 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 179.86 489.31 190.44 520.92 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 189.94 492.84 m 189.65 491.62 190.44 490.90 190.15 489.74 C 186.98 489.31 188.50 493.06 187.06 494.50 c 182.88 501.41 180.50 509.76 179.86 518.54 C 180.86 520.92 L 181.94 510.70 184.75 501.26 189.94 492.84 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 168.55 465.55 185.18 520.20 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 169.78 518.76 m 173.16 510.41 172.94 500.76 175.54 492.12 C 177.48 490.03 180.58 488.59 181.37 485.86 C 180.29 486.65 179.35 487.51 178.20 488.02 C 179.78 480.60 181.37 472.75 185.18 465.91 C 184.97 465.55 184.54 465.84 184.18 465.70 C 180.00 472.82 177.98 480.82 176.76 489.24 C 173.66 492.62 L 171.58 501.62 171.00 511.34 168.55 520.20 C 169.78 518.76 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 430.63 520.20 432.07 520.42 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 430.63 520.20 m 430.63 520.42 L 432.07 520.42 L 432.07 520.20 L 430.63 520.20 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 288.86 516.60 293.90 519.05 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 293.90 516.60 m 288.86 519.05 L 293.18 517.32 L 293.90 516.60 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 355.75 510.84 385.34 518.33 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 385.34 515.81 m 384.84 510.84 L 375.55 513.65 365.98 515.23 355.75 515.81 C 363.38 516.24 370.66 518.33 378.14 517.54 c 385.34 515.81 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 139.39 511.85 141.26 516.31 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 141.26 511.85 m 139.90 512.64 139.97 514.80 139.39 516.31 C 140.04 516.31 L 141.26 511.85 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 141.55 512.35 143.35 516.02 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 143.35 513.43 m 143.35 513.00 L 141.77 512.35 141.55 514.73 141.77 515.59 C 142.99 516.02 143.21 514.30 143.35 513.43 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 308.59 509.40 321.77 515.16 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 321.77 515.16 m 319.97 512.14 316.15 511.34 313.34 509.40 C 311.26 509.54 310.10 512.21 308.59 513.00 C 311.04 513.43 313.78 511.34 316.44 512.71 C 318.24 513.43 319.90 514.66 321.77 515.16 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 460.87 503.42 496.51 514.66 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 495.72 511.34 m 496.51 508.54 495.22 506.02 494.93 503.42 C 494.93 506.74 495.29 510.62 492.77 512.50 C 483.62 512.42 475.27 510.05 466.92 508.25 C 461.30 508.61 L 461.38 509.04 460.87 509.26 461.09 509.62 C 466.70 507.96 471.38 511.63 476.71 511.99 c 482.40 512.86 488.23 514.66 494.21 513.22 C 495.72 511.34 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 253.37 508.10 256.68 513.00 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 255.74 512.71 m 255.74 510.84 L 255.96 511.42 255.38 511.85 255.24 512.21 C 253.94 511.85 254.59 510.84 254.81 509.83 C 255.74 508.90 L 256.10 509.04 255.96 509.33 255.96 509.62 C 256.18 509.11 256.46 508.61 256.68 508.25 C 255.46 508.10 254.38 509.11 253.80 510.12 C 253.58 511.13 253.37 512.64 254.81 513.00 C 255.17 513.00 255.24 512.64 255.74 512.71 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 139.39 504.94 143.21 511.56 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 140.98 510.84 m 141.48 510.84 L 142.06 509.04 142.78 507.24 143.21 505.30 C 140.47 504.94 140.54 509.40 139.39 511.56 C 139.46 510.91 140.40 510.26 140.98 510.84 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 184.46 487.44 221.18 511.92 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 221.18 509.83 m 216.07 510.12 209.81 511.06 207.00 506.02 C 205.06 501.55 204.77 496.22 201.24 492.62 C 202.54 492.12 204.41 493.42 205.34 493.34 C 202.39 491.33 198.79 490.61 196.20 488.23 C 192.24 487.44 187.70 487.66 184.46 489.96 C 186.55 489.74 189.36 488.52 192.17 488.52 C 195.41 489.53 198.29 491.33 201.46 492.34 C 199.80 492.62 L 202.25 497.16 203.18 502.20 205.06 507.02 C 207.79 511.92 214.06 511.56 218.81 511.06 C 219.60 510.62 220.46 510.55 221.18 509.83 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 449.57 502.42 456.62 510.12 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 454.10 508.61 m 456.62 506.74 454.18 504.43 453.38 502.42 C 452.88 502.42 L 451.80 504.36 454.61 505.73 452.23 507.24 C 449.57 505.30 L 450.50 507.60 453.60 510.05 456.48 510.12 C 454.10 508.61 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 247.75 501.70 257.40 507.74 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 254.30 504.36 m 254.88 503.50 255.67 503.14 256.46 502.63 C 256.68 506.02 L 257.40 506.02 L 257.40 502.42 L 254.30 502.99 249.19 501.70 247.75 505.51 C 248.54 507.74 L 250.49 506.74 254.81 507.74 254.30 504.36 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 392.47 499.03 396.07 507.46 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 395.78 499.03 m 395.14 499.03 L 394.13 501.41 394.27 504.22 392.47 506.23 C 392.98 507.46 394.78 506.81 396.07 507.02 C 395.78 499.03 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 255.24 504.36 255.74 506.16 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 255.74 505.30 m 255.74 504.36 L 255.24 506.02 L 255.67 506.16 255.74 505.66 255.74 505.30 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 427.54 497.45 437.11 508.46 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 437.11 504.79 m 434.66 502.63 432.50 499.82 430.13 497.45 C 429.26 497.95 428.62 498.60 427.54 498.31 C 430.92 500.40 432.07 508.46 437.11 504.79 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 429.70 491.11 458.93 505.30 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 445.68 501.70 m 448.20 500.33 450.29 497.81 452.88 496.66 C 452.88 497.81 L 455.33 497.52 457.63 498.31 458.50 495.22 C 458.93 492.84 L 456.12 491.11 454.90 494.64 452.66 495.22 C 448.42 497.23 442.58 493.06 439.49 497.81 C 439.99 498.53 440.42 499.32 440.50 500.26 C 437.18 498.74 433.80 492.34 429.70 495.72 C 430.20 496.51 430.20 495.79 430.92 495.72 C 431.78 495.79 433.58 495.36 434.52 496.22 C 434.59 496.94 433.80 497.16 433.51 497.59 C 431.57 497.45 L 439.49 505.30 L 442.37 505.30 443.09 500.40 445.68 501.70 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 382.68 492.84 392.69 503.42 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 391.97 498.10 m 391.54 498.10 L 391.18 498.60 391.97 499.82 391.03 500.26 C 389.30 499.32 387.58 498.46 386.06 496.94 C 387.14 496.15 388.22 494.42 389.59 495.00 C 389.88 494.71 389.88 494.21 390.31 493.99 C 389.38 492.84 387.50 494.14 386.28 494.71 C 384.70 495.79 383.18 497.81 382.68 499.82 C 385.20 493.99 387.94 501.34 391.03 501.05 C 391.03 503.42 L 391.68 502.06 392.69 500.04 391.97 498.10 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 248.69 497.02 256.75 501.41 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 253.08 501.05 m 253.08 499.82 253.58 498.82 254.59 498.10 C 255.89 498.02 255.24 498.46 255.74 499.32 C 255.60 499.75 255.38 500.04 255.46 500.54 C 256.68 500.54 L 256.75 499.46 256.75 498.10 255.74 497.59 C 253.66 498.46 250.70 497.02 248.98 498.82 C 248.69 499.90 249.48 500.62 249.77 501.41 C 250.85 501.34 251.86 500.83 253.08 501.05 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 363.67 490.90 377.21 501.26 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 376.49 500.04 m 376.78 496.80 377.21 493.06 374.26 490.90 C 364.46 491.40 L 363.67 492.62 363.74 494.64 364.68 495.72 C 367.85 498.24 372.38 497.52 375.48 500.04 C 374.54 500.76 L 375.19 501.26 376.27 500.90 376.49 500.04 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 254.59 499.03 254.95 500.54 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 254.59 500.54 m 254.81 500.54 L 254.95 499.10 L 254.81 499.03 L 254.59 500.54 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 230.98 496.73 238.46 500.26 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 238.46 497.59 m 235.87 496.73 233.64 498.31 230.98 498.10 C 233.86 500.26 L 235.66 499.90 236.95 498.53 238.46 497.59 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 204.19 346.25 316.44 498.60 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 314.28 467.86 m 311.76 454.32 315.50 436.82 311.18 423.72 c 310.18 417.24 L 301.39 419.54 292.75 421.42 283.39 423.00 C 287.28 409.25 293.90 395.93 301.10 383.11 c 301.25 381.60 302.54 380.52 302.54 378.86 C 300.60 380.74 L 299.59 375.41 304.78 371.52 307.08 367.06 C 306.36 363.46 L 308.30 363.82 310.68 364.82 312.84 364.39 C 313.20 367.06 311.40 369.43 311.69 372.31 C 312.55 368.35 316.44 364.54 314.28 360.14 C 311.26 357.70 311.04 353.30 310.97 350.06 C 309.24 351.22 L 296.06 347.76 283.25 351.86 269.14 350.50 C 263.95 354.10 257.98 349.85 251.86 350.50 c 240.34 351.36 229.39 349.34 218.59 347.62 C 218.30 346.61 L 207.00 346.25 L 205.85 346.39 205.20 347.90 204.19 348.34 C 204.84 349.06 206.06 348.26 206.78 347.62 C 212.54 349.06 L 212.76 348.41 211.90 348.34 211.61 348.12 C 211.39 347.83 L 216.58 347.62 L 218.09 351.00 L 219.10 346.61 223.34 351.00 225.94 351.00 C 226.08 350.64 225.65 350.50 225.50 350.21 C 234.50 350.71 243.00 352.30 252.36 351.72 C 250.85 354.82 243.29 354.82 244.94 360.36 C 245.88 363.53 248.76 365.33 251.86 365.83 C 251.14 366.70 251.14 368.50 251.86 369.43 C 256.68 374.04 L 253.30 374.04 250.78 370.51 247.61 369.22 C 247.39 369.43 L 247.97 370.44 248.40 370.94 249.26 371.81 C 248.40 372.24 246.60 370.01 246.17 371.81 C 250.49 375.05 255.60 376.56 261.00 376.92 C 256.46 378.14 251.86 375.70 247.39 376.20 C 251.06 377.93 255.46 377.86 259.78 378.14 C 257.69 379.51 254.88 379.22 252.58 380.23 C 254.66 381.10 257.04 379.94 259.06 379.30 C 262.30 380.45 266.26 379.73 268.70 382.61 C 266.47 385.06 262.08 384.19 260.28 387.22 C 263.95 386.93 267.19 385.20 270.14 383.11 C 270.14 382.46 L 266.69 378.50 259.56 377.06 259.56 370.94 C 265.68 367.56 257.40 364.75 258.34 360.86 C 257.18 361.80 257.04 364.03 254.95 364.25 C 251.86 364.39 247.46 365.33 246.17 361.51 C 245.38 360.50 245.38 358.56 246.17 357.41 C 248.18 354.82 252.07 355.54 253.58 352.66 C 256.61 351.14 259.06 353.52 262.15 353.16 C 262.94 353.74 262.66 354.74 262.94 355.54 C 260.64 356.62 257.54 358.92 255.24 357.05 C 254.59 356.26 L 257.18 353.81 L 254.66 354.24 252.50 356.54 251.64 358.42 C 250.99 358.20 250.56 357.41 249.77 357.70 C 249.34 359.35 252.00 359.42 253.08 360.36 C 254.16 360.43 255.38 361.22 256.46 360.65 C 254.81 359.86 L 258.77 357.70 264.46 357.41 267.26 352.94 C 272.88 351.86 280.37 351.86 286.20 352.94 C 284.40 353.81 282.38 355.32 281.38 357.19 C 283.61 356.90 284.98 354.96 286.99 354.10 C 289.94 354.02 294.19 353.59 295.56 357.19 C 295.85 359.42 293.69 361.51 291.96 362.74 C 285.19 363.96 280.15 359.42 273.74 358.92 C 270.65 361.01 268.20 364.25 265.75 367.06 C 265.25 366.70 264.60 366.84 264.17 366.12 C 263.66 364.75 266.40 363.60 264.38 362.74 C 262.94 363.31 262.94 365.33 262.66 366.84 C 268.70 370.44 L 263.88 367.06 271.37 364.61 272.30 361.51 c 273.96 360.14 L 279.07 362.02 283.97 364.54 290.09 364.25 C 294.48 365.62 292.46 371.02 293.69 374.54 C 293.40 378.22 289.15 379.73 286.49 381.24 C 284.90 379.22 284.76 376.56 282.60 375.05 C 280.08 375.62 277.49 377.71 276.19 380.02 C 278.64 381.10 282.24 379.66 284.26 382.25 C 286.49 387.22 288.58 395.21 284.26 399.96 C 283.10 400.90 281.95 401.90 280.44 402.12 C 276.70 396.00 274.39 389.30 271.37 382.90 C 271.66 385.92 273.38 389.52 274.68 392.76 c 278.78 402.62 L 280.08 404.06 282.10 402.91 283.61 402.62 C 285.77 400.61 L 286.70 401.33 285.84 402.70 286.49 403.56 C 288.29 398.52 291.67 394.20 292.68 388.94 C 293.54 387.36 294.77 385.56 294.55 383.83 C 293.69 383.90 293.54 385.20 292.97 385.85 C 291.96 383.83 294.70 382.46 293.90 380.52 C 293.26 380.59 292.97 381.31 292.46 381.74 C 289.58 378.94 294.84 378.36 295.06 375.91 C 296.35 372.10 294.05 368.50 293.90 364.61 C 293.18 363.96 L 293.76 362.45 295.34 361.44 296.57 360.14 C 300.46 361.30 304.78 360.36 307.58 357.19 C 310.75 355.90 311.18 360.14 312.55 361.80 C 313.06 362.45 312.77 363.46 312.84 364.25 C 307.58 362.23 L 308.88 361.66 310.75 361.66 311.40 360.65 C 308.59 361.01 304.85 360.65 302.04 361.80 C 301.39 365.33 302.18 369.14 302.26 372.31 C 300.46 375.05 297.07 378.14 298.44 381.74 C 299.38 382.61 298.80 384.05 298.15 384.84 C 290.16 396.36 285.77 409.82 281.66 423.22 C 274.39 426.10 266.47 424.22 259.56 426.82 C 255.24 429.19 249.26 429.05 246.38 433.30 C 247.18 434.74 247.39 439.06 250.20 436.90 C 260.57 427.82 L 277.20 426.24 293.47 423.65 308.81 418.90 C 314.35 435.24 309.74 453.96 313.56 471.02 C 312.84 480.24 312.84 489.46 313.56 498.60 C 313.49 488.74 313.70 477.36 314.28 467.86 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 423.22 496.66 424.87 497.45 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 424.87 496.94 m 423.22 496.66 L 423.72 496.94 424.30 497.45 424.87 496.94 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 427.32 496.94 428.69 497.23 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 428.69 496.94 m 427.32 496.94 L 427.61 497.23 428.40 497.23 428.69 496.94 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 241.06 489.74 249.26 498.74 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 249.26 494.50 m 249.19 492.41 247.90 490.10 245.66 489.74 C 245.16 489.74 L 245.30 490.10 245.45 490.46 245.38 490.90 C 244.94 491.62 244.37 490.32 243.94 491.40 C 244.94 491.76 245.66 492.41 246.60 492.84 C 246.46 493.63 245.30 494.21 244.66 493.34 C 244.15 492.84 L 241.06 496.44 L 243.58 496.51 249.05 498.74 249.26 494.50 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 246.89 482.76 253.58 496.66 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 253.58 482.76 m 246.89 488.23 L 248.69 488.59 249.34 490.61 250.70 491.83 C 251.35 493.63 250.56 495.22 249.77 496.66 C 251.35 496.22 L 253.58 482.76 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 427.68 478.44 459.07 496.66 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 445.97 493.06 m 448.27 493.99 450.58 493.70 452.88 493.85 C 455.47 490.82 459.07 487.30 457.27 483.05 C 456.48 481.32 455.11 479.95 453.89 478.44 C 453.17 482.40 451.22 487.01 447.19 488.52 C 447.26 488.74 447.77 488.95 447.70 489.24 C 446.11 489.24 444.17 488.52 442.58 487.80 C 444.31 490.25 L 443.23 490.25 442.08 488.81 441.22 488.02 C 429.41 489.96 L 427.68 491.04 429.48 492.34 429.70 493.56 C 430.92 492.84 432.50 492.26 434.02 492.84 C 438.48 496.66 L 440.57 494.42 442.87 492.12 445.97 493.06 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 222.84 486.22 238.18 496.44 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 231.77 496.22 m 230.90 495.00 229.68 493.92 229.75 492.34 C 230.76 492.55 231.34 494.35 232.49 495.22 C 235.37 491.40 L 233.64 491.33 231.98 490.54 230.26 491.11 C 229.75 490.61 L 230.76 489.96 L 229.61 488.74 L 232.06 488.02 234.58 490.10 237.46 489.74 C 237.74 490.03 238.18 490.25 237.96 490.61 C 235.66 491.40 235.08 494.21 233.64 495.94 C 235.15 496.44 237.24 495.50 238.18 493.99 C 237.96 488.74 L 234.50 486.22 229.68 486.36 225.79 487.80 C 223.56 489.53 222.84 492.12 223.56 494.71 C 224.78 495.22 225.94 495.79 227.38 495.94 C 226.80 494.64 225.65 493.85 224.57 492.62 C 227.81 490.75 228.74 495.79 231.77 496.22 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 238.68 494.71 239.69 495.94 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 239.69 495.94 m 239.54 495.50 239.40 495.22 239.40 494.71 C 238.68 495.94 L 239.69 495.94 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 365.40 492.12 369.00 495.72 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 368.78 494.50 m 369.00 493.06 367.70 492.55 366.55 492.12 C 365.90 492.12 L 365.54 493.42 365.40 494.50 366.19 495.72 C 366.84 495.72 368.50 495.72 368.78 494.50 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 420.98 494.21 424.87 496.44 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 424.87 495.00 m 424.22 494.21 422.28 494.42 421.27 494.71 C 420.98 495.00 L 422.21 495.36 424.30 496.44 424.87 495.00 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 426.10 494.35 429.19 496.15 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 429.19 495.43 m 428.11 494.86 427.18 494.35 426.10 495.22 C 427.10 495.36 428.11 496.15 429.19 495.43 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 239.54 492.05 242.78 495.22 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 242.78 492.62 m 241.49 492.05 239.54 493.20 240.34 495.22 C 242.78 492.62 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 366.84 493.34 367.85 494.86 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 367.56 494.50 m 367.85 493.92 367.06 493.70 366.84 493.34 C 367.06 494.71 L 367.27 494.86 367.49 494.64 367.56 494.50 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 426.10 492.84 426.82 493.56 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 426.82 492.84 m 426.10 493.56 L 426.82 493.34 L 426.82 492.84 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 218.81 489.96 221.69 493.34 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 218.81 489.96 m 221.69 493.34 L 221.69 492.34 L 218.81 489.96 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 206.28 463.03 252.58 492.12 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 243.50 489.74 m 244.15 488.16 242.50 486.50 241.06 485.86 C 240.19 485.64 239.69 486.43 238.68 486.14 C 238.18 484.70 239.76 483.55 240.84 482.76 C 242.35 482.62 244.08 483.62 244.15 485.14 C 244.66 487.80 L 247.61 485.50 252.50 483.34 252.58 479.45 C 248.98 473.90 244.37 467.93 237.74 466.63 C 231.26 467.42 226.15 472.03 219.24 471.02 C 219.46 470.30 220.18 469.80 220.97 470.02 C 218.66 468.72 215.86 468.00 213.77 465.91 C 213.77 465.05 214.78 463.90 213.77 463.03 C 211.90 463.03 210.74 464.76 209.38 465.91 C 209.81 467.14 210.96 467.93 211.39 469.01 C 212.47 468.94 214.49 468.22 215.64 469.80 C 215.50 471.82 220.18 472.75 217.58 474.12 C 215.78 473.76 213.98 471.10 212.04 473.11 C 209.88 472.90 208.87 473.33 207.29 474.62 C 206.28 476.50 207.07 478.94 207.50 480.82 C 209.30 483.12 212.18 482.54 214.99 482.26 C 216.07 483.70 218.95 485.42 218.09 487.30 C 216.29 486.79 214.85 484.34 212.76 483.91 C 214.20 486.50 218.95 488.16 221.69 491.11 C 222.26 489.24 223.85 487.30 225.79 486.36 C 229.90 484.06 235.44 485.35 238.97 488.02 C 240.05 489.10 239.76 490.75 240.19 492.12 C 241.34 491.62 243.14 491.33 243.50 489.74 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 403.70 480.82 411.91 490.90 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 409.32 488.74 m 409.32 487.51 411.12 486.43 410.47 484.63 C 407.81 480.82 L 406.37 481.25 407.52 482.76 407.81 483.41 C 408.53 484.20 L 406.58 486.14 L 405.72 485.21 405.29 483.55 403.70 483.41 C 404.57 486.65 408.38 490.25 411.91 490.90 C 409.32 488.74 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 364.25 481.54 382.18 490.46 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 377.64 485.42 m 378.79 485.42 379.15 486.79 379.37 487.51 C 382.18 486.14 L 381.46 484.56 380.30 483.05 379.37 481.54 C 378.94 482.54 380.09 483.12 378.86 483.70 C 374.98 485.93 369.94 482.83 365.90 484.92 C 364.25 485.42 364.90 487.94 365.40 489.02 C 365.76 489.02 365.47 489.60 365.90 489.46 C 366.55 489.46 L 367.49 488.23 365.40 485.93 367.78 485.42 C 368.86 485.71 369.86 486.94 370.44 487.80 C 369.79 489.46 L 371.66 489.02 373.39 490.46 374.98 489.24 C 376.49 490.46 L 378.00 489.46 377.57 486.94 377.64 485.42 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 464.69 479.81 471.38 489.74 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 470.88 488.74 m 471.38 489.24 L 471.10 486.22 469.51 482.83 468.07 479.81 C 467.28 483.12 466.78 486.79 464.69 489.74 C 466.70 489.10 468.79 487.44 470.88 488.74 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 367.78 486.79 369.36 489.31 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 369.00 488.74 m 369.36 487.80 368.21 487.44 367.78 486.79 C 367.78 489.24 L 368.28 489.31 368.78 489.10 369.00 488.74 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 182.95 481.75 202.46 488.74 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 201.24 484.42 m 201.46 484.85 202.10 484.63 202.46 484.63 C 198.14 482.40 192.10 481.75 187.56 483.91 C 185.76 484.85 183.46 486.72 182.95 488.74 C 187.27 483.05 195.05 482.62 201.24 484.42 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 445.03 477.22 452.23 488.16 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 451.51 481.82 m 451.73 480.24 452.02 478.73 452.23 477.22 C 452.09 480.53 449.28 485.86 445.03 487.30 C 446.83 488.16 448.13 486.00 449.57 485.42 C 451.51 481.82 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 442.08 479.59 449.78 487.44 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 449.28 481.03 m 449.78 479.59 L 447.91 482.04 445.18 484.70 442.08 485.42 C 443.23 487.44 445.32 485.21 446.69 484.92 C 449.28 481.03 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 433.01 467.14 449.50 484.63 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 448.63 478.94 m 449.21 477.36 449.50 475.42 449.28 473.83 C 442.08 467.14 L 441.94 470.74 440.21 473.76 438.12 476.50 C 436.68 477.94 434.81 478.15 433.01 478.66 C 435.31 481.25 437.83 483.12 440.71 484.63 C 443.66 483.55 446.90 482.04 448.63 478.94 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 215.64 480.82 218.95 484.42 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 218.30 484.42 m 218.38 484.13 217.94 483.91 217.80 483.70 C 218.95 483.41 L 218.45 482.33 217.08 481.46 215.86 480.82 C 216.14 482.04 L 215.64 482.04 L 215.78 482.83 217.15 483.91 218.30 484.42 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 189.00 479.23 203.18 484.20 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 203.18 484.20 m 202.39 482.62 200.66 482.04 199.37 481.32 C 200.81 480.46 201.74 482.04 203.18 481.82 C 200.45 479.45 195.77 479.23 192.17 480.10 C 189.00 481.82 L 193.68 481.25 199.30 481.46 203.18 484.20 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 366.34 477.00 377.78 484.13 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 377.64 483.05 m 377.78 481.46 377.28 479.59 376.49 478.44 C 373.39 478.01 369.79 477.00 366.84 478.44 C 366.34 479.81 366.55 481.82 367.56 482.76 C 367.99 481.46 366.55 479.52 368.78 478.94 C 369.86 479.23 370.30 479.95 370.94 480.82 C 371.16 482.54 L 373.18 482.54 374.98 481.54 376.70 481.54 C 376.34 482.62 375.19 482.62 374.54 483.26 C 375.70 482.83 376.78 484.13 377.64 483.05 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 369.00 480.82 369.65 482.54 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 369.50 482.54 m 369.65 481.82 369.29 481.32 369.00 480.82 C 369.00 482.54 L 369.50 482.54 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 227.66 471.46 250.49 482.62 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 250.49 481.03 m 248.26 480.24 245.38 479.16 243.94 477.00 C 244.66 475.85 246.24 474.91 245.66 473.11 C 243.29 471.46 239.54 471.46 236.81 472.25 C 236.16 474.26 235.30 476.42 233.35 477.72 C 227.66 478.22 L 228.38 479.16 229.46 479.81 230.76 479.81 C 230.26 478.15 232.34 479.45 232.99 478.66 C 236.45 478.73 238.46 482.62 242.57 481.54 c 244.30 482.62 246.38 481.54 248.26 481.54 C 248.26 482.26 L 249.19 482.11 250.20 482.04 250.49 481.03 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 208.94 474.91 215.78 481.61 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 215.64 477.22 m 215.78 476.64 215.50 476.14 214.99 475.99 C 212.04 475.99 214.06 481.61 210.89 479.16 C 211.10 477.65 211.39 476.21 212.26 475.06 C 211.10 474.91 209.66 476.35 208.94 477.43 C 209.38 478.73 211.68 480.31 210.17 481.32 C 212.54 481.46 214.49 479.02 215.64 477.22 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 365.54 420.62 443.59 481.32 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 412.13 479.59 m 413.50 476.21 408.89 475.92 409.32 472.90 C 411.19 472.46 413.71 474.91 415.51 472.61 C 416.38 471.02 417.53 469.51 417.89 467.64 C 415.37 468.00 415.80 471.96 413.14 472.46 C 411.48 472.46 409.32 471.53 409.03 470.52 C 410.47 468.94 412.42 470.59 413.78 469.01 C 411.77 464.90 407.38 462.02 403.27 461.81 C 401.69 462.74 401.69 464.54 401.11 465.91 C 400.10 464.83 399.10 463.32 399.17 461.59 C 403.49 457.99 L 406.73 458.64 409.68 459.65 412.63 460.94 C 408.82 459.43 407.38 455.26 403.70 453.46 C 402.19 453.53 401.33 455.04 400.90 456.34 C 401.62 459.43 396.79 460.51 398.23 463.54 C 398.88 464.33 398.81 465.41 399.67 466.20 C 398.88 466.85 398.02 467.21 397.01 467.42 C 393.48 460.01 397.73 452.23 402.98 446.76 C 408.67 440.42 417.60 439.85 425.30 440.71 C 432.43 441.79 438.19 446.62 443.59 451.30 C 439.70 444.82 433.73 440.42 426.31 439.34 C 428.90 438.34 432.79 437.90 435.89 436.90 C 435.17 436.46 L 426.89 437.76 418.61 438.62 410.47 440.21 C 408.82 440.35 407.88 438.34 406.58 437.40 C 408.38 436.46 409.68 434.23 409.03 432.14 C 407.52 428.26 405.72 424.30 402.48 421.06 C 398.88 420.62 395.71 421.56 393.41 423.94 C 394.20 426.82 391.39 427.46 389.81 429.05 C 386.28 425.23 381.46 427.82 377.64 429.41 C 375.70 429.70 374.69 433.01 372.38 431.86 C 371.16 430.42 370.80 428.40 369.94 427.03 C 369.58 428.62 370.08 430.34 370.94 431.64 C 370.08 432.14 369.65 432.50 369.29 433.30 C 368.78 434.52 370.37 436.03 368.78 436.61 C 367.78 436.46 L 367.27 437.90 367.78 439.63 368.28 441.00 C 368.06 439.92 368.28 437.11 370.44 437.40 C 373.90 437.33 377.64 434.30 380.74 437.11 C 381.96 440.50 384.77 441.65 387.94 442.44 C 387.50 443.59 L 388.80 443.95 390.31 443.23 391.54 442.44 C 391.54 441.94 L 388.87 443.16 387.07 441.00 385.06 440.06 C 383.69 437.83 L 386.78 436.54 390.02 434.52 393.41 433.30 C 394.70 435.53 394.27 439.70 398.23 439.06 C 400.03 439.70 401.83 437.33 402.77 439.56 C 402.41 440.42 401.90 441.50 400.90 441.94 C 400.18 441.65 399.10 441.65 398.52 441.94 C 400.03 443.02 402.26 442.94 404.50 442.94 C 403.92 443.74 402.26 445.61 400.90 446.26 C 399.82 445.90 398.30 445.03 397.30 446.04 C 398.52 446.76 L 397.08 447.70 396.00 449.14 394.42 449.64 C 394.42 448.63 L 389.38 451.01 393.48 457.92 388.08 459.94 c 387.58 460.01 387.50 460.66 387.50 461.16 C 388.08 461.30 388.58 461.81 389.30 461.59 C 389.59 461.02 390.17 460.44 390.82 460.22 C 391.68 460.51 391.10 461.45 391.32 462.10 C 389.09 462.74 386.28 462.24 384.34 460.66 C 382.61 460.80 381.67 460.73 380.09 461.16 C 379.44 459.36 378.29 457.34 375.98 458.50 C 372.96 459.43 369.94 459.00 367.78 457.06 C 368.64 452.45 372.89 448.70 377.21 447.26 C 377.35 446.54 L 375.84 445.82 373.61 445.46 371.88 446.26 C 369.79 449.21 368.28 451.73 366.84 455.11 C 365.54 458.42 369.07 458.71 370.66 459.94 C 371.74 462.96 372.24 466.20 374.26 468.79 C 374.98 471.31 372.67 473.11 372.60 475.56 C 374.90 475.70 375.05 472.61 375.98 471.02 C 379.30 467.21 384.55 467.42 388.58 466.20 C 393.91 467.71 398.88 469.94 404.50 470.74 C 402.70 470.30 401.98 468.79 401.33 467.42 C 402.91 466.06 405.29 466.06 406.37 464.04 C 408.17 464.76 409.82 465.70 411.41 466.92 C 410.18 469.01 405.79 470.30 407.81 473.40 C 407.38 475.63 404.93 474.91 403.70 476.50 C 405.79 477.22 409.90 475.85 410.90 478.66 C 410.90 481.32 L 411.62 481.25 411.98 480.31 412.13 479.59 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 197.64 477.43 204.19 480.82 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 204.19 480.82 m 204.05 479.30 202.25 478.66 201.24 477.94 C 200.09 477.43 198.65 477.94 197.64 478.44 C 199.58 478.15 202.10 479.74 204.19 480.82 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 236.59 474.70 245.16 480.82 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 245.16 480.82 m 244.15 479.45 243.36 477.94 243.00 476.21 C 240.34 476.42 237.60 474.70 236.59 477.72 C 237.17 478.80 238.97 479.30 240.19 480.10 C 241.99 480.02 243.65 480.24 245.16 480.82 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 193.54 474.26 203.69 478.22 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 203.69 478.22 m 200.95 476.35 197.28 474.26 193.54 475.85 C 196.99 475.34 200.66 476.50 203.69 478.22 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 238.18 473.40 240.34 474.84 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 240.34 473.62 m 238.18 473.40 L 238.18 474.34 L 238.97 474.12 240.26 474.84 240.34 473.62 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 115.49 347.33 169.56 475.70 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 167.40 470.02 m 164.59 468.65 162.07 466.06 159.98 463.54 C 159.26 463.54 L 160.85 465.55 162.50 468.22 164.95 469.30 C 161.14 471.82 156.10 472.61 151.78 470.52 C 147.96 467.42 140.69 463.90 142.49 457.85 c 144.58 442.66 L 144.14 442.22 L 143.21 443.95 143.21 446.54 142.20 448.42 C 135.79 430.63 122.04 415.73 118.94 396.65 C 117.65 384.84 122.18 374.83 120.60 363.46 C 121.18 362.16 121.39 360.65 122.26 359.42 C 125.21 360.43 128.59 360.43 131.90 360.36 C 129.60 359.93 126.94 360.22 124.99 359.14 C 127.37 357.41 130.54 355.32 133.56 357.19 C 134.06 357.84 134.57 358.63 134.06 359.42 C 132.55 360.22 133.85 360.43 133.34 361.51 C 132.48 365.76 125.06 366.55 128.59 371.81 C 122.54 377.21 126.00 385.85 124.70 392.76 C 132.48 408.74 147.46 421.92 157.10 436.90 C 156.74 435.24 155.45 434.02 154.66 432.65 C 161.86 434.74 L 159.48 432.72 156.46 432.22 153.79 431.14 C 147.67 421.63 138.67 413.35 132.55 403.85 C 142.70 413.50 152.57 425.02 164.81 431.86 C 165.74 433.15 166.18 434.59 167.69 435.74 C 163.44 437.11 160.56 441.72 158.54 445.32 C 158.76 445.54 L 161.57 441.79 164.88 436.90 169.56 435.24 C 166.25 428.11 158.18 426.46 152.78 421.34 c 145.37 415.22 138.24 407.23 131.40 400.61 C 129.24 393.62 130.75 385.06 128.30 378.14 C 126.14 374.26 132.26 373.25 130.18 369.94 c 129.38 369.36 129.96 368.14 129.46 367.34 C 131.69 365.90 133.27 364.03 135.00 362.02 C 138.24 360.94 141.84 360.50 144.86 358.63 C 147.96 358.20 151.49 357.84 153.29 355.32 C 152.57 353.30 155.45 352.80 154.44 350.71 C 149.90 348.62 145.44 349.70 140.26 349.85 C 139.39 347.33 136.15 348.12 134.06 347.62 C 129.38 347.40 124.49 348.41 122.04 352.22 C 119.66 352.73 117.07 353.59 115.78 356.04 C 115.49 358.42 117.50 361.73 115.56 363.96 C 123.55 371.30 115.49 381.31 117.29 390.31 c 115.70 400.54 121.46 407.74 123.98 416.23 c 130.46 427.25 136.80 438.12 141.98 449.64 C 142.34 454.61 138.89 459.79 142.20 464.26 C 147.60 472.54 159.48 475.70 167.40 470.02 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 435.89 420.12 470.88 470.02 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 460.37 456.84 m 464.47 457.06 467.42 459.94 470.88 461.59 C 470.52 460.22 468.94 459.50 467.78 458.50 C 468.22 457.13 467.93 455.54 469.01 454.46 C 469.37 452.52 467.14 454.10 466.63 453.02 C 465.41 451.80 461.81 452.30 463.03 449.64 C 463.68 448.92 L 461.09 447.70 L 459.94 450.14 L 457.78 448.92 455.40 448.56 453.17 447.70 C 451.73 442.94 460.30 437.90 453.89 434.52 C 454.18 433.15 455.33 431.86 454.90 430.42 C 453.67 435.82 448.63 439.06 447.19 444.31 C 444.60 442.66 441.79 438.91 438.26 438.34 C 439.13 431.93 446.33 427.46 449.14 421.56 C 447.91 422.35 446.33 423.79 444.31 425.16 C 439.49 420.12 L 440.57 422.93 442.73 426.24 441.22 429.19 c 438.12 432.72 436.32 436.82 435.89 441.43 C 441.07 446.04 448.78 447.41 452.66 454.25 C 455.90 459.00 457.27 464.62 459.22 470.02 C 460.87 465.34 455.40 460.30 460.37 456.84 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 205.20 465.55 207.50 467.86 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 207.50 467.86 m 206.78 467.21 206.35 465.55 205.34 465.91 C 205.20 467.21 206.78 467.35 207.50 467.86 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 372.38 459.36 380.74 466.42 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 379.58 462.82 m 380.30 463.82 L 380.74 462.60 L 378.79 463.32 377.35 459.36 375.48 461.45 C 375.05 461.30 374.54 461.59 374.26 461.16 C 374.76 460.22 L 373.97 460.15 373.25 460.66 372.38 460.44 C 372.46 462.53 373.97 463.46 375.77 464.26 C 377.28 464.54 379.37 464.40 379.80 466.42 C 380.45 465.70 378.58 464.26 379.58 462.82 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 381.38 462.02 383.18 466.13 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 383.18 465.41 m 382.75 464.54 382.97 463.25 382.97 462.10 C 382.39 462.02 381.60 462.10 381.46 462.82 C 381.38 464.04 381.60 466.13 383.18 465.41 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 390.31 447.26 399.89 465.41 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 394.63 465.05 m 393.48 458.42 396.00 452.02 399.89 447.26 C 395.14 448.70 394.27 454.03 393.19 457.99 C 392.18 457.56 L 392.33 459.36 394.13 463.25 391.03 464.54 C 390.31 464.54 L 391.39 465.41 393.26 465.34 394.63 465.05 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 385.56 463.03 388.08 465.05 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 388.08 464.54 m 387.50 463.75 386.86 463.03 385.78 463.03 C 385.56 465.05 L 388.08 464.54 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 403.27 463.03 405.50 464.40 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 405.43 463.82 m 405.50 463.54 404.21 463.03 403.49 463.03 C 403.27 463.32 L 403.63 464.40 404.71 464.33 405.43 463.82 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 158.26 460.66 160.49 462.31 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 160.49 461.16 m 160.49 460.66 L 158.26 460.94 L 158.47 462.31 159.84 461.30 160.49 461.16 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 251.14 452.52 258.19 461.45 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 254.81 458.71 m 255.46 459.00 255.74 458.71 256.46 458.50 C 255.38 457.63 255.38 456.34 255.46 455.11 C 255.96 454.25 258.19 453.53 256.97 452.52 C 256.25 453.46 255.38 453.53 254.81 454.46 C 253.37 452.52 L 253.08 453.82 253.37 454.90 254.30 456.12 C 251.14 461.16 L 253.08 461.45 252.65 458.35 254.81 458.71 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 157.39 450.14 159.77 459.72 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 159.77 459.72 m 158.76 457.06 158.54 453.10 158.54 450.14 C 157.39 452.95 157.68 456.55 158.26 459.72 C 159.77 459.72 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 247.68 451.51 252.58 458.71 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 252.58 456.62 m 251.35 456.34 250.70 454.90 249.98 453.96 C 249.98 453.10 250.56 452.30 249.98 451.51 C 248.69 451.66 248.54 453.02 248.26 453.96 C 247.68 455.76 249.34 457.13 249.98 458.71 C 250.70 458.14 252.14 457.20 252.58 456.62 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 380.59 451.30 389.30 458.50 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 389.30 454.90 m 388.51 455.76 388.37 458.21 386.78 457.34 C 384.19 455.83 L 385.20 454.32 387.00 453.10 387.29 451.30 C 384.77 452.95 382.39 455.62 380.59 457.85 C 381.46 458.21 382.61 457.20 383.40 456.62 C 384.55 457.70 386.64 457.06 387.50 458.50 C 388.58 457.70 389.30 456.05 389.30 454.90 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 460.73 452.52 468.07 457.85 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 468.07 454.61 m 462.82 452.52 L 460.73 456.26 465.26 456.12 466.92 457.85 C 467.71 457.13 467.78 455.76 468.07 454.61 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 460.58 448.42 462.53 454.61 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 461.09 454.61 m 461.59 452.81 461.81 450.94 462.53 449.14 C 461.30 448.42 L 460.58 454.61 L 461.09 454.61 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 452.38 448.92 459.72 453.96 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 459.72 450.79 m 457.42 449.93 454.97 449.64 452.66 448.92 C 452.38 450.36 453.89 451.73 454.90 453.02 C 456.19 453.31 457.70 453.24 458.93 453.96 C 459.29 453.02 459.29 451.80 459.72 450.79 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 420.26 338.62 493.92 453.74 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 472.61 451.30 m 467.28 429.55 472.68 404.64 471.67 383.11 C 469.80 377.06 469.87 368.50 470.02 361.30 C 467.93 359.06 471.53 356.76 470.88 353.81 C 471.38 353.45 L 478.58 354.31 485.21 352.51 490.39 347.83 C 491.62 347.33 493.20 347.26 493.70 345.74 C 493.70 344.81 493.92 343.80 493.49 343.01 C 491.33 343.66 492.98 345.46 491.83 346.61 C 484.49 347.76 473.83 347.04 465.70 345.02 C 460.30 345.46 455.69 347.76 450.79 349.34 C 449.57 350.71 L 449.28 349.85 447.91 348.62 449.14 347.62 C 451.37 345.53 454.68 345.96 457.27 344.52 c 468.72 338.62 481.10 346.03 493.27 341.86 C 485.50 342.14 475.92 342.00 467.57 340.63 c 460.80 340.63 454.90 344.16 448.63 346.25 C 439.27 346.25 428.83 341.86 420.77 347.62 C 420.77 348.12 L 428.98 343.22 438.98 348.34 447.70 347.40 C 448.42 347.62 448.20 348.62 447.91 349.06 C 442.51 349.85 436.90 348.84 432.07 348.12 C 428.33 348.91 424.37 349.34 420.77 350.50 C 420.77 351.22 L 426.82 349.92 434.52 348.62 440.93 350.50 C 438.12 353.81 433.37 356.04 428.47 356.04 C 425.66 355.75 422.78 354.96 420.26 354.60 C 420.70 356.11 422.93 356.54 424.37 357.05 C 431.78 357.55 438.77 355.90 445.97 357.70 C 444.82 359.06 444.89 360.94 445.97 362.23 C 444.82 364.03 444.82 366.19 442.87 367.56 C 440.42 367.20 437.47 365.11 435.38 366.62 C 438.26 367.42 442.08 370.01 445.32 368.06 C 447.26 368.14 449.57 371.02 451.30 368.21 C 452.52 369.22 453.82 370.01 454.10 371.59 C 452.66 374.26 452.66 377.71 453.89 380.52 C 451.30 388.73 455.40 398.59 450.50 406.22 c 449.42 411.05 447.70 416.23 445.97 421.06 C 443.23 419.26 443.81 414.43 440.21 412.42 c 437.33 409.82 L 438.70 413.35 443.38 415.51 442.87 419.83 C 443.52 421.20 444.53 422.42 445.97 422.71 C 451.37 414.36 452.66 403.70 455.33 393.91 C 454.39 389.81 454.97 385.56 455.83 381.24 C 454.97 380.30 454.39 379.22 454.10 378.14 C 457.70 381.24 L 457.27 384.34 457.49 387.43 458.50 390.60 C 455.47 401.33 458.28 412.63 453.67 422.71 C 453.38 424.22 451.73 423.50 451.01 424.66 C 452.38 425.30 453.67 423.79 455.11 424.44 C 453.53 426.10 450.94 428.26 450.50 430.92 C 452.88 430.34 452.59 427.03 455.11 426.10 C 455.47 427.25 456.26 428.26 456.26 429.41 C 456.91 427.54 457.78 425.74 459.43 424.22 C 460.30 409.32 463.61 394.42 463.03 379.30 C 462.53 377.35 458.21 374.90 462.10 373.32 C 461.66 373.03 461.66 372.60 461.30 372.31 C 462.82 371.59 L 460.87 371.52 459.29 372.10 458.71 369.94 C 458.71 368.06 L 461.52 368.14 464.90 368.93 468.07 368.21 C 468.50 379.44 471.38 390.82 469.30 401.83 c 467.78 417.02 467.78 435.53 470.88 450.79 C 470.30 451.30 471.17 452.45 470.23 452.74 C 469.73 452.52 469.22 452.16 468.50 452.23 C 470.66 453.74 L 472.61 451.30 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 378.58 447.05 381.38 453.60 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 380.74 451.01 m 381.10 449.86 381.38 448.06 380.59 447.05 C 380.30 448.85 380.59 451.80 378.58 453.46 C 380.09 453.60 380.16 451.94 380.74 451.01 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 223.78 446.54 229.61 452.59 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 229.61 448.63 m 229.10 447.91 229.10 446.62 228.17 446.54 C 223.78 452.02 L 226.66 452.59 227.66 450.22 229.61 448.63 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 252.14 447.91 257.04 451.01 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 253.80 448.20 m 253.30 448.34 252.50 447.91 252.14 448.63 C 256.46 451.01 L 257.04 449.64 254.66 449.35 253.80 448.20 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 364.97 447.41 368.28 451.22 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 368.28 450.65 m 367.27 450.50 367.20 449.86 366.55 449.14 C 366.77 448.70 367.27 448.99 367.56 448.92 C 364.97 447.41 L 365.76 448.34 364.97 449.35 365.69 450.36 C 366.55 450.43 367.34 451.22 368.28 450.65 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 216.14 448.42 223.78 449.86 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 223.78 449.42 m 216.14 448.42 L 218.09 449.86 221.26 449.86 223.78 449.42 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 156.89 446.26 159.41 450.22 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 159.26 448.20 m 158.47 448.13 157.25 446.26 156.89 447.91 C 157.25 448.42 159.41 450.22 159.26 448.20 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 214.99 444.60 226.15 448.13 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 225.50 447.41 m 225.50 447.05 225.94 446.83 226.15 446.54 C 222.84 444.60 218.59 446.04 214.99 446.26 C 218.16 447.41 222.05 448.13 225.50 447.41 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 364.46 446.04 367.78 447.70 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 367.78 447.41 m 366.84 446.62 365.69 446.11 364.46 446.04 C 365.26 446.76 366.34 447.70 367.78 447.41 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 448.13 436.25 455.11 451.15 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 455.11 437.62 m 454.39 437.40 454.03 436.61 453.38 436.25 C 450.50 438.62 449.57 442.30 448.13 445.54 C 454.32 451.15 452.88 440.35 455.11 437.62 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 365.40 441.72 370.44 446.54 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 368.57 445.54 m 368.64 445.10 368.28 444.82 368.06 444.60 C 369.50 444.31 L 369.00 444.24 368.50 443.59 368.28 443.16 C 369.07 442.66 369.58 444.02 370.44 443.81 C 370.30 442.66 368.64 442.44 368.06 441.72 C 368.06 443.16 L 367.70 443.02 367.34 442.44 366.84 442.66 C 367.06 443.30 367.78 443.81 368.28 444.31 C 367.70 444.74 366.84 443.95 366.19 443.81 C 365.90 444.53 366.55 444.53 366.84 444.82 C 365.40 445.03 L 366.19 445.54 366.84 446.33 367.78 446.54 C 368.50 446.11 367.34 445.32 368.57 445.54 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 232.49 438.12 241.34 445.82 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 241.34 439.56 m 239.69 440.42 238.10 443.74 236.30 442.22 c 235.58 441.43 L 236.16 440.21 237.89 439.42 238.18 438.12 C 236.38 438.84 234.65 440.71 233.64 442.44 C 234.79 444.02 234.00 445.32 232.49 445.82 C 236.16 445.54 239.76 443.02 241.34 439.56 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 369.00 439.56 378.07 445.54 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 377.35 445.54 m 378.07 443.16 377.57 439.63 374.54 439.56 C 374.04 440.50 L 373.75 440.21 373.25 439.92 373.39 439.56 C 372.89 440.71 L 372.60 440.50 372.38 440.14 371.88 440.21 C 372.17 441.00 L 370.94 440.71 L 371.09 441.22 371.45 441.65 371.38 442.22 C 369.29 440.50 L 369.00 440.71 L 369.36 441.72 370.44 443.16 371.66 443.16 C 372.24 441.50 373.68 442.80 374.26 441.94 C 374.54 442.44 375.55 442.15 376.20 442.22 C 376.49 441.94 L 377.35 442.80 376.56 444.53 377.21 445.54 C 377.35 445.54 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 403.70 438.34 407.02 443.23 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 406.58 440.21 m 406.08 439.06 404.78 438.70 403.70 438.34 C 404.71 439.20 404.71 440.93 403.99 441.94 C 405.22 443.23 407.02 441.79 406.58 440.21 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 220.68 429.91 230.54 439.56 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 230.54 438.62 m 230.40 437.90 230.18 437.11 229.61 436.90 C 228.60 437.62 226.94 437.54 226.15 436.46 C 224.28 434.81 224.86 432.22 225.00 429.91 C 223.56 431.71 221.04 433.01 220.68 435.24 C 222.98 437.62 225.50 439.20 228.60 439.56 C 230.54 438.62 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 397.73 436.25 405.22 437.62 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 405.22 436.25 m 397.73 437.40 L 398.02 437.62 L 400.54 437.54 402.91 437.04 405.22 436.25 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 394.92 429.55 407.59 436.61 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 407.59 433.51 m 407.02 432.43 407.09 429.55 404.71 430.63 c 403.99 430.63 L 403.92 431.06 404.21 431.64 403.70 431.86 C 402.48 429.91 399.31 431.50 397.30 431.86 C 396.50 432.50 395.57 432.94 394.92 433.80 C 395.57 436.61 L 399.38 435.24 403.13 433.51 407.59 433.51 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 247.61 430.20 255.24 435.74 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 255.24 430.20 m 253.44 430.20 250.34 431.86 248.04 433.01 C 247.61 433.73 248.76 434.74 248.76 435.74 C 255.24 430.20 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 370.66 427.25 387.79 435.74 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 381.24 435.02 m 383.69 434.16 385.56 431.42 387.79 430.42 C 383.76 427.25 379.37 431.06 375.77 432.65 C 375.48 434.02 L 370.66 433.30 L 370.66 435.74 L 374.04 435.24 378.29 433.66 381.24 435.02 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 388.08 429.05 394.99 433.51 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 392.90 429.41 m 392.90 429.05 L 391.32 429.19 389.81 431.21 388.08 432.14 C 388.87 433.51 L 390.60 432.79 394.99 433.01 392.90 429.41 c @c F @rax %Note: Object 393.70 422.21 405.72 431.42 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 402.12 429.05 m 401.11 427.25 400.03 425.23 399.89 423.43 C 402.98 424.30 401.33 430.13 405.72 428.76 C 404.50 426.46 403.27 423.94 401.11 422.21 C 398.38 422.50 394.92 423.36 394.13 425.81 C 394.78 427.25 393.70 430.20 395.14 431.42 C 397.08 429.91 399.60 429.41 402.12 429.05 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 226.94 429.19 231.48 430.42 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 231.48 429.91 m 226.94 429.19 L 227.95 430.20 230.26 430.42 231.48 429.91 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 454.10 366.12 462.10 426.82 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 459.72 411.91 m 460.51 401.54 462.02 391.90 462.10 381.46 C 461.81 379.15 459.79 377.42 459.22 375.19 C 456.12 375.05 L 455.90 373.90 457.92 372.31 458.93 371.81 C 456.19 370.15 459.22 366.12 454.90 366.34 C 454.10 368.71 458.71 372.02 454.61 374.26 C 455.18 377.06 457.49 377.93 459.22 380.02 C 459.43 388.66 L 460.37 390.31 L 457.49 402.19 459.72 415.22 456.26 426.82 C 459.58 422.71 458.93 417.02 459.72 411.91 c @c F @rax %Note: Object 364.10 414.36 376.20 426.82 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 370.94 423.72 m 371.38 424.15 371.09 424.80 371.16 425.45 C 372.24 424.44 371.95 422.86 372.38 421.56 C 376.20 419.11 L 375.26 414.36 L 372.67 414.79 374.54 419.40 370.94 418.46 C 370.44 418.90 370.15 419.83 370.66 420.34 C 371.30 420.84 372.89 421.20 371.88 422.21 C 371.38 423.22 L 370.94 422.86 371.30 422.14 371.16 421.56 C 370.80 421.70 370.44 421.34 370.15 421.06 C 369.29 422.21 L 367.34 421.34 369.29 419.90 369.00 418.46 C 365.69 417.96 L 365.69 417.53 365.18 417.31 364.97 417.02 C 364.10 418.03 365.40 418.75 365.69 419.62 C 367.20 420.12 367.78 421.42 368.28 422.71 C 366.34 423.94 L 367.06 425.02 369.00 422.86 369.00 424.94 C 368.57 425.81 L 370.30 426.82 369.86 424.30 370.94 423.72 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 223.56 414.14 235.80 424.73 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 232.20 418.25 m 231.19 417.74 230.04 416.81 229.39 416.02 C 231.26 416.02 L 230.04 414.14 L 223.56 419.40 L 226.87 419.83 227.95 424.73 231.77 423.22 C 235.80 424.66 L 234.86 422.42 232.27 420.84 232.20 418.25 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 245.45 393.41 276.98 424.66 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 271.80 417.02 m 273.46 414.43 275.69 412.13 276.84 409.32 C 274.68 410.76 L 273.46 408.53 274.39 406.01 274.46 403.56 C 273.24 403.34 L 273.67 401.83 276.98 401.83 275.69 399.96 C 274.97 400.46 274.18 400.90 273.46 401.40 C 272.81 399.96 L 271.80 403.42 271.15 407.45 269.14 410.76 C 268.34 412.20 266.40 411.62 265.10 411.41 C 260.64 407.74 258.84 401.33 260.57 396.14 C 261.58 395.21 263.45 394.63 264.89 394.92 C 266.04 395.42 267.19 396.79 268.49 396.36 C 265.61 393.41 L 263.66 394.20 261.29 393.84 259.78 395.64 C 260.35 398.23 257.69 400.10 259.34 402.62 C 257.54 403.42 255.10 404.06 253.08 403.06 C 254.38 402.19 255.74 401.54 256.97 400.46 C 254.30 400.46 251.64 403.13 248.54 403.34 C 247.68 404.71 245.45 405.94 246.60 407.81 C 249.26 410.76 248.76 416.02 253.58 417.02 C 258.26 418.03 263.30 417.74 267.26 415.01 C 267.77 415.80 268.27 416.81 267.77 417.74 C 266.76 418.32 264.74 419.11 265.61 420.62 C 266.76 421.63 266.47 423.50 266.54 424.66 C 271.08 424.22 L 271.80 417.02 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 373.39 421.34 374.40 424.66 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 373.75 421.56 m 373.61 421.34 L 373.39 424.66 L 373.90 424.01 374.40 422.64 373.75 421.56 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 185.40 411.41 209.66 423.72 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 208.15 417.02 m 209.66 416.52 L 206.50 411.41 200.16 415.01 195.48 414.36 C 185.40 419.40 L 186.55 422.21 L 187.99 422.71 189.94 422.14 190.66 423.72 C 196.20 420.70 201.24 415.94 208.15 417.02 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 374.98 420.84 375.26 423.00 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 374.98 420.84 m 375.26 423.00 L 375.26 421.06 L 374.98 420.84 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 333.36 416.59 342.50 422.50 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 341.86 419.11 m 340.49 416.59 337.39 417.82 335.16 418.25 C 334.66 418.90 333.36 418.54 333.50 419.62 C 333.79 421.34 L 341.35 422.50 L 342.50 421.92 342.14 420.12 341.86 419.11 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 376.49 420.34 376.70 422.21 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 376.49 420.34 m 376.70 422.21 L 376.70 420.62 L 376.49 420.34 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 351.50 408.31 372.60 421.85 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 362.74 413.86 m 364.61 415.73 366.55 416.81 369.00 417.24 C 369.00 416.74 L 367.85 416.23 367.78 414.43 366.84 413.42 C 366.48 412.20 363.89 412.13 365.40 410.76 C 366.84 412.70 370.94 414.79 370.66 417.74 C 372.60 417.02 371.95 414.50 372.60 412.92 C 371.74 412.70 371.74 413.71 371.38 414.14 C 371.30 414.72 371.66 415.51 370.94 415.80 C 367.56 411.91 L 370.66 409.32 L 369.14 408.96 367.56 411.41 365.69 410.54 C 367.06 408.31 L 361.80 412.20 357.70 416.81 351.79 420.34 C 351.50 421.85 L 355.90 420.62 359.21 416.81 362.74 413.86 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 376.70 419.11 378.50 421.06 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 377.35 419.11 m 376.70 419.11 L 377.86 421.06 L 378.50 420.41 378.00 419.62 377.35 419.11 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 377.86 413.06 382.97 419.62 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 381.74 419.62 m 381.67 418.10 380.09 417.96 379.37 416.74 C 380.45 416.23 381.67 417.53 382.97 416.74 C 380.30 415.01 L 382.68 413.86 L 382.25 413.06 380.74 413.50 379.80 413.42 C 378.36 414.22 378.07 416.16 377.86 417.02 C 379.37 417.46 380.16 419.33 381.74 419.62 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 377.86 417.96 378.36 419.11 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 377.86 417.96 m 378.36 419.11 L 378.36 418.46 L 377.86 417.96 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 164.09 400.61 182.09 418.46 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 182.09 416.74 m 180.36 412.13 179.28 408.74 179.86 403.34 C 179.50 401.40 177.48 401.54 176.26 400.61 C 175.10 400.82 173.66 401.26 173.38 402.62 C 173.38 403.06 L 174.17 402.70 175.25 402.70 176.04 403.06 C 176.04 403.34 L 173.88 404.21 171.50 404.86 169.06 405.22 C 170.78 407.81 L 168.55 408.46 165.46 403.34 164.09 407.81 C 165.24 410.54 164.30 415.80 167.90 416.74 C 168.55 416.02 169.49 415.44 169.06 414.36 C 169.34 413.21 167.04 412.34 167.90 411.05 C 169.70 412.70 171.94 414.50 174.60 414.79 C 176.98 418.46 L 178.70 417.82 180.07 416.59 182.09 416.74 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 183.60 415.30 189.29 417.74 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 183.74 416.02 m 183.60 416.74 183.89 417.31 184.46 417.74 C 189.29 415.30 L 183.74 416.02 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 305.35 368.06 316.44 417.46 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 309.74 408.82 m 311.54 404.50 310.25 400.10 309.96 395.64 C 308.16 394.20 309.38 392.54 308.95 390.60 C 309.89 386.71 310.97 382.90 313.06 379.51 C 311.90 380.02 310.90 382.03 310.18 383.40 C 309.60 382.46 310.18 380.74 310.68 379.51 C 312.55 375.70 315.50 371.95 316.44 368.06 C 311.98 372.82 308.38 379.15 309.24 385.85 C 306.00 391.75 310.39 397.51 309.24 404.06 C 308.95 408.96 306.65 413.06 305.35 417.46 C 310.10 417.46 308.30 411.70 309.74 408.82 c @c F @rax %Note: Object 363.74 412.63 367.06 416.02 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 364.18 412.63 m 363.74 413.64 365.69 414.22 365.69 415.30 C 367.06 416.02 L 366.19 414.79 366.05 412.85 364.18 412.63 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 414.29 403.20 437.33 414.65 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 437.33 414.65 m 434.38 412.06 430.63 411.05 427.97 408.31 C 436.10 409.82 L 435.89 409.03 L 430.78 405.65 424.22 408.24 419.62 403.56 C 417.38 403.20 415.51 404.86 414.29 405.94 C 414.29 406.94 L 417.02 404.50 419.98 406.15 422.71 407.45 c 427.54 410.11 432.29 412.63 437.33 414.65 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 420.48 361.01 450.72 411.05 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 445.54 399.46 m 434.52 383.40 L 435.17 381.24 436.18 378.86 436.10 376.63 C 435.60 376.20 434.66 376.56 434.02 376.42 C 435.67 373.10 432.50 367.92 434.88 365.62 C 438.98 363.02 L 435.53 364.61 430.20 365.83 426.10 365.62 C 424.87 364.10 425.02 361.22 422.71 361.01 C 422.50 363.24 424.87 365.11 424.58 367.34 C 423.50 365.62 422.50 363.24 420.48 362.52 C 426.31 373.32 L 424.58 375.62 427.32 377.21 428.18 379.01 c 435.17 389.59 445.18 398.81 448.42 411.05 C 450.72 407.02 446.98 403.13 445.54 399.46 c @c F @rax %Note: Object 204.41 359.71 242.57 410.26 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 211.39 406.44 m 214.78 408.10 219.74 408.31 223.56 407.16 C 221.54 407.23 219.10 407.02 217.08 406.44 C 226.94 402.62 L 225.00 402.70 223.49 403.85 221.40 403.85 C 221.40 403.34 L 227.95 398.95 235.58 396.79 241.56 391.03 C 240.26 390.10 239.04 392.11 237.74 392.26 C 236.88 388.44 239.76 385.34 242.57 382.90 C 240.55 383.26 239.18 385.34 237.74 387.00 C 237.10 386.06 237.10 384.70 236.81 383.62 C 235.80 384.05 236.66 385.56 236.09 386.21 C 234.79 386.86 234.00 384.84 233.64 383.83 C 233.14 381.02 225.94 379.30 229.61 375.91 C 229.18 373.32 229.75 369.86 226.66 368.71 C 223.06 367.42 220.75 363.24 217.37 361.01 C 216.36 359.71 214.70 361.01 213.98 360.65 C 216.58 364.61 221.69 368.71 225.50 371.59 C 226.15 373.75 228.24 376.13 226.44 378.36 C 222.19 385.63 215.78 391.46 213.26 399.46 c 210.74 402.41 209.81 406.94 205.56 408.10 C 204.41 409.82 L 205.06 410.26 L 206.86 408.24 209.81 409.03 211.39 406.44 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 263.95 398.23 270.07 408.10 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 269.64 400.46 m 267.84 400.25 269.35 403.56 266.98 402.84 C 265.39 403.42 264.89 401.90 265.10 400.61 C 265.39 398.23 L 264.60 398.23 L 263.95 401.83 265.46 405.14 266.98 408.10 C 266.47 405.50 270.07 403.56 269.64 400.46 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 385.56 387.43 395.78 407.16 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 395.78 387.43 m 385.56 394.20 L 385.85 398.95 386.06 403.63 389.30 407.16 C 391.39 400.54 394.92 394.20 395.78 387.43 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 211.39 380.52 237.24 405.94 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 214.49 405.72 m 216.07 404.06 220.90 404.06 218.30 400.46 C 218.88 397.01 222.77 396.36 225.00 394.42 c 227.95 391.61 231.98 391.54 235.58 390.31 C 236.09 390.82 L 234.29 392.76 231.48 393.05 229.10 393.91 C 219.96 399.96 L 220.18 401.62 L 221.69 401.40 L 226.15 397.80 231.84 396.79 236.09 393.05 C 235.37 391.10 237.24 389.95 236.30 388.22 C 232.70 388.30 233.06 383.54 229.61 383.62 C 227.38 380.52 L 223.70 386.86 217.08 392.04 215.35 399.24 C 211.39 405.22 L 212.18 405.43 213.26 405.94 214.49 405.72 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 240.19 397.01 248.98 405.79 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 248.98 397.01 m 240.19 405.43 L 240.84 405.36 242.50 405.79 243.29 405.00 C 245.66 402.55 247.61 399.96 248.98 397.01 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 416.02 376.63 429.91 402.84 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 425.59 396.79 m 427.10 398.52 428.18 400.90 429.91 402.84 C 426.17 393.70 421.27 385.13 416.02 376.63 C 416.02 381.31 420.41 385.34 421.99 389.81 C 422.57 392.33 421.20 392.26 419.33 392.54 C 419.33 393.05 L 421.13 393.19 422.93 393.34 424.37 394.20 C 423.58 397.44 424.51 400.54 426.82 402.84 C 426.53 401.33 425.02 398.95 425.59 396.79 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 381.10 375.05 386.06 399.02 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 386.06 391.32 m 383.98 385.92 384.55 380.30 382.46 375.05 C 381.10 381.24 381.10 389.02 381.46 395.14 C 384.34 399.02 L 385.27 396.50 382.25 392.90 386.06 391.32 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 123.19 379.80 129.46 398.23 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 126.86 379.80 m 127.37 386.42 123.19 393.41 129.46 398.23 C 127.94 392.90 128.30 385.70 126.86 379.80 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 287.14 381.02 292.90 392.26 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 290.09 381.02 m 288.94 381.46 288.07 382.25 287.14 382.90 C 288.65 386.06 289.30 388.51 289.37 392.26 C 288.79 388.22 292.90 384.55 290.09 381.02 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 310.46 379.01 316.94 392.26 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 316.94 379.01 m 313.06 382.54 311.76 387.50 310.46 392.26 C 313.49 388.44 313.78 383.04 316.94 379.01 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 352.66 384.84 358.78 390.60 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 358.20 387.94 m 358.78 384.84 355.25 385.63 353.66 384.84 C 352.66 384.84 L 353.74 385.85 353.38 388.30 354.89 388.22 C 353.38 390.60 L 354.60 389.16 356.26 388.01 358.20 387.94 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 357.48 389.45 359.35 390.60 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 358.70 389.45 m 358.20 389.45 357.98 389.95 357.48 390.10 C 357.77 390.53 358.85 390.24 359.35 390.60 C 358.70 389.45 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 356.98 388.94 358.27 389.45 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 356.98 389.16 m 357.05 389.45 L 358.27 389.16 L 358.20 388.94 L 356.98 389.16 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 351.00 384.84 352.08 386.21 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 351.29 384.84 m 351.00 385.06 L 351.94 386.21 L 352.08 386.14 351.86 384.91 351.29 384.84 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 163.80 359.14 189.29 386.06 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 166.97 371.59 m 167.40 369.65 167.90 367.63 169.34 366.12 C 169.78 368.86 174.96 371.45 171.00 374.26 C 170.28 377.64 174.60 380.02 176.98 381.96 C 180.00 383.33 182.88 385.70 186.55 384.62 C 188.78 382.25 188.64 378.65 189.29 375.41 C 188.86 372.60 187.27 370.44 185.90 368.06 C 185.47 365.40 186.05 361.51 183.46 360.65 C 183.60 365.04 185.98 370.51 183.74 374.76 C 183.24 374.76 L 183.46 370.30 182.95 365.62 181.80 361.51 C 181.37 361.51 L 182.30 365.40 183.60 370.15 182.81 374.76 C 179.57 375.84 176.04 374.83 173.16 373.82 C 171.86 372.74 173.81 371.81 173.66 370.66 C 171.86 367.20 169.06 363.60 170.57 359.42 C 169.78 359.14 L 168.70 360.14 168.98 362.30 168.55 363.46 C 165.46 367.34 163.80 372.02 164.59 377.14 C 166.18 381.24 169.20 383.40 172.66 386.06 C 169.49 382.25 164.09 377.86 166.97 371.59 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 173.66 378.14 185.98 384.12 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 183.24 379.51 m 179.86 379.44 176.69 378.94 173.66 378.14 C 176.76 381.46 180.79 383.40 185.18 384.12 C 185.98 382.25 183.89 381.02 183.24 379.51 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 200.95 375.05 211.18 383.26 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 210.17 381.46 m 209.09 379.51 211.18 378.14 210.17 376.20 C 207.29 375.05 204.19 376.42 200.95 375.91 C 202.18 378.72 204.05 382.54 207.50 383.11 C 208.66 383.26 209.38 382.25 210.17 381.46 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 345.46 374.26 349.34 382.46 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 345.46 374.26 m 349.34 382.46 L 349.06 380.16 348.34 375.62 345.46 374.26 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 432.07 376.92 434.66 382.25 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 434.66 377.86 m 434.09 377.50 433.30 377.64 432.79 376.92 C 432.07 380.02 L 433.73 382.25 L 434.30 380.59 434.59 379.51 434.66 377.86 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 184.18 375.70 187.78 381.74 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 185.18 375.70 m 184.18 377.50 184.68 380.16 186.84 381.74 C 187.78 379.44 185.47 377.86 185.18 375.70 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 344.59 375.05 347.90 381.74 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 344.74 375.05 m 344.59 377.71 345.60 380.02 347.90 381.74 C 344.74 375.05 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 427.68 368.93 431.71 378.65 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 431.28 369.22 m 429.98 368.93 428.98 370.73 427.68 371.16 C 429.26 372.02 427.90 373.39 427.68 374.54 C 431.14 378.65 L 431.71 375.70 431.71 372.24 431.28 369.22 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 172.15 375.19 183.46 378.14 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 183.46 376.63 m 183.46 375.70 L 179.86 376.63 175.68 376.13 172.15 375.19 C 172.15 375.91 L 175.75 376.63 179.06 377.93 182.81 378.14 C 183.46 376.63 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 184.75 370.66 188.78 377.14 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 186.41 370.66 m 184.75 373.61 187.20 374.62 188.06 377.14 C 188.78 374.40 186.98 372.82 186.41 370.66 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 201.24 373.54 209.88 374.54 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 209.88 373.82 m 209.88 373.54 L 201.24 373.54 L 201.24 374.26 L 204.05 374.33 207.00 374.04 209.66 374.54 C 209.88 373.82 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 353.45 347.40 386.06 374.83 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 360.14 373.82 m 359.64 369.22 L 362.59 371.16 L 362.45 369.72 361.30 368.50 360.14 367.85 C 359.21 367.85 L 358.34 364.54 356.90 361.66 355.39 358.63 C 356.76 357.19 358.49 355.39 360.36 354.60 C 358.70 353.23 355.97 353.59 356.04 350.50 C 359.78 349.20 364.61 349.06 369.00 348.84 c 373.68 350.35 380.59 347.40 383.40 352.22 C 383.54 352.73 382.75 353.23 383.69 353.59 C 385.27 353.74 385.27 351.86 386.06 351.00 C 385.85 350.86 385.78 350.64 385.56 350.71 C 384.84 351.43 L 384.70 350.14 383.18 348.91 381.96 348.34 C 374.04 347.83 364.90 348.34 356.54 348.84 C 355.61 350.71 354.67 353.23 353.66 355.32 C 353.45 357.12 355.46 355.61 356.04 356.76 C 355.10 357.70 L 354.38 357.05 L 355.61 361.66 358.78 367.92 358.99 374.26 C 359.35 374.83 360.07 374.33 360.14 373.82 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 457.99 371.95 460.58 373.82 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 460.37 373.82 m 460.58 371.95 458.50 373.25 457.99 373.82 C 460.37 373.82 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 432.29 368.21 432.79 372.82 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 432.50 368.21 m 432.29 368.35 L 432.50 372.82 L 432.79 372.82 L 432.50 368.71 L 432.50 368.21 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 161.86 346.61 244.15 372.10 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 238.46 360.86 m 244.15 361.01 L 242.35 357.62 236.88 359.86 233.64 358.20 C 231.34 358.42 228.96 360.86 226.66 358.92 C 227.88 357.91 229.68 358.85 230.98 358.20 C 225.14 356.62 220.10 358.20 214.49 357.70 C 215.28 355.61 217.66 353.45 217.08 350.71 C 216.36 350.71 L 214.99 353.59 214.06 357.34 210.60 358.63 C 208.44 358.20 206.50 359.64 204.55 358.42 C 204.84 358.13 205.34 358.13 205.56 357.70 C 203.76 358.34 201.74 358.42 200.30 359.64 C 198.86 359.06 199.08 357.12 199.08 356.04 C 200.30 356.04 199.66 357.91 200.81 358.20 C 204.05 357.62 207.00 354.02 207.79 351.00 C 207.65 350.64 207.94 350.21 207.50 350.06 C 206.06 351.72 204.70 356.76 201.74 354.60 C 202.54 354.24 203.76 353.74 203.90 352.66 C 204.77 349.92 201.46 349.06 200.09 347.62 C 197.35 346.61 194.04 347.11 192.17 349.34 C 187.27 350.06 181.44 348.62 176.98 350.50 C 175.46 350.42 174.89 348.41 173.38 348.12 C 170.14 349.85 162.00 347.11 161.86 353.16 C 167.26 356.04 171.65 361.94 178.70 360.36 C 182.45 361.44 185.90 358.56 189.79 358.20 c 193.90 359.64 199.44 352.44 200.30 360.14 C 203.90 359.14 207.86 360.00 211.75 359.42 c 217.08 359.35 223.49 357.12 227.88 360.36 C 229.39 361.22 230.54 359.86 231.98 359.64 C 236.81 360.65 L 238.39 363.53 239.54 366.70 240.34 369.94 C 242.28 372.10 L 242.57 367.70 240.26 364.32 238.46 360.86 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 199.58 367.56 205.34 371.81 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 199.58 367.56 m 199.94 369.36 201.38 371.59 203.40 371.81 C 205.34 371.81 L 199.58 367.56 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 404.57 363.74 408.10 369.22 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 406.87 369.22 m 406.87 367.70 405.72 366.34 406.08 364.90 C 406.51 366.34 407.30 367.56 407.59 369.00 C 408.10 369.00 L 407.30 363.74 L 404.93 364.39 L 404.57 366.34 405.43 367.70 406.08 369.22 C 406.87 369.22 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 409.97 365.11 410.69 369.22 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 409.97 365.11 m 410.69 369.22 L 410.69 367.85 L 409.97 365.11 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 358.34 350.50 375.48 367.34 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 366.19 367.06 m 364.46 364.54 360.94 362.81 360.36 359.86 C 362.66 353.16 370.30 354.24 375.48 353.16 C 371.16 352.44 L 371.16 351.43 L 369.14 353.45 365.54 351.43 363.74 353.59 C 361.80 354.31 360.65 352.44 359.64 351.22 C 359.64 350.93 359.64 350.64 359.35 350.50 C 358.34 352.73 360.94 354.10 362.59 354.82 C 360.94 356.83 358.34 359.06 360.14 361.80 C 365.90 367.34 L 366.19 367.06 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 456.98 354.82 468.50 367.34 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 467.78 361.80 m 467.21 360.14 466.63 358.06 466.92 356.26 C 467.28 355.61 468.00 355.61 468.50 355.32 C 468.50 354.82 L 465.41 354.96 461.66 356.11 458.71 356.04 C 460.01 357.19 457.99 358.56 459.43 359.42 C 457.70 359.14 L 456.98 362.02 459.07 364.32 460.37 366.62 C 462.82 367.34 466.13 367.13 468.29 366.84 C 467.78 361.80 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 446.69 357.91 454.10 366.84 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 454.10 364.39 m 453.38 363.82 452.02 363.60 451.01 363.24 C 450.00 361.66 448.99 360.00 449.14 357.91 C 448.13 358.06 447.41 358.63 446.69 359.42 C 447.26 360.94 448.49 362.45 448.42 363.96 C 449.57 364.75 450.94 366.34 452.52 366.84 C 452.59 365.83 453.02 364.61 454.10 364.39 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 117.00 361.01 119.66 366.62 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 117.00 363.46 m 118.44 366.62 L 119.66 361.01 L 117.00 363.46 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 449.93 354.31 457.27 366.05 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 457.27 365.40 m 456.70 363.24 454.97 360.86 456.26 358.42 C 454.03 357.62 452.02 356.11 450.07 354.31 C 449.93 357.41 451.08 359.93 452.02 362.52 C 452.38 362.59 452.66 362.81 453.17 362.74 C 453.02 362.30 453.38 362.02 453.67 361.80 C 456.26 362.23 454.32 366.05 457.27 365.40 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 343.80 356.54 350.28 364.90 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 349.34 360.14 m 349.56 358.34 347.18 358.13 346.97 356.54 C 346.18 357.19 344.88 356.90 343.80 357.05 C 348.55 364.90 L 350.28 363.96 349.49 361.51 349.34 360.14 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 328.90 359.71 335.38 363.31 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 335.16 362.74 m 335.38 359.71 331.06 361.73 329.40 360.14 C 328.90 363.31 332.57 362.52 334.44 363.02 C 334.58 362.74 334.87 362.74 335.16 362.74 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 402.62 342.14 419.40 362.74 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 412.13 358.42 m 411.98 355.03 411.48 351.22 410.69 348.62 C 415.30 345.46 L 414.00 347.62 414.50 351.36 415.73 353.59 C 416.09 354.46 417.10 355.39 417.89 354.82 C 417.89 350.42 419.40 344.45 414.79 342.14 C 411.70 342.65 L 411.91 342.50 411.98 342.72 412.13 342.86 C 409.90 344.02 407.23 345.53 404.50 345.24 C 403.63 344.95 402.77 345.96 402.77 346.61 C 402.62 352.01 403.70 357.55 405.22 362.52 C 407.52 361.15 412.27 362.74 412.13 358.42 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 167.18 344.95 202.18 359.64 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 198.58 354.60 m 193.39 355.32 L 193.25 353.52 195.84 353.81 197.14 353.16 C 198.86 352.94 201.17 353.74 202.18 352.44 C 201.67 351.00 200.66 349.42 199.08 349.06 C 196.20 348.26 193.25 349.13 191.66 351.72 c 191.38 351.94 L 190.44 351.00 L 179.14 352.22 L 182.16 352.15 184.25 352.15 186.84 353.16 C 185.26 353.59 183.17 353.30 180.86 353.45 C 181.80 354.31 L 176.54 355.25 172.44 344.95 167.40 351.72 C 167.47 352.22 167.18 352.80 167.69 353.16 C 167.54 350.93 170.35 352.22 171.94 351.22 C 172.87 352.01 173.95 353.16 173.16 354.31 C 171.29 354.82 L 173.95 355.90 175.97 358.42 178.99 358.92 C 179.35 359.64 L 185.40 356.90 192.89 357.84 198.58 354.60 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 298.94 356.26 306.58 359.71 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 306.58 357.05 m 302.98 356.26 L 298.94 359.42 L 300.24 359.71 301.97 359.71 303.26 359.42 C 304.34 358.63 305.86 358.13 306.58 357.05 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 162.86 350.14 176.54 359.14 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 166.46 353.45 m 165.74 352.51 166.54 351.65 166.68 350.71 C 165.24 350.14 163.58 350.71 162.86 351.94 C 166.39 354.74 170.35 357.12 174.38 359.14 C 176.54 359.14 L 166.46 353.45 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 121.54 351.36 138.96 359.06 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 138.89 354.60 m 138.96 352.73 137.95 351.65 136.15 351.43 C 131.26 351.65 126.07 351.36 122.26 354.31 C 121.54 355.32 121.54 357.19 122.26 358.20 C 124.27 359.06 125.78 356.11 127.80 355.82 C 130.46 355.54 134.35 353.81 135.94 357.05 C 135.94 358.92 L 137.59 357.91 137.88 356.04 138.89 354.60 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 316.94 355.03 329.90 359.50 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 329.90 356.76 m 326.45 356.90 322.06 356.76 318.89 355.03 C 316.94 355.82 L 320.26 357.55 323.64 359.50 327.74 358.63 C 328.61 358.34 329.18 357.41 329.90 356.76 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 117.29 354.31 120.89 358.63 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 120.89 354.31 m 119.88 354.46 117.86 354.96 117.29 356.54 C 117.50 358.63 L 119.74 357.91 120.10 356.33 120.89 354.31 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 295.56 353.59 309.24 358.42 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 302.54 354.31 m 309.24 356.04 L 309.24 354.31 L 295.56 353.59 L 296.50 355.32 299.09 356.04 297.79 358.42 C 299.81 357.70 300.96 355.75 302.54 354.31 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 395.28 347.11 402.12 358.42 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 402.12 357.70 m 401.18 354.31 400.68 350.86 400.61 347.11 C 399.02 347.76 397.58 349.56 395.78 348.84 C 395.28 349.56 L 395.78 352.80 398.09 355.32 398.88 358.42 C 402.12 357.70 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 138.89 352.94 151.56 358.63 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 151.34 355.03 m 151.56 353.81 L 148.10 352.94 144.07 353.59 140.98 353.16 C 140.76 355.03 139.68 356.54 138.89 358.20 C 142.85 356.04 148.39 358.63 151.34 355.03 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 453.38 355.32 456.98 357.19 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 456.98 355.82 m 453.38 355.32 L 454.61 355.82 455.69 357.05 456.98 357.19 C 456.98 355.82 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 447.91 354.60 448.63 356.26 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 448.63 354.60 m 447.91 356.26 L 448.63 356.04 L 448.63 354.60 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 437.62 350.71 448.78 356.90 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 445.32 355.82 m 444.31 355.03 445.90 354.60 445.68 353.81 C 443.52 353.30 443.30 356.90 440.93 355.32 C 443.02 354.31 444.89 350.71 447.41 353.16 C 447.26 354.10 446.83 355.03 445.97 355.82 C 446.18 356.04 L 447.62 355.32 446.83 352.94 448.63 352.66 C 448.78 352.01 448.13 351.86 448.42 351.22 C 443.30 350.71 L 437.62 355.03 L 439.42 355.32 442.87 356.11 445.32 355.82 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 334.08 350.06 339.48 355.61 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 339.48 355.03 m 338.26 354.10 336.67 353.23 336.17 351.72 C 336.17 350.06 L 334.66 350.06 L 334.08 352.15 336.67 353.95 338.04 355.03 C 338.69 354.96 338.98 355.61 339.48 355.03 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 313.34 349.92 331.34 355.82 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 331.06 354.31 m 331.34 351.22 L 328.25 351.86 325.15 349.92 322.70 351.94 C 313.34 352.94 L 315.14 354.53 317.81 354.53 319.75 353.45 C 323.14 354.74 327.46 355.82 331.06 354.31 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 332.64 350.71 335.16 354.82 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 335.16 354.82 m 334.15 353.95 334.37 350.71 333.29 351.00 C 333.00 351.86 332.64 353.23 333.50 353.81 C 333.94 354.46 334.44 354.74 335.16 354.82 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 412.49 348.34 414.29 354.10 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 414.29 354.10 m 414.07 352.15 412.78 350.50 413.14 348.34 C 412.49 349.92 413.14 352.30 413.57 354.10 C 414.29 354.10 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 449.78 343.51 467.28 354.60 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 467.28 353.16 m 463.10 352.66 461.81 343.51 456.48 348.62 c 454.68 350.21 449.78 349.06 450.79 352.66 C 455.83 354.60 462.02 354.10 467.28 353.16 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 169.34 352.44 172.44 354.24 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 172.15 353.81 m 172.44 353.52 171.94 352.80 171.50 352.44 C 170.78 352.66 170.14 352.94 169.34 352.94 C 169.99 353.45 171.00 354.24 172.15 353.81 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 456.26 346.75 466.42 353.45 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 463.68 353.45 m 462.53 352.66 461.02 352.15 459.94 351.00 C 461.59 350.14 463.10 352.44 464.90 352.66 C 465.41 352.66 465.98 352.80 466.42 352.44 C 463.68 352.15 460.37 346.75 458.50 351.43 C 458.21 351.00 457.70 351.36 457.27 351.22 C 456.70 351.72 456.41 352.22 456.26 352.94 C 456.98 351.22 458.50 352.80 459.43 353.45 C 463.68 353.45 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 289.80 351.00 309.24 353.23 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 309.24 352.94 m 303.55 351.86 295.70 351.00 289.80 351.72 C 296.57 351.43 302.47 353.23 309.24 352.94 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 459.94 352.01 461.23 352.94 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 461.09 352.94 m 461.23 352.73 L 460.01 352.01 L 459.94 352.22 L 461.09 352.94 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 139.97 349.63 152.78 352.22 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 152.78 351.72 m 149.18 349.63 145.15 351.65 140.76 351.00 C 140.54 351.43 139.97 351.14 140.04 351.72 C 143.86 351.86 148.46 351.36 152.28 352.22 C 152.78 351.72 L @c F @rax %Note: Object 462.82 346.61 487.30 353.16 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 487.30 348.84 m 479.23 349.92 471.10 347.04 462.82 346.61 C 466.13 351.50 472.68 353.16 479.09 351.94 C 482.11 351.65 484.63 349.92 487.30 348.84 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 123.98 348.55 138.60 351.43 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 138.38 350.21 m 138.60 349.13 137.30 349.42 136.66 349.06 C 132.19 349.13 127.30 348.55 123.98 351.43 C 128.88 349.20 133.56 350.64 138.38 350.21 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 321.77 348.12 333.94 350.50 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 333.94 348.84 m 329.47 349.06 324.94 348.12 321.77 350.50 C 325.44 348.55 330.26 350.42 333.94 348.84 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 313.06 483.12 329.69 499.82 @E 1 J 1 j [] 0 d 0 R 0 @G 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 K [0.10084 0.01778 -0.01778 0.10084 212.75774 1060.71286] 1 0.216 0.216 -90.000 @w 313.99 497.52 m 326.23 499.68 l 326.81 499.82 327.31 499.39 327.46 498.89 c 329.62 486.58 l 329.69 486.07 329.33 485.50 328.75 485.42 c 316.51 483.26 l 315.94 483.12 315.43 483.55 315.29 484.06 c 313.13 496.37 l 313.06 496.87 313.42 497.45 313.99 497.52 c @c S @rax %Note: Object 315.50 485.57 327.31 497.38 @E 1 J 1 j [] 0 d 0 R 0 @G 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.93 K [0.07194 0.01268 -0.01263 0.07165 246.73054 1036.92022] 1 0.288 0.288 -90.000 @w 316.15 495.79 m 324.86 497.30 l 325.30 497.38 325.66 497.09 325.73 496.73 c 327.24 488.02 l 327.31 487.58 327.10 487.22 326.66 487.15 c 317.95 485.64 l 317.52 485.57 317.16 485.78 317.09 486.22 c 315.50 494.93 l 315.50 495.29 315.72 495.72 316.15 495.79 c @c S @rax 341.93 487.73 365.62 492.84 @E [0.00717 0.00126 -0.00127 0.00719 365.69308 491.94025] @tm 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k e /_R9-Bahamas 183.00 z -3297 0 (B) @t -3195 0 (U) @t -3093 0 (L) @t -3022 0 (L) @t -2951 0 (E) @t -2859 0 (T) @t -2778 0 (I) @t -2737 0 (N) @t -2574 0 (D) @t -2462 0 (E) @t -2319 0 (L) @t -2262 0 (') @t -2221 0 (A) @t -2119 0 (U) @t -2017 0 (D) @t -1905 0 (I) @t -1864 0 (O) @t -1722 0 (V) @t -1620 0 (I) @t -1579 0 (S) @t -1487 0 (U) @t -1385 0 (E) @t -1293 0 (L) @t -1171 0 (F) @t -1100 0 (R) @t -998 0 (A) @t -896 0 (N) @t -784 0 (C) @t -692 0 (O) @t -550 0 (P) @t -458 0 (H) @t -346 0 (O) @t -204 0 (N) @t -92 0 (E) @t T @rax %Note: Object 315.94 486.29 324.14 496.51 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 0 J 0 j [] 0 d 0 R 0 @G 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 K 0 0.288 0.288 0.000 @w 317.45 492.41 m 317.30 492.70 316.94 493.27 316.58 492.98 C 316.30 492.62 L 315.94 492.98 L 318.74 496.08 l 319.10 496.51 319.75 496.15 319.97 495.72 C 324.14 489.24 L 321.62 486.29 L 317.45 492.41 L @c B @rax %Note: Object 322.42 489.31 354.96 507.67 @E 0 J 0 j [] 0 d 0 R 0 @G 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 K [0.10879 0.01918 -0.01760 0.09983 364.57464 901.74861] 1 23.400 25.488 0.000 @w 322.42 489.31 m 325.73 492.84 330.91 498.67 337.90 502.27 c 343.87 505.37 348.91 507.17 354.96 507.67 C S @rax %Note: Object 331.63 488.23 351.22 500.26 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 332.86 488.38 m 333.00 488.52 L 331.85 489.46 L 333.43 488.95 L 333.58 489.10 L 332.86 490.46 L 334.01 489.53 L 334.15 489.67 L 332.86 490.75 L 332.64 490.54 L 333.29 489.17 L 331.78 489.67 L 331.63 489.46 L 332.86 488.38 L @c F 333.79 491.40 m 333.50 491.11 333.50 490.61 333.79 490.32 c 334.08 490.03 334.58 490.03 334.87 490.32 c 335.23 490.61 335.23 491.11 334.94 491.33 c 334.66 491.69 334.15 491.69 333.79 491.40 c @c 333.94 491.26 m 334.15 491.54 334.58 491.54 334.87 491.26 c 335.09 491.04 335.09 490.68 334.80 490.39 c 334.51 490.18 334.15 490.18 333.86 490.39 c 333.65 490.68 333.65 491.04 333.94 491.26 c @c F 335.74 490.97 m 335.81 491.04 L 334.87 491.98 L 336.46 491.69 L 336.60 491.76 L 335.52 492.77 L 335.45 492.70 L 336.31 491.83 L 334.80 492.12 L 334.66 491.98 L 335.74 490.97 L @c F 336.38 493.49 m 336.10 493.27 336.02 492.77 336.24 492.48 c 336.53 492.12 337.03 492.12 337.39 492.41 c 337.75 492.62 337.82 493.13 337.54 493.42 c 337.25 493.70 336.74 493.78 336.38 493.49 c @c 336.53 493.42 m 336.82 493.63 337.18 493.56 337.39 493.34 c 337.61 493.06 337.61 492.70 337.32 492.48 c 337.03 492.26 336.60 492.26 336.38 492.55 c 336.17 492.77 336.24 493.20 336.53 493.42 c @c F 338.26 493.85 m 338.33 493.70 L 338.83 493.99 L 338.76 494.14 L 338.26 493.85 L @c F 339.91 493.92 m 340.06 494.06 L 339.19 495.22 L 340.56 494.42 L 340.70 494.50 L 340.34 496.01 L 341.28 494.86 L 341.42 494.93 L 340.42 496.22 L 340.20 496.08 L 340.49 494.64 L 339.12 495.43 L 338.90 495.29 L 339.91 493.92 L @c F 340.99 496.37 m 341.42 495.58 l 341.57 495.29 341.86 495.14 342.14 495.29 c 342.43 495.43 342.50 495.72 342.36 496.01 c 341.93 496.80 L 341.78 496.73 L 342.22 495.94 l 342.36 495.72 342.29 495.50 342.07 495.43 c 341.86 495.36 341.64 495.43 341.57 495.65 c 341.14 496.44 L 340.99 496.37 L @c F 342.86 495.65 m 343.58 496.01 L 343.51 496.08 L 342.94 495.86 L 342.36 497.02 L 342.22 496.94 L 342.86 495.65 L @c F 343.80 496.15 m 343.94 496.15 L 343.37 497.30 L 343.66 497.45 L 343.66 497.59 L 342.86 497.23 L 342.94 497.09 L 343.22 497.23 L 343.80 496.15 L @c F 344.45 496.44 m 344.59 496.44 L 343.94 497.74 L 343.80 497.66 L 344.45 496.44 L @c F 345.10 497.38 m 345.10 497.30 L 345.67 497.52 L 345.60 497.66 L 345.10 497.38 L @c F 346.68 497.38 m 346.82 497.45 L 346.54 498.02 L 346.90 498.17 l 347.18 498.31 347.33 498.60 347.18 498.89 c 347.11 499.03 346.97 499.10 346.82 499.10 c 346.68 499.10 346.54 499.10 346.39 499.03 c 345.96 498.82 L 346.68 497.38 L @c 346.46 498.17 m 346.18 498.74 L 346.39 498.89 l 346.61 498.96 346.61 498.96 346.75 498.96 c 346.90 498.96 346.97 498.89 347.04 498.82 c 347.11 498.67 347.11 498.60 347.04 498.46 c 346.97 498.38 346.90 498.38 346.75 498.31 c 346.46 498.17 L @c F 348.34 499.46 m 347.90 499.39 347.62 499.03 347.69 498.60 c 347.76 498.24 348.19 497.95 348.62 498.02 c 349.06 498.10 349.34 498.53 349.27 498.89 c 349.20 499.32 348.77 499.54 348.34 499.46 c @c 348.41 499.32 m 348.77 499.39 349.06 499.18 349.13 498.89 c 349.20 498.53 348.98 498.24 348.62 498.17 c 348.26 498.10 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Ces enrichissements peuvent tre du plus bel effet sur un carton dinvitation ou une affiche, voire dans des articles de Vision, mais ils nous semblent un peu dplacs dans un montage qui, par dfinition, est riche sur le plan visuel. Linspiration Reconnaissons-le sans honte: moins dtre un excellent concepteur graphiste, il est difficile un auteur de diaporama de composer un titre dans les rgles de lart to @@ A @A A A B @C D @D D D E E @F F F G @G G H H I @I I J J K @K K K @L Mut en faisant uvre de cration ou doriginalit, tant sur le plan de la typographie que sur celui de la composition ou de la mise en page. Pourquoi ne pas sinspirer ce qui ne veut pas dire copier servilement de ce que font les professionnels en adaptant ensuite leurs trouvailles nos propres contraintes et desiderata? On pense immdiatement aux publicits ou aux logos de socits, qui sont effectivement une source fort riche de crations mais qui rpondent aussi souvent dautres objectifs que ceux dun montage audiovisuel. Parmi les autres sources dinspiration, citons rapidement les titres de films, les couvertures de livres, les titres dmissions de tlvision, les affiches de manifestations artistiques. A dire vrai, jai rarement trouv que ces crations soient transposables aux montages audiovisuels. En revanche, avez-vous pens regarder dun il attentif et intress les pochettes des disques? Le format est proche de celui de nos diapositives; les objectifs sont aussi trs voisins: en une seule image, personnaliser suffisamment lobjet pour que le client potentiel sache, en un rapide coup dil, ce que contient le coffret et, bien sr, ait envie de lacheter. Cest surtout vrai dans le domaine dit des varits. Une illustration, un nom dinterprte, un titre: nest-ce pas ce quil y a de plus prs de nous? Je suis sr que si vous vous mettez regarder les pochettes de disques sous cet angle vous allez dcouvrir pas mal dides. Un peu de pratique Chose promise, chose due. Puisque vous tes arrivs jusque l, vous mritez quelques petits conseils pratiques sur lutilisation des lettres transfert. Pour le cas o vous nen auriez jamais vu, nous reproduisons la figure 11 une planche telle que vous en trouverez dans les boutiques spcialises dans les arts graphiques. Sachez que ces lettres existent aussi en planches moins grandes, que lon trouve, elles, dans les papeteries ou mme dans les grandes surfaces, mais les types de caractres ainsi proposs sont gnralement tous usages et donc plus pauvres sur le plan esthtique. Les planches se composent dune feuille sur laquelle sont fixes les lettres et dune feuille de protection. Celle-ci sert dune part protger les lettres lors du stockage (pour viter quelles ne sabment par frottement ou ne sappliquent sur un autre support) et, dautre part, viter que dautres lettres que celle dsire ne soit transfre sur votre document. Sous les lettres on trouve une ligne, des pointills ou des repres dalignement horizontal. Certaines marques proposent aussi des repres de positionnement latral des lettres; toutefois, comme nous lavons vu prcdemment (Voyage dans lespace), nous ne sommes gure favorables un tel mode despacement, lui prfrant le reprage visuel. Utilisez un papier de bonne qualit (papier couch trs lisse) afin que les irrgularits ventuelles ne causent pas de difficults dapplication. Aprs avoir dessin le cadre de la diapositive, tracez de fines lignes de reprage au crayon noir ou au crayon bleu (cette couleur ne sera pas reproduite sur le film lith, si vous utilisez cette technique). Si vous voulez que le titre soit centr, tracez aussi une ligne mdiane; vous positionnerez les lettres en commenant par celle du milieu et en alternant gauche et droite. Prenez soin de glisser la feuille protectrice sous la partie de la planche non utilise afin que la pression et la chaleur de vos doigts ne fasse pas transfrer tout ou partie dautres lettres. Pour transfrer les lettres de leur feuille sur votre papier (ou calque, transparent, bois ou autre support), frottez-les, sans trop appuyer dans un premier temps, avec un instrument arrondi et sans asprits. Si vous voulez un quipement sp?? ?cialis de qualit, les magasins darts graphiques vendent des brunissoirs de formes et dimensions varies (spatules, boules, etc.). Il nest pas conseill de frotter les lettres avec un crayon ou un stylo (on sait bien que a se fait!) car on risque de les fendiller la loi de Murphy veut que a arrive toujours la dernire lettre du dernier mot! Alignez soigneusement les repres, et non les lettres, sur la ligne trace au crayon. Si vous faites une erreur, si une let?0????<?Á?0??>x`?<}??|??<`<Ã<8ϐ@ ?8|<8??Ç1Æs<<|9||?ÇÇ?<<|c?ÇÇw?8Ã!Ç?x??0<0ǁ`?Ǐ?>?~߿?s?c?S?s?s?ss?|3}3yχ39>ps C>8#$9@0B0<ssb;r.9|q1 roqɿ3r17x9(rs319y9&rs|a1w 98;< |fsw<~#0|s?7|~?gx;ǿ}??? wa?i @i i j j k @k k @l m @m m m @n n o o p @p p q q r @r r r @s t @t t t u u @v v )v  w x y y @Z Z 8w #@  T@ a       @    $  ~ 3 & / / 0 @0 0 @1 2 @2 (4 fffffffff fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff3f9ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7fffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe7f9ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7fffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeff9ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7fffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffcff9ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7fffffff ffffffffffff 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rNewOrderEngravedNews701 BTNiagara EngravedRNiagara SolidRNewfoundland" rNews Gothic MT"  OCR A Extended2 Old English Text MTB Antique Olive"  OnyxROrbus MultiserifOttawa" rOzHandicraft BTBParties MTPalace Script MT Semi BoldPalette" rPalladiusPalace Script MTB PapyrusBParagon" rParchmentBParadise" PeacePeignot" Peinaud"Perpetua Perpetua Titling MTPipeline" rPlacard Condensed" PlaybillR Playwright" rPlump MT" Poor RichardPosse" rPowerLine" rPresident" rPristinaBPTBarnum BTR Quantum" rQuillScriptRage ItalicBRansomR  RavieR Renfrew" rRockwell CondensedRockwell Rockwell Extra Bol#Q4S D X/+ , _?6)1 !0ȔB!؆____ JT%MMT(4 DElmtд_? 5KޭM_!mMK ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe7fffffffff9fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe7fffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffc7fffffffff9fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe7fffffff ffffffffffff 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bouts dadhsif; en enlevant ladhsif, vous terez aussi les lettres ou lments indsirables. Une fois votre titre achev, recouvrez-le dun papier lger ou de la feuille protectrice et frottez lensemble en appuyant plus forte< @= = > > 0? @? ? @@ A @A A A B @C D @D D D E E @F F F G @G G H H I @I I ment cette fois. Le transfert est maintenant dfinitif. Il vous reste encore effacer les repres tracs au crayon et quelques menues bricoles... comme reproduire votre titre ou commencer raliser votre montage mais a, ce nest plus notre affaire pour aujourdhui! Grard Desroches Quand cest fini, a recommence Nous pensions bien avoir tout dit sur le sujet quand loccasion nous a t donne dajouter encore une considration que nous avions volontairement carte tant elle nous paraissait vidente. Comme quoi, il est bien vrai que si a va sans dire, a va encore mieux en le disant... Rcemment, lors dun gala rput de diaporamas, le premier montage de la soire commenait par une diapositive donnant quelques prcisions sur le sujet. Nous y avons remarqu Nouveau-Bunswick au lieu de Brunswick. Le deuxime montage comportait beaucoup de diapositives avec du texte. Dabord, ces textes taient plutt longs et, comme ils taient dans des caractres manuscrits ou de type script, la comprhension nen tait pas vidente. Mais surtout, nous avons trouv deux belles fautes dorthographe. Une faute de frappe dans le premier montage, deux fautes de grammaire dans le deuxime... statistiquement a fait beaucoup, et mme trop si lon songe que les uvres prsentes navaient pas t choisies au hasard par les organisateurs du gala, mais faisaient partie des bonnes productions rcentes. Alors, la conclusion est simple: relisez attentivement vos textes et, surtout, faites-les lire par quelquun dautre lil afft pour y dbusquer mots manquants, fautes de frappe, erreurs grammaticales et autres bizarrets ou trangeries.v x&&c&u#<%&#&&{3&&#&&C%&C&@B&CN&c7+*=#=#C#B#0Ba B@.a B@^a Rzna RNaGrard MANVUSSA Prsente IL EST BEAU MON MONTAGE GMMd  GMMd, GMMd0-(xKdddbLqqqq&&cHddԶ<de:dfԚqqqqԚdg2`dhdi L,djRPdk%+Pdl, %+|Pdmg1 PdnV%+PdoRVPd Schindler Small Caps" Century Schoolbook Scott" rScribe" rScript MT Bold J J K @K K K @L M @M M M N N @O O O P @P P Q Q R @R R S S T @T T T @U VY7$9$R)8tab@bZHbx*x x@M@ (,*tV$@Wt||B Serifa BT Serifa Th BTShatterRrShelleyAllegro BTB Showcard GothicR Signs MTSmilesSnap ITCR  Xerox Serif NarrowSnowCapsSnyderSpeed-PlainSouvenir Lt BT Space Toaster2 Sports Two MTSports Three MTXerox Sans Serif Narrow" Xerox Sans Serif Wide" Staccato222 BTB StarsAndStripes-PlainXerox Serif WideSwitzerland" rSwiss911 XCm BTh@Mh@{ g { g PP9g 9g -(xKddd -(xKdddE pp B@M C0u   nx GMMd( nx GMMdR " A&,,R," ~&Et vous, quen dites-vous ? 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Vous aurez peut-tre not au passage que la plupart des articles de Vision sont composs dans un caractre empattements (famille Times, comme celui que vous tes en train de lire); les chapeaux et les titres ltant dans divers caractres gnralement sDAdobe Compatibility CMSAdobe Compatibility CMSPageMaker 5.0 RGBDAdobe Compatibility CMS Adobe Compatibility CMSPageMaker 5.0 CMYKf9fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffffff ffffffffffff fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff3fffffffffffff9fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffffff ffffffffffff fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff3fffffffffffff9fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe7fffffffffffff9fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffffffB PapyrusBParagon" rParchmentBParadise" PeacePeig8 TBb99qqn 0o9'K,qqqqdd:+qqq Wqp1,,d;{+H7not" Peinaud"Perpetua Perpetua Titling MTPipeline" rPlacard Condensed" PlaybillR Playwright" rPlump MT" Poor RichardPosse" rPowerLine" rPresident" rPristinaBPTBarnum BTR Quantum" rQuillScriptRage ItalicBRansomR  RavieR Renfrew" rRockwell Condensedffffffffffffffffffe7fffffffffffff9fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffcffffffffffffff9fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff8ffffffffffffff9fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff9ffffffffffffff8fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff1ffffffffffffff800000000000000000000003ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff1ffffffffffffff000000000000000000000000000000000003ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffcffffffff 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260.06 C 158.83 260.06 158.98 260.06 159.26 259.85 C 159.34 259.56 159.62 259.49 159.62 259.13 C 159.41 258.7 Showcard GothicR Signs MTSmilesSnap ITCR  Xerox Serif NarrowSnowCapse7fffffffffffc0000000000000000000000007ff 246.31 198.14 245.59 C 197.42 245.59 196.63 245.66 195.98 245.74 C 196.06 247.32 195.98 248.83 195.98 250.34 C 196.06 250.78 195.77 251.28 196.13 251.57 C 196.42 251.71 196.70 251.86 197.14 252.07 C 197.42 252.14 197.64 252.36 197.93 252.43 C 197.93 252.50 198.00 252.58 198.07 252.58 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 191.66 251.42 192.96 252.14 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 192.89 252.14 m 192.96 252.00 192.89 251.71 192.89 251.50 C 192.53 251.42 192.17 158.90 258.70 158.54 258.77 C 157.68 259.06 156.74 258.55 155.74 259.06 C 154.73 259.13 153.94 258.55 153.22 258.34 C 152.93 258.12 152.71 257.83 152.35 257.83 C 152.42 258.34 152.93 258.55 153.22 258.98 C 153.58 259.13 153.65 259.34 154.01 259.49 C 154.15 259.63 154.44 259.63 154.66 259.70 C 155.09 259.92 155.38 259.99 155.74 260.06 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 162.14 258.77 165.89 260.06 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 163.51 260.06 m 164.16 260.06 164.66 259.92 165.24 259.63 C 165.46 259.49 165.60 259.34 165.67 259.06 C 165.89 258.98 165.89 258.91 165.89 258.77 C 165.17 258.91 164.23 259.70 163.37 259.27 C 163.01 259.06 162.58 259.13 162.29 259.34 C 162.14 259.49 162.14 259.70 162.14 259.85 C 162.43 259.99 162.72 259.85 162.94 259.99 C 163.15 259.99 163.37 259.99 163.51 260.06 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 153.14 258.55 159.34 259.92 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 155.66 259.85 m 156.53 259.92 157.39 259.56 158.26 259.85 C 158.62 259.85 158.90 259.85 159.12 259.56 C 159.19 259.34 159.34 259.06 159.19 258.98 C 158.40 259.06 157.68 259.20 156.89 259.06 C 155.88 259.27 154.94 259.56 154.15 259.06 C 153.94 258.77 153.43 258.70 153.14 258.55 C 153.22 258.84 153.65 259.06 154.15 259.34 C 154.66 259.49 155.16 259.78 155.66 259.85 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 146.38 256.82 147.74 259.34 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 147.60 259.34 m 147.67 259.34 147.74 259.34 147.74 259.13 C 147.46 259.06 147.31 258.84 147.17 258.55 C 146.74 258.19 146.45 257.62 146.59 256.97 C 146.59 256.82 146.74 256.82 146.59 256.82 C 146.38 257.33 146.45 258.12 146.95 258.55 C 147.17 258.84 147.24 259.20 147.60 259.34 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 150.98 257.62 151.42 259.06 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 151.42 259.06 m 151.42 258.55 151.13 258.34 151.20 257.83 C 151.27 257.76 151.27 257.69 151.34 257.62 C 151.27 257.62 151.20 257.62 151.13 257.69 C 150.98 258.19 151.13 258.55 151.34 258.98 C 151.34 259.06 151.42 259.06 151.42 259.06 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 158.54 256.82 160.42 258.34 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 158.54 258.34 m 158.90 258.19 159.41 257.98 159.70 257.83 C 159.91 257.47 160.27 257.33 160.42 256.82 C 160.20 257.18 159.91 257.33 159.70 257.62 C 159.34 257.83 158.90 258.12 158.54 258.34 C 158.54 258.34 158.54 258.34 158.54 258.34 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 153.07 256.32 158.40 258.34 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 156.74 258.19 m 157.32 258.34 157.97 258.12 158.26 257.69 C 158.40 257.62 158.18 257.47 158.26 257.40 C 157.90 258.12 156.89 258.05 156.17 258.05 C 155.38 257.69 154.44 257.76 153.94 257.33 C 153.65 256.97 153.43 256.75 153.36 256.32 C 153.22 256.32 153.07 256.32 153.07 256.39 C 153.14 256.82 153.36 256.97 153.65 257.33 C 154.15 257.69 154.87 257.76 155.45 257.98 C 155.95 258.12 156.46 258.19 156.74 258.19 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 141.98 249.34 146.45 257.90 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 143.93 257.83 m 144.43 257.83 145.08 257.83 145.37 257.40 C 145.58 256.18 145.37 254.95 146.16 254.09 C 146.38 253.37 146.38 252.86 146.16 252.36 C 146.02 252.58 145.94 252.94 145.66 253.08 C 145.37 253.51 145.66 253.87 145.80 254.30 C 145.66 254.30 145.51 254.16 145.37 254.09 C 145.15 253.73 145.30 253.37 145.37 253.01 C 145.58 252.86 145.66 252.65 145.80 252.43 C 145.94 252.22 145.94 252.07 145.80 251.93 C 145.66 251.86 145.51 252.00 145.44 252.07 C 145.37 252.43 145.37 252.94 144.94 253.08 C 144.65 253.08 144.50 253.22 144.29 253.37 C 144.14 253.66 144.14 253.94 144.43 254.16 C 144.43 254.30 144.29 254.30 144.14 254.30 C 143.78 254.09 143.93 253.66 143.93 253.37 C 143.93 253.08 144.14 252.86 144.50 252.94 C 144.72 252.86 144.94 252.86 144.94 252.79 C 145.08 252.36 145.15 251.86 145.37 251.71 C 145.66 251.64 145.80 251.57 145.94 251.71 C 146.09 251.86 146.16 251.93 146.16 252.07 C 146.45 251.42 146.45 250.56 146.38 249.84 C 146.09 249.55 145.80 249.34 145.37 249.34 C 145.08 249.48 144.86 249.70 144.72 249.84 C 144.50 250.34 144.36 250.70 144.14 251.14 C 143.64 251.64 143.28 252.07 142.92 252.65 C 142.34 253.66 141.98 254.88 142.27 256.10 C 142.49 256.82 142.92 257.47 143.64 257.83 C 143.78 257.90 143.78 257.83 143.93 257.83 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 153.65 255.02 158.90 257.40 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 156.17 257.33 m 157.10 257.40 157.90 256.82 158.54 256.61 C 158.83 256.46 158.90 256.32 158.83 256.18 C 158.18 255.89 157.61 255.82 157.18 255.38 C 155.95 255.02 154.73 255.53 153.94 255.74 C 153.79 255.60 153.72 255.60 153.65 255.60 C 153.65 255.96 154.01 256.10 154.15 256.32 C 154.66 256.82 155.45 257.33 156.17 257.33 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 142.34 250.99 145.15 257.11 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 143.64 257.11 m 144.14 257.11 144.65 257.11 144.86 256.75 C 145.15 256.32 144.86 255.96 145.08 255.60 C 145.08 255.53 144.86 255.60 144.86 255.67 C 144.79 256.18 144.72 256.61 144.43 256.75 C 144.07 256.97 143.64 256.82 143.35 256.75 C 143.06 256.46 142.92 256.25 142.85 256.10 C 142.70 255.38 142.70 254.74 142.92 254.30 C 143.14 254.30 143.14 254.59 143.28 254.74 C 143.42 254.88 143.42 255.10 143.50 255.24 C 143.50 254.59 142.70 253.87 143.14 253.01 C 143.64 252.22 144.94 252.36 145.08 251.21 C 145.08 251.14 145.08 250.99 145.08 250.99 C 144.79 251.35 144.65 251.86 144.14 252.07 C 143.64 252.36 143.14 252.43 142.92 253.01 C 142.92 253.30 142.70 253.58 142.92 253.80 C 142.42 254.30 142.34 255.24 142.56 255.96 C 142.85 256.32 142.92 256.75 143.42 256.97 C 143.50 256.97 143.64 257.11 143.64 257.11 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 162.65 255.82 164.30 257.11 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 163.37 257.11 m 163.66 257.11 164.09 256.97 164.23 256.82 C 164.30 256.46 164.16 256.10 163.94 255.96 C 163.66 255.82 163.37 255.82 163.15 255.96 C 162.94 256.18 162.65 256.32 162.72 256.61 C 162.94 256.82 163.08 256.97 163.37 257.11 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 146.59 255.53 147.10 256.97 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 147.10 256.97 m 146.95 256.61 146.59 256.10 146.74 255.53 C 146.59 256.10 146.74 256.61 146.95 256.97 C 147.02 256.97 147.10 256.97 147.10 256.97 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 155.09 255.60 156.67 256.97 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 156.31 256.82 m 156.38 256.82 156.53 256.97 156.53 256.82 C 156.67 256.39 156.60 256.10 156.46 255.82 C 156.17 255.60 155.81 255.60 155.59 255.60 C 155.30 255.82 155.16 255.96 155.09 256.25 C 155.38 256.61 155.74 256.75 156.31 256.82 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 156.53 255.53 157.97 256.82 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 157.03 256.82 m 157.32 256.75 157.90 256.75 157.97 25dL%+GddMHd6.46 C 157.90 255.89 157.39 255.74 156.89 255.53 C 156.74 255.53 156.60 255.60 156.53 255.53 C 157.03 255.82 156.89 256.46 157.03 256.82 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 151.34 256.32 152.06 256.82 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 151.34 256.82 m 151.70 256.75 151.92 256.75 152.06 256.46 C 151.85 256.32 151.70 256.75 151.34 256.75 C 151.34 256.75 151.34 256.82 151.34 256.82 C 151.34 256.82 151.34 256.82 151.34 256.82 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 164.30 255.89 165.02 256.75 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 164.66 256.75 m 164.81 256.61 165.02 256.61 165.02 256.32 C 165.02 256.10 164.59 255.89 164.30 255.89 C 164.38 256.10 164.66 256.25 164.59 256.61 C 164.59 256.75 164.66 256.75 164.66 256.75 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 162.14 256.18 162.50 256.54 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 162.36 256.54 m 162.43 256.39 162.50 256.32 162.43 256.18 C 162.29 256.18 162.29 256.25 162.14 256.32 C 162.29 256.32 162.36 251 67BB86.46 162.36 256.54 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 158.18 256.18 158.47 256.32 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 158.40 256.32 m 158.40 256.32 158.47 256.32 158.47 256.32 C 158.40 256.25 158.26 256.18 158.18 256.25 C 158.33 256.25 158.26 256.32 158.40 256.32 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 162.58 249.48 166.39 256.46 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 165.67 256.32 m 165.67 256.03 165.89 255.53 165.60 255.24 C 165.17 254.66 164.38 254.66 163.66 254.45 C 163.66 254.30 163.66 254.30 163.66 254.30 C 164.09 254.09 164.52 254.52 165.02 254.45 C 165.24 254.59 165.53 254.81 165.67 254.74 C 166.39 253.87 166.39 252.72 166.32 251.71 C 166.03 250.85 165.46 250.34 165.46 249.48 C 165.17 249.55 165.02 249.84 164.66 249.84 C 164.59 250.13 164.38 250.13 164.16 250.20 C 164.09 250.13 163.94 250.13 163.80 250.13 C 164.02 250.34 164.16 250.85 164.09 251.35 C 163.66 252.07 163.51 252.94 163.30 253.80 C 163.08 254.45 162.86 255.10 162.58 255.74 C 163.37 255.38 164.23 255.38 165.02 255.89 C 165.17 256.10 165.46 256.10 165.53 256.25 C 165.67 256.25 165.53 256.46 165.67 256.32 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 154.58 255.67 154.94 256.10 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 154.73 256.10 m 154.73 255.96 154.94 255.82 154.87 255.67 C 154.80 255.74 154.66 255.82 154.58 255.89 C 154.58 255.96 154.58 256.10 154.73 256.10 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 150.91 255.10 152.93 255.53 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 151.78 255.38 m 152.14 255.38 152.50 255.53 152.93 255.38 C 152.35 255.24 151.49 255.53 151.13 255.10 C 150.91 255.10 150.91 255.17 151.13 255.24 C 151.27 255.38 151.56 255.38 151.78 255.38 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 137.66 239.33 145.37 255.10 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 141.70 255.10 m 141.70 254.74 141.70 254.30 141.77 253.94 C 141.77 253.66 141.98 253.58 141.98 253.37 C 142.06 253.08 142.20 252.86 142.20 252.65 C 142.56 252.07 143.14 251.64 143.50 251.14 C 144.07 250.34 144.14 249.34 145.15 248.90 C 145.30 248.90 145.37 248.90 145.37 248.83 C 145.37 247.61 145.37 246.17 144.72 245.09 C 144.50 244.80 144.14 244.37 143.64 244.30 C 143.42 244.08 143.28 243.72 143.14 243.58 C 142.92 242.71 142.27 242.35 141.70 241.85 C 140.98 241.34 140.33 240.84 139.46 240.41 C 139.18 240.34 138.89 240.05 138.67 239.90 C 138.24 239.62 138.02 239.40 137.66 239.33 C 137.88 239.90 138.10 240.26 138.10 240.84 C 138.24 241.78 138.67 242.50 139.18 243.07 C 140.11 244.80 139.39 246.82 140.54 248.33 C 140.90 249.48 140.76 250.34 140.76 251.57 C 140.83 252.36 140.83 253.08 140.90 253.80 C 141.34 254.09 141.19 254.81 141.70 255.10 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 151.70 254.16 153.65 255.02 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 153.58 255.02 m 153.65 254.88 153.43 254.81 153.36 254.74 C 152.71 254.52 152.28 254.45 151.78 254.16 C 151.70 254.30 151.78 254.30 151.92 254.38 C 152.50 254.59 153.00 254.74 153.58 255.02 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 152.35 253.37 156.89 254.66 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 153.72 254.52 m 153.94 254.45 153.72 254.09 154.01 254.09 C 154.08 253.80 154.44 253.80 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Le but en est de vous proposer  des spd5-(xKddd-(xKddd-(xKddd-(xKddd-(xKddd-(xKddd-(xKddd-(xKddTd-(xKddd-(xKddd-(xKdddt-(xKddd-(xKd7.89 253.80 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 147.17 250.56 148.25 252.36 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 148.10 252.36 m 148.25 251.86 147.89 251.35 147.60 250.99 C 147.46 250.85 147.46 250.70 147.17 250.56 C 147.46 251.14 147.96 251.42 147.96 252.14 C 148.10 252.36 147.96 252.36 148.10 252.36 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 151.92 250.13 153.65 250.78 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 153.58 250.78 m 153.65 250.78 153.58 250.70 153.58 250.70 C 153.07 250.34 152.42 250.56 151.99 250.13 C 151.92 250.13 151.99 250.20 151.99 250.27 C 152.42 250.56 153.14 250.49 153.58 250.78 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 141.41 248.90 142.56 250.34 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 142.34 250.34 m 142.42 250.34 142.49 250.34 142.56 250.34 C 142.27 250.20 142.20 249.84 141.91 249.77 C 141.77 249.34 141.70 249.19 141.55 248.90 C 141.41 249.48 141.98 249.84 142.20 250.34 C 142.27 250.34 142.34 250.34 142.34 250.34 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 152.71 247.68 154.66 249.19 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 154.66 249.19 m 154.66 249.05 154.44 248.98 154.30 248.83 C 153.94 248.69 153.65 248.62 153.43 248.33 C 153.00 248.18 153.00 247.90 152.71 247.68 C 152.71 247.82 152.86 248.11 153.07 248.18 C 153.22 248.33 153.36 248.54 153.58 248.54 C 153.94 248.83 154.37 248.98 154.66 249.19 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 163.58 247.10 165.02 249.19 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 163.94 249.12 m 163.80 248.83 163.94 248.54 164.02 248.18 C 164.16 247.90 164.45 247.68 164.59 247.54 C 164.74 247.39 164.88 247.32 165.02 247.10 C 164.59 247.32 164.30 247.68 164.02 247.97 C 163.80 248.33 163.58 248.76 163.80 249.12 C 163.80 249.19 163.94 249.12 163.94 249.12 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 140.54 245.38 142.92 249.12 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 142.70 249.12 m 142.85 249.12 142.92 249.12 142.92 249.05 C 142.92 248.98 142.92 248.90 142.92 248.90 C 142.42 248.98 142.20 248.33 141.77 248.18 C 141.70 247.97 141.62 247.82 141.41 247.61 C 141.19 247.32 141.19 246.82 141.12 246.60 C 140.98 246.10 140.90 245.59 140.54 245.38 C 140.83 245.88 140.90 246.74 141.19 247.39 C 141.26 247.68 141.41 247.82 141.55 248.11 C 141.91 248.54 142.20 248.98 142.70 249.12 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 145.08 241.85 147.96 249.19 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 146.30 249.12 m 146.38 248.83 146.74 248.54 146.45 248.11 C 146.16 247.32 146.45 246.38 146.45 245.59 C 147.02 245.16 147.02 244.80 147.17 244.08 C 147.53 243.58 147.17 242.57 147.74 242.21 C 147.89 242.14 147.96 242.06 147.89 241.99 C 147.46 241.85 147.17 242.21 146.74 242.35 C 146.38 242.57 146.09 243.00 145.80 243.22 C 145.44 243.65 145.08 244.08 145.08 244.73 C 145.58 245.38 145.58 246.38 145.80 247.32 C 145.66 247.75 146.09 248.26 145.94 248.62 C 145.94 248.83 145.94 249.05 146.09 249.12 C 146.16 249.19 146.16 249.12 146.30 249.12 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 147.46 245.38 149.47 248.83 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 149.26 248.83 m 149.47 248.62 149.26 247.97 149.11 247.68 C 148.39 247.10 147.89 246.31 147.67 245.38 C 147.46 246.96 149.33 247.32 149.18 248.83 C 149.18 248.83 149.26 248.83 149.26 248.83 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 164.66 247.39 165.67 248.83 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 164.81 248.83 m 164.81 248.33 165.02 248.11 165.46 247.82 C 165.53 247.75 165.67 247.75 165.67 247.61 C 165.67 247.54 165.67 247.39 165.67 247.39 C 165.46 247.82 164.81 247.90 164.66 248.54 C 164.66 248.62 164.66 248.83 164.81 248.83 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 147.67 247.10 148.39 248.69 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 148.32 248.62 m 148.39 247.97 147.74 247.75 147.89 247.10 C 147.67 247.10 147.67 247.39 147.74 247.61 C 147.96 247.82 148.10 248.11 148.18 248.33 C 148.25 248.33 148.18 248.69 148.32 248.62 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 165.74 247.39 166.97 248.54 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 165.96 248.54 m 166.18 248.11 166.90 247.97 166.97 247.39 C 166.68 247.39 166.54 247.82 166.10 247.90 C 165.96 248.11 165.74 248.26 165.89 248.54 C 165.89 248.54 165.96 248.54 165.96 248.54 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 143.50 246.10 144.07 248.54 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 143.71 248.54 m 143.93 248.11 143.64 247.39 144.07 247.10 C 143.93 246.67 143.86 246.17 143.64 246.10 C 143.64 246.38 144.07 246.82 143.78 247.10 C 143.64 247.61 143.50 248.04 143.64 248.33 C 143.64 248.54 143.71 248.54 143.71 248.54 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 158.62 247.25 159.19 248.26 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 159.19 248.26 m 158.83 248.04 158.90 247.61 158.83 247.25 C 158.62 247.39 158.69 247.97 158.7 251.50 191.66 251.57 C 191.66 251.64 191.66 251.78 191.66 251.86 C 192.17 251.86 192.53 252.07 192.89 252.14 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 190.80 245.30 191.52 251.71 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 191.30 251.71 m 191.45 250.34 191.45 248.83 191.45 247.32 C 191.45 246.82 191.52 246.46 191.45 246.10 C 191.52 245.81 191.38 245.59 191.30 245.38 C 191.16 245.38 191.02 245.30 190.94 245.30 C 190.87 246.82 190.80 248.33 190.87 249.77 C 190.80 250.34 190.87 250.99 190.94 251.57 C 191.02 251.64 191.16 251.64 191.30 251.71 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 189.29 245.23 190.80 251.57 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 190.66 251.50 m 190.80 250.56 190.58 249.70 190.66 248.76 C 190.66 247.54 190.80 246.31 190.73 245.23 C 190.30 245.23 189.94 245.23 189.58 245.30 C 189.43 245.45 189.43 245.66 189.43 245.81 C 189.58 245.81 189.58 246.02 189.50 246.10 C 189.29 246.10 189.43 246.38 189.43 246.60 C 189.36 248.11 189.36 249.70 189.43 251.06 C 189.72 251.35 190.08 251.28 190.22 251.42 C 190.44 251.42 190.51 251.57 190.66 251.50 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 182.88 241.85 184.54 251.35 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 182.95 251.35 m 183.17 251.28 183.17 251.14 183.17 250.99 C 183.46 250.42 183.74 249.91 184.03 249.34 C 184.10 249.05 184.32 248.83 184.39 248.62 C 184.54 247.10 184.39 245.59 184.46 244.08 C 184.46 243.36 184.39 242.71 184.39 241.99 C 184.03 241.85 183.46 241.99 182.95 241.99 C 182.95 242.57 182.95 243.07 182.95 243.58 C 182.95 244.58 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ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffcffffffffffffffe1fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff8000000000000001ffffffffffff fffffcimens de caractres, classiques et fantaisie, des mises en page et des compositions, dont vous pouvez vous inspirer ou non, et qui peuvent ventuellement tre combins. Le premier exemple commence en fait dans le titre ci-dessus, avec pas moins de 11 styles de caractres diffrents mais, aussi bizarre que cela puisse paratre, de mme corps! Nous pensons que cest plutt un exemple ne pas suivre. Pris isolment, chacun de ces types de caractres pourrait tre utilis pour composer un titre original, lexception toutefois du gothique pour les raisons exposes dans le corps de larticle. 1. Deux types de caractres et deux mises en page; ce style ne peut convenir que si le titre peut tre divis en deux lments distincts. Les caractres majuscules de coup et de foudre sont particulirement bien lisibles sans tre trop gras; en revanche les mmes caractres, mais en minuscules, dans pour le, pourraient tre difficiles lire si la phrase tait plus longue et s 164.16 245.09 C 163.94 245.02 163.80 245.02 163.51 245.16 C 163.51 245.30 163.51 245.52 163.37 245.59 C 162.43 245.23 161.14 245.66 160.56 245.02 C 160.56 244.80 160.27 244.80 160.20 244.80 C 159.70 245.02 159.48 244.37 159.12 244.51 C 158.90 244.80 158.62 244.94 158.40 244.87 C 158.04 244.73 157.90 244.44 157.68 244.30 C 157.54 244.30 157.46 244.37 157.46 244.44 C 157.90 244.80 158.11 245.02 158.40 245.38 C 158.83 245.38 159.19 245.52 159.34 245.81 C 159.41 246.10 159.70 246.17 159.91 246.46 C 159.91 246.67 160.42 246.67 160.49 246.82 C 160.92 246.82 161.42 246.74 161.64 247.10 C 161.78 247.32 162.29 247.10 162.29 247.39 C 162.36 247.68 162.14 247.97 162.43 248.04 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 157.46 246.74 157.97 247.68 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 157.90 247.68 m 157.97 247.54 157.46 247.32 157.68 247.10 C 157.75 246.89 157.75 246.82 157.68 246.74 C 157.61 246.82 157.46 246.96 157.46 247.10 C 157.61 247.39 157.61 247.68 157.90 247.68 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 148.10 244.01 149.76 247.32 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 149.76 247.25 m 149.69 246.46 149.33 245.66 148.75 245.16 C 148.46 244.80 148.39 244.37 148.39 244.01 C 148.10 245.30 149.62 245.81 149.54 247.10 C 149.69 247.10 149.69 247.32 149.76 247.25 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 156.38 245.52 156.89 247.10 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 156.89 247.10 m 156.89 247.10 156.89 247.10 156.89 247.10 C 156.74 247.10 156.53 246.82 156.60 246.53 C 156.82 246.10 156.74 245.81 156.53 245.52 C 156.46 245.52 156.46 245.52 156.46 245.52 C 156.89 245.88 156.38 246.53 156.53 246.96 C 156.60 247.10 156.74 247.10 156.89 247.10 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 161.35 246.53 162.86 247.10 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 162.36 247.10 m 162.43 246.96 162.72 246.89 162.86 246.74 C 162.36 246.53 161.78 246.60 161.35 246.60 C 161.64 246.82 162.07 247.10 162.36 247.10 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 167.18 246.17 167.83 247.32 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 167.26 247.10 m 167.54 246.89 167.83 246.60 167.69 246.17 C 167.54 246.31 167.40 246.74 167.18 246.96 C 167.18 247.10 167.18 247.32 167.26 247.10 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 143.64 244.94 144.79 247.10 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 144.65 247.10 m 144.79 246.53 144.65 245.81 144.36 245.45 C 144.14 245.23 143.93 245.09 143.78 244.94 C 143.71 244.94 143.64 245.02 143.64 245.02 C 144.14 245.30 144.43 245.66 144.50 246.17 C 144.65 246.53 144.43 246.82 144.65 247.10 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 166.46 245.52 166.90 246.74 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 166.46 246.74 m 166.82 246.60 166.68 245.88 166.90 245.59 C 166.90 245.59 166.90 245.52 166.90 245.52 C 166.61 245.74 166.61 246.38 166.46 246.74 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 158.54 244.80 164.38 246.60 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 164.02 246.60 m 164.02 246.31 164.38 246.17 164.23 245.88 C 164.09 245.74 164.16 245.45 164.09 245.38 C 163.94 245.38 163.73 245.30 163.73 245.38 C 163.73 245.59 163.66 245.66 163.80 245.74 C 163.94 245.81 163.94 245.81 163.94 245.88 C 162.86 245.81 161.42 245.30 160.20 245.66 C 159.91 245.66 159.91 245.59 159.91 245.52 C 160.20 245.30 160.56 245.38 160.42 245.09 C 160.20 244.94 159.70 245.30 159.48 244.87 C 159.41 244.80 159.19 244.80 158.98 244.87 C 158.90 244.94 158.83 245.16 158.54 245.09 C 158.69 245.30 158.90 244.94 158.98 245.23 C 159.19 245.52 159.62 245.59 159.70 245.88 C 160.06 246.46 160.70 246.31 161.14 246.31 C 162.29 246.02 163.08 246.60 164.02 246.60 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 154.80 244.37 155.81 246.38 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 155.74 246.38 m 155.74 246.38 155.81 246.38 155.81 246.31 C 155.52 246.17 155.38 245.88 155.23 245.52 C 155.30 245.09 155.16 244.80 154.94 244.37 C 154.87 244.37 154.80 244.37 154.80 244.37 C 155.16 244.94 154.94 245.66 155.38 246.17 C 155.52 246.31 155.66 246.38 155.74 246.38 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 140.90 243.07 142.70 245.59 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 142.49 245.59 m 142.56 245.59 142.70 245.52 142.56 245.52 C 142.34 245.38 142.34 245.09 142.20 244.94 C 141.91 244.15 141.70 243.50 140.98 243.07 C 140.90 243.07 140.90 243.07 140.90 243.07 C 141.91 243.58 141.70 245.09 142.49 245.59 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 149.40 243.14 150.41 245.52 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 150.19 245.52 m 150.41 245.30 150.34 244.94 150.19 244.58 C 149.90 244.15 149.54 243.72 149.47 243.14 C 149.40 243.58 149.62 243.94 149.90 244.22 C 150.19 244.58 150.05 245.23 150.19 245.52 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 148.90 244.08 149.40 245.09 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 149.40 245.09 m 149.33 244.80 149.18 244.44 149.11 244.08 C 148.90 244.30 149.18 244.80 149.26 245.02 C 149.33 245.09 149.40 245.09 149.40 245.09 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 155.45 244.37 155.88 245.09 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 155.88 245.09 m 155.66 244.37 L 155.45 244.37 155.66 244.73 155.66 244.87 C 155.66 244.94 155.74 245.09 155.88 245.09 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 165.96 243.00 167.69 245.09 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 166.10 245.09 m 166.39 244.58 167.18 244.80 167.33 244.37 C 167.40 243.72 167.69 243.58 167.69 243.00 C 167.54 243.36 167.26 243.72 167.18 244.15 C 166.90 244.58 166.10 244.51 165.96 245.02 C 165.96 245.09 166.10 245.09 166.10 245.09 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 167.83 243.58 168.62 245.09 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 167.83 245.09 m 168.12 245.02 168.34 244.80 168.48 244.51 C 168.62 244.15 168.62 243.72 168.41 243.58 C 168.62 244.08 168.26 244.80 167.83 245.09 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 154.15 240.84 157.18 244.15 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 157.03 244.15 m 157.18 244.15 157.03 244.01 156.89 243.94 C 156.46 243.65 156.02 243.22 155.81 242.57 C 155.66 242.35 155.30 242.35 155.16 241.99 C 154.66 241.85 154.58 241.56 154.44 241.13 C 154.44 240.98 154.44 240.84 154.37 240.84 C 154.15 241.13 154.44 241.63 154.58 241.85 C 155.16 242.35 155.95 242.57 155.95 243.50 C 156.31 243.72 156.53 243.86 156.74 244.08 C 156.89 244.08 156.89 244.15 157.03 244.15 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 142.36FBE14634 237.67 149.54 244.08 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 144.65 244.08 m 145.08 243.58 145.44 242.93 146.02 242.42 C 146.38 242.14 146.59 241.92 147.02 241.85 C 147.31 241.49 147.89 241.63 148.25 241.63 C 148.39 241.63 148.39 241.78 148.46 241.63 C 148.46 240.98 148.54 240.26 148.90 239.69 C 149.18 239.62 149.40 239.62 149.40 239.40 C 149.33 238.97 149.54 238.54 149.54 238.18 C 148.39 237.67 147.31 238.46 146.16 238.75 C 145.80 238.82 145.58 239.11 145.30 239.18 C 144.94 239.40 144.72 239.54 144.43 239.69 C 143.93 239.98 143.50 240.34 143.28 240.70 C 142.92 241.06 142.92 241.34 142.42 241.63 C 142.34 241.85 142.70 241.92 142.92 242.14 C 143.28 242.50 143.21 243.22 143.64 243.58 C 143.93 243.58 143.93 243.72 144.14 243.79 C 144.29 243.94 144.43 244.08 144.65 244.08 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 152.57 241.63 153.72 243.36 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 153.65 243.36 m 153.72 243.07 153.65 242.57 153.43 242.35 C 153.22 242.21 153.14 242.06 152.93 241.92 C 152.71 241.85 152.86 241.78 152.71 241.63 C 152.57 241.85 152.86 241.99 152.93 242.14 C 153.22 242.35 153.58 242.42 153.58 242.86 C 153.65 243.00 153.43 243.29 153.65 243.36 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 150.98 238.68 152.14 243.29 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 151.92 243.22 m 151.99 243.22 152.06 243.07 152.06 243.07 C 151.92 242.78 151.70 242.50 151.78 242.21 C 151.85 241.85 152.14 241.56 151.99 241.13 C 151.63 240.41 151.49 239.54 151.63 238.68 C 151.42 238.68 151.34 238.82 151.27 239.04 C 150.98 240.05 152.06 241.13 151.56 241.99 C 151.34 242.42 151.63 242.86 151.78 243.07 C 151.85 243.07 151.92 243.29 151.92 243.22 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 158.33 235.30 162.29 243.22 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 161.64 243.22 m 161.86 242.93 161.93 242.35 162.07 241.85 C 162.29 240.41 161.57 238.97 160.92 237.96 C 160.56 237.53 160.13 237.10 159.70 236.81 C 159.41 236.59 159.34 236.30 158.90 236.09 C 158.83 235.87 158.83 235.58 158.47 235.51 C 158.40 235.37 158.40 235.37 158.33 235.30 C 158.54 235.80 158.90 236.16 159.41 236.66 C 159.70 237.10 160.06 237.24 160.42 237.67 C 160.56 237.89 160.78 237.96 160.85 238.18 C 161.14 238.39 161.14 238.68 161.35 238.82 C 162.14 240.12 162.00 241.85 161.64 243.22 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 159.70 238.68 160.78 243.07 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 160.20 243.07 m 160.78 241.92 160.78 240.55 160.06 239.62 C 159.91 239.33 159.91 238.82 159.70 238.68 C 159.70 239.26 159.91 239.83 160.27 240.34 C 160.78 241.27 160.27 242.14 160.20 243.07 C 160.20 243.07 160.20 243.07 160.20 243.07 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 164.02 240.70 164.52 243.07 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 164.02 243.07 m 164.23 242.86 164.38 242.21 164.45 241.78 C 164.45 241.34 164.23 240.98 164.16 240.70 C 164.52 241.56 164.16 242.42 164.02 243.07 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 165.67 239.62 166.46 242.35 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 165.89 242.35 m 166.18 242.14 166.39 241.63 166.39 241.13 C 166.39 240.48 166.03 239.98 165.67 239.62 C 165.89 240.12 166.46 240.91 166.10 241.63 C 166.10 241.99 165.89 241.99 165.67 242.35 C 165.67 242.35 165.89 242.35 165.89 242.35 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 167.18 241.34 167.62 242.42 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 167.26 242.42 m 167.54 242.35 167.54 241.92 167.40 241.63 C 167.40 241.56 167.26 241.34 167.26 241.49 C 167.62 241.78 167.18 242.14 167.26 242.42 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 157.90 239.11 158.47 241.49 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 158.11 241.49 m 158.40 241.27 158.40 240.62 158.47 240.12 C 158.40 239.69 158.26 239.33 157.97 239.11 C 157.90 239.33 158.33 239.54 158.26 239.90 C 158.47 240.41 158.18 241.06 158.11 241.49 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 167.18 236.88 169.13 241.34 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 168.05 241.34 m 168.05 240.84 167.54 240.34 167.76 239.69 C 167.98 239.11 168.48 238.54 168.77 238.03 C 168.91 237.60 168.77 237.17 168.62 236.88 C 169.13 238.32 167.18 239.04 167.62 240.55 C 167.76 240.84 167.83 241.27 168.05 241.34 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 141.19 235.87 149.62 241.34 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 142.20 241.34 m 142.70 241.34 142.85 240.84 143.14 240.55 C 143.28 240.34 143.50 240.05 143.71 239.83 C 144.29 239.40 144.86 239.18 145.37 238.82 C 145.94 238.68 146.30 238.32 146.95 238.32 C 147.67 237.82 148.54 237.74 149.47 237.82 C 149.54 237.38 149.40 236.95 149.62 236.52 C 147.89 235.87 146.16 236.59 144.72 237.31 C 143.86 237.82 142.92 238.32 142.42 239.11 C 142.06 239.33 141.91 239.76 141.70 240.12 C 141.55 240.41 141.19 240.55 141.26 240.84 C 141.62 240.98 141.70 241.27 142.20 241.34 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 149.90 239.76 150.41 240.98 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 150.41 240.98 m 150.41 240.70 150.05 240.26 150.12 239.76 C 149.90 239.90 150.12 240.41 150.12 240.62 C 150.26 240.84 150.26 240.98 150.41 240.98 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 160.49 238.82 161.14 240.91 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 161.14 240.91 m 160.99 240.12 160.99 239.33 160.49 238.82 C 160.70 239.40 160.85 240.12 161.14 240.84 C 161.14 240.91 161.14 240.91 161.14 240.91 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 126.65 201.31 146.88 240.55 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 140.83 240.55 m 141.34 240.05 141.70 239.26 142.20 238.68 C 142.34 238.32 142.70 238.32 142.92 237.89 C 143.42 237.82 143.64 237.31 143.93 237.31 C 144.43 237.10 144.86 236.95 145.30 236.74 C 145.15 236.52 145.37 236.16 145.15 235.94 C 144.72 235.94 144.14 235.87 143.93 235.58 C 143.50 235.15 143.93 234.58 143.93 233.93 C 144.29 233.64 144.65 233.42 145.08 233.42 C 145.30 231.55 145.08 229.61 145.08 227.66 C 144.65 227.30 144.07 227.30 143.93 226.80 C 143.86 226.08 143.71 225.22 144.29 224.78 C 144.50 224.57 144.86 224.50 145.15 224.35 C 145.15 222.41 145.58 220.61 145.37 218.66 C 145.37 218.38 145.08 218.30 145.08 218.16 C 144.65 217.94 144.50 217.44 144.50 217.08 C 144.72 216.58 144.72 216.07 145.15 215.86 C 145.37 215.86 145.37 215.78 145.58 215.78 C 145.80 214.06 145.66 212.33 145.94 210.60 C 145.94 210.10 145.80 209.74 145.80 209.30 C 145.37 209.16 144.86 209.09 144.79 208.44 C 144.72 208.01 144.79 207.36 145.15 207.07 C 145.37 206.64 146.09 206.64 146.38 206.50 C 146.74 205.20 146.88 203.90 146.74 202.68 C 146.16 202.68 145.73 202.61 145.51 202.18 C 145.30 201.82 145.37 201.53 145.51 201.31 C 144.94 201.53 144.43 201.82 143.78 202.03 C 143.42 202.32 142.70 202.18 142.34 202.54 C 141.12 202.82 140.11 203.76 138.82 203.90 C 138.67 204.05 138.67 204.12 138.67 204.05 C 138.67 204.05 138.67 203.90 138.53 203.83 C 138.38 203.98 138.38 204.12 138.10 204.26 C 138.02 205.63 138.67 206.71 138.89 208.01 C 139.18 208.44 138.96 209.09 139.32 209.30 C 139.54 210.46 139.18 211.61 138.67 212.62 C 138.67 212.69 138.53 212.83 138.53 212.98 C 138.67 214.27 138.67 215.57 138.74 216.86 C 138.67 217.37 138.53 217.66 138.38 218.09 C 138.24 218.66 138.10 219.10 137.88 219.46 C 137.66 219.67 137.66 220.03 137.59 220.18 C 136.66 222.05 136.08 224.06 135.29 226.01 C 135.22 227.09 134.93 227.74 134.35 228.53 C 134.14 228.60 134.06 228.82 133.92 228.96 C 133.70 229.61 133.20 230.11 132.55 230.47 C 131.76 230.47 131.40 230.98 130.97 231.34 C 130.68 231.84 130.25 231.91 129.89 232.27 C 129.46 232.34 129.38 232.56 128.88 232.78 C 128.59 232.99 128.30 232.85 127.94 232.92 C 127.44 232.99 126.94 232.70 126.65 233.06 C 126.65 233.28 126.72 233.35 126.94 233.35 C 127.66 233.57 127.94 233.78 128.66 234.07 C 128.81 234.22 129.10 234.22 129.17 234.36 C 129.89 234.65 130.54 235.15 131.11 235.58 C 131.47 236.09 132.19 236.16 132.70 236.59 C 133.34 236.74 133.70 237.10 134.35 237.17 C 134.64 237.53 135.00 237.60 135.29 237.82 C 136.15 237.89 136.80 238.18 137.59 238.46 C 137.66 238.82 138.02 238.75 138.10 238.82 C 138.74 239.33 139.18 239.69 139.90 240.05 C 140.11 240.26 140.47 240.34 140.83 240.55 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 157.10 236.52 159.12 240.12 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 158.83 240.12 m 159.12 238.61 157.75 237.82 157.18 236.59 C 157.18 236.52 157.10 236.52 157.10 236.52 C 157.18 236.59 157.25 236.81 157.25 237.10 C 157.97 238.03 158.90 238.97 158.83 240.12 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 155.81 233.78 157.10 239.18 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 157.10 239.18 m 156.46 238.10 156.96 236.81 156.89 235.58 C 156.74 234.79 156.17 234.65 155.95 233.93 C 155.88 233.86 155.81 233.78 155.81 233.78 C 156.67 235.01 156.89 236.59 156.60 238.18 C 156.67 238.61 156.89 239.11 157.10 239.18 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 152.86 233.28 155.81 238.68 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 155.16 238.68 m 155.30 238.39 155.45 238.18 155.52 237.96 C 155.81 237.53 155.52 237.10 155.52 236.52 C 155.38 236.16 155.16 235.87 154.94 235.58 C 154.15 235.15 153.58 234.50 153.14 233.78 C 153.14 233.57 152.93 233.42 152.86 233.28 C 152.93 233.64 153.22 234.22 153.58 234.65 C 153.79 234.94 154.15 235.15 154.37 235.37 C 154.73 235.58 154.94 235.87 155.16 236.16 C 155.81 237.10 155.30 237.96 155.16 238.68 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 165.67 235.01 166.46 238.32 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 166.39 238.32 m 165.89 237.60 165.74 236.52 166.18 235.58 C 166.39 235.44 166.39 235.22 166.46 235.15 C 166.46 235.01 166.39 235.15 166.39 235.22 C 165.89 235.87 165.67 236.81 165.89 237.60 C 165.89 237.89 165.96 238.32 166.39 238.32 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 162.00 233.57 163.08 237.82 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 162.72 237.82 m 162.58 236.95 162.07 236.16 162.29 235.30 C 162.50 234.86 162.58 234.65 162.72 234.36 C 162.94 234.22 162.86 234.00 163.01 233.86 C 163.01 233.78 163.08 233.64 163.08 233.57 C 163.01 233.78 162.72 233.93 162.65 234.22 C 162.07 235.01 162.00 236.09 162.29 237.10 C 162.58 237.17 162.50 237.74 162.72 237.82 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 162.86 235.37 163.37 236.95 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 163.37 236.95 m 163.37 236.52 162.86 235.94 163.15 235.44 C 163.15 235.37 163.15 235.37 163.15 235.37 C 163.01 235.58 162.86 235.73 162.94 236.09 C 163.08 236.52 163.08 236.66 163.30 236.95 C 163.37 236.95 163.37 236.95 163.37 236.95 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 163.80 234.43 164.30 236.88 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 164.30 236.88 m 164.09 236.38 163.94 235.44 164.16 234.72 C 164.23 234.65 164.30 234.50 164.23 234.43 C 163.80 235.01 163.94 235.87 164.09 236.59 C 164.16 236.66 164.16 236.88 164.30 236.88 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 166.82 235.37 167.62 236.74 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 166.90 236.59 m 166.90 236.16 167.18 235.80 167.26 235.58 C 167.33 235.44 167.62 235.51 167.47 235.37 C 166.97 235.51 166.82 235.94 166.82 236.52 C 166.82 236.59 166.90 236.74 166.90 236.59 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 145.66 235.30 147.46 236.52 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 145.94 236.52 m 146.38 236.16 146.74 236.16 147.31 236.09 C 147.46 235.80 147.31 235.51 147.24 235.30 C 146.74 235.44 146.16 235.44 145.66 235.73 C 145.80 236.02 145.66 236.38 145.94 236.52 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 147.53 234.50 149.69 236.09 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 148.68 236.09 m 148.90 236.09 149.33 236.09 149.62 236.09 C 149.69 235.66 149.62 235.15 149.69 234.65 C 149.69 234.65 149.69 234.65 149.69 234.65 C 148.97 234.50 148.39 234.72 147.89 235.08 C 147.74 235.15 147.67 235.15 147.67 235.15 C 147.60 235.37 147.53 235.66 147.67 235.94 C 148.03 235.94 148.39 236.09 148.68 236.09 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 151.13 232.49 152.42 236.09 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 152.42 236.09 m 152.42 235.87 152.35 235.80 152.28 235.58 C 151.99 235.44 151.99 235.15 151.85 235.01 C 151.34 234.22 151.27 233.35 151.49 232.49 C 151.34 232.56 151.49 232.85 151.27 232.99 C 151.13 233.93 151.49 234.86 151.92 235.51 C 152.06 235.66 152.28 235.87 152.35 235.94 C 152.42 236.02 152.42 236.09 152.42 236.09 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 153.43 232.20 155.52 235.58 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 155.52 235.58 m 155.45 235.01 155.30 234.43 154.94 234.07 C 154.44 233.64 154.15 233.28 153.72 232.85 C 153.65 232.56 153.58 232.34 153.43 232.20 C 153.58 232.85 154.08 233.35 154.44 233.78 C 154.80 234.07 155.09 234.36 155.16 234.72 C 155.30 235.01 155.23 235.37 155.38 235.58 C 155.45 235.58 155.52 235.58 155.52 235.58 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 144.07 233.86 146.59 235.58 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 145.15 235.58 m 145.66 235.58 146.09 235.37 146.38 234.86 C 146.59 234.58 146.45 234.22 146.16 234.07 C 145.94 233.93 145.73 234.07 145.58 233.86 C 145.15 233.93 144.72 233.86 144.43 234.07 C 144.43 234.43 144.07 235.01 144.43 235.37 C 144.65 235.58 144.86 235.51 145.15 235.58 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 145.66 232.85 149.18 235.15 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 146.59 235.15 m 147.53 235.15 148.18 234.50 148.97 234.36 C 148.90 234.07 148.39 233.64 148.75 233.35 C 148.75 233.06 148.90 232.99 149.18 232.85 C 148.68 232.85 148.18 233.28 147.60 233.14 C 146.95 233.06 146.09 232.92 145.66 233.35 C 145.80 233.93 146.45 233.78 146.59 234.14 C 146.95 234.43 146.59 234.86 146.59 235.15 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 164.88 230.83 166.97 234.65 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 165.17 234.65 m 165.17 233.64 165.74 233.06 166.18 232.49 C 166.61 232.20 166.82 231.84 166.97 231.34 C 166.97 231.12 166.97 230.90 166.90 230.83 C 166.97 231.48 166.54 231.91 166.18 232.34 C 165.89 232.34 165.89 232.70 165.74 232.78 C 165.46 233.28 164.88 233.78 165.02 234.50 C 165.10 234.65 165.17 234.65 165.17 234.65 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 156.46 232.20 156.96 234.36 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 156.96 234.36 m 156.74 233.57 156.60 232.85 156.60 232.20 C 156.46 232.85 156.60 233.64 156.89 234.22 C 156.89 234.36 156.96 234.36 156.96 234.36 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 148.90 232.85 149.98 234.22 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 149.47 234.22 m 149.54 234.22 149.62 234.22 149.69 234.22 C 149.69 233.86 149.98 233.35 149.98 233.06 C 149.69 232.85 149.40 233.06 149.18 233.28 C 148.90 233.35 148.90 233.64 148.97 233.78 C 149.18 234.00 149.40 234.07 149.47 234.22 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 175.10 195.41 192.38 234.00 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 181.94 234.00 m 182.74 234.00 183.31 233.57 183.89 233.14 C 184.18 232.92 184.32 232.70 184fffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff9ffffffffffffffe00000000000001fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff0ffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff9fffffffffffffff0000000000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff8ffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff3fffffffffffffff80000000000000000000000000000000000000000001fffffffffffffffffff8ffffffffffff ffffffffffff fffffffffffffffffffffffffffe3fffffffffffffff800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.39 232.34 C 184.68 232.06 185.04 231.77 185.18 231.48 C 185.40 231.34 185.47 231.12 185.62 230.90 C 185.76 230.62 186.12 230.33 186.34 230.04 C 186.77 229.32 187.13 228.60 187.27 227.66 C 187.56 227.30 187.42 226.73 187.70 226.30 C 187.78 225.07 188.35 223.92 188.78 222.84 C 189.43 220.75 189.94 218.59 190.30 216.43 C 190.66 213.84 190.30 211.10 190.44 208.58 C 191.02 206.86 191.30 205.27 191.38 203.62 C 191.45 202.68 191.66 202.03 191.95 201.24 C 192.38 199.66 192.02 197.93 191.66 196.34 C 191.66 195.91 191.30 195.77 191.30 195.41 C 190.94 195.55 07FC844190.94 195.84 190.66 196.06 C 190.51 196.34 190.15 196.34 190.15 196.85 C 190.15 197.50 190.01 198.14 189.58 198.58 C 189.00 198.94 188.57 199.08 187.99 199.15 C 187.42 199.87 188.06 200.81 187.78 201.46 C 187.34 201.96 186.62 202.10 186.05 202.25 C 184.39 202.54 182.88 202.61 181.37 202.82 C 180.43 203.18 179.78 202.61 179.28 202.10 C 178.56 201.53 177.19 201.60 176.62 200.81 C 176.18 200.74 176.18 200.30 175.97 200.23 C 175.68 201.17 176.40 201.74 176.62 202.61 C 176.83 203.18 176.90 203.69 177.41 204.05 C 177.70 204.41 178.20 204.55 178.42 204.98 C 178.42 205.06 178.34 205.06 178.34 205.06 C 177.77 204.77 177.26 204.34 176.76 203.90 C 176.62 204.05 176.62 204.34 176.62 204.41 C 176.33 205.49 176.47 206.35 176.40 207.43 C 176.18 209.16 177.34 210.46 177.12 212.11 C 176.98 212.11 176.90 212.11 176.90 212.04 C 176.69 211.46 176.76 210.82 176.47 210.46 C 176.40 210.31 176.33 210.10 176.18 210.02 C 176.11 211.10 176.18 212.18 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F @rax %Note: Object 155.95 225.58 157.75 230.18 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 157.25 230.18 m 156.74 229.46 157.10 228.24 157.25 227.16 C 157.10 226.51 156.89 225.94 156.46 225.58 C 156.31 225.58 156.17 225.58 156.17 225.58 C 156.46 225.65 156.53 225.94 156.67 226.15 C 157.75 227.30 155.95 229.32 157.25 230.18 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 166.10 224.57 167.62 229.18 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 166.61 229.18 m 166.90 227.81 167.62 226.51 166.68 225.14 C 166.54 224.86 166.39 224.78 166.18 224.57 C 166.10 224.57 166.10 224.57 166.10 224.57 C 166.61 225.22 167.18 226.30 166.97 227.30 C 166.90 227.59 166.90 227.66 166.75 228.02 C 166.61 228.38 166.39 228.89 166.61 229.18 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 154.73 225.50 155.95 228.60 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 155.59 228.60 m 155.81 228.38 155.74 228.02 155.66 227.66 C 155.38 226.94 155.23 226.30 154.94 225.50 C 154.73 226.51 155.95 227.59 155.52 228.60 C 155.52 228.60 155.59 228.60 155.59 228.60 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 144.14 224.57 146.59 227.09 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 144.86 227.09 m 145.30 226.73 146.16 227.02 146.45 226.37 C 146.59 226.08 146.59 225.79 146.38 225.58 C 145.94 225.29 145.58 224.57 145.08 224.86 C 144.79 224.93 144.58 225.00 144.43 225.14 C 144.14 225.65 144.36 226.30 144.43 226.80 C 144.50 226.87 144.65 227.09 144.86 227.09 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 145.87 224.50 149.33 226.51 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 146.74 226.51 m 147.53 226.51 148.46 226.37 149.33 226.30 C 148.97 225.86 148.68 225.36 148.82 224.86 C 148.90 224.78 148.90 224.78 148.82 224.71 C 148.54 224.86 148.39 224.50 147.96 224.71 C 147.24 224.57 146.74 224.78 145.94 224.57 C 145.94 224.57 145.87 224.64 145.87 224.64 C 146.16 225.07 146.95 225.36 146.88 226.08 C 146.88 226.37 146.74 226.44 146.74 226.51 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 148.90 224.35 150.70 226.08 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 149.76 226.08 m 149.98 226.01 150.34 226.08 150.48 225.86 C 150.70 225.50 150.48 224.86 150.34 224.57 C 149.98 224.35 149.69 224.35 149.40 224.57 C 149.18 224.86 148.90 225.22 149.18 225.50 C 149.33 225.86 149.54 225.94 149.76 226.08 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 164.81 223.85 165.74 225.65 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 165.67 225.65 m 165.74 224.93 165.38 224.35 164.95 223.85 C 164.88 223.85 164.88 223.85 164.81 223.85 C 165.02 224.06 165.17 224.35 165.31 224.57 C 165.46 224.93 165.67 225.50 165.67 225.65 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 166.82 223.92 167.69 225.36 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 167.62 225.36 m 167.69 224.86 167.33 224.28 166.97 223.99 C 166.90 223.92 166.90 223.92 166.82 223.92 C 167.26 224.28 167.40 224.86 167.62 225.36 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 152.93 222.55 154.44 224.93 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 153.22 224.93 m 153.14 224.28 153.72 223.56 154.15 223.13 C 154.37 222.84 154.44 222.77 154.37 222.55 C 154.15 223.34 152.93 223.70 153.14 224.86 C 153.14 224.93 153.22 224.93 153.22 224.93 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 145.51 218.30 147.67 224.50 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 146.59 224.50 m 146.74 224.50 147.02 224.50 147.17 224.35 C 147.17 222.34 147.60 220.39 147.67 218.45 C 147.02 218.45 146.38 218.30 145.80 218.59 C 145.66 219.60 145.94 220.68 145.80 221.83 C 145.80 222.77 145.51 223.56 145.66 224.35 C 145.94 224.50 146.30 224.35 146.59 224.50 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 144.94 216.00 147.10 218.16 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 145.66 218.09 m 145.94 218.09 146.38 218.16 146.59 217.94 C 147.10 217.37 146.38 216.79 146.45 216.22 C 146.38 216.22 146.30 216.22 146.16 216.14 C 146.16 216.07 146.16 216.07 146.16 216.00 C 145.80 216.07 145.30 216.07 145.15 216.58 C 144.94 217.08 144.94 217.66 145.37 218.02 C 145.44 218.09 145.58 218.09 145.66 218.09 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 146.74 215.93 150.05 218.09 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 147.10 218.09 m 147.96 218.09 148.90 217.87 149.90 217.87 C 149.62 217.58 149.54 217.01 149.69 216.58 C 149.90 216.36 149.98 216.22 150.05 216.22 C 149.69 215.93 149.11 216.07 148.61 216.22 C 148.18 216.43 147.60 216.36 147.24 216.22 C 147.10 216.14 146.88 216.07 146.74 216.22 C 146.74 216.86 147.24 217.30 147.02 217.80 C 146.95 217.94 146.95 218.02 146.95 218.09 C 146.95 218.09 147.02 218.09 147.10 218.09 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 149.90 216.36 151.34 217.87 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 150.41 217.87 m 150.70 217.73 151.13 217.73 151.27 217.58 C 151.34 217.15 151.20 216.79 151.13 216.58 C 150.70 216.36 150.41 216.36 150.12 216.58 C 149.90 216.86 149.90 217.37 150.05 217.58 C 150.26 217.66 150.34 217.87 150.41 217.87 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 146.02 208.87 148.68 216.07 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 147.60 216.07 m 147.67 216.07 147.89 216.07 147.89 215.93 C 148.03 215.06 147.53 214.34 147.89 213.55 C 147.74 212.04 148.68 210.60 148.39 209.16 C 147.74 209.09 147.02 208.87 146.38 209.30 C 146.45 211.39 146.02 213.48 146.16 215.64 C 146.59 215.93 147.17 215.86 147.60 216.07 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 161.64 211.39 164.38 214.99 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 162.29 214.92 m 162.65 214.49 162.86 213.84 163.30 213.34 C 163.37 212.98 163.51 212.83 163.66 212.62 C 163.94 212.33 164.02 211.90 164.23 211.68 C 164.30 211.61 164.30 211.46 164.38 211.39 C 163.94 211.39 163.80 211.75 163.30 211.90 C 162.43 212.62 162.07 213.62 161.64 214.63 C 161.64 214.99 162.07 214.85 162.29 214.92 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 148.39 188.93 169.42 212.33 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 160.85 212.26 m 161.42 212.33 161.93 212.18 162.29 211.97 C 162.58 211.68 162.94 211.68 163.15 211.39 C 163.51 211.32 163.66 211.10 163.94 210.96 C 164.45 210.74 164.88 210.38 165.38 210.10 C 165.89 209.66 166.18 209.09 166.68 208.44 C 166.90 208.08 167.18 207.79 167.26 207.58 C 167.54 207.36 167.62 207.07 167.54 206.86 C 167.33 206.71 167.18 206.50 166.97 206.57 C 166.54 206.86 165.89 206.71 165.60 207.07 C 165.17 207.36 164.74 207.58 164.30 207.86 C 164.16 207.94 164.45 208.08 164.23 208.30 C 164.09 208.30 164.09 208.01 163.94 208.08 C 163.15 208.51 162.14 208.08 161.50 208.73 C 161.42 208.80 161.14 208.80 161.14 208.73 C 160.78 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197.35 164.88 197.50 C 164.88 197.86 164.59 197.93 164.45 198.07 C 164.09 198.29 163.73 198.58 163.66 198.94 C 163.58 199.08 163.66 199.30 163.51 199.37 C 163.37 199.37 163.51 199.08 163.30 199.08 C 162.65 199.01 162.29 199.08 161.64 199.08 C 161.42 199.08 161.57 199.44 161.42 199.51 C 161.14 199.51 161.14 199.37 161.14 199.37 C 161.14 198.72 160.92 198.14 160.70 197.78 C 160.20 197.06 159.34 196.85 158.90 195.98 C 158.40 195.41 158.11 194.83 157.61 194.18 C 157.32 193.68 157.10 193.25 156.89 192.82 C 156.60 192.31 156.02 191.95 155.74 191.66 C 155.52 191.59 155.45 191.52 155.30 191.38 C 154.58 190.94 153.72 190.94 153.07 191.23 C 153.00 191.16 153.00 190.80 153.14 190.80 C 153.14 190.73 153.22 190.58 153.14 190.58 C 152.64 190.08 152.14 189.86 151.70 189.36 C 151.49 189.29 151.42 188.93 151.20 189.07 C 151.13 189.22 150.91 189.50 150.91 189.58 C 150.41 190.80 149.90 192.10 149.54 193.32 C 149.47 194.11 149.18 194.76 149.11 195.34 C 148.90 195.77 148.75 196.34 148.68 196.70 C 148.54 197.57 148.39 198.58 148.68 199.22 C 148.68 199.30 148.75 199.30 148.75 199.30 C 148.90 199.08 148.68 198.65 148.82 198.58 C 149.11 198.58 149.18 198.58 149.18 198.65 C 149.40 199.15 149.33 199.80 149.54 200.30 C 149.90 200.81 150.05 201.31 150.41 201.67 C 150.62 201.96 150.62 202.18 150.77 202.32 C 151.85 203.90 152.50 205.85 153.43 207.65 C 153.58 207.86 153.72 208.08 153.94 208.30 C 154.51 208.87 155.38 209.45 156.17 209.81 C 156.53 210.02 156.74 210.10 157.10 210.31 C 157.39 210.53 157.68 210.67 157.92C341A687 210.82 C 158.62 211.10 159.19 211.61 159.91 211.75 C 160.06 212.11 160.42 212.11 160.56 212.18 C 160.70 212.18 160.78 212.33 160.85 212.26 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 150.55 207.43 152.35 209.45 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 151.49 209.45 m 151.92 209.30 152.14 209.09 152.35 208.66 C 152.35 208.15 151.99 207.86 151.85 207.65 C 151.63 207.58 151.49 207.43 151.27 207.58 C 150.91 207.79 150.91 208.08 150.70 208.37 C 150.55 208.66 150.70 208.80 150.84 209.09 C 151.13 209.23 151.20 209.30 151.49 209.45 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 145.30 206.86 147.02 209.09 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 145.94 209.09 m 146.02 208.73 146.38 209.09 146.59 208.80 C 146.74 208.37 147.02 207.79 146.59 207.43 C 146.38 207.36 146.38 206.86 146.16 206.93 C 145.66 207.07 145.51 207.29 145.37 207.58 C 145.30 208.01 145.30 208.37 145.37 208.66 C 145.58 208.80 145.80 208.80 145.94 209.09 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 146.88 207.29 150.91 209.09 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 149.47 209.09 m 149.90 208.80 150.12 209.09 150.41 208.87 C 150.26 208.80 150.41 208.44 150.41 208.37 C 150.62 208.01 150.77 207.72 150.91 207.43 C 149.69 207.29 148.32 207.58 147.02 207.43 C 147.31 208.01 146.88 208.37 146.95 208.80 C 147.74 208.80 148.68 208.80 149.47 209.09 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 166.10 206.78 166.97 208.08 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 166.39 208.08 m 166.54 207.79 166.68 207.58 166.90 207.36 C 166.75 207.07 166.97 206.86 166.97 206.78 C 166.68 206.86 166.54 207.07 166.39 207.36 C 166.54 207.58 166.10 207.94 166.39 208.08 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 146.74 202.61 148.75 207.29 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 148.18 207.29 m 148.32 207.22 148.39 207.29 148.46 207.22 C 148.68 206.86 148.54 206.64 148.68 206.21 C 148.75 204.98 148.68 203.83 148.68 202.68 C 148.25 202.75 147.67 202.82 147.24 202.61 C 147.02 203.90 147.31 205.27 146.95 206.57 C 146.95 206.78 147.17 206.86 147.02 207.07 C 146.95 207.07 146.88 207.07 146.74 207.07 C 146.95 207.22 147.17 206.93 147.46 207.22 C 147.67 207.22 147.96 207.22 148.18 207.29 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 147.46 199.87 149.98 202.54 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 147.89 202.54 m 148.54 202.54 149.11 202.32 149.90 202.32 C 149.90 202.25 149.98 202.10 149.90 202.03 C 149.33 201.46 149.26 200.38 148.68 199.87 C 148.25 200.02 147.96 200.23 147.74 200.52 C 147.74 201.10 148.10 201.89 147.60 202.32 C 147.53 202.32 147.46 202.39 147.46 202.46 C 147.60 202.46 147.67 202.46 147.89 202.54 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 176.69 196.85 187.34 202.39 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 180.43 202.39 m 182.59 202.25 184.68 202.03 186.84 201.46 C 186.98 201.31 187.27 201.31 187.34 201.17 C 187.34 200.74 186.84 200.59 186.77 200.23 C 186.48 199.94 186.41 199.51 186.12 199.37 C 185.90 199.08 185.69 198.86 185.62 198.65 C 185.11 198.00 184.75 197.50 184.18 197.06 C 183.67 196.85 183.17 197.21 182.74 197.21 C 181.94 197.71 180.94 197.35 180.14 197.78 C 178.99 198.14 177.70 198.14 176.69 198.65 C 177.12 199.30 177.84 199.87 178.34 200.52 C 178.92 200.81 179.28 201.53 179.78 202.03 C 179.93 202.18 180.14 202.25 180.43 202.39 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 145.80 200.81 147.60 202.39 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 146.95 202.32 m 147.10 202.32 147.46 202.25 147.46 202.03 C 147.60 201.60 147.60 201.10 147.53 200.81 C 147.17 200.81 146.95 201.10 146.45 201.10 C 146.16 201.31 145.80 201.60 145.87 202.03 C 146.09 202.39 146.45 202.18 146.95 202.32 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 168.48 199.58 170.14 201.74 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 169.20 201.74 m 169.63 201.53 169.56 200.88 169.92 200.52 C 170.14 200.16 169.99 200.02 169.70 199.80 C 169.56 199.80 169.56 199.58 169.34 199.66 C 169.20 200.02 168.91 200.30 168.91 200.59 C 168.62 200.81 168.55 201.10 168.48 201.31 C 168.91 201.46 168.98 201.67 169.20 201.74 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 178.85 197.50 185.69 201.60 @E 0 O 0 # @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 182.30 201.46 m 183.17 201.60 184.10 201.31 185.04 201.10 C 185.33 201.10 185.40 200.81 185.62 200.74 C 185.62 200.38 185.69 199.87 185.54 199.66 C 185.11 199.73 184.75 199.58 184.54 199.22 C 184.39 199.01 184.18 198.94 184.18 198.72 C 183.67 198.58 183.74 197.86 183.38 197.50 C 182.74 197.50 182.16 197.71 181.58 197.86 C 180.72 198.36 179.28 198.14 178.85 198.94 C 178.85 199.58 179.06 200.30 179.57 200.52 C 180.14 200.74 180.72 200.52 181.30 200.74 C 181.30 200.81 181.30 201.10 181.44 201.17 C 181.73 201.31 181.94 201.46 182.30 201.46 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 175.46 198.14 178.49 201.24 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 178.34 201.24 m 178.49 201.10 178.13 200.95 178.06 200.74 C 177.48 200.38 177.12 199.73 176.47 199.37 C 176.18 199.08 176.18 198.79 176.18 198.43 C 175.97 198.36 175.75 198.29 175.68 198.14 C 175.46 198.65 175.75 199.08 175.90 199.51 C 176.18 199.87 176.54 200.16 176.83 200.52 C 177.26 200.74 177.48 200.88 177.91 201.02 C 178.06 201.10 178.20 201.17 178.34 201.24 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 179.28 198.86 184.39 201.24 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 182.30 201.17 m 182.95 201.24 183.67 201.17 184.39 200.95 C 184.32 200.59 183.74 200.30 183.46 199.87 C 182.95 199.51 182.81 199.08 182.45 198.86 C 182.16 198.94 181.94 198.94 181.73 198.94 C 182.23 198.94 182.45 199.37 182.81 199.73 C 182.59 200.16 181.73 200.09 181.37 200.16 C 180.94 200.02 180.43 200.23 180.14 199.87 C 180.07 199.58 180.22 199.44 180.43 199.37 C 180.79 199.37 181.01 199.08 181.37 199.08 C 180.94 199.08 180.43 199.08 180.00 199.22 C 179.71 199.37 179.50 199.51 179.28 199.73 C 179.28 200.02 179.57 200.16 179.78 200.23 C 180.36 200.59 181.01 200.30 181.44 200.38 C 181.51 200.74 181.51 200.95 181.73 201.10 C 181.94 201.10 182.09 201.17 182.30 201.17 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 181.94 200.16 183.89 201.10 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 182.45 201.02 m 182.81 201.02 183.46 201.10 183.89 200.81 C 183.89 200.59 183.60 200.59 183.60 200.38 C 183.38 200.16 182.95 200.16 182.74 200.23 C 182.45 200.38 182.16 200.52 181.94 200.74 C 181.94 200.95 182.23 200.95 182.45 201.02 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 182.45 200.59 183.31 200.74 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 182.45 200.74 m 182.74 200.74 183.10 200.74 183.31 200.66 C 183.17 200.74 182.59 200.59 182.45 200.74 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 184.90 199.94 185.33 200.59 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 185.18 200.59 m 185.33 200.52 185.11 200.16 185.18 199.94 C 184.90 200.02 185.18 200.30 185.11 200.52 C 185.11 200.59 185.18 200.59 185.18 200.59 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 183.17 198.58 184.90 200.52 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 184.68 200.38 m 184.68 200.23 184.90 199.87 184.61 199.80 C 184.18 199.22 184.03 198.94 183.60 198.58 C 183.31 198.58 183.17 198.58 183.17 198.72 C 183.24 199.37 183.89 199.58 184.18 200.09 C 184.39 200.16 184.46 200.52 184.68 200.38 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 176.83 195.34 187.34 200.02 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 187.20 200.02 m 187.34 198.94 186.62 198.29 186.12 197.57 C 185.90 197.42 185.76 197.21 185.54 197.06 C 185.40 196.70 185.18 196.63 185.04 196.34 C 184.82 196.27 184.75 195.98 184.46 195.91 C 184.32 195.62 184.10 195.48 183.67 195.48 C 182.52 195.41 181.37 195.34 180.22 195.55 C 179.78 195.84 179.28 195.62 179.06 195.62 C 178.92 195.84 178.70 195.91 178.63 196.13 C 178.42 196.34 178.27 196.56 177.91 196.70 C 177.70 196.92 177.34 197.21 177.12 197.42 C 176.90 197.57 176.90 197.78 176.90 197.86 C 176.83 197.93 176.90 198.00 176.90 198.00 C 177.55 198.00 178.20 197.78 178.85 197.71 C 179.42 197.35 180.14 197.50 180.79 197.21 C 181.94 197.21 183.17 196.56 184.32 196.49 C 184.39 196.85 184.82 197.06 184.97 197.35 C 185.33 197.57 185.54 197.93 185.69 198.07 C 186.19 198.86 186.77 199.37 187.20 200.02 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 166.39 199.08 166.90 199.80 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 166.46 199.80 m 166.61 199.58 166.90 199.37 166.82 199.08 C 166.61 199.22 166.61 199.51 166.39 199.73 C 166.39 199.80 166.46 199.80 166.46 199.80 C 166.46 199.80 166.46 199.80 166.46 199.80 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 180.50 199.51 182.30 199.87 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 180.79 199.80 m 181.30 199.80 181.73 199.87 182.30 199.73 C 182.02 199.51 181.44 199.73 181.15 199.58 C 180.86 199.58 180.65 199.58 180.50 199.73 C 180.50 199.80 180.72 199.73 180.79 199.80 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 145.58 186.26 151.20 199.58 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 147.74 199.58 m 147.96 199.51 148.18 199.37 148.10 199.08 C 147.96 198.14 148.10 197.35 148.25 196.42 C 148.68 194.83 149.11 193.25 149.54 191.66 C 149.76 190.94 150.05 190.30 150.41 189.58 C 150.62 188.93 151.13 188.28 151.20 187.56 C 150.55 187.20 149.69 186.91 149.11 186.55 C 148.82 186.55 148.68 186.26 148.54 186.34 C 147.67 188.28 147.17 190.30 146.59 192.31 C 146.45 192.89 146.16 193.32 146.16 193.90 C 145.80 195.48 145.58 197.42 146.30 198.94 C 146.59 199.01 146.45 199.37 146.74 199.51 C 147.17 199.58 147.46 199.58 147.74 199.58 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 169.99 199.01 170.14 199.44 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 169.99 199.44 m 170.14 199.37 170.06 199.08 170.14 199.01 C 170.14 199.08 169.99 199.37 169.99 199.44 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 179.06 197.86 183.38 199.22 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 179.21 199.08 m 180.65 198.94 181.94 198.50 183.24 198.36 C 183.38 198.29 183.24 197.93 183.17 197.86 C 181.94 197.93 180.43 198.43 179.21 198.94 C 179.21 198.94 179.06 199.22 179.21 199.08 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 178.20 187.34 190.94 199.08 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 187.70 199.01 m 188.28 198.65 189.14 198.72 189.50 198.00 C 189.79 197.35 189.65 196.49 190.01 195.84 C 189.94 194.18 190.94 193.03 190.87 191.52 C 190.58 191.16 190.80 190.73 190.44 190.44 C 189.94 190.15 189.94 189.43 189.43 189.14 C 189.00 188.86 188.57 188.42 188.06 188.06 C 186.91 187.34 185.40 187.49 184.10 187.49 C 182.66 187.56 181.01 187.99 179.93 188.71 C 179.78 188.86 179.93 188.86 179.93 188.93 C 181.37 188.71 182.74 188.06 184.39 188.35 C 185.33 188.35 186.41 188.35 187.27 188.86 C 187.56 188.93 187.78 189.07 188.06 189.29 C 188.06 189.36 188.06 189.50 188.06 189.58 C 187.78 189.58 187.56 189.22 187.20 189.22 C 185.40 188.42 183.31 188.78 181.44 188.93 C 180.79 189.22 180.07 189.36 179.42 189.65 C 179.06 190.08 178.63 190.30 178.56 190.80 C 178.56 190.94 178.56 191.23 178.63 191.23 C 180.94 190.01 183.17 189.94 185.76 190.37 C 186.48 190.15 186.98 190.66 187.70 190.80 C 187.85 191.16 188.21 191.23 188.42 191.38 C 188.42 191.45 188.42 191.52 188.42 191.52 C 188.35 191.59 188.21 191.59 188.06 191.52 C 187.92 191.38 187.70 191.23 187.42 191.16 C 187.20 190.80 186.77 190.73 186.41 190.73 C 183.89 190.80 181.44 190.15 179.14 191.52 C 178.85 191.74 178.34 191.81 178.20 192.17 C 178.20 192.60 178.20 193.18 178.56 193.32 C 178.70 193.32 178.78 193.68 178.99 193.61 C 179.21 193.32 179.57 193.32 179.64 193.25 C 180.22 193.18 180.58 192.82 181.01 192.74 C 182.45 192.10 184.18 192.46 185.62 192.46 C 186.62 192.60 186.98 193.32 187.70 193.90 C 187.78 193.97 187.70 194.11 187.70 194.11 C 187.20 193.90 186.77 193.32 186.41 193.10 C 185.18 192.60 183.60 192.74 182.23 192.74 C 181.73 192.82 181.30 192.74 181.01 193.03 C 180.58 193.18 180.29 193.32 179.93 193.61 C 179.42 193.82 179.21 194.47 179.21 194.98 C 179.28 195.26 179.57 195.34 179.78 195.34 C 181.30 194.76 182.81 194.98 184.18 195.05 C 184.39 195.41 184.75 195.41 184.90 195.70 C 185.26 195.98 185.54 196.34 185.76 196.63 C 186.19 197.14 186.48 197.42 186.77 197.86 C 186.98 198.29 187.42 198.50 187.56 198.94 C 187.63 199.08 187.56 199.01 187.70 199.01 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 170.35 198.50 170.50 198.65 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 170.35 198.65 m 170.50 198.50 L 170.42 198.58 170.42 198.58 170.35 198.65 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 175.10 193.32 178.78 197.86 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 176.33 197.86 m 176.47 197.42 176.69 196.85 177.19 196.85 C 177.55 196.56 177.91 196.34 178.20 195.91 C 178.49 195.62 178.56 195.34 178.63 195.05 C 178.63 194.69 178.78 194.18 178.56 193.97 C 178.13 193.68 177.91 193.32 177.34 193.54 C 176.69 193.68 176.33 194.11 175.90 194.47 C 175.10 195.12 175.54 196.42 175.61 197.35 C 175.75 197.57 176.04 197.71 176.33 197.86 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 190.66 194.11 190.94 195.34 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 190.73 195.34 m 190.80 195.12 190.73 194.98 190.94 194.76 C 190.94 194.47 190.80 194.33 190.80 194.11 C 190.80 194.47 190.66 195.12 190.73 195.34 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 177.41 189.86 178.56 192.96 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 177.84 192.96 m 177.62 192.10 178.34 191.52 178.06 190.73 C 178.20 190.30 178.49 190.15 178.56 189.86 C 178.20 189.86 177.84 189.86 177.55 189.94 C 177.41 190.94 177.48 191.95 177.41 192.89 C 177.48 192.96 177.70 192.96 177.84 192.96 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 149.18 185.18 149.40 185.40 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 149.33 185.33 m 149.40 185.40 149.40 185.18 149.40 185.18 C 149.40 185.18 149.18 185.33 149.33 185.33 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 163.08 256.25 164.02 257.18 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 163.51 257.18 m 163.80 257.18 164.02 256.97 164.02 256.75 c 164.02 256.46 163.80 256.25 163.51 256.25 c 163.30 256.25 163.08 256.46 163.08 256.75 c 163.08 256.97 163.30 257.18 163.51 257.18 c @c F @rax %Note: Object 163.66 256.75 163.94 256.97 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 163.80 256.97 m 163.80 256.97 163.94 256.97 163.94 256.82 c 163.94 256.82 163.80 256.75 163.80 256.75 c 163.73 256.75 163.66 256.82 163.66 256.82 c 163.66 256.97 163.73 256.97 163.80 256.97 c @c F @rax %Note: Object 155.45 256.10 156.46 256.90 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 155.95 256.90 m 156.17 256.90 156.46 256.75 156.46 256.46 c 156.46 256.25 156.17 256.10 155.95 256.10 c 155.66 256.10 155.45 256.25 155.45 256.46 c 155.45 256.75 155.66 256.90 155.95 256.90 c @c F @rax %Note: Object 156.02 256.61 156.31 256.82 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 156.17 256.82 m 156.17 256.82 156.31 256.75 156.31 256.75 c 156.31 256.61 156.17 256.61 156.17 256.61 c 156.10 256.61 156.02 256.61 156.02 256.75 c 156.02 256.75 156.10 256.82 156.17 256.82 c @c F @rax %Note: Object 173.66 236.59 208.80 274.39 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k 192.02 274.39 m 192.17 274.39 192.53 274.39 192.67 274.10 C 192.82 273.96 192.67 273.82 192.82 273.60 C 192.74 273.46 192.89 273.31 192.82 273.10 C 192.89 272.74 192.82 272.30 192.82 271.94 C 192.82 271.58 192.82 271.30 192.82 271.08 C 194.11 270.94 195.34 270.94 196.70 270.94 C 197.14 270.94 197.57 270.86 197.93 271.08 C 197.93 271.58 197.93 272.30 198.07 272.74 C 198.72 272.74 199.44 272.81 200.16 272.81 C 200.81 272.81 201.31E3F08C21 272.81 201.96 272.59 C 202.18 272.16 201.82 271.80 202.03 271.37 C 202.03 271.15 202.10 271.08 202.18 270.94 C 202.39 270.94 202.39 270.58 202.39 270.50 C 202.39 270.00 202.25 269.57 202.39 269.06 C 202.25 268.92 202.18 268.85 202.18 268.85 C 202.18 267.34 202.39 265.82 202.25 264.31 C 202.39 262.87 202.25 261.36 202.25 259.78 C 202.18 258.98 202.25 258.19 202.25 257.33 C 202.25 256.10 202.25 254.81 202.25 253.66 C 202.25 252.07 202.18 250.56 202.25 249.12 C 202.18 247.97 202.18 246.74 202.39 245.66 C 203.76 245.52 205.20 245.45 206.64 245.30 C 207.29 245.30 207.94 245.16 208.58 245.09 C 208.73 244.87 208.66 244.51 208.73 244.30 C 208.80 243.22 208.37 242.35 207.50 241.99 C 207.14 241.78 206.93 241.49 206.42 241.27 C 206.21 240.98 205.99 240.84 205.78 240.70 C 205.63 240.55 205.42 240.48 205.20 240.34 C 204.98 240.26 204.91 240.12 204.70 240.05 C 204.34 239.69 203.90 239.54 203.47 239.18 C 203.26 239.11 203.11 238.82 202.82 238.82 C 202.68 238.68 202.54 238.46 202.32 238.39 C 202.18 238.32 201.82 238.10 201.67 237.96 C 201.46 237.82 201.17 237.60 200.95 237.38 C 200.81 237.31 200.59 237.31 200.52 237.10 C 200.38 236.95 200.30 236.95 200.09 236.81 C 199.87 236.59 199.58 236.59 199.15 236.74 C 198.65 236.88 197.93 236.74 197.42 236.88 C 195.98 236.88 194.62 237.17 193.25 237.31 C 191.74 237.60 190.51 237.74 189.14 237.82 C 188.06 237.89 187.20 238.10 186.19 238.32 C 185.18 238.46 184.18 238.54 183.17 238.75 C 182.81 238.82 182.45 238.82 182.02 238.82 C 180.65 239.11 179.28 239.18 177.91 239.33 C 177.62 239.54 177.34 239.33 177.12 239.54 C 177.12 240.34 177.12 241.13 177.34 241.85 C 177.41 241.99 177.55 242.14 177.70 242.14 C 178.34 242.50 179.06 242.78 179.57 243.07 C 180.22 243.36 180.43 244.08 180.58 244.73 C 180.72 245.09 180.79 245.45 180.94 245.81 C 181.15 246.67 181.44 247.32 181.73 248.11 C 181.73 248.18 181.73 248.18 181.73 248.26 C 181.94 249.34 182.59 250.27 182.59 251.35 C 181.15 251.57 179.78 251.57 178.42 251.64 C 176.90 251.71 175.46 251.71 174.02 251.86 C 173.74 251.86 173.66 251.93 173.66 252.07 C 173.95 252.43 173.66 252.86 173.74 253.22 C 174.89 253.80 176.18 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@g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 193.18 259.70 m 193.25 259.70 193.32 259.70 193.39 259.56 C 193.39 259.49 193.39 259.34 193.39 259.34 C 193.25 259.34 193.18 259.20 193.10 259.27 C 193.10 259.49 192.89 259.56 192.96 259.70 C 193.10 259.70 193.18 259.70 193.18 259.70 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 183.74 258.55 197.21 259.27 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 185.18 259.27 m 186.77 259.20 188.21 259.27 189.72 259.27 C 191.16 259.20 192.67 258.98 194.18 259.06 C 195.19 258.91 196.20 259.06 197.21 258.91 C 195.77 258.77 194.33 258.55 192.89 258.70 C 192.46 258.77 192.02 258.55 191.59 258.70 C 190.15 258.84 188.71 258.84 187.27 258.98 C 186.05 258.98 184.90 258.91 183.74 259.06 C 184.18 259.06 184.68 259.06 185.18 259.27 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 183.17 257.62 194.47 258.84 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 183.31 258.84 m 183.89 258.77 184.39 258.77 184.97 258.77 C 186.41 258.84 187.99 258.77 189.36 258.77 C 189.94 258.48 190.80 258.70 191.38 258.55 C 191.59 258.55 191.95 258.55 192.10 258.55 C 192.82 258.55 193.75 258.55 194.40 258.34 C 194.47 258.12 194.40 257.83 194.40 257.69 C 192.89 257.62 191.45 257.76 190.01 257.83 C 188.50 258.05 186.98 257.98 185.62 258.12 C 185.11 258.12 184.68 258.12 184.32 258.12 C 184.32 258.19 184.39 258.34 184.32 258.48 C 184.18 258.48 184.18 258.34 184.10 258.34 C 184.10 258.12 183.96 258.12 183.89 258.12 C 183.67 258.12 183.53 258.12 183.24 258.12 C 183.31 258.34 183.17 258.77 183.31 258.84 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 194.62 257.76 197.93 258.84 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 197.50 258.84 m 197.64 258.77 197.93 258.84 197.93 258.77 C 197.93 258.55 197.93 258.34 197.93 258.34 C 197.42 258.12 197.06 258.12 196.56 258.05 C 195.91 257.83 195.34 257.83 194.62 257.76 C 194.62 257.90 194.69 258.12 194.62 258.34 C 194.83 258.34 194.90 258.55 195.12 258.55 C 195.98 258.55 196.70 258.70 197.50 258.84 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 194.83 256.97 197.93 258.12 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 197.93 258.12 m 197.93 258.12 197.93 258.12 197.93 258.12 C 197.93 257.98 197.93 257.76 197.93 257.62 C 197.64 257.40 197.28 257.62 196.85 257.40 C 196.20 257.33 195.62 256.97 194.90 256.97 C 194.98 257.26 194.83 257.40 194.90 257.62 C 195.48 257.62 196.06 257.69 196.49 257.83 C 196.99 257.98 197.42 257.98 197.93 258.12 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 182.52 256.82 194.76 257.98 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 182.59 257.98 m 182.95 257.83 183.46 257.98 183.89 257.83 C 184.61 257.98 185.26 257.83 185.98 257.83 C 187.42 257.83 188.93 257.83 190.37 257.69 C 191.30 257.62 192.17 257.62 193.10 257.40 C 193.68 257.47 194.18 257.47 194.69 257.33 C 194.76 257.18 194.69 256.82 194.62 256.82 C 193.25 256.97 191.66 257.11 190.30 257.18 C 188.86 257.33 187.42 257.33 185.90 257.40 C 184.82 257.40 183.74 257.47 182.66 257.62 C 182.59 257.62 182.52 257.76 182.52 257.83 C 182.59 257.90 182.59 257.98 182.59 257.98 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 196.06 256.75 198.00 257.26 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 197.93 257.26 m 198.00 257.11 197.93 256.90 197.93 256.82 C 197.35 256.75 196.56 256.82 196.06 256.75 C 196.20 256.82 196.34 256.90 196.56 256.97 C 197.06 257.11 197.50 257.11 197.93 257.26 C 197.93 257.26 197.93 257.26 197.93 257.26 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 182.74 255.82 185.11 257.26 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 182.95 257.26 m 183.67 257.26 184.39 257.11 185.11 257.11 C 185.11 256.82 185.11 256.46 185.11 256.25 C 184.75 256.25 184.39 256.10 183.96 256.10 C 183.67 255.82 183.17 255.82 182.88 255.82 C 182.81 256.25 182.74 256.82 182.95 257.26 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 185.33 256.32 186.41 257.11 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 185.54 257.11 m 185.76 256.97 186.12 257.11 186.34 256.97 C 186.34 256.82 186.41 256.61 186.34 256.61 C 186.05 256.46 185.69 256.46 185.40 256.32 C 185.33 256.54 185.33 256.90 185.54 257.11 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 186.55 256.61 188.06 256.97 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 186.62 256.97 m 187.20 256.97 187.70 256.97 188.06 256.97 C 187.78 256.82 187.42 256.75 186.98 256.75 C 186.91 256.75 186.84 256.61 186.77 256.75 C 186.77 256.75 186.70 256.75 186.70 256.75 C 186.70 256.82 186.55 256.97 186.62 256.97 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 188.21 255.38 198.00 256.90 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 189.00 256.90 m 190.44 256.82 191.95 256.75 193.32 256.61 C 194.83 256.61 196.27 256.46 197.64 256.46 C 197.78 256.46 197.93 256.46 197.93 256.46 C 198.00 256.10 197.93 255.82 197.93 255.38 C 196.99 255.53 195.91 255.60 194.90 255.60 C 194.83 255.60 194.90 255.74 194.83 255.82 C 194.62 255.82 194.40 255.60 194.33 255.60 C 194.33 255.82 194.33 256.10 194.18 256.10 C 193.25 256.25 192.17 256.25 191.30 256.32 C 190.22 256.46 189.14 256.39 188.21 256.75 C 188.50 256.75 188.78 256.75 189.00 256.90 C @c F @rax %Note: Object 182.66 254.52 193.39 256.46 @E 0 O 0 @g 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 187.78 256.46 m 189.22 256.32 190.66 256.25 192.10 256.18 C 192.53 256.10 192.89 256.10 193.39 256.10 C 192.96 255.96 192.67 255.82 192.17 255.67 C 191.59 255.53 190.94 255.31 190.37 255.10 C 190.08 255.02 189.79 255.02 189.58 254.88 C 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ffffffffffe3fe7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffcfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff9fffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe3c67ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001fffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe3c0fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001fffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe380fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff380000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001fffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe3807fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe3fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff87fffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe3803fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffc7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff87fffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe3807fffffffffffffffffffffffffffff8ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff1ffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe300ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff1fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe3ffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe301ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff1fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffc7ffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe203fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe3fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff9fffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe00ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffc7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff1fffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe01ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff8fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe3fffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe03ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff1fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffc7fffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe07ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff1fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff8ffffffffffff ffffffffffff 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ffffffffffe3fffffffffffffffffffffffffffff87ffffffffffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffcfffff87fffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe3fffffffffffffffffffffffffffff8fffffffffffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffcfffff0ffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe3fffffffffffffffffffffffffffff1fffffffffffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffcffffe1ffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe1fffffffffffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffcffffc3ffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe3fffffffffffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffcffff9fffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffc7fffffffffffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffcffff3fffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff87fffffffffffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffcfffe7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff07fffffffffffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffcfffcffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffe0003fffffffffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffcfff9ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffe000000000000000000000000001ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffcffe3ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffc000000000000000000000000001ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffcffc7ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffffffffffff863fffffffffffffffffffe7fff1ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffcff87ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffffffffffff0f0fffffffffffffffffffe7fff1ffffffffff000000000000000000000008007ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffffffffffff1f87ffffffffffffffffffe7fff3ffffffffff8fffffffffffffffffffffcff87ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffe3fe3ffffffffffffffffffe7fff7ffffffffff8fffffffffffffffffffffcff87ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffc3ff1ffffffffffffffffffe7fff7ffffffffffcfffffffffffffffffffffcff8fffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffffffff87ff8ffffffffffffffffffe7ffe7ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffcff8fffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffffffff8fffc7ffffffffffffffffe007fc7ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffcff8fffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffffffff1fffe3fffffffffffffffff00ff9ffffffffffff3ffffffffffffffffffffcff8fffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffffffffffe3ffff1fffffffffffffffff00ff9ffffffffffff9ffffffffffffffffffffcff8fffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffffffffffc3ffff9fffffffffffffffff81ffbffffffffffff9ffffffffffffffffffffcff8fffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffffffffffc3ffff8fffffffffffffffffc3ff3ffffffffffff8fffffffffffffffffffc00f8fffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffffffffff81ffffc7ffffffffffffffffc3ff3ffffffffffffcfffffffffffffffffffe01f9fffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffffffffff08ffffc7ffffffffffffffffe7fe7ffffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffff03f9fffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffffffe1c7fffc3fffffffffffffffffffe7ffffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffff03f9fffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffffffe3e3fffc3fffffffffffffffffffefffffffffffffe3fffffffffffffffffff87f9fffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffffffc7f1fffc000000000000000000000ffffffffffffff3fffffffffffffffffffcff9fffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffffff8ff9fff8000000000000000000001ffffffffffffff03fffffffffffffffffffff9fffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffffff0ffcfff0000000000000000000001fffffffffcffff000000000000000000000001fffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffffff1ffc7ff0000000000000000000003fffffffffe7ffe000000000000000000000001fffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffffffffe3ffe3fe0000000000000000000007ffffffffff1ffc000000000000000000000007fffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffffffffc7fff1fc000000000000000000000fffffffffff9ff800000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffSnowCapsSnyderSpeed-PlainSouvenir Lt BT Space Toaster2 Sports Two MTSports Three MTXerox Sans Serif Narrow" Xerox Sans Serif Wide" Staccato222 BTB StarsAndStripes-PlainXerox Serif WideSwitzerland" rSwiss911 XCm BT" A&,,R," ~&Et vous, quen dites-vous ? GMMd-(xKddd%1E K,/, E 1E ?-->X 909?X 909J(X ##&; +; ,3 ,; ,# +# ); -+ )+ '; '; /3 +# Ss +3 )+ ,3 .3 .C Q C )3 '; *3 !C )3 ,; *+ +# %# +# '3 %3 ,# )+ $# -# +3 +3 *+ @7 7 @8 9 (@9 ; C D E G @G H J @K @L M @M UM N N @O P @P WP Q Q R @S S ]@T T U V @DV5@MTW"P endant longtemps, le gnrique (titre, auteur, acteurs, auteurs des musiques et des textes, etc.) a t le parent pauvre de la ralisation des montages audiovisuels et sa confection tait le plus souvent ralise la hte en dernire minute. On se souvient encore, non sans une certaine nostalgie dailleurs, de ces titres tracs dune main malhabile sur le sable, crits avec des petits cailloux ou des lettres amovibles plus ou moins bien alignes. Mais il faut bien vivre avec son temps. Un gnrique, voire un simple titre, ne sont pas indispensables mme sils semblent de plus en plus incontournables dans laudiovisuel contemporain car ils sont en quelque sorte la carte de visite dune uvre audiovisuelle. Si lauteur dcide que son montage mrite un gnrique, cest bien la moindre des choses quil mette tous les atouts de son ct pour que cette carte de visite ne desserve pas luvre en question. Qui plus est, nous considrons que le gnrique fait partie intgrante du montage, aussi doit-il tre ralis avec soin et plac au bon endroit. Nous avons voulu, par ce Numro Spcial Typographie, donner quelques repres et conseils pour choisir et raliser un titrage qui corresponde autant que possible ce que lauteur a voulu exprimer. Nombre de ces considrations ne valent pas seulement pour les gnriques de montages audiovisuels proprement dits, mais pourraient aussi tre appliques mutatis mutandis la prsentation et aux titres darticles, de bulletins internes dassociations ou de programmes de manifestations, par exemple. Nous serions heureux de connatre vos ractions et expriences afin den faire profiter les lecteurs dun prochain bulletin. Nous vous remercions de bien vouloir adresser vos commentaires et critiques C.T. Vidal, 12 avenue Bernard IV, 31600 Muret.fffffffff87fff9f8000000000000000000001fffffffffffcff000000000000000000000001ffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffffffff8ffff8f0000000000000000000003fffffffffffe7e000000000000000000000003ffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffffffff1ffffc70000000000000000000003fffffffffffe7c000000000000000000000007ffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffffe3ffffe60000000000000000000007ffffffffffff3800000000000000000000000fffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffffc7fffff0000000000000000000000fffffffffffff1000000000000000000000001fffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffffc7fffff0000000000000000000001fffffffffffff8000000000000000000000003fffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffff8fffffff9fff80000000003fffffffffffffffffffc000000000000000000000007fffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffff1fffffff3fff00000000007fffffffffffffffffffffe7e0000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffffffe3ffffffe7ffe0000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffcffe000000000003c0ffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffffffe3ffffffefffe0000000001ffffffffffffffffffffff9ffe00000000000ff1ffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffffffc7ffffffcfffc0000000003ffffffffffffffffffffff3ffc00000000001fe3ffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffffff8fffffff9fff80000000007fffffffffffffffffffffe7ffc00000000003fc7ffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffffff0fffffff3fff0000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffcfff800000000007f8fffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffe1ffffffe3ffe0000000001ffffffffffffffffffffff9fff00000000000ff9fffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffe3ffffffe7ffe0000000001ffffffffffffffffffffff3ffe00000000001ff1fffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffffc7ffffffcfffc0000000003fffffffffffffffffffffe7ffc00000000003fe3fffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffff8fffffff9fff80000000007fffffffffffffffffffffcfff800000000007fc7fffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffff0fffffff1fff0000000000ffffffffffffffffffffff9fff000000000007f8ffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffff1ffffffe3ffe0000000001ffffffffffffffffffffff3ffe00000000001ff1ffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffffe3ffffffc7ffe0000000003ffffffffffffffffffffff3ffc00000000001fe3ffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffffc7ffffffcfffc0000000003fffffffffffffffffffffe7ff800000000003fc7ffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffffc7ffffff9fff80000000007fffffffffffffffffffffcfff000000000007f8fffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffff8fffffff3fff0000000000ffffffffffffffffffffff9ffe00000000000ff1fffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffff1ffffffe3ffe0000000001ffffffffffffffffffffff3ffe00000000001fe3fffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffe3ffffffc7ffe0000000003fffffffffffffffffffffe7ffc00000000003fc7fffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffc3ffffffcfffc0000000007fffffffffffffffffffffcfff800000000007f8ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffffc7ffffff9fff8000000000ffffffffffffffffffffff9fff00000000000ff1ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffff8fffffff3fff0000000000ffffffffffffffffffffff3ffe00000000001fe3ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffff1ffffffe7ffe0000000001fffffffffffffffffffffe7ffc00000000003fc7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffe1ffffffc7ffc0000000003fffffffffffffffffffffcfff800000000007f8fffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffe3ffffff8fffc0000000007fffffffffffffffffffff9fff00000000000ff1fffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffffc7ffffff9fff8000000000ffffffffffffffffffffff3ffe00000000001fe3fffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffff8fffffff3fff0000000000fffffffffffffffffffffe7ffc00000000003fc7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffff1ffffffe7ffe0000000001fffffffffffffffffffffcfff800000000007fcffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffff1ffffffc7ffe0000000003fffffffffffffffffffffdfff00000000000ff9ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffe3ffffff8fffc0000000007fffffffffffffffffffff1ffe00000000001ff3ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffffc7ffffff9fff8000000000ffffffffffffffffffffff3ffe00000000003fe7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffff8fffffff3fff0000000001fffffffffffffffffffffe7ffc00000000007fcfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffff0ffffffe7fff0000000003fffffffffffffffffffffcfff80000000000ff9fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffff1ffffffc7ffe0000000003fffffffffffffffffffff9fff00000000001ff3fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffe3ffffffcfffc0000000007fffffffffffffffffffff3ffe00000000003fe7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffffc7ffffff9fff8000000000fffffffffffffffffffffe7ffc00000000007fc7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffff87ffffff3fff0000000001fffffffffffffffffffffcfff80000000000ff8ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7fffffffffffffff8ffffffe7ffe0000000003fffffffffffffffffffff9fff00000000001ff3ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffc7fffffffffffffff1ffffffcfffe0000000003fffffffffffffffffffff3ffe00000000003fe3ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffe3ffffffcfffc0000000007ffffffffffffffffffffe7ffc00000000007fc7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffe7ffffffffffffffc3ffffff9fff8000000000fffffffffffffffffffffcfffc0000000000ff8fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffefffffffffffffffc7ffffff3fff0000000001fffffffffffffffffffff9fff80000000001ff1fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffefffffffffffffff8ffffffe7ffe0000000003fffffffffffffffffffff3fff00000000003fe3fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff 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ffffffffffcffffffffffff87ffffff7ffe0000000003ffffffffffffffffffffffff800000000007f8fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffcffffffffffff8ffffffefffc0000000007ffffffffffffffffffffffff00000000001ff1fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffcffffffffffff1ffffffcfffc000000000fffffffffffffffffffffffff000007e0001fe3fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffcfffffffffffe3ffffff9fff8000000001ffffffffffffffffffffffffe0000ffe0003fc7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffcfffffffffffc7ffffff3fff0000000003ffffffffffffffffffffffffc000fffe0007f8ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffcfffffffffff87fffffe7ffe0000000003ffffffffffffffffffffffff801ffffc001ff1ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff ffffffffffcfffffffffff8ffffffe7ffe000000000000000000000000000000000003ffc0fc003fe3ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff 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